Exemple #1
void fftn_init(int rank, int *n)
/*< initialize >*/
	int i;
	for(i=0; i<rank; i++) num*=n[i];
    	fftn=fftwf_plan_dft(rank, n, tmp, tmp, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_MEASURE);	
   	ifftn=fftwf_plan_dft(rank, n, tmp, tmp, FFTW_BACKWARD, FFTW_MEASURE);
Exemple #2
      static PlanType create(const std::array<std::size_t,NDims>& _shape,
                             ComplexType* _in,
                             ComplexType* _out,
                             fftw_direction _dir = fftw_direction::forward,
                             unsigned plan_flags = FFTW_MEASURE){

        std::array<int,NDims> converted;
        for(int i = 0;i < NDims;++i)
          converted[i] = _shape[i];

        PlanType value = fftwf_plan_dft(NDims,
                                        plan_flags );
        return value;
Exemple #3
    int shrinkWrap
        float * const & rIntensity,
        const std::vector<unsigned> & rSize,
        unsigned rnCycles,
        float rTargetError,
        float rHioBeta,
        float rIntensityCutOffAutoCorel,
        float rIntensityCutOff,
        float rSigma0,
        float rSigmaChange,
        unsigned rnHioCycles
        if ( rSize.size() != 2 ) return 1;
        const unsigned & Ny = rSize[1];
        const unsigned & Nx = rSize[0];

        /* Evaluate input parameters and fill with default values if necessary */
        if ( rIntensity == NULL ) return 1;
        if ( rTargetError              <= 0 ) rTargetError              = 1e-5;
        if ( rnHioCycles               == 0 ) rnHioCycles               = 20;
        if ( rHioBeta                  <= 0 ) rHioBeta                  = 0.9;
        if ( rIntensityCutOffAutoCorel <= 0 ) rIntensityCutOffAutoCorel = 0.04;
        if ( rIntensityCutOff          <= 0 ) rIntensityCutOff          = 0.2;
        if ( rSigma0                   <= 0 ) rSigma0                   = 3.0;
        if ( rSigmaChange              <= 0 ) rSigmaChange              = 0.01;

        float sigma = rSigma0;

        /* calculate this (length of array) often needed value */
        unsigned nElements = 1;
        for ( unsigned i = 0; i < rSize.size(); ++i )
            assert( rSize[i] > 0 );
            nElements *= rSize[i];

        /* allocate needed memory so that HIO doesn't need to allocate and
         * deallocate on each call */
        fftwf_complex * const curData   = fftwf_alloc_complex( nElements );
        fftwf_complex * const gPrevious = fftwf_alloc_complex( nElements );
        auto const isMasked = new float[nElements];

        /* create fft plans G' to g' and g to G */
        auto toRealSpace = fftwf_plan_dft( rSize.size(),
            (int*) &rSize[0], curData, curData, FFTW_BACKWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE );
        auto toFreqSpace = fftwf_plan_dft( rSize.size(),
            (int*) &rSize[0], gPrevious, curData, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE );

        /* create first guess for mask from autocorrelation (fourier transform
         * of the intensity @see
         * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiener%E2%80%93Khinchin_theorem */
        #pragma omp parallel for
        for ( unsigned i = 0; i < nElements; ++i )
            curData[i][0] = rIntensity[i]; /* Re */
            curData[i][1] = 0;
        fftwf_execute( toRealSpace );
        complexNormElementwise( isMasked, curData, nElements );
        /* fftShift is not necessary, but I introduced this, because for the
         * example it shifted the result to a better looking position ... */
        //fftShift( isMasked, Nx,Ny );
        libs::gaussianBlur( isMasked, Nx, Ny, sigma );

        #if DEBUG_SHRINKWRAPP_CPP == 1
            std::ofstream file;
            std::string fname = std::string("shrinkWrap-init-mask-blurred");
            file.open( ( fname + std::string(".dat") ).c_str() );
            for ( unsigned ix = 0; ix < rSize[0]; ++ix )
                for ( unsigned iy = 0; iy < rSize[1]; ++iy )
                    file << std::setw(10) << isMasked[ iy*rSize[0] + ix ] << " ";
                file << "\n";
            std::cout << "Written out " << fname << ".png\n";

        /* apply threshold to make binary mask */
            const auto absMax = vectorMax( isMasked, nElements );
            const float threshold = rIntensityCutOffAutoCorel * absMax;
            #pragma omp parallel for
            for ( unsigned i = 0; i < nElements; ++i )
                isMasked[i] = isMasked[i] < threshold ? 1 : 0;

        #if DEBUG_SHRINKWRAPP_CPP == 1
            fname = std::string("shrinkWrap-init-mask");
            file.open( ( fname + std::string(".dat") ).c_str() );
            for ( unsigned ix = 0; ix < rSize[0]; ++ix )
                for ( unsigned iy = 0; iy < rSize[1]; ++iy )
                    file << std::setw(10) << isMasked[ iy*rSize[0] + ix ] << " ";
                file << "\n";
            std::cout << "Written out " << fname << ".png\n";

        /* copy original image into fftw_complex array and add random phase */
        #pragma omp parallel for
        for ( unsigned i = 0; i < nElements; ++i )
            curData[i][0] = rIntensity[i]; /* Re */
            curData[i][1] = 0;

        /* in the first step the last value for g is to be approximated
         * by g'. The last value for g, called g_k is needed, because
         * g_{k+1} = g_k - hioBeta * g' ! This is inside the loop
         * because the fft is needed */
        #pragma omp parallel for
        for ( unsigned i = 0; i < nElements; ++i )
            gPrevious[i][0] = curData[i][0];
            gPrevious[i][1] = curData[i][1];

        /* repeatedly call HIO algorithm and change mask */
        for ( unsigned iCycleShrinkWrap = 0; iCycleShrinkWrap < rnCycles; ++iCycleShrinkWrap )
            /************************** Update Mask ***************************/
            std::cout << "Update Mask with sigma=" << sigma << "\n";

            /* blur |g'| (normally g' should be real!, so |.| not necessary) */
            complexNormElementwise( isMasked, curData, nElements );
            libs::gaussianBlur( isMasked, Nx, Ny, sigma );
            const auto absMax = vectorMax( isMasked, nElements );
            /* apply threshold to make binary mask */
            const float threshold = rIntensityCutOff * absMax;
            #pragma omp parallel for
            for ( unsigned i = 0; i < nElements; ++i )
                isMasked[i] = isMasked[i] < threshold ? 1 : 0;

            /* update the blurring sigma */
            sigma = fmax( 1.5, ( 1 - rSigmaChange ) * sigma );

            for ( unsigned iHioCycle = 0; iHioCycle < rnHioCycles; ++iHioCycle )
                /* apply domain constraints to g' to get g */
                #pragma omp parallel for
                for ( unsigned i = 0; i < nElements; ++i )
                    if ( isMasked[i] == 1 or /* g' */ curData[i][0] < 0 )
                        gPrevious[i][0] -= rHioBeta * curData[i][0];
                        gPrevious[i][1] -= rHioBeta * curData[i][1];
                        gPrevious[i][0] = curData[i][0];
                        gPrevious[i][1] = curData[i][1];

                /* Transform new guess g for f back into frequency space G' */
                fftwf_execute( toFreqSpace );

                /* Replace absolute of G' with measured absolute |F| */
                applyComplexModulus( curData, curData, rIntensity, nElements );

                fftwf_execute( toRealSpace );
            } // HIO loop

            /* check if we are done */
            const float currentError = imresh::libs::calculateHioError( curData /*g'*/, isMasked, nElements );
            std::cout << "[Error " << currentError << "/" << rTargetError << "] "
                      << "[Cycle " << iCycleShrinkWrap << "/" << rnCycles-1 << "]"
                      << "\n";
            if ( rTargetError > 0 && currentError < rTargetError )
            if ( iCycleShrinkWrap >= rnCycles )
        } // shrink wrap loop
        for ( unsigned i = 0; i < nElements; ++i )
            rIntensity[i] = curData[i][0];

        /* free buffers and plans */
        fftwf_destroy_plan( toFreqSpace );
        fftwf_destroy_plan( toRealSpace );
        fftwf_free( curData  );
        fftwf_free( gPrevious);
        delete[] isMasked;

        return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  /*define variables*/
  int nx,nx1,nt;
  int n1,n2;
  float d1,o1,d2,o2;
  int padt,padx;
  int ntfft,*n,nw,nk;
  float **d,*wavelet,**shot,**ds,**vel,**vmig,**M,v_ave;
  float *kx,*omega,dkx,dw;
  sf_complex **m,**ms,**mr,*in2a,*in2b,*cs,*cr,*c,czero;
  sf_complex Ls;
  float fmin,fmax,f_low,f_high;
  int if_low,if_high;
  int ix,iw,ik;
  float dt,dx,ox,dz,zmax;
  fftwf_plan p2a,p2b;
  sf_file in,out,velfile,source_wavelet;
  int iz,nz;
  int ishot,max_num_shot,ig,ng,it,index;
  int iswavelet;
  /*define sf input output*/
  sf_init (argc,argv);
  in = sf_input("in");
  out = sf_output("out");
  velfile = sf_input("velfile");
  if (!sf_histint(in,"n1",&n1)) sf_error("No n1= in input");
  if (!sf_histfloat(in,"d1",&d1)) sf_error("No d1= in input");
  if (!sf_histfloat(in,"o1",&o1)) o1=0.;
  if (!sf_histint(in,"n2",&n2)) sf_error("No n2= in vel");
  if (!sf_histfloat(in,"d2",&d2)) sf_error("No d2= in input");
  if (!sf_histfloat(in,"o2",&o2)) o2=0.;

  dt = d1;
  dx = d2;
  ox = o2;
  nx1 = n2;
  nt = n1;
  if (!sf_histint(velfile,"n1",&nz)) sf_error("No n1= in vel");
  if (!sf_histfloat(velfile,"d1",&dz)) sf_error("No n1= in vel");
  if (!sf_histint(velfile,"n2",&n2)) sf_error("No n2= in vel");	
   if (!sf_getint("iswavelet",&iswavelet)) iswavelet = 0;

  padt = 2;
  padx = 2;
  ntfft = padt*nt;
  nk = padx*nx;
  dw = 2*PI/ntfft/dt;
  dkx = 2*PI/nk/dx;


  if (!sf_getfloat("fmax",&fmax)) fmax = 0.5/d1; /* max frequency to process */
  if (fmax > 0.5/d1) fmax = 0.5/d1;
  if (!sf_getfloat("fmin",&fmin)) fmin = 0.1; /* min frequency to process */
  if (!sf_getfloat("Zmax",&zmax)) zmax = (nz-1)*dz; /* max Depth to migrate */

  /*define axis variables*/
  dkx=(float) 2*PI/nk/dx;
  dw=(float) 2*PI/ntfft/dt;
  /*allocate memory to dynamic arrays*/
  d = sf_floatalloc2(nt,nx1);
  vel = sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx);
  vmig = sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx);
  m = sf_complexalloc2(nw,nx);
  ms = sf_complexalloc2(nw,nx);
  mr = sf_complexalloc2(nw,nx);
  kx= sf_floatalloc (nk);
  omega= sf_floatalloc (nw);
  in2a = sf_complexalloc(nk);
  in2b = sf_complexalloc(nk);
  n = sf_intalloc(1);
  M= sf_floatalloc2(nz,nx);
  c = sf_complexalloc(nx);
  cs = sf_complexalloc(nx);
  cr = sf_complexalloc(nx);
  /*read input files*/ 
/* If there is no wavelet use delta as default
If there is a wavelet use it*/
   if (iswavelet==0) {
	for (it=0; it<nt; it++) wavelet[it] = 0.0;

   if (iswavelet==1) sf_floatread(wavelet,nt,source_wavelet);

  /* This part is important: we need to define the horizontal wavenumber and frequency axes right.*/

dw = 2*PI/ntfft/dt;

 dkx = 2*PI/nk/dx;

for (iw=0;iw<nw;iw++){

    omega[iw] = dw*iw;

for (ik=0;ik<nk;ik++){ 

  if (ik<nk/2) kx[ik] = dkx*ik;

  else         kx[ik] = -(dkx*nk - dkx*ik);


  /* Define minimum and maximum frequency index to process*/   
  f_low = fmin;   /* min frequency to process */
  f_high = fmax;  /* max frequency to process */
  	if_low = trunc(f_low*dt*ntfft);
  	if_low = 0;
  	if_high = trunc(f_high*dt*ntfft)+1;
 	 if_high = nw;
  __real__ czero = 0;
  __imag__ czero = 0;
  n[0] = nk;
  p2a = fftwf_plan_dft(1, n, (fftwf_complex*)in2a, (fftwf_complex*)in2a, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
  p2b = fftwf_plan_dft(1, n, (fftwf_complex*)in2b, (fftwf_complex*)in2b, FFTW_BACKWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);

fftwf_execute(p2a); /* FFT x to k */
fftwf_execute(p2b); /* FFT x to k */

  /* Define initial migrated model and source field as zeros*/
  for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) {	
    for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) M[ix][iz] = 0.0;

   for (it=0; it<nt; it++) {	
    for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) ds[ix][it] = 0.0;

  for (iz=0; iz<nz;iz++){
    for (ix=0;ix<nx;ix++) vmig[ix][iz]=vel[ix][iz];
  /* loop over shots*/
for (ishot=0;ishot<max_num_shot;ishot++){
	for (ig=0;ig<ng;ig++){
		for (it=0; it<nt; it++)
	 for (it=0; it<nt; it++) {	
    		for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) ds[ix][it] = 0.0;
	for (it=0; it<nt; it++) ds[index][it]=wavelet[it];
/* apply fourier transform in time direction t-x ---> w-x*/

  for (iw=if_low;iw<if_high;iw++){
     for (iz=0; iz<nz;iz++){
	        my_v_ave (v_ave,vmig,iz,nx);
/*Apply phase shift to source side*/
			for (ix=0;ix<nx;ix++) {
					cs[ix]= in2b[ix];
/*Apply phase shift to receiver side*/
			for (ix=0;ix<nx;ix++) {
					cr[ix]= in2b[ix];
/*Apply split step correction to source and receiver side wavefields*/
         	my_split_step_correction (ms,cs,vmig,v_ave,iz,dz,iw,dw,nx,0);
		my_split_step_correction (mr,cr,vmig,v_ave,iz,dz,iw,dw,nx,1);
	/* Apply cross corrolation as an imaging condition*/
		for (ix=0;ix<nx;ix++){
		__real__ Ls=crealf(ms[ix][iw]);
		__imag__ Ls=- cimagf(ms[ix][iw]);
   			/* Update migrated model by stacking*/	
		for (ix=0;ix<nx;ix++) M[ix][iz]=M[ix][iz]+2*crealf(m[ix][iw]);
fprintf(stderr,"\r progress = %6.2f%%",(float) 100*(ishot)/(max_num_shot));


  exit (0);