Exemple #1
AnyType MatrixUpWind3::operator()(Stack stack) const 
    Matrice_Creuse<R> * sparce_mat =GetAny<Matrice_Creuse<R>* >((*emat)(stack)); 
    MatriceMorse<R> * amorse =0; 
    MeshPoint *mp(MeshPointStack(stack)) , mps=*mp;
    Mesh3 * pTh = GetAny<pmesh3>((*expTh)(stack));
    Mesh3 & Th (*pTh);
      map< pair<int,int>, R> Aij;
      KN<double> cc(Th.nv);
      double infini=DBL_MAX;   
      for (int it=0;it<Th.nt;it++)
	  for (int iv=0;iv<4;iv++)
		int i=Th(it,iv);
		if ( cc[i]==infini) { // if nuset the set 
      for (int k=0;k<Th.nt;k++)
	    const Mesh3::Element & K(Th[k]); 
	    const Mesh3::Vertex & A(K[0]), &B(K[1]),&C(K[2]),&D(K[3]);
	    R3 Pt(1./4.,1./4.,1./4.);
	    R3 U;
	    U.x = GetAny< R>( (*expu1)(stack) ) ;
	    U.y = GetAny< R>( (*expu2)(stack) ) ;
	    U.z = GetAny< R>( (*expu3)(stack) ) ;
	    int ii[4] ={  Th(A), Th(B),Th(C),Th(D)};//  number of 4 vertex
	    double c[4]={cc[ii[0]],cc[ii[1]],cc[ii[2]],cc[ii[3]]};
	    double a[4][4];
	    if (Marco(K,U,c,a) )
		  for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
		      for (int j=0;j<4;j++)
			  if (fabs(a[i][j]) >= 1e-30)
      amorse=  new MatriceMorse<R>(Th.nv,Th.nv,Aij,false); 
    sparce_mat->typemat=(amorse->n == amorse->m) ? TypeSolveMat(TypeSolveMat::GMRES) : TypeSolveMat(TypeSolveMat::NONESQUARE); //  none square matrice (morse)
    if(verbosity>3) { cout << "  End Build MatrixUpWind : " << endl;}
    return sparce_mat;  
Exemple #2
AnyType MatrixUpWind0::operator()(Stack stack) const 
  Matrice_Creuse<R> * sparce_mat =GetAny<Matrice_Creuse<R>* >((*emat)(stack)); 
  MatriceMorse<R> * amorse =0; 
  MeshPoint *mp(MeshPointStack(stack)) , mps=*mp;
  Mesh * pTh = GetAny<pmesh>((*expTh)(stack));
  Mesh & Th (*pTh);
    map< pair<int,int>, R> Aij;
    KN<double> cc(Th.nv);
    double infini=DBL_MAX;   
    for (int it=0;it<Th.nt;it++)
      for (int iv=0;iv<3;iv++)
	  int i=Th(it,iv);
	  if ( cc[i]==infini) { // if nuset the set 
    for (int k=0;k<Th.nt;k++)
	const Triangle & K(Th[k]); 
	const Vertex & A(K[0]), &B(K[1]),&C(K[2]);
	R2 Pt(1./3.,1./3.);
	R u[2];
	u[0] = GetAny< R>( (*expu1)(stack) ) ;
	u[1] = GetAny< R>( (*expu2)(stack) ) ;
	int ii[3] ={  Th(A), Th(B),Th(C)};
	double q[3][2]= { { A.x,A.y} ,{B.x,B.y},{C.x,C.y} } ;  // coordinates of 3 vertices (input)
	double c[3]={cc[ii[0]],cc[ii[1]],cc[ii[2]]};
	double a[3][3];
	if (gladys(q,u,c,a) )
	    for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
	      for (int j=0;j<3;j++)
		if (fabs(a[i][j]) >= 1e-30)
    amorse=  new MatriceMorse<R>(Th.nv,Th.nv,Aij,false); 
  sparce_mat->typemat=(amorse->n == amorse->m) ? TypeSolveMat(TypeSolveMat::GMRES) : TypeSolveMat(TypeSolveMat::NONESQUARE); //  none square matrice (morse)
  if(verbosity>3) { cout << "  End Build MatrixUpWind : " << endl;}
  return sparce_mat;  
    void Mesh2::GRead(FILE * ff)
	PlotStream f(ff);
	string s;
	f >> s;
	ffassert( s== Gsbegin);
	f >> nv >> nt >> nbe;
	    cout << " GRead : nv " << nv << " " << nt << " " << nbe << endl;
	this->vertices = new Vertex[nv];
	this->elements = new Element [nt];
	this->borderelements = new BorderElement[nbe];		
	for (int k=0; k<nv; k++) {
	    Vertex & P = this->vertices[k];
	    f >> P.x >>P.y >> P.lab ;
	if(nt != 0)
	      for (int k=0; k<nt; k++) {
		  int i[4],lab;
		  Element & K(this->elements[k]);
		  f >> i[0] >> i[1] >> i[2] >> lab;
		  mes += K.mesure();	    
	for (int k=0; k<nbe; k++) {
	    int i[4],lab;
	    BorderElement & K(this->borderelements[k]);
	    f >> i[0] >> i[1]   >> lab;
	    mesb += K.mesure();	    
	f >> s;
	ffassert( s== Gsend);
void exchange_restriction(Type* const& pA, KN<K>* pin, KN<K>* pout, MatriceMorse<double>* mR) {
    if(pA->_exchange && !pA->_exchange[1]) {
        ffassert((!mR && pA->_exchange[0]->getDof() == pout->n) || (mR && mR->n == pin->n && mR->m == pout->n));
        PETSc::changeNumbering_func(pA, pin, pout, false);
        PETSc::changeNumbering_func(pA, pin, pout, true);
        *pout = K();
        if(mR) {
            for(int i = 0; i < mR->n; ++i) {
                for(int j = mR->lg[i]; j < mR->lg[i + 1]; ++j)
                    pout->operator[](mR->cl[j]) += mR->a[j] * pin->operator[](i);
        exchange_dispatched(pA->_exchange[0], pout, false);
AnyType exchangeInOut_Op<Type, K>::operator()(Stack stack) const {
    Type* pA = GetAny<Type*>((*A)(stack));
    KN<K>* pin = GetAny<KN<K>*>((*in)(stack));
    KN<K>* pout = GetAny<KN<K>*>((*out)(stack));
    bool scaled = nargs[0] && GetAny<bool>((*nargs[0])(stack));
    Matrice_Creuse<double>* pR = nargs[1] ? GetAny<Matrice_Creuse<double>*>((*nargs[1])(stack)) : nullptr;
    MatriceMorse<double>* mR = pR ? static_cast<MatriceMorse<double>*>(&(*pR->A)) : nullptr;
    if(pR) {
        exchange_restriction(pA, pin, pout, mR);
    else if(pin->n == pout->n) {
        *pout = *pin;
        exchange(pA, pout, scaled);
    return 0L;
    void TypeOfFE_PkEdge::FB(const bool * whatd,const Mesh & ,const Triangle & K,const R2 & P,RNMK_ & val) const
      R2 A(K[0]), B(K[1]),C(K[2]);
      R l0=1-P.x-P.y,l1=P.x,l2=P.y; 
      R L[3]={l0,l1,l2};
      assert( val.N()>=ndf);
      int ee=0;
      if (L[0] <= min(L[1],L[2]) ) ee=0; // arete  
      else if  (L[1] <= min(L[0],L[2]) ) ee=1;
      else ee=2;
      int e3=ee*npe;
      double s=1.-L[ee];
      R xe = L[VerticesOfTriangularEdge[ee][0]]/s;//  go from 0 to 1 on edge 
      if(K.EdgeOrientation(ee) <0.) 
	xe = 1-xe;
      //cout << P << " ee = " << ee << " xe " << xe << " " << L[ee]<< " s=" <<s  << " orient: " << K.EdgeOrientation(ee) <<endl;
      if (whatd[op_id])
	  RN_ f0(val('.',0,op_id)); 
	  for (int l=0;l<npe;l++)
	      int df= e3+l;
	      R f=1.;
	      for (int i=0;i<npe;++i)
		if(i != l) 
		  f *= (xe-X[i])/(X[l]-X[i]);
	      f0[df] = f;
	  //cout << " f0 = " << f0 << " X= "<< X << endl;

      if(  whatd[op_dx] || whatd[op_dy] || whatd[op_dxx] || whatd[op_dyy] ||  whatd[op_dxy])
	  cerr << " TO DO ???  FH " << endl;
		void addMatMul (const KN_<R> &x, KN_<R> &Ax) const {
			ffassert(x.N() == Ax.N());
			Ax += (const MatriceMorse<R> &)(*this) * x;
		void Solver (const MatriceMorse<R> &AA, KN_<R> &x, const KN_<R> &b) const {
			SuperMatrix B, X;
			SuperLUStat_t stat;

			int info = 0, lwork = 0;
			double ferr[1], berr[1];
			double rpg, rcond;
			double *xx;

			B.Store = 0;
			X.Store = 0;
			ffassert(&x[0] != &b[0]);
			epsr = (eps < 0) ? (epsr > 0 ? -epsr : -eps) : eps;
			Dtype_t R_SLU = SuperLUDriver<R>::R_SLU_T();

				void *work = 0;
				int nrhs = 1;

				KN_2Ptr<R> xx(x), bb(b);
				// cout << " xx #### " << xx.c.N() << " "<< xx.ca.N() <<  " " << xx.ca.step << endl;
				// cout << " bb #### " << bb.c.N() << " "<< bb.ca.N() << " " << bb.ca.step <<endl;
				// FFCS - "this->" required by g++ 4.7
				this->Create_Dense_Matrix(&B, m, 1, bb, m, SLU_DN, R_SLU, SLU_GE);
				this->Create_Dense_Matrix(&X, m, 1, xx, m, SLU_DN, R_SLU, SLU_GE);

				B.ncol = nrhs;	/* Set the number of right-hand side */

				/* Initialize the statistics variables. */

				SuperLUDriver<R>::gssvx(&options, &A, perm_c, perm_r, etree, equed, RR, CC,
				                        &L, &U, work, lwork, &B, &X, &rpg, &rcond, ferr, berr, &Glu,
				                        &mem_usage, &stat, &info);

				if (verbosity > 2) {
					printf("Triangular solve: dgssvx() returns info %d\n", info);

			if (verbosity > 3) {
				if (info == 0 || info == n + 1) {
					/* This is how you could access the solution matrix. */
					// R *sol = (R *)((DNformat *)X.Store)->nzval;

					if (options.IterRefine) {
						int i = 0;
						printf("Iterative Refinement:\n");
						printf("%8s%8s%16s%16s\n", "rhs", "Steps", "FERR", "BERR");
						printf("%8d%8d%16e%16e\n", i + 1, stat.RefineSteps, ferr[0], berr[0]);

				} else if (info > 0 && lwork == -1) {
					printf("** Estimated memory: %d bytes\n", info - n);

			// cout << "   x min max " << x.min() << " " <<x.max() << endl;
			// cout << "=========================================" << endl;
			if (B.Store) {Destroy_SuperMatrix_Store(&B);}

			if (X.Store) {Destroy_SuperMatrix_Store(&X);}
AnyType removeDOF_Op<T>::operator()(Stack stack)  const {
    Matrice_Creuse<T>* pA = GetAny<Matrice_Creuse<T>* >((*A)(stack));
    Matrice_Creuse<T>* pR = GetAny<Matrice_Creuse<T>* >((*R)(stack));
    KN<T>* pX = GetAny<KN<T>* >((*x)(stack));
    KN<T>* pOut = GetAny<KN<T>* >((*out)(stack));
    ffassert(pA && pR && pX && pOut);
    pA->Uh = pR->Uh;
    pA->Vh = pR->Vh;
    MatriceMorse<T> *mA = static_cast<MatriceMorse<T>*>(&(*pA->A));
    MatriceMorse<T> *mR = static_cast<MatriceMorse<T>*>(&(*pR->A));
    bool symmetrize = nargs[0] ? GetAny<bool>((*nargs[0])(stack)) : false;
    KN<long>* condensation = nargs[1] ? GetAny<KN<long>* >((*nargs[1])(stack)) : (KN<long>*) 0;

    unsigned int n = condensation ? condensation->n : mR->nbcoef;
    int* lg = new int[n + 1];
    int* cl;
    T* val;
    T* b;
    if(pOut->n == 0) {
        b = new T[n];
        pOut->set(b, n);

    std::vector<signed int> tmpVec;
    if(!condensation) {
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            tmpVec[mR->cl[i]] = i + 1;
        if(!mA->symetrique) {
            std::vector<std::pair<int, T> > tmp;

            lg[0] = 0;
            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                for(unsigned int j = mA->lg[mR->cl[i]]; j < mA->lg[mR->cl[i] + 1]; ++j) {
                    unsigned int col = tmpVec[mA->cl[j]];
                    if(col != 0 && abs(mA->a[j]) > EPS) {
                        if(symmetrize) {
                            if(col - 1 <= i)
                                tmp.emplace_back(col - 1, mA->a[j]);
                            tmp.emplace_back(col - 1, mA->a[j]);
                std::sort(tmp.begin() + lg[i], tmp.end(), [](const std::pair<unsigned int, T>& lhs, const std::pair<unsigned int, T>& rhs) { return lhs.first < rhs.first; });
                *(*pOut + i) = *(*pX + mR->cl[i]);
                lg[i + 1] = tmp.size();
            mA->nbcoef = tmp.size();
                mA->symetrique = true;
                mA->symetrique = false;

            cl = new int[tmp.size()];
            val = new T[tmp.size()];

            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tmp.size(); ++i) {
                cl[i]  = tmp[i].first;
                val[i] = tmp[i].second;
        else {
            std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, T> > > tmp(n);
            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                tmp[i].reserve(mA->lg[mR->cl[i] + 1] - mA->lg[mR->cl[i]]);

            unsigned int nnz = 0;
            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                for(unsigned int j = mA->lg[mR->cl[i]]; j < mA->lg[mR->cl[i] + 1]; ++j) {
                    unsigned int col = tmpVec[mA->cl[j]];
                    if(col != 0 && abs(mA->a[j]) > EPS) {
                        if(i < col - 1)
                            tmp[col - 1].emplace_back(i, mA->a[j]);
                            tmp[i].emplace_back(col - 1, mA->a[j]);
                *(*pOut + i) = *(*pX + mR->cl[i]);
            mA->nbcoef = nnz;
            cl = new int[nnz];
            val = new T[nnz];
            nnz = 0;
            lg[0] = 0;
            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                std::sort(tmp[i].begin(), tmp[i].end(), [](const std::pair<unsigned int, T>& lhs, const std::pair<unsigned int, T>& rhs) { return lhs.first < rhs.first; });
                for(typename std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, T> >::const_iterator it = tmp[i].begin(); it != tmp[i].end(); ++it) {
                    cl[nnz] = it->first;
                    val[nnz++] = it->second;
                lg[i + 1] = nnz;

        delete [] mA->cl;
        delete [] mA->lg;
        delete [] mA->a;
        mA->n = n;
        mA->m = n;
        mA->N = n;
        mA->M = n;
        mA->lg = lg;
        mA->cl = cl;
        mA->a = val;
    else {
        unsigned int i = 0, j = 1;
        for(unsigned int k = 0; k < mA->n; ++k) {
            if(k == *(*condensation + i)) {
            else {

//        if(!mA->symetrique) {
            std::vector<std::pair<int, T> > tmpInterior;
            std::vector<std::pair<int, T> > tmpBoundary;
            std::vector<std::pair<int, T> > tmpInteraction;

            lg[0] = 0;
            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mA->n; ++i) {
                int row = tmpVec[i];
                if(row < 0) {
                    for(unsigned int j = mA->lg[i]; j < mA->lg[i + 1]; ++j) {
                        int col = tmpVec[mA->cl[j]];
                        if(col < 0)
                            tmpInterior.emplace_back(-col - 1, mA->a[j]);
                            tmpInteraction.emplace_back(col - 1, mA->a[j]);

                else {
                    for(unsigned int j = mA->lg[i]; j < mA->lg[i + 1]; ++j) {
                        int col = tmpVec[mA->cl[j]];
                        if(col > 0)
                            tmpBoundary.emplace_back(col - 1, mA->a[j]);
                    // std::sort(tmp.begin() + lg[i], tmp.end());
                    *(*pOut + i) = *(*pX + *(*condensation + i));
                    lg[i + 1] = tmpBoundary.size();
            cl = new int[tmpBoundary.size()];
            val = new T[tmpBoundary.size()];
            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tmpBoundary.size(); ++i) {
                cl[i]  = tmpBoundary[i].first;
                val[i] = tmpBoundary[i].second;
//        }
        MatriceMorse<T>* m = new MatriceMorse<T>(n, n, tmpBoundary.size(), mA->symetrique, val, lg, cl, true);
        pR->typemat = TypeSolveMat(TypeSolveMat::GMRES);
        m->dummy = false;
    return 0L;