static int alloc_ep(void) { int i, ret; ep_array = calloc(ep_cnt, sizeof(*ep_array)); if (!ep_array) return -FI_ENOMEM; ret = fi_endpoint(domain, fi, &ep_array[0], NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_endpoint", ret); return ret; } for (i = 1; i < ep_cnt; i++) { if (hints->ep_attr->type == FI_EP_MSG) ret = fi_endpoint(domain, fi, &ep_array[i], NULL); else ret = fi_endpoint(domain, fi_dup, &ep_array[i], NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_endpoint", ret); return ret; } } return 0; }
void dg_setup_prog_manual(void) { int ret = 0; hints = fi_allocinfo(); cr_assert(hints, "fi_allocinfo"); hints->domain_attr->cq_data_size = 4; hints->domain_attr->control_progress = FI_PROGRESS_MANUAL; hints->mode = ~0; hints->fabric_attr->name = strdup("gni"); ret = fi_getinfo(FI_VERSION(1, 0), NULL, 0, 0, hints, &fi); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_getinfo"); ret = fi_fabric(fi->fabric_attr, &fab, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_fabric"); ret = fi_domain(fab, fi, &dom, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_domain"); ret = fi_endpoint(dom, fi, &ep, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_endpoint"); }
static int setup_av_ep(struct fid_ep **ep, fi_addr_t *remote_addr) { int ret; hints->src_addr = NULL; fi_freeinfo(fi); ret = fi_getinfo(FT_FIVERSION, NULL, NULL, 0, hints, &fi); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_getinfo", ret); return ret; } ret = fi_endpoint(domain, fi, ep, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_endpoint", ret); return ret; } ret = ft_setup_ep(*ep, eq, av, txcq, rxcq, txcntr, rxcntr, false); if (ret) return ret; ret = ft_init_av_addr(av, *ep, remote_addr); if (ret) return ret; return 0; }
void dg_setup(void) { int ret = 0; char my_hostname[HOST_NAME_MAX]; hints = fi_allocinfo(); cr_assert(hints, "fi_allocinfo"); hints->domain_attr->cq_data_size = 4; hints->mode = ~0; hints->fabric_attr->name = strdup("gni"); ret = gethostname(my_hostname, sizeof(my_hostname)); cr_assert(!ret, "gethostname"); ret = fi_getinfo(FI_VERSION(1, 0), my_hostname, my_cdm_id, FI_SOURCE, hints, &fi); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_getinfo"); ret = fi_fabric(fi->fabric_attr, &fab, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_fabric"); ret = fi_domain(fab, fi, &dom, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_domain"); ret = fi_endpoint(dom, fi, &ep, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_endpoint"); }
Test(endpoint, open_close) { int i, ret; const int num_eps = 61; struct fid_ep *eps[num_eps]; memset(eps, 0, num_eps*sizeof(struct fid_ep *)); for (i = 0; i < num_eps; i++) { ret = fi_endpoint(dom, fi, &eps[i], NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_endpoint"); struct gnix_fid_ep *ep = container_of(eps[i], struct gnix_fid_ep, ep_fid); cr_assert(ep, "endpoint not allcoated"); /* Check fields (fill in as implemented) */ cr_assert(ep->nic, "NIC not allocated"); cr_assert(!_gnix_fl_empty(&ep->fr_freelist), "gnix_fab_req freelist empty"); } for (i = num_eps-1; i >= 0; i--) { ret = fi_close(&eps[i]->fid); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_close endpoint"); } }
static int setup_server_ep(struct fid_ep **ep) { int ret; ret = ft_retrieve_conn_req(eq, &fi); if (ret) goto failed_accept; ret = fi_endpoint(domain, fi, ep, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_endpoint", ret); goto failed_accept; } ret = ft_setup_ep(*ep, eq, av, txcq, rxcq, txcntr, rxcntr, false); if (ret) goto failed_accept; ret = ft_accept_connection(*ep, eq); if (ret) goto failed_accept; return 0; failed_accept: fi_reject(pep, fi->handle, NULL, 0); return ret; }
Test(endpoint, sizeleft) { int ret; size_t sz; struct fid_ep *ep = NULL; ret = fi_endpoint(dom, fi, &ep, NULL); cr_assert(ret == FI_SUCCESS, "fi_endpoint"); /* Test in disabled state. */ sz = fi_rx_size_left(ep); cr_assert(sz == -FI_EOPBADSTATE, "fi_rx_size_left"); sz = fi_tx_size_left(ep); cr_assert(sz == -FI_EOPBADSTATE, "fi_tx_size_left"); ret = fi_enable(ep); cr_assert(ret == FI_SUCCESS, "fi_enable"); /* Test default values. */ sz = fi_rx_size_left(ep); cr_assert(sz == GNIX_RX_SIZE_DEFAULT, "fi_rx_size_left"); sz = fi_tx_size_left(ep); cr_assert(sz == GNIX_TX_SIZE_DEFAULT, "fi_tx_size_left"); ret = fi_close(&ep->fid); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_close endpoint"); }
static inline void cntr_setup_eps(void) { int i, ret; struct fi_av_attr attr; hints = fi_allocinfo(); cr_assert(hints, "fi_allocinfo"); hints->domain_attr->cq_data_size = 4; hints->mode = ~0; hints->fabric_attr->name = strdup("gni"); ret = fi_getinfo(FI_VERSION(1, 0), NULL, 0, 0, hints, &fi); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_getinfo"); ret = fi_fabric(fi->fabric_attr, &fab, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_fabric"); ret = fi_domain(fab, fi, &dom, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_domain"); attr.type = FI_AV_MAP; attr.count = 16; ret = fi_av_open(dom, &attr, &av, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_av_open"); for (i = 0; i < NUM_EPS; i++) { ret = fi_endpoint(dom, fi, &ep[i], NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_endpoint"); } }
int cm_client_start_connect(void) { int ret; struct sockaddr_in loc_sa; cm_local_ip(&loc_sa); cli_hints = fi_allocinfo(); cli_hints->fabric_attr->name = strdup("gni"); cli_hints->caps = GNIX_EP_PRIMARY_CAPS; cli_hints->ep_attr->type = FI_EP_MSG; cli_hints->domain_attr->mr_mode = GNIX_DEFAULT_MR_MODE; ret = fi_getinfo(fi_version(), inet_ntoa(loc_sa.sin_addr), DEF_PORT, 0, cli_hints, &cli_fi); cr_assert(!ret); ret = fi_fabric(cli_fi->fabric_attr, &cli_fab, NULL); cr_assert(!ret); ret = fi_eq_open(cli_fab, &eq_attr, &cli_eq, NULL); cr_assert(!ret); ret = fi_domain(cli_fab, cli_fi, &cli_dom, NULL); cr_assert(!ret); ret = fi_endpoint(cli_dom, cli_fi, &cli_ep, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_endpoint"); cq_attr.format = FI_CQ_FORMAT_TAGGED; cq_attr.size = 1024; cq_attr.wait_obj = 0; ret = fi_cq_open(cli_dom, &cq_attr, &cli_cq, &cli_cq); cr_assert(!ret); ret = fi_ep_bind(cli_ep, &cli_eq->fid, 0); cr_assert(!ret); ret = fi_ep_bind(cli_ep, &cli_cq->fid, FI_SEND | FI_RECV); cr_assert(!ret); ret = fi_enable(cli_ep); cr_assert(!ret); ret = fi_connect(cli_ep, cli_fi->dest_addr, cli_cm_in_data, GNIX_CM_DATA_MAX_SIZE+1); cr_assert(ret == -FI_EINVAL); ret = fi_connect(cli_ep, cli_fi->dest_addr, cli_cm_in_data, strlen(cli_cm_in_data)); cr_assert(!ret); dbg_printf("Client connect complete.\n"); return 0; }
static int init_fabric(void) { int ret; uint64_t flags = 0; /* Get fabric info */ ret = fi_getinfo(CT_FIVERSION, NULL, NULL, flags, hints, &fi); if (ret) { ct_print_fi_error("fi_getinfo", ret); return ret; } /* Open fabric */ ret = fi_fabric(fi->fabric_attr, &fab, NULL); if (ret) { ct_print_fi_error("fi_fabric", ret); goto err1; } /* Open domain */ ret = fi_domain(fab, fi, &dom, NULL); if (ret) { ct_print_fi_error("fi_domain", ret); goto err2; } /* Open endpoint */ ret = fi_endpoint(dom, fi, &ep, NULL); if (ret) { ct_print_fi_error("fi_endpoint", ret); goto err3; } /* Allocate endpoint resources */ ret = alloc_ep_res(); if (ret) goto err4; /* Bind EQs and AVs with endpoint */ ret = bind_ep_res(); if (ret) goto err5; return 0; err5: free_ep_res(); err4: fi_close(&ep->fid); err3: fi_close(&dom->fid); err2: fi_close(&fab->fid); err1: return ret; }
static int alloc_ep_res(struct fi_info *fi) { struct fi_rx_attr rx_attr; struct fi_tx_attr tx_attr; int i, ret = 0; ret = ft_alloc_bufs(); if (ret) return ret; remote_fi_addr = malloc(sizeof(*remote_fi_addr) * ep_cnt); if (!remote_fi_addr) { perror("malloc"); return -FI_ENOMEM; } av_attr.count = ep_cnt; ret = ft_alloc_active_res(fi); if (ret) return ret; /* TODO: avoid allocating EP when EP array is used. */ FT_CLOSE_FID(ep); memset(&tx_attr, 0, sizeof tx_attr); memset(&rx_attr, 0, sizeof rx_attr); ret = fi_stx_context(domain, &tx_attr, &stx_ctx, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_stx_context", ret); return ret; } ret = fi_srx_context(domain, &rx_attr, &srx_ctx, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_srx_context", ret); return ret; } ep_array = calloc(ep_cnt, sizeof(*ep_array)); if (!ep_array) { perror("malloc"); return ret; } for (i = 0; i < ep_cnt; i++) { ret = fi_endpoint(domain, fi, &ep_array[i], NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_endpoint", ret); return ret; } } return 0; }
static inline int allocate_endpoints(struct fabric_info *info) { int ret = 0; /* ------------------------------------*/ /* Allocate Endpoints */ /* ------------------------------------*/ /* this endpoint is used to get completion events and * used to expose memory to incoming reads/writes */ info->p_info->ep_attr->tx_ctx_cnt = FI_SHARED_CONTEXT; info->p_info->tx_attr->op_flags = FI_DELIVERY_COMPLETE; ret = fi_endpoint(shmem_transport_ofi_domainfd, info->p_info, &shmem_transport_ofi_epfd, NULL); if(ret!=0){ OFI_ERRMSG("epfd creation failed\n"); return ret; } /* In hard polling builds, ask for remote read/write counter updates to * support shmem_wait that blocks on an update arriving from the network */ #ifndef ENABLE_HARD_POLLING info->p_info->caps |= FI_REMOTE_WRITE | FI_REMOTE_READ; #endif /* Remove FI_CONTEXT flag from this endpoint */ info->p_info->mode = 0; info->p_info->tx_attr->mode = 0; info->p_info->rx_attr->mode = 0; ret = fi_endpoint(shmem_transport_ofi_domainfd, info->p_info, &shmem_transport_ofi_cntr_epfd, NULL); if(ret!=0){ OFI_ERRMSG("cntr_epfd creation failed\n"); return ret; } return ret; }
int cm_server_accept(void) { uint32_t event; ssize_t rd; int ret; struct fi_eq_cm_entry *entry; void *eqe_buf[EQE_SIZE] = {0}; rd = fi_eq_sread(srv_eq, &event, &eqe_buf, EQE_SIZE, -1, 0); cr_assert(rd == (sizeof(*entry) + strlen(cli_cm_in_data))); cr_assert(event == FI_CONNREQ); entry = (struct fi_eq_cm_entry *)eqe_buf; cr_assert(!memcmp(cli_cm_in_data, entry->data, strlen(cli_cm_in_data))); ret = fi_domain(srv_fab, entry->info, &srv_dom, NULL); cr_assert(!ret); ret = fi_endpoint(srv_dom, entry->info, &srv_ep, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_endpoint"); fi_freeinfo(entry->info); cq_attr.format = FI_CQ_FORMAT_TAGGED; cq_attr.size = 1024; cq_attr.wait_obj = 0; ret = fi_cq_open(srv_dom, &cq_attr, &srv_cq, &srv_cq); cr_assert(!ret); ret = fi_ep_bind(srv_ep, &srv_eq->fid, 0); cr_assert(!ret); ret = fi_ep_bind(srv_ep, &srv_cq->fid, FI_SEND | FI_RECV); cr_assert(!ret); ret = fi_enable(srv_ep); cr_assert(!ret); ret = fi_accept(srv_ep, srv_cm_in_data, GNIX_CM_DATA_MAX_SIZE+1); cr_assert(ret == -FI_EINVAL); ret = fi_accept(srv_ep, srv_cm_in_data, strlen(srv_cm_in_data)); cr_assert(!ret); dbg_printf("Server accept complete.\n"); return 0; }
int ft_alloc_active_res(struct fi_info *fi) { int ret; ret = ft_alloc_ep_res(fi); if (ret) return ret; ret = fi_endpoint(domain, fi, &ep, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_endpoint", ret); return ret; } return 0; }
/* * rpmemd_fip_init_ep -- initialize active endpoint */ static int rpmemd_fip_init_ep(struct rpmemd_fip *fip, struct fi_info *info) { int ret; /* create an endpoint from fabric interface info */ ret = fi_endpoint(fip->domain, info, &fip->ep, NULL); if (ret) { RPMEMD_FI_ERR(ret, "allocating endpoint"); goto err_endpoint; } /* bind event queue to the endpoint */ ret = fi_ep_bind(fip->ep, &fip->eq->fid, 0); if (ret) { RPMEMD_FI_ERR(ret, "binding event queue to endpoint"); goto err_bind_eq; } /* * Bind completion queue to the endpoint. * Use a single completion queue for outbound and inbound work * requests. Use selective completion implies adding FI_COMPLETE * flag to each WR which needs a completion. */ ret = fi_ep_bind(fip->ep, &fip->cq->fid, FI_RECV | FI_TRANSMIT | FI_SELECTIVE_COMPLETION); if (ret) { RPMEMD_FI_ERR(ret, "binding completion queue to endpoint"); goto err_bind_cq; } /* enable the endpoint */ ret = fi_enable(fip->ep); if (ret) { RPMEMD_FI_ERR(ret, "enabling endpoint"); goto err_enable; } return 0; err_enable: err_bind_cq: err_bind_eq: RPMEMD_FI_CLOSE(fip->ep, "closing endpoint"); err_endpoint: return -1; }
Test(endpoint_1_0, no_auth_key_support) { int ret; struct fid_ep *ep; void *old_auth_key = fi->ep_attr->auth_key; int old_auth_key_size = fi->ep_attr->auth_key_size; fi->ep_attr->auth_key = (void *) 0xdeadbeef; fi->ep_attr->auth_key_size = 47; ret = fi_endpoint(dom, fi, &ep, NULL); cr_assert(ret == -FI_EINVAL, "fi_endpoint, ret=%d expected=%d", ret, -FI_EINVAL); fi->ep_attr->auth_key = old_auth_key; fi->ep_attr->auth_key_size = old_auth_key_size; }
void vc_lookup_setup(int av_type, int av_size) { int ret = 0; struct fi_av_attr attr; hints = fi_allocinfo(); hints->mode = mode_bits; hints->domain_attr->mr_mode = GNIX_DEFAULT_MR_MODE; hints->fabric_attr->prov_name = strdup("gni"); /* Create endpoint */ ret = fi_getinfo(fi_version(), NULL, 0, 0, hints, &fi); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_getinfo"); ret = fi_fabric(fi->fabric_attr, &fab, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_fabric"); ret = fi_domain(fab, fi, &dom, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_domain"); attr.type = av_type; attr.count = av_size; ret = fi_av_open(dom, &attr, &av, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_av_open"); ret = fi_endpoint(dom, fi, &ep, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_endpoint"); gnix_ep = container_of(ep, struct gnix_fid_ep, ep_fid); ret = fi_getname(&ep->fid, NULL, &ep_name_len); ret = fi_getname(&ep->fid, &ep_name, &ep_name_len); cr_assert(ret == FI_SUCCESS); ret = fi_ep_bind(ep, &av->fid, 0); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_bind"); ret = fi_enable(ep); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_enable"); fi_freeinfo(hints); }
void Connection::on_connect_request(struct fi_eq_cm_entry* event, struct fid_domain* pd, struct fid_cq* cq) { int err = fi_endpoint(pd, event->info, &ep_, this); if (err) { L_(fatal) << "fi_endpoint failed: " << err << "=" << fi_strerror(-err); throw LibfabricException("fi_endpoint failed"); } #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast" err = fi_ep_bind(ep_, (::fid_t)eq_, 0); if (err) { L_(fatal) << "fi_ep_bind failed to eq: " << err << "=" << fi_strerror(-err); throw LibfabricException("fi_ep_bind failed to eq"); } err = fi_ep_bind(ep_, (fid_t)cq, FI_SEND | FI_RECV | FI_SELECTIVE_COMPLETION); if (err) { L_(fatal) << "fi_ep_bind failed to cq: " << err << "=" << fi_strerror(-err); throw LibfabricException("fi_ep_bind failed to cq"); } #pragma GCC diagnostic pop // setup(pd); setup_mr(pd); auto private_data = get_private_data(); assert(private_data->size() <= 255); err = fi_enable(ep_); if (err) { L_(fatal) << "fi_enable failed: " << err << "=" << fi_strerror(-err); throw LibfabricException("fi_enable failed"); } // accept_connect_request(); err = fi_accept(ep_, private_data->data(), private_data->size()); if (err) { L_(fatal) << "fi_accept failed: " << err << "=" << fi_strerror(-err); throw LibfabricException("fi_accept failed"); } // setup(pd); setup(); }
static int rx_size_left_err(void) { int ret; int testret; struct fid_ep *ep; struct fi_info *myfi; testret = FAIL; ep = NULL; myfi = fi_dupinfo(fi); /* datapath operation, not expected to be caught by libfabric */ #if 0 ret = fi_rx_size_left(NULL); if (ret != -FI_EINVAL) { goto fail; } #endif ret = fi_endpoint(domain, myfi, &ep, NULL); if (ret != 0) { printf("fi_endpoint %s\n", fi_strerror(-ret)); goto fail; } /* ep starts in a non-enabled state, may fail, should not SEGV */ fi_rx_size_left(ep); testret = PASS; fail: if (ep != NULL) { ret = fi_close(&ep->fid); if (ret != 0) printf("fi_close %s\n", fi_strerror(-ret)); ep = NULL; } if (myfi != NULL) { fi_freeinfo(myfi); } return testret; }
static int setup_client_ep(struct fid_ep **ep) { int ret; ret = fi_endpoint(domain, fi, ep, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_endpoint", ret); return ret; } ret = ft_setup_ep(*ep, eq, av, txcq, rxcq, txcntr, rxcntr, false); if (ret) return ret; ret = ft_connect_ep(*ep, eq, fi->dest_addr); if (ret) return ret; return 0; }
Test(endpoint, getsetopt_gni_ep) { int ret; int val; struct fid_ep *ep = NULL; struct fi_gni_ops_ep *ep_ops; struct gnix_fid_ep *ep_priv = NULL; ret = fi_endpoint(dom, fi, &ep, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_endpoint"); ep_priv = (struct gnix_fid_ep *) ep; ret = fi_open_ops(&ep->fid, "ep ops 1", 0, (void **) &ep_ops, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_open_ops endpoint"); ret = ep_ops->get_val(&ep->fid, GNI_HASH_TAG_IMPL, &val); cr_assert(!ret, "ep_ops get_val"); cr_assert_eq(val, 0); cr_assert_eq(ep_priv->use_tag_hlist, 0); val = 1; // set the hash implementation ret = ep_ops->set_val(&ep->fid, GNI_HASH_TAG_IMPL, &val); cr_assert(!ret, "ep_ops set_val"); cr_assert_eq(ep_priv->use_tag_hlist, 1); cr_assert_eq(ep_priv->unexp_recv_queue.attr.type, GNIX_TAG_HLIST); cr_assert_eq(ep_priv->posted_recv_queue.attr.type, GNIX_TAG_HLIST); cr_assert_eq(ep_priv->tagged_unexp_recv_queue.attr.type, GNIX_TAG_HLIST); cr_assert_eq(ep_priv->tagged_posted_recv_queue.attr.type, GNIX_TAG_HLIST); val = 0; // reset the value ret = ep_ops->get_val(&ep->fid, GNI_HASH_TAG_IMPL, &val); cr_assert(!ret, "ep_ops get_val"); cr_assert_eq(val, 1); cr_assert_eq(ep_priv->use_tag_hlist, 1); ret = fi_close(&ep->fid); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_close endpoint"); }
static int client_open_new_ep() { size_t opt_size; int ret; FT_CLOSE_FID(ep); ret = fi_endpoint(domain, fi, &ep, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_endpoint", ret); return ret; } ret = ft_enable_ep_recv(); if (ret) return ret; /* Get the maximum cm_size for this domain + endpoint combination */ opt_size = sizeof(opt_size); return fi_getopt(&ep->fid, FI_OPT_ENDPOINT, FI_OPT_CM_DATA_SIZE, &cm_data_size, &opt_size); }
static void fas_ep_setup(void) { int ret, i, j; size_t addrlen = 0; fas_setup_common(fi_version()); ctx_cnt = MIN(ctx_cnt, fi[0]->domain_attr->rx_ctx_cnt); ctx_cnt = MIN(ctx_cnt, fi[0]->domain_attr->tx_ctx_cnt); for (i = 0; i < NUMEPS; i++) { fi[i]->ep_attr->tx_ctx_cnt = ctx_cnt; fi[i]->ep_attr->rx_ctx_cnt = ctx_cnt; ret = fi_domain(fab, fi[i], dom + i, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_domain returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); ret = fi_cntr_open(dom[i], &cntr_attr, send_cntr + i, 0); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_cntr_open returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); ret = fi_cntr_open(dom[i], &cntr_attr, recv_cntr + i, 0); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_cntr_open returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); switch (ep_type) { case EP: ret = fi_endpoint(dom[i], fi[i], ep + i, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_endpoint returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); break; case SEP: ret = fi_scalable_ep(dom[i], fi[i], ep + i, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_endpoint returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); break; case PEP: ret = fi_passive_ep(fab, fi[i], pep + i, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_endpoint returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); ret = fi_getname(get_fid[ep_type](i), NULL, &addrlen); if (use_str_fmt) { cr_assert(addrlen == GNIX_FI_ADDR_STR_LEN, "fi_getname returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); } else { cr_assert(addrlen == sizeof(struct gnix_ep_name), "fi_getname returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); } ep_name_len[i] = addrlen; continue; default: cr_assert_fail("Unknown endpoint type."); } ret = fi_av_open(dom[i], &attr, av + i, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_av_open returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); switch (ep_type) { case EP: case PEP: ret = fi_cq_open(dom[i], &cq_attr, msg_cq + i, 0); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_cq_open returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); ret = fi_ep_bind(ep[i], &msg_cq[i]->fid, FI_SEND | FI_RECV); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_bind returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); break; case SEP: dbg_printf(BLUE "ctx_cnt = %d\n" COLOR_RESET, ctx_cnt); for (j = 0; j < ctx_cnt; j++) { ret = fi_tx_context(ep[i], j, NULL, &tx_ep[i][j], NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_tx_context returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); ret = fi_cq_open(dom[i], &cq_attr, &tx_cq[i][j], NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_cq_open returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); ret = fi_rx_context(ep[i], j, NULL, &rx_ep[i][j], NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_rx_context returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); ret = fi_cq_open(dom[i], &cq_attr, &rx_cq[i][j], NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_cq_open returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); } break; default: cr_assert_fail("Unknown endpoint type."); } ret = fi_getname(get_fid[ep_type](i), NULL, &addrlen); if (use_str_fmt) { cr_assert(addrlen > sizeof(struct gnix_ep_name), "fi_getname returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); } else { cr_assert(addrlen == sizeof(struct gnix_ep_name), "fi_getname returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); } ep_name[i] = malloc(addrlen); ep_name_len[i] = addrlen; dbg_printf(BLUE "ep_name_len[%d] = %lu\n" COLOR_RESET, i, ep_name_len[i]); cr_assert(ep_name[i] != NULL, "malloc returned: %s", strerror(errno)); ret = fi_getname(get_fid[ep_type](i), ep_name[i], &addrlen); cr_assert(ret == FI_SUCCESS, "fi_getname returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); } /* Just testing setname / getname for passive endpoints */ if (ep_type == PEP) return; for (i = 0; i < NUMEPS; i++) { /*Insert all gni addresses into each av*/ for (j = 0; j < NUMEPS; j++) { ret = fi_av_insert(av[i], ep_name[j], 1, &gni_addr[j], 0, NULL); cr_assert(ret == 1, "fi_av_insert returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); } switch (ep_type) { case EP: ret = fi_ep_bind(ep[i], &av[i]->fid, 0); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_bind returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); ret = fi_ep_bind(ep[i], &send_cntr[i]->fid, FI_SEND); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_bind returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); ret = fi_ep_bind(ep[i], &recv_cntr[i]->fid, FI_RECV); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_bind returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); break; case SEP: ret = fi_scalable_ep_bind(ep[i], &av[i]->fid, 0); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_scalable_ep_bind returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); dbg_printf(BLUE "ctx_cnt = %d\n" COLOR_RESET, ctx_cnt); for (j = 0; j < ctx_cnt; j++) { ret = fi_ep_bind(tx_ep[i][j], &tx_cq[i][j]->fid, FI_TRANSMIT); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_bind returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); ret = fi_ep_bind(tx_ep[i][j], &send_cntr[i]->fid, FI_SEND); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_bind returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); ret = fi_enable(tx_ep[i][j]); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_enable returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); ret = fi_ep_bind(rx_ep[i][j], &rx_cq[i][j]->fid, FI_RECV); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_bind returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); ret = fi_ep_bind(rx_ep[i][j], &recv_cntr[i]->fid, FI_RECV); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_bind returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); ret = fi_enable(rx_ep[i][j]); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_enable returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); } break; case PEP: break; default: cr_assert_fail("Unknown endpoint type."); } ret = fi_enable(ep[i]); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_enable returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); if (ep_type != SEP) { ret = fi_enable(ep[i]); cr_assert_eq(ret, -FI_EOPBADSTATE, "fi_enable returned: %s", fi_strerror(-ret)); } } }
void cancel_setup(void) { int ret = 0; struct fi_av_attr attr; size_t addrlen = 0; int rem_requested_key, loc_requested_key; hints = fi_allocinfo(); cr_assert(hints, "fi_allocinfo"); hints->domain_attr->mr_mode = GNIX_DEFAULT_MR_MODE; hints->domain_attr->cq_data_size = 4; hints->mode = mode_bits; hints->fabric_attr->prov_name = strdup("gni"); ret = fi_getinfo(fi_version(), NULL, 0, 0, hints, &fi); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_getinfo"); ret = fi_fabric(fi->fabric_attr, &fab, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_fabric"); ret = fi_domain(fab, fi, &dom, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_domain"); memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr)); attr.type = FI_AV_MAP; attr.count = 16; ret = fi_av_open(dom, &attr, &av, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_av_open"); ret = fi_endpoint(dom, fi, &ep[0], NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_endpoint"); cq_attr.format = FI_CQ_FORMAT_CONTEXT; cq_attr.size = 1024; cq_attr.wait_obj = 0; ret = fi_cq_open(dom, &cq_attr, &msg_cq[0], 0); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_cq_open"); ret = fi_cq_open(dom, &cq_attr, &msg_cq[1], 0); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_cq_open"); ret = fi_ep_bind(ep[0], &msg_cq[0]->fid, FI_SEND | FI_RECV); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_bind"); ret = fi_getname(&ep[0]->fid, NULL, &addrlen); cr_assert(addrlen > 0); ep_name[0] = malloc(addrlen); cr_assert(ep_name[0] != NULL); ret = fi_getname(&ep[0]->fid, ep_name[0], &addrlen); cr_assert(ret == FI_SUCCESS); ret = fi_endpoint(dom, fi, &ep[1], NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_endpoint"); ret = fi_ep_bind(ep[1], &msg_cq[1]->fid, FI_SEND | FI_RECV); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_bind"); ep_name[1] = malloc(addrlen); cr_assert(ep_name[1] != NULL); ret = fi_getname(&ep[1]->fid, ep_name[1], &addrlen); cr_assert(ret == FI_SUCCESS); ret = fi_av_insert(av, ep_name[0], 1, &gni_addr[0], 0, NULL); cr_assert(ret == 1); ret = fi_av_insert(av, ep_name[1], 1, &gni_addr[1], 0, NULL); cr_assert(ret == 1); ret = fi_ep_bind(ep[0], &av->fid, 0); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_bind"); ret = fi_ep_bind(ep[1], &av->fid, 0); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_bind"); ret = fi_enable(ep[0]); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_enable"); ret = fi_enable(ep[1]); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_enable"); target_base = malloc(GNIT_ALIGN_LEN(BUF_SZ)); assert(target_base); target = GNIT_ALIGN_BUFFER(char *, target_base); source_base = malloc(GNIT_ALIGN_LEN(BUF_SZ)); assert(source_base); source = GNIT_ALIGN_BUFFER(char *, source_base); rem_requested_key = USING_SCALABLE(fi) ? 1 : 0; loc_requested_key = USING_SCALABLE(fi) ? 2 : 0; ret = fi_mr_reg(dom, target, BUF_SZ, FI_REMOTE_WRITE, 0, rem_requested_key, 0, &rem_mr, &target); cr_assert_eq(ret, 0); ret = fi_mr_reg(dom, source, BUF_SZ, FI_REMOTE_WRITE, 0, loc_requested_key, 0, &loc_mr, &source); cr_assert_eq(ret, 0); if (USING_SCALABLE(fi)) { MR_ENABLE(rem_mr, target, BUF_SZ); MR_ENABLE(loc_mr, source, BUF_SZ); } mr_key = fi_mr_key(rem_mr); }
static mca_mtl_base_module_t* ompi_mtl_ofi_component_init(bool enable_progress_threads, bool enable_mpi_threads) { int ret, fi_version; struct fi_info *hints; struct fi_info *providers = NULL, *prov = NULL; struct fi_cq_attr cq_attr = {0}; struct fi_av_attr av_attr = {0}; char ep_name[FI_NAME_MAX] = {0}; size_t namelen; /** * Hints to filter providers * See man fi_getinfo for a list of all filters * mode: Select capabilities MTL is prepared to support. * In this case, MTL will pass in context into communication calls * ep_type: reliable datagram operation * caps: Capabilities required from the provider. * Tag matching is specified to implement MPI semantics. * msg_order: Guarantee that messages with same tag are ordered. */ hints = fi_allocinfo(); if (!hints) { opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_mtl_base_framework.framework_output, "%s:%d: Could not allocate fi_info\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); goto error; } hints->mode = FI_CONTEXT; hints->ep_attr->type = FI_EP_RDM; /* Reliable datagram */ hints->caps = FI_TAGGED; /* Tag matching interface */ hints->tx_attr->msg_order = FI_ORDER_SAS; hints->rx_attr->msg_order = FI_ORDER_SAS; hints->domain_attr->threading = FI_THREAD_UNSPEC; if (MTL_OFI_PROG_AUTO == control_progress) { hints->domain_attr->control_progress = FI_PROGRESS_AUTO; } else { hints->domain_attr->control_progress = FI_PROGRESS_MANUAL; } if (MTL_OFI_PROG_MANUAL == data_progress) { hints->domain_attr->data_progress = FI_PROGRESS_MANUAL; } else { hints->domain_attr->data_progress = FI_PROGRESS_AUTO; } if (MTL_OFI_AV_TABLE == av_type) { hints->domain_attr->av_type = FI_AV_TABLE; } else { hints->domain_attr->av_type = FI_AV_MAP; } hints->domain_attr->resource_mgmt = FI_RM_ENABLED; /** * FI_VERSION provides binary backward and forward compatibility support * Specify the version of OFI is coded to, the provider will select struct * layouts that are compatible with this version. */ fi_version = FI_VERSION(1, 0); /** * fi_getinfo: returns information about fabric services for reaching a * remote node or service. this does not necessarily allocate resources. * Pass NULL for name/service because we want a list of providers supported. */ ret = fi_getinfo(fi_version, /* OFI version requested */ NULL, /* Optional name or fabric to resolve */ NULL, /* Optional service name or port to request */ 0ULL, /* Optional flag */ hints, /* In: Hints to filter providers */ &providers); /* Out: List of matching providers */ if (0 != ret) { opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_mtl_base_framework.framework_output, "%s:%d: fi_getinfo failed: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, fi_strerror(-ret)); goto error; } /** * Select a provider from the list returned by fi_getinfo(). */ prov = select_ofi_provider(providers); if (!prov) { opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_mtl_base_framework.framework_output, "%s:%d: select_ofi_provider: no provider found\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); goto error; } /** * Open fabric * The getinfo struct returns a fabric attribute struct that can be used to * instantiate the virtual or physical network. This opens a "fabric * provider". See man fi_fabric for details. */ ret = fi_fabric(prov->fabric_attr, /* In: Fabric attributes */ &ompi_mtl_ofi.fabric, /* Out: Fabric handle */ NULL); /* Optional context for fabric events */ if (0 != ret) { opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_mtl_base_framework.framework_output, "%s:%d: fi_fabric failed: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, fi_strerror(-ret)); goto error; } /** * Create the access domain, which is the physical or virtual network or * hardware port/collection of ports. Returns a domain object that can be * used to create endpoints. See man fi_domain for details. */ ret = fi_domain(ompi_mtl_ofi.fabric, /* In: Fabric object */ prov, /* In: Provider */ &ompi_mtl_ofi.domain, /* Out: Domain oject */ NULL); /* Optional context for domain events */ if (0 != ret) { opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_mtl_base_framework.framework_output, "%s:%d: fi_domain failed: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, fi_strerror(-ret)); goto error; } /** * Create a transport level communication endpoint. To use the endpoint, * it must be bound to completion counters or event queues and enabled, * and the resources consumed by it, such as address vectors, counters, * completion queues, etc. * see man fi_endpoint for more details. */ ret = fi_endpoint(ompi_mtl_ofi.domain, /* In: Domain object */ prov, /* In: Provider */ &ompi_mtl_ofi.ep, /* Out: Endpoint object */ NULL); /* Optional context */ if (0 != ret) { opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_mtl_base_framework.framework_output, "%s:%d: fi_endpoint failed: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, fi_strerror(-ret)); goto error; } /** * Save the maximum inject size. */ ompi_mtl_ofi.max_inject_size = prov->tx_attr->inject_size; /** * Create the objects that will be bound to the endpoint. * The objects include: * - completion queue for events * - address vector of other endpoint addresses * - dynamic memory-spanning memory region */ cq_attr.format = FI_CQ_FORMAT_TAGGED; ret = fi_cq_open(ompi_mtl_ofi.domain, &cq_attr, &ompi_mtl_ofi.cq, NULL); if (ret) { opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_mtl_base_framework.framework_output, "%s:%d: fi_cq_open failed: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, fi_strerror(-ret)); goto error; } /** * The remote fi_addr will be stored in the ofi_endpoint struct. */ av_attr.type = (MTL_OFI_AV_TABLE == av_type) ? FI_AV_TABLE: FI_AV_MAP; ret = fi_av_open(ompi_mtl_ofi.domain, &av_attr, &ompi_mtl_ofi.av, NULL); if (ret) { opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_mtl_base_framework.framework_output, "%s:%d: fi_av_open failed: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, fi_strerror(-ret)); goto error; } /** * Bind the CQ and AV to the endpoint object. */ ret = fi_ep_bind(ompi_mtl_ofi.ep, (fid_t)ompi_mtl_ofi.cq, FI_SEND | FI_RECV); if (0 != ret) { opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_mtl_base_framework.framework_output, "%s:%d: fi_bind CQ-EP failed: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, fi_strerror(-ret)); goto error; } ret = fi_ep_bind(ompi_mtl_ofi.ep, (fid_t)ompi_mtl_ofi.av, 0); if (0 != ret) { opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_mtl_base_framework.framework_output, "%s:%d: fi_bind AV-EP failed: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, fi_strerror(-ret)); goto error; } /** * Enable the endpoint for communication * This commits the bind operations. */ ret = fi_enable(ompi_mtl_ofi.ep); if (0 != ret) { opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_mtl_base_framework.framework_output, "%s:%d: fi_enable failed: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, fi_strerror(-ret)); goto error; } /** * Free providers info since it's not needed anymore. */ fi_freeinfo(hints); hints = NULL; fi_freeinfo(providers); providers = NULL; /** * Get our address and publish it with modex. */ namelen = sizeof(ep_name); ret = fi_getname((fid_t)ompi_mtl_ofi.ep, &ep_name[0], &namelen); if (ret) { opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_mtl_base_framework.framework_output, "%s:%d: fi_getname failed: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, fi_strerror(-ret)); goto error; } OFI_COMPAT_MODEX_SEND(ret, &mca_mtl_ofi_component.super.mtl_version, &ep_name, namelen); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_mtl_base_framework.framework_output, "%s:%d: modex_send failed: %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, ret); goto error; } ompi_mtl_ofi.epnamelen = namelen; /** * Set the ANY_SRC address. */ ompi_mtl_ofi.any_addr = FI_ADDR_UNSPEC; /** * Activate progress callback. */ ret = opal_progress_register(ompi_mtl_ofi_progress_no_inline); if (OMPI_SUCCESS != ret) { opal_output_verbose(1, ompi_mtl_base_framework.framework_output, "%s:%d: opal_progress_register failed: %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, ret); goto error; } return &ompi_mtl_ofi.base; error: if (providers) { (void) fi_freeinfo(providers); } if (hints) { (void) fi_freeinfo(hints); } if (ompi_mtl_ofi.av) { (void) fi_close((fid_t)ompi_mtl_ofi.av); } if (ompi_mtl_ofi.cq) { (void) fi_close((fid_t)ompi_mtl_ofi.cq); } if (ompi_mtl_ofi.ep) { (void) fi_close((fid_t)ompi_mtl_ofi.ep); } if (ompi_mtl_ofi.domain) { (void) fi_close((fid_t)ompi_mtl_ofi.domain); } if (ompi_mtl_ofi.fabric) { (void) fi_close((fid_t)ompi_mtl_ofi.fabric); } return NULL; }
Test(endpoint, getsetopt) { int ret; struct fid_ep *ep = NULL; uint64_t val; size_t len; ret = fi_endpoint(dom, fi, &ep, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_endpoint"); /* Test bad params. */ ret = fi_getopt(&ep->fid, !FI_OPT_ENDPOINT, FI_OPT_MIN_MULTI_RECV, (void *)&val, &len); cr_assert(ret == -FI_ENOPROTOOPT, "fi_getopt"); ret = fi_getopt(&ep->fid, FI_OPT_ENDPOINT, FI_OPT_CM_DATA_SIZE+1, (void *)&val, &len); cr_assert(ret == -FI_ENOPROTOOPT, "fi_getopt"); ret = fi_getopt(&ep->fid, FI_OPT_ENDPOINT, FI_OPT_MIN_MULTI_RECV, NULL, &len); cr_assert(ret == -FI_EINVAL, "fi_getopt"); ret = fi_getopt(&ep->fid, FI_OPT_ENDPOINT, FI_OPT_MIN_MULTI_RECV, (void *)&val, NULL); cr_assert(ret == -FI_EINVAL, "fi_getopt"); ret = fi_setopt(&ep->fid, !FI_OPT_ENDPOINT, FI_OPT_MIN_MULTI_RECV, (void *)&val, sizeof(size_t)); cr_assert(ret == -FI_ENOPROTOOPT, "fi_setopt"); ret = fi_setopt(&ep->fid, FI_OPT_ENDPOINT, !FI_OPT_MIN_MULTI_RECV, (void *)&val, sizeof(size_t)); cr_assert(ret == -FI_ENOPROTOOPT, "fi_setopt"); ret = fi_setopt(&ep->fid, FI_OPT_ENDPOINT, FI_OPT_MIN_MULTI_RECV, NULL, sizeof(size_t)); cr_assert(ret == -FI_EINVAL, "fi_setopt"); ret = fi_setopt(&ep->fid, FI_OPT_ENDPOINT, FI_OPT_MIN_MULTI_RECV, (void *)&val, sizeof(size_t) - 1); cr_assert(ret == -FI_EINVAL, "fi_setopt"); /* Test update. */ ret = fi_getopt(&ep->fid, FI_OPT_ENDPOINT, FI_OPT_MIN_MULTI_RECV, (void *)&val, &len); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_getopt"); cr_assert(val == GNIX_OPT_MIN_MULTI_RECV_DEFAULT, "fi_getopt"); cr_assert(len == sizeof(size_t), "fi_getopt"); ret = fi_getopt(&ep->fid, FI_OPT_ENDPOINT, FI_OPT_CM_DATA_SIZE, (void *)&val, &len); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_getopt"); cr_assert(val == GNIX_CM_DATA_MAX_SIZE, "fi_getopt"); cr_assert(len == sizeof(size_t), "fi_getopt"); val = 128; ret = fi_setopt(&ep->fid, FI_OPT_ENDPOINT, FI_OPT_MIN_MULTI_RECV, (void *)&val, sizeof(size_t)); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_setopt"); ret = fi_getopt(&ep->fid, FI_OPT_ENDPOINT, FI_OPT_MIN_MULTI_RECV, (void *)&val, &len); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_getopt"); cr_assert(val == 128, "fi_getopt"); cr_assert(len == sizeof(size_t), "fi_getopt"); ret = fi_close(&ep->fid); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_close endpoint"); }
static int alloc_ep_res(struct fi_info *fi) { struct fi_cq_attr cq_attr; struct fi_av_attr av_attr; int ret; buffer_size = opts.user_options & FT_OPT_SIZE ? opts.transfer_size : test_size[TEST_CNT - 1].size; buf = malloc(MAX(buffer_size, sizeof(uint64_t))); if (!buf) { perror("malloc"); return -1; } result = malloc(MAX(buffer_size, sizeof(uint64_t))); if (!result) { perror("malloc"); return -1; } compare = malloc(MAX(buffer_size, sizeof(uint64_t))); if (!compare) { perror("malloc"); return -1; } memset(&cq_attr, 0, sizeof cq_attr); cq_attr.format = FI_CQ_FORMAT_CONTEXT; cq_attr.wait_obj = FI_WAIT_NONE; cq_attr.size = 128; ret = fi_cq_open(dom, &cq_attr, &scq, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_cq_open", ret); goto err1; } ret = fi_cq_open(dom, &cq_attr, &rcq, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_cq_open", ret); goto err2; } // registers local data buffer buff that specifies // the first operand of the atomic operation ret = fi_mr_reg(dom, buf, MAX(buffer_size, sizeof(uint64_t)), FI_REMOTE_READ | FI_REMOTE_WRITE, 0, get_mr_key(), 0, &mr, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_mr_reg", ret); goto err3; } // registers local data buffer that stores initial value of // the remote buffer ret = fi_mr_reg(dom, result, MAX(buffer_size, sizeof(uint64_t)), FI_REMOTE_READ | FI_REMOTE_WRITE, 0, get_mr_key(), 0, &mr_result, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_mr_reg", -ret); goto err4; } // registers local data buffer that contains comparison data ret = fi_mr_reg(dom, compare, MAX(buffer_size, sizeof(uint64_t)), FI_REMOTE_READ | FI_REMOTE_WRITE, 0, get_mr_key(), 0, &mr_compare, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_mr_reg", ret); goto err5; } memset(&av_attr, 0, sizeof av_attr); av_attr.type = fi->domain_attr->av_type ? fi->domain_attr->av_type : FI_AV_MAP; av_attr.count = 1; = NULL; ret = fi_av_open(dom, &av_attr, &av, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_av_open", ret); goto err6; } ret = fi_endpoint(dom, fi, &ep, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_endpoint", ret); goto err7; } return 0; err7: fi_close(&av->fid); err6: fi_close(&mr_compare->fid); err5: fi_close(&mr_result->fid); err4: fi_close(&mr->fid); err3: fi_close(&rcq->fid); err2: fi_close(&scq->fid); err1: free(buf); free(result); free(compare); return ret; }
/* * rpmem_fip_init_cq -- (internal) initialize completion queue(s) */ static int rpmem_fip_init_cq(struct rpmem_fip *fip) { int ret; struct fi_cq_attr cq_attr = { .size = fip->cq_size, .flags = 0, .format = FI_CQ_FORMAT_MSG, .wait_obj = FI_WAIT_UNSPEC, .signaling_vector = 0, .wait_cond = FI_CQ_COND_NONE, .wait_set = NULL, }; ret = fi_cq_open(fip->domain, &cq_attr, &fip->cq, NULL); if (ret) { RPMEM_FI_ERR(ret, "opening completion queue"); goto err_cq_open; } return 0; err_cq_open: return -1; } /* * rpmem_fip_fini_cq -- (internal) deinitialize completion queue(s) */ static int rpmem_fip_fini_cq(struct rpmem_fip *fip) { return RPMEM_FI_CLOSE(fip->cq, "closing completion queue"); } /* * rpmem_fip_init_ep -- (internal) initialize endpoint */ static int rpmem_fip_init_ep(struct rpmem_fip *fip) { int ret; /* create an endpoint */ ret = fi_endpoint(fip->domain, fip->fi, &fip->ep, NULL); if (ret) { RPMEM_FI_ERR(ret, "allocating endpoint"); goto err_endpoint; } /* * Bind an event queue to an endpoint to get * connection-related events for the endpoint. */ ret = fi_ep_bind(fip->ep, &fip->eq->fid, 0); if (ret) { RPMEM_FI_ERR(ret, "binding event queue to endpoint"); goto err_ep_bind_eq; } /* * Bind a completion queue to an endpoint to get completion * events of specified inbound/outbound operations. * * FI_SELECTIVE_COMPLETION means all inbound/outbound operations * must explicitly specify if the completion event should be * generated or not using FI_COMPLETION flag. * * The completion events received are highly related to the * persistency method used and are configured in lanes * initialization specified for persistency method utilized. */ ret = fi_ep_bind(fip->ep, &fip->cq->fid, FI_RECV | FI_TRANSMIT | FI_SELECTIVE_COMPLETION); if (ret) { RPMEM_FI_ERR(ret, "binding completion queue to endpoint"); goto err_ep_bind_cq; } /* * Enable endpoint so it is possible to post inbound/outbound * operations if required. */ ret = fi_enable(fip->ep); if (ret) { RPMEM_FI_ERR(ret, "activating endpoint"); goto err_fi_enable; } return 0; err_fi_enable: err_ep_bind_cq: err_ep_bind_eq: err_endpoint: return ret; }
void rdm_str_addr_sr_setup_common(void) { int ret = 0, i = 0, j = 0; struct fi_av_attr attr; memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr)); attr.type = FI_AV_MAP; attr.count = NUMEPS; cq_attr.format = FI_CQ_FORMAT_TAGGED; cq_attr.size = 1024; cq_attr.wait_obj = 0; target_base = malloc(GNIT_ALIGN_LEN(BUF_SZ)); assert(target_base); target = GNIT_ALIGN_BUFFER(char *, target_base); source_base = malloc(GNIT_ALIGN_LEN(BUF_SZ)); assert(source_base); source = GNIT_ALIGN_BUFFER(char *, source_base); ret = fi_fabric(fi[0]->fabric_attr, &fab, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_fabric"); for (i = 0; i < NUMEPS; i++) { ret = fi_domain(fab, fi[i], dom + i, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_domain"); ret = fi_av_open(dom[i], &attr, av + i, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_av_open"); ret = fi_endpoint(dom[i], fi[i], ep + i, NULL); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_endpoint"); ret = fi_cq_open(dom[i], &cq_attr, msg_cq + i, 0); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_cq_open"); ret = fi_ep_bind(ep[i], &msg_cq[i]->fid, FI_SEND | FI_RECV); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_bind"); ret = fi_getname(&ep[i]->fid, NULL, &addrlen); cr_assert(addrlen > 0); ep_name[i] = malloc(addrlen); cr_assert(ep_name[i] != NULL); ret = fi_getname(&ep[i]->fid, ep_name[i], &addrlen); cr_assert(ret == FI_SUCCESS); } for (i = 0; i < NUMEPS; i++) { /* * To test API-1.1: Reporting of unknown source addresses -- * only insert addresses into the sender's av */ if (i < (NUMEPS / 2)) { for (j = 0; j < NUMEPS; j++) { dbg_printf("Only does src EP insertions\n"); ret = fi_av_insert(av[i], ep_name[j], 1, &gni_addr[j], 0, NULL); cr_assert(ret == 1); } } ret = fi_ep_bind(ep[i], &av[i]->fid, 0); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_bind"); ret = fi_enable(ep[i]); cr_assert(!ret, "fi_ep_enable"); } }
static int alloc_ep_res(struct fi_info *fi) { struct fi_cq_attr cq_attr; struct fi_av_attr av_attr; int ret; buffer_size = opts.user_options & FT_OPT_SIZE ? opts.transfer_size : test_size[TEST_CNT - 1].size; if (max_msg_size > 0 && buffer_size > max_msg_size) { buffer_size = max_msg_size; } if (buffer_size < fi->src_addrlen) { buffer_size = fi->src_addrlen; } buffer_size += prefix_len; buf = malloc(buffer_size); if (!buf) { perror("malloc"); return -1; } buf_ptr = (char *)buf + prefix_len; memset(&cq_attr, 0, sizeof cq_attr); cq_attr.format = FI_CQ_FORMAT_CONTEXT; cq_attr.wait_obj = FI_WAIT_NONE; cq_attr.size = max_credits << 1; ret = fi_cq_open(dom, &cq_attr, &scq, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_cq_open", ret); goto err1; } ret = fi_cq_open(dom, &cq_attr, &rcq, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_cq_open", ret); goto err2; } ret = fi_mr_reg(dom, buf, buffer_size, 0, 0, 0, 0, &mr, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_mr_reg", ret); goto err3; } memset(&av_attr, 0, sizeof(av_attr)); av_attr.type = fi->domain_attr->av_type ? fi->domain_attr->av_type : FI_AV_MAP; = NULL; av_attr.flags = 0; ret = fi_av_open(dom, &av_attr, &av, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_av_open", ret); goto err4; } ret = fi_endpoint(dom, fi, &ep, NULL); if (ret) { FT_PRINTERR("fi_endpoint", ret); goto err5; } return 0; err5: fi_close(&av->fid); err4: fi_close(&mr->fid); err3: fi_close(&rcq->fid); err2: fi_close(&scq->fid); err1: free(buf); return ret; }