Exemple #1
void api_cntr_atomic(void)
	ssize_t sz;

	/* u64 */
	*((uint64_t *)source) = SOURCE_DATA;
	*((uint64_t *)target) = TARGET_DATA;
	sz = fi_atomic(ep[0], source, 1, loc_mr[0],
		       gni_addr[1], (uint64_t)target, mr_key[1],
		       FI_UINT64, FI_ATOMIC_WRITE, target);
	api_cntr_write_allowed(sz, cntr_bind_flags, "fi_atomic");

	*((uint64_t *)source) = SOURCE_DATA;
	*((uint64_t *)target) = TARGET_DATA;
	sz = fi_fetch_atomic(ep[0], source, 1, loc_mr[0],
			     source, loc_mr[0],
			     gni_addr[1], (uint64_t)target, mr_key[1],
			     FI_UINT64, FI_ATOMIC_WRITE, target);
	api_cntr_read_allowed(sz, cntr_bind_flags, "fi_atomic");

	sz = fi_inject_atomic(ep[0], source, 1,
			      gni_addr[1], (uint64_t)target, mr_key[1],
			      FI_INT64, FI_MIN);
	cr_assert_eq(sz, 0);
void sep_atomic(int index)
	int ret;
	ssize_t sz;
	struct fi_cq_tagged_entry cqe = { (void *) -1, UINT_MAX, UINT_MAX,
					  (void *) -1, UINT_MAX, UINT_MAX };
	uint64_t w[NUMEPS] = {0}, r[NUMEPS] = {0}, w_e[NUMEPS] = {0};
	uint64_t r_e[NUMEPS] = {0};

	/* u64 */
	*((uint64_t *)source) = SOURCE_DATA;
	*((uint64_t *)target) = TARGET_DATA;
	sz = fi_atomic(tx_ep[0][index], source, 1,
		       loc_mr[0], rx_addr[index], (uint64_t)target, mr_key[1],
		       FI_UINT64, FI_ATOMIC_WRITE, target);
	cr_assert_eq(sz, 0);

	while ((ret = fi_cq_read(tx_cq[0][index], &cqe, 1)) == -FI_EAGAIN) {

	cr_assert_eq(ret, 1);
	sep_check_tcqe(&cqe, target, FI_ATOMIC | FI_WRITE, 0);

	w[0] = 1;
	sep_check_cntrs(w, r, w_e, r_e);
	ret = *((uint64_t *)target) == SOURCE_DATA;
	cr_assert(ret, "Data mismatch");

Exemple #3
int mca_btl_ofi_aop (struct mca_btl_base_module_t *btl, mca_btl_base_endpoint_t *endpoint,
                     uint64_t remote_address, mca_btl_base_registration_handle_t *remote_handle,
                     mca_btl_base_atomic_op_t op, uint64_t operand, int flags, int order,
                     mca_btl_base_rdma_completion_fn_t cbfunc, void *cbcontext, void *cbdata)
    int rc;
    int fi_datatype = FI_UINT64;
    int fi_op;

    mca_btl_ofi_module_t *ofi_btl = (mca_btl_ofi_module_t *) btl;
    mca_btl_ofi_endpoint_t *btl_endpoint = (mca_btl_ofi_endpoint_t*) endpoint;
    mca_btl_ofi_completion_t *comp = NULL;
    mca_btl_ofi_context_t *ofi_context;

    ofi_context = get_ofi_context(ofi_btl);

    if (flags & MCA_BTL_ATOMIC_FLAG_32BIT) {
        fi_datatype = FI_UINT32;

    fi_op = to_fi_op(op);

    comp = mca_btl_ofi_completion_alloc(btl, endpoint,
                                        cbfunc, cbcontext, cbdata,

    /* copy the operand because it might get freed from upper layer */
    comp->operand = (uint64_t) operand;

    remote_address = (remote_address - (uint64_t) remote_handle->base_addr);

    rc = fi_atomic(ofi_context->tx_ctx,
                   (void*) &comp->operand, 1, NULL,       /* operand */
                   btl_endpoint->peer_addr,               /* remote addr */
                   remote_address, remote_handle->rkey,   /* remote buffer */
                   fi_datatype, fi_op, comp);

    if (rc == -FI_EAGAIN) {
        return OPAL_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
    } else if (rc < 0) {
        BTL_ERROR(("fi_atomic failed with rc=%d (%s)", rc, fi_strerror(-rc)));


    return OPAL_SUCCESS;
Exemple #4
static int execute_base_atomic_op(enum fi_op op)
	int ret;
	ret = fi_atomic(ep, buf, 1, fi_mr_desc(mr), remote_fi_addr, remote.addr,
		       	remote.key, datatype, op, &fi_ctx_atomic);
	if (ret) {
		FT_PRINTERR("fi_atomic", ret);
	} else {						
		ret = wait_for_completion(scq, 1);
	return ret;
Exemple #5
static int execute_base_atomic_op(enum fi_op op)
	int ret;
	ret = fi_atomic(ep, buf, 1, fi_mr_desc(mr), remote_fi_addr, remote.addr,
		       	remote.key, datatype, op, &fi_ctx_atomic);
	if (ret) {
		fprintf(stderr, "fi_atomic %d (%s)\n", ret, fi_strerror(-ret));
	} else {						
		ret = wait_for_completion(scq, 1);
	return ret;
Exemple #6
void api_cq_atomic(void)
	ssize_t sz;

	/* u64 */
	*((uint64_t *)source) = SOURCE_DATA;
	*((uint64_t *)target) = TARGET_DATA;
	sz = fi_atomic(ep[0], source, 1,
			   loc_mr[0], gni_addr[1],
			   _REM_ADDR(fi[0], target, target), mr_key[1],
			   FI_UINT64, FI_ATOMIC_WRITE, target);
	api_cq_send_allowed(sz, cq_bind_flags, "fi_atomic");

	sz = fi_inject_atomic(ep[0], source, 1,
				  _REM_ADDR(fi[0], target, target), mr_key[1],
				  FI_INT64, FI_MIN);
	cr_assert_eq(sz, 0);

	api_cq_wait1(msg_cq[0], cq_bind_flags & FI_SEND);
Exemple #7
void do_atomic_write_fetch(void)
	int ret;
	ssize_t sz;
	uint64_t operand;
	struct fi_cq_tagged_entry cqe;
	struct fi_cq_err_entry err_cqe;

	/* u64 */
	*((uint64_t *)source) = SOURCE_DATA;
	*((uint64_t *)target) = TARGET_DATA;
	sz = fi_atomic(ep[0], source, 1,
		       loc_mr[0], gni_addr[1], (uint64_t)target, mr_key[1],
		       FI_UINT64, FI_ATOMIC_WRITE, target);
	cr_assert_eq(sz, 0);

	while ((ret = fi_cq_read(msg_cq[0], &cqe, 1)) == -FI_EAGAIN)

	if (ret == -FI_EAVAIL) {
		fi_cq_readerr(msg_cq[0], &err_cqe, 0);
		dbg_printf("fi_cq_readerr err:%d\n", err_cqe.err);

	if (write_allowed(FI_ATOMIC, fi[0]->caps, fi[1]->caps)) {
		cr_assert(ret == 1,
			  "fi_atomic failed caps:0x%lx rcaps:0x%lx",
			  fi[0]->caps, fi[1]->caps);
	} else {
		cr_assert(err_cqe.err == FI_EOPNOTSUPP,
			  "fi_atomic should fail caps:0x%lx rcaps:0x%lx",
			  fi[0]->caps, fi[1]->caps);

	/* u64 */
	operand = SOURCE_DATA;
	*((uint64_t *)source) = FETCH_SOURCE_DATA;
	*((uint64_t *)target) = TARGET_DATA;
	sz = fi_fetch_atomic(ep[0], &operand, 1, NULL,
			     source, loc_mr[0], gni_addr[1], (uint64_t)target,
			     mr_key[1], FI_UINT64, FI_ATOMIC_READ, target);
	cr_assert_eq(sz, 0);

	while ((ret = fi_cq_read(msg_cq[0], &cqe, 1)) == -FI_EAGAIN)

	if (ret == -FI_EAVAIL) {
		fi_cq_readerr(msg_cq[0], &err_cqe, 0);
		dbg_printf("fi_cq_readerr err:%d\n", err_cqe.err);

	if (read_allowed(FI_ATOMIC, fi[0]->caps, fi[1]->caps)) {
		cr_assert(ret == 1,
			  "fi_fetch_atomic failed caps:0x%lx rcaps:0x%lx",
			  fi[0]->caps, fi[1]->caps);
	} else {
		cr_assert(err_cqe.err == FI_EOPNOTSUPP,
			  "fi_fetch_atomic should fail caps:0x%lx rcaps:0x%lx",
			  fi[0]->caps, fi[1]->caps);