Exemple #1
void create_ff_refine_task(Element *e1, Element *e2, long level, long process_id)
    Task *t ;

    /* Check existing parallelism */
    if( taskq_too_long(&global->task_queue[ taskqueue_id[process_id] ], n_tasks_per_queue) )
            /* Task queue is too long. Solve it immediately */
            ff_refine_elements( e1, e2, level, process_id ) ;
            return ;

    /* Create a task */
    t = get_task(process_id) ;
    t->task_type = TASK_FF_REFINEMENT ;
    t->task.ref.e1              = e1 ;
    t->task.ref.e2              = e2 ;
    t->task.ref.level           = level ;

    /* Put in the queue */
    enqueue_task( taskqueue_id[process_id], t, TASK_INSERT ) ;
Exemple #2
void process_tasks(long process_id)
    Task *t ;

    t = DEQUEUE_TASK( taskqueue_id[process_id], QUEUES_VISITED, process_id ) ;

    while( t )
            switch( t->task_type )
                case TASK_MODELING:
                    process_model( t->task.model.model, t->task.model.type, process_id ) ;
                    break ;
                case TASK_BSP:
                    define_patch( t->task.bsp.patch, t->task.bsp.parent, process_id ) ;
                    break ;
                case TASK_FF_REFINEMENT:
                    ff_refine_elements( t->task.ref.e1, t->task.ref.e2, 0, process_id ) ;
                    break ;
                case TASK_RAY:
                    process_rays( t->task.ray.e, process_id ) ;
                    break ;
                case TASK_VISIBILITY:
                    visibility_task( t->task.vis.e, t->task.vis.inter,
                                    t->task.vis.n_inter, t->task.vis.k, process_id ) ;
                    break ;
                case TASK_RAD_AVERAGE:
                    radiosity_averaging( t->task.rad.e, t->task.rad.mode, process_id ) ;
                    break ;
                    fprintf( stderr, "Panic:process_tasks:Illegal task type\n" );

            /* Free the task */
            free_task( t, process_id ) ;

            /* Get next task */
            t = DEQUEUE_TASK( taskqueue_id[process_id], QUEUES_VISITED, process_id ) ;

    /* Barrier. While waiting for other processors to finish, poll the task
       queues and resume processing if there is any task */

    /* Reset the barrier counter if not initialized */
    if( global->pbar_count >= n_processors )
        global->pbar_count = 0 ;

    /* Increment the counter */
    global->pbar_count++ ;

    /* barrier spin-wait loop */
    long bar_done = !(global->pbar_count < n_processors);
            /* Wait for a while and then retry dequeue */
            if( _process_task_wait_loop() )
                break ;

            /* Waited for a while but other processors are still running.
           Poll the task queue again
           If polling succeeds (without actually getting a task) then we exit
           the barrier and try to get a task. This fixes the bug where all the
           threads might finish the barrier but in the meantime one reenters it
           to process some tasks.
        int has_task = peek_dequeue( taskqueue_id[process_id], QUEUES_VISITED, process_id );
        if (has_task) {
                    global->pbar_count-- ;
                    goto retry_entry ;

        bar_done = !(global->pbar_count < n_processors);

    BARRIER(global->barrier, n_processors);
Exemple #3
void process_tasks(long process_id)
    Task *t ;

    t = DEQUEUE_TASK( taskqueue_id[process_id], QUEUES_VISITED, process_id ) ;

    while( t )
        switch( t->task_type )
        case TASK_MODELING:
            process_model( t->task.model.model, t->task.model.type, process_id ) ;
            break ;
        case TASK_BSP:
            define_patch( t->task.bsp.patch, t->task.bsp.parent, process_id ) ;
            break ;
        case TASK_FF_REFINEMENT:
            ff_refine_elements( t->task.ref.e1, t->task.ref.e2, 0, process_id ) ;
            break ;
        case TASK_RAY:
            process_rays( t->task.ray.e, process_id ) ;
            break ;
        case TASK_VISIBILITY:
            visibility_task( t->task.vis.e, t->task.vis.inter,
                             t->task.vis.n_inter, t->task.vis.k, process_id ) ;
            break ;
        case TASK_RAD_AVERAGE:
            radiosity_averaging( t->task.rad.e, t->task.rad.mode, process_id ) ;
            break ;
            fprintf( stderr, "Panic:process_tasks:Illegal task type\n" );

        /* Free the task */
        free_task( t, process_id ) ;

        /* Get next task */
        t = DEQUEUE_TASK( taskqueue_id[process_id], QUEUES_VISITED, process_id ) ;

    /* Barrier. While waiting for other processors to finish, poll the task
       queues and resume processing if there is any task */

    /* Reset the barrier counter if not initialized */
    if( global->pbar_count >= n_processors )
        global->pbar_count = 0 ;

    /* Increment the counter */
    global->pbar_count++ ;

    /* barrier spin-wait loop */
    while( global->pbar_count < n_processors )
        /* Wait for a while and then retry dequeue */
        if( _process_task_wait_loop() )
            break ;

        /* Waited for a while but other processors are still running.
           Poll the task queue again */
        t = DEQUEUE_TASK( taskqueue_id[process_id], QUEUES_VISITED, process_id ) ;
        if( t )
            /* Task found. Exit the barrier and work on it */
            global->pbar_count-- ;
            goto retry_entry ;


    BARRIER(global->barrier, n_processors);
Exemple #4
void ff_refine_elements(Element *e1, Element *e2, long level, long process_id)
    long subdiv_advice ;
    Interaction i12, i21 ;
    Interaction *inter ;

    Patch_Cost *pc1, *pc2 ;
    long cost1, cost2 ;

    /* Now compute formfactor.
       As the BSP tree is being modified at this moment, don't test
       visibility. */
    compute_formfactor( e1, e2, &i12, process_id ) ;
    compute_formfactor( e2, e1, &i21, process_id ) ;

    /* Analyze the error of FF */
    subdiv_advice = error_analysis( e1, e2, &i12, &i21, process_id ) ;

    /* Execute subdivision procedure */
    if( NO_INTERACTION(subdiv_advice) )
        /* Two elements are mutually invisible. Do nothing */
        return ;

    else if( NO_REFINEMENT_NECESSARY(subdiv_advice) )
            /* Create links and finish the job */
            inter = get_interaction(process_id) ;
            *inter = i12 ;
            inter->visibility = VISIBILITY_UNDEF ;
            insert_vis_undef_interaction( e1, inter, process_id ) ;

            inter = get_interaction(process_id) ;
            *inter = i21 ;
            inter->visibility = VISIBILITY_UNDEF ;
            insert_vis_undef_interaction( e2, inter, process_id ) ;

            /* Update cost variable */
            pc1 = &global->patch_cost[ e1->patch->seq_no ] ;
            pc2 = &global->patch_cost[ e2->patch->seq_no ] ;
            if( pc1->n_total_inter <= 13 )
                cost1 = (long)ceil(e1->area / Area_epsilon) ;
                cost1 = 1 ;

            if( pc2->n_total_inter <= 13 )
                cost2 = (long)ceil(e2->area / Area_epsilon) ;
                cost2 = 1 ;

            pc1->cost_estimate += cost1 ;
            pc1->n_total_inter++ ;
            pc2->cost_estimate += cost2 ;
            pc2->n_total_inter++ ;
            global->cost_estimate_sum += (cost1 + cost2) ;
            global->cost_sum += (cost1 + cost2) ;

    else if( REFINE_PATCH_1(subdiv_advice) )
            /* Refine patch 1 */
            subdivide_element( e1, process_id ) ;

            /* Locally solve it */
            ff_refine_elements( e1->top,    e2, level+1, process_id ) ;
            ff_refine_elements( e1->center, e2, level+1, process_id ) ;
            ff_refine_elements( e1->left,   e2, level+1, process_id ) ;
            ff_refine_elements( e1->right,  e2, level+1, process_id ) ;
            /* Refine patch 2 */
            subdivide_element( e2, process_id ) ;

            /* Locally solve it */
            ff_refine_elements( e1, e2->top,    level+1, process_id ) ;
            ff_refine_elements( e1, e2->center, level+1, process_id ) ;
            ff_refine_elements( e1, e2->left,   level+1, process_id ) ;
            ff_refine_elements( e1, e2->right,  level+1, process_id ) ;