Exemple #1
std::vector<const mesh::Entity *> GeomDecomp::entity_coordinates(const mesh::Entity                 & entity,
                                                                  const VectorField            & nodal_coor,
                                                                  std::vector<std::vector<double> >  & coordinates)
  std::vector<const mesh::Entity *> mesh_nodes;

  const mesh::EntityRank enttype   = entity.entity_rank();
  if ( enttype == NODE_RANK )
    throw std::runtime_error("GeomDecomp::entity_coordinates Error: Can not be called for nodal entities.");
  } else {

    // Loop over node relations in mesh entities
    mesh::PairIterRelation nr   = entity.relations( NODE_RANK );

    for ( ; nr.first != nr.second; ++nr.first )
      const mesh::Relation &rel = *nr.first;
      if (rel.entity_rank() ==  NODE_RANK) { // %fixme: need to check for USES relation
        const mesh::Entity *nent = rel.entity();
        const unsigned ndim(field_data_size(nodal_coor, *nent)/sizeof(double)); // TODO - is there a better way to get this info?
        double * coor = mesh::field_data(nodal_coor, *nent);
        if (!coor) {
          throw std::runtime_error("GeomDecomp::entity_coordinates Error: The coordinate field does not exist.");
        std::vector<double> temp(ndim);
        for ( unsigned i = 0; i < ndim; ++i ) { temp[i] = coor[i]; }
  return mesh_nodes;
Exemple #2
void pack_field_values( CommBuffer & buf , Entity & entity )
  const Bucket   & bucket = entity.bucket();
  const BulkData & mesh   = BulkData::get(bucket);
  const MetaData & mesh_meta_data = MetaData::get(mesh);

  const std::vector< FieldBase * > & fields = mesh_meta_data.get_fields();

  for ( std::vector< FieldBase * >::const_iterator
        i = fields.begin() ; i != fields.end() ; ++i ) {

    const FieldBase & f = **i ;

    if ( f.data_traits().is_pod ) {
      const unsigned size = field_data_size( f , bucket );

      buf.pack<unsigned>( size );

      if ( size ) {
        unsigned char * const ptr =
          reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>( field_data( f , entity ) );
        buf.pack<unsigned char>( ptr , size );
void set_field_relations( Entity & e_from ,
                          Entity & e_to ,
                          const unsigned ident )
  const std::vector<FieldRelation> & field_rels =

  for ( std::vector<FieldRelation>::const_iterator
        j = field_rels.begin() ; j != field_rels.end() ; ++j ) {

    const FieldRelation & fr = *j ;

    void ** const ptr = (void**) field_data( * fr.m_root , e_from );

    if ( ptr ) {

      void * const src = field_data( * fr.m_target , e_to );

      const size_t number =
        field_data_size(*fr.m_root,e_from) / sizeof(void*);

      const size_t offset =
         (*fr.m_function)( e_from.entity_rank() ,
                           e_to.entity_rank() , ident );

      if ( offset < number ) {
        ptr[ offset ] = src ;
Exemple #4
bool unpack_field_values(
  CommBuffer & buf , Entity & entity , std::ostream & error_msg )
  const Bucket   & bucket = entity.bucket();
  const BulkData & mesh   = BulkData::get(bucket);
  const MetaData & mesh_meta_data = MetaData::get(mesh);

  const std::vector< FieldBase * > & fields = mesh_meta_data.get_fields();

  const std::vector< FieldBase * >::const_iterator i_end = fields.end();
  const std::vector< FieldBase * >::const_iterator i_beg = fields.begin();

  std::vector< FieldBase * >::const_iterator i ;

  bool ok = true ;

  for ( i = i_beg ; i_end != i ; ) {
    const FieldBase & f = **i ; ++i ;

    if ( f.data_traits().is_pod ) {

      const unsigned size = field_data_size( f , bucket );
      unsigned recv_data_size = 0 ;
      buf.unpack<unsigned>( recv_data_size );

      if ( size != recv_data_size ) {
        if ( ok ) {
          ok = false ;
          print_entity_key( error_msg , mesh_meta_data , entity.key() );
        error_msg << " " << f.name();
        error_msg << " " << size ;
        error_msg << " != " << recv_data_size ;
        buf.skip<unsigned char>( recv_data_size );
      else if ( size ) { // Non-zero and equal
        unsigned char * ptr =
          reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>( field_data( f , entity ) );
        buf.unpack<unsigned char>( ptr , size );

  return ok ;
Exemple #5
/** \brief  Size, in bytes, of the field data for each entity */
unsigned field_data_size( const FieldBase & f , const Entity & e )
{ return field_data_size( f , e.bucket() ); }
Exemple #6
void communicate_field_data(
  const BulkData & mesh ,
  const unsigned field_count ,
  const FieldBase * fields[] ,
  CommAll & sparse )
  const std::vector<Entity*> & entity_comm = mesh.entity_comm();

  const unsigned parallel_size = mesh.parallel_size();

  // Sizing for send and receive

  const unsigned zero = 0 ;
  std::vector<unsigned> msg_size( parallel_size , zero );

  size_t j = 0;

  for ( j = 0 ; j < field_count ; ++j ) {
    const FieldBase & f = * fields[j] ;
    for ( std::vector<Entity*>::const_iterator
          i = entity_comm.begin() ; i != entity_comm.end() ; ++i ) {
      Entity & e = **i ;
      const unsigned size = field_data_size( f , e );
      if ( size ) {
        for ( PairIterEntityComm
              ec = e.comm() ; ! ec.empty() && ec->ghost_id == 0 ; ++ec ) {
          msg_size[ ec->proc ] += size ;

  // Allocate send and receive buffers:

    const unsigned * const s_size = & msg_size[0] ;
    sparse.allocate_buffers( mesh.parallel(), parallel_size / 4 , s_size, s_size);

  // Pack for send:

  for ( j = 0 ; j < field_count ; ++j ) {
    const FieldBase & f = * fields[j] ;
    for ( std::vector<Entity*>::const_iterator
          i = entity_comm.begin() ; i != entity_comm.end() ; ++i ) {
      Entity & e = **i ;
      const unsigned size = field_data_size( f , e );
      if ( size ) {
        unsigned char * ptr =
          reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(field_data( f , e ));
        for ( PairIterEntityComm
              ec = e.comm() ; ! ec.empty() && ec->ghost_id == 0 ; ++ec ) {
          CommBuffer & b = sparse.send_buffer( ec->proc );
          b.pack<unsigned char>( ptr , size );

  // Communicate:

Exemple #7
void communicate_field_data(
  const Ghosting                        & ghosts ,
  const std::vector< const FieldBase *> & fields )
  if ( fields.empty() ) { return; }

  const BulkData & mesh = BulkData::get(ghosts);
  const unsigned parallel_size = mesh.parallel_size();
  const unsigned parallel_rank = mesh.parallel_rank();

  const std::vector<const FieldBase *>::const_iterator fe = fields.end();
  const std::vector<const FieldBase *>::const_iterator fb = fields.begin();
        std::vector<const FieldBase *>::const_iterator fi ;

  // Sizing for send and receive

  const unsigned zero = 0 ;
  std::vector<unsigned> send_size( parallel_size , zero );
  std::vector<unsigned> recv_size( parallel_size , zero );

  for ( std::vector<Entity*>::const_iterator
        i =  mesh.entity_comm().begin() ;
        i != mesh.entity_comm().end() ; ++i ) {
    Entity & e = **i ;
    const bool owned = e.owner_rank() == parallel_rank ;

    unsigned e_size = 0 ;
    for ( fi = fb ; fi != fe ; ++fi ) {
      const FieldBase & f = **fi ;
      e_size += field_data_size( f , e );

    for ( PairIterEntityComm ec = e.comm() ; ! ec.empty() ; ++ec ) {
      if ( ghosts.ordinal() == ec->ghost_id ) {
        if ( owned ) {
          send_size[ ec->proc ] += e_size ;
        else {
          recv_size[ ec->proc ] += e_size ;

  // Allocate send and receive buffers:

  CommAll sparse ;

    const unsigned * const s_size = & send_size[0] ;
    const unsigned * const r_size = & recv_size[0] ;
    sparse.allocate_buffers( mesh.parallel(), parallel_size / 4 , s_size, r_size);

  // Send packing:

  for ( std::vector<Entity*>::const_iterator
        i =  mesh.entity_comm().begin() ;
        i != mesh.entity_comm().end() ; ++i ) {
    Entity & e = **i ;
    if ( e.owner_rank() == parallel_rank ) {

      for ( fi = fb ; fi != fe ; ++fi ) {
        const FieldBase & f = **fi ;
        const unsigned size = field_data_size( f , e );

        if ( size ) {
          unsigned char * ptr =
            reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(field_data( f , e ));

          for ( PairIterEntityComm ec = e.comm() ; ! ec.empty() ; ++ec ) {

            if ( ghosts.ordinal() == ec->ghost_id ) {
              CommBuffer & b = sparse.send_buffer( ec->proc );
              b.pack<unsigned char>( ptr , size );

  // Communicate:


  // Unpack for recv:

  for ( std::vector<Entity*>::const_iterator
        i =  mesh.entity_comm().begin() ;
        i != mesh.entity_comm().end() ; ++i ) {
    Entity & e = **i ;
    if ( e.owner_rank() != parallel_rank ) {

      for ( fi = fb ; fi != fe ; ++fi ) {
        const FieldBase & f = **fi ;
        const unsigned size = field_data_size( f , e );

        if ( size ) {
          unsigned char * ptr =
            reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(field_data( f , e ));

          for ( PairIterEntityComm ec = e.comm() ; ! ec.empty() ; ++ec ) {

            if ( ghosts.ordinal() == ec->ghost_id ) {
              CommBuffer & b = sparse.recv_buffer( ec->proc );
              b.unpack<unsigned char>( ptr , size );
Exemple #8
void communicate_field_data(
  ParallelMachine machine,
  const std::vector<EntityProc> & domain ,
  const std::vector<EntityProc> & range ,
  const std::vector<const FieldBase *> & fields)
  if ( fields.empty() ) { return; }

  const unsigned parallel_size = parallel_machine_size( machine );
  const unsigned parallel_rank = parallel_machine_rank( machine );
  const bool     asymmetric    = & domain != & range ;

  const std::vector<const FieldBase *>::const_iterator fe = fields.end();
  const std::vector<const FieldBase *>::const_iterator fb = fields.begin();
        std::vector<const FieldBase *>::const_iterator fi ;

  // Sizing for send and receive

  const unsigned zero = 0 ;
  std::vector<unsigned> send_size( parallel_size , zero );
  std::vector<unsigned> recv_size( parallel_size , zero );

  std::vector<EntityProc>::const_iterator i ;

  for ( i = domain.begin() ; i != domain.end() ; ++i ) {
    Entity       & e = * i->first ;
    const unsigned p = i->second ;

    if ( asymmetric || parallel_rank == e.owner_rank() ) {
      unsigned e_size = 0 ;
      for ( fi = fb ; fi != fe ; ++fi ) {
        const FieldBase & f = **fi ;
        e_size += field_data_size( f , e );
      send_size[ p ] += e_size ;

  for ( i = range.begin() ; i != range.end() ; ++i ) {
    Entity       & e = * i->first ;
    const unsigned p = i->second ;

    if ( asymmetric || p == e.owner_rank() ) {
      unsigned e_size = 0 ;
      for ( fi = fb ; fi != fe ; ++fi ) {
        const FieldBase & f = **fi ;
        e_size += field_data_size( f , e );
      recv_size[ p ] += e_size ;

  // Allocate send and receive buffers:

  CommAll sparse ;

    const unsigned * const s_size = & send_size[0] ;
    const unsigned * const r_size = & recv_size[0] ;
    sparse.allocate_buffers( machine, parallel_size / 4 , s_size, r_size);

  // Pack for send:

  for ( i = domain.begin() ; i != domain.end() ; ++i ) {
    Entity       & e = * i->first ;
    const unsigned p = i->second ;

    if ( asymmetric || parallel_rank == e.owner_rank() ) {
      CommBuffer & b = sparse.send_buffer( p );
      for ( fi = fb ; fi != fe ; ++fi ) {
        const FieldBase & f = **fi ;
        const unsigned size = field_data_size( f , e );
        if ( size ) {
          unsigned char * ptr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(field_data( f , e ));
          b.pack<unsigned char>( ptr , size );

  // Communicate:


  // Unpack for recv:

  for ( i = range.begin() ; i != range.end() ; ++i ) {
    Entity       & e = * i->first ;
    const unsigned p = i->second ;

    if ( asymmetric || p == e.owner_rank() ) {
      CommBuffer & b = sparse.recv_buffer( p );
      for ( fi = fb ; fi != fe ; ++fi ) {
        const FieldBase & f = **fi ;
        const unsigned size = field_data_size( f , e );
        if ( size ) {
          unsigned char * ptr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(field_data( f , e ));
          b.unpack<unsigned char>( ptr , size );