Exemple #1
int file_append(const char* format, ...) {
	int result = 0;
	if (!g_fd) {
		result = file_reset(FALSE);
		if (result) {
			goto cleanup;
	char sBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
	va_list params;
	va_start(params, format);
	vsnprintf(sBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE, format, params);

	size_t count = strlen(sBuffer);
	size_t s = fwrite(sBuffer, 1, count, g_fd);
	if (s != count) {
		ERROR_LOG("Cannot append to file %s. Error(%d): %s\n", g_filename, errno, strerror(errno));
		result = 1;
		goto cleanup;
	if (g_total_op >= g_max_op && g_max_op > 0) {
		g_file_full = TRUE;
	return result;
Exemple #2
 * Perform a full factory reset.
 * This can be triggered automatically at boot time if
 * certain sanity checks fail, or via a test mode option.
void factory_reset (void)
	file_reset ();
	memset (AREA_BASE (permanent), 0, AREA_SIZE (permanent));
	callset_invoke (factory_reset);
//	timestamp_update (&system_timestamps.factory_reset);
Exemple #3
R_API const char * r_magic_buffer(RMagic *ms, const void *buf, size_t nb) {
	if (file_reset (ms) == -1)
		return NULL;
	 * The main work is done here!
	 * We have the file name and/or the data buffer to be identified. 
	if (file_buffer (ms, -1, NULL, buf, nb) == -1)
		return NULL;
	return file_getbuffer (ms);
Exemple #4
 * Perform a full factory reset.
 * This can be triggered automatically at boot time if
 * certain sanity checks fail, or via a test mode option.
void factory_reset (void)
	file_reset ();
#ifdef __m6809__
	memset (AREA_BASE (permanent), 0, AREA_SIZE (permanent));
	/* TODO - how to clean the permanent area in native mode? */
	timestamp_update (&system_timestamps.factory_reset);
	callset_invoke (factory_reset);
Exemple #5
byte file_close(file *io){
	//return error
	if (io->fp == NULL){
		fprintf(stderr, "[error] file_close: io->fp == NULL\n");
		return -1;
	int i = fclose(io->fp);
	if (i != 0){
		fprintf(stderr, "[error] file_close: error id [%d]\n", i);
		return -2;
	return 0;
Exemple #6
// TODO: reinitialize all the time
R_API RMagic* r_magic_new(int flags) {
	RMagic *ms = R_NEW0 (RMagic);
	if (!ms) return NULL;
	r_magic_setflags (ms, flags);
	ms->o.buf = ms->o.pbuf = NULL;
	ms->c.li = malloc ((ms->c.len = 10) * sizeof (*ms->c.li));
	if (!ms->c.li) {
		free (ms);
		return NULL;
	file_reset (ms);
	ms->mlist = NULL;
	ms->file = "unknown";
	ms->line = 0;
	return ms;
/* read (extract) 'zipfile' in current directory */
int zread(const char *zipfile, unsigned long long maxsize)
	int rc;
	const char *args[6];

	args[0] = "unzip";
	args[1] = "-q";
	args[2] = "-d";
	args[3] = workdir;
	args[4] = zipfile;
	args[5] = NULL;

	rc = zrun(args[0], args);
	if (!rc)
		rc = fill_files();
	return rc;
Exemple #8
byte file_open(file *io, char *path, char *mode){
	//return error
	int i;
	if (mode == NULL){
		fprintf(stderr, "[error] file_open: mode == NULL\n");
		return -1;
	if (io->fp != NULL){
	io->fp = fopen(path, mode);
	if (io->fp == NULL){
		if (mode[0] != 'r' && mode[0] != 'w' && mode[0] != 'a'){
				"[error] file_open: mode not in (r, w, a) [%s, %s]\n",
				path, mode);
			return -2;
			fprintf(stderr, "[error] file_open: file not exist [%s, %s]\n",
				path, mode);
			return -3;
	for (i=0; i<3; i++){
		if (mode[i] == '\x00'){
		else if (mode[i] == 'r'){
			io->size = file_get_size(path);
			io->mode_read = 1;
		else if (mode[i] == 'w'){
			io->mode_write = 1;
		else if (mode[i] == 'a' || mode[i] == '+'){
			io->mode_add = 1;
	return 0;
Exemple #9
static const char *file_or_fd(RMagic *ms, const char *inname, int fd) {
	int ispipe = 0, rv = -1;
	unsigned char *buf;
	struct stat sb;
	int  nbytes = 0;	/* number of bytes read from a datafile */

	 * one extra for terminating '\0', and
	 * some overlapping space for matches near EOF
#define SLOP (1 + sizeof(union VALUETYPE))
	if (!(buf = malloc (HOWMANY + SLOP))) {
		return NULL;

	if (file_reset (ms) == -1) {
		goto done;

	switch (file_fsmagic (ms, inname, &sb)) {
	case -1: goto done;		/* error */
	case 0:	break;			/* nothing found */
	default: rv = 0; goto done;	/* matched it and printed type */

	if (!inname) {
		if (fstat (fd, &sb) == 0 && S_ISFIFO (sb.st_mode)) {
			ispipe = 1;
	} else {
		int flags = O_RDONLY|O_BINARY;

		if (stat (inname, &sb) == 0 && S_ISFIFO (sb.st_mode)) {
			flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
			ispipe = 1;
		errno = 0;
		if ((fd = open (inname, flags)) < 0) {
			eprintf ("couldn't open file\n");
			if (info_from_stat (ms, sb.st_mode) == -1) {
				goto done;
			rv = 0;
			goto done;
		if ((flags = fcntl (fd, F_GETFL)) != -1) {
			flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
			(void)fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, flags);

	 * try looking at the first HOWMANY bytes
	if (ispipe) {
		ssize_t r = 0;

		//while ((r = sread(fd, (void *)&buf[nbytes],
		while ((r = read(fd, (void *)&buf[nbytes],
		    (size_t)(HOWMANY - nbytes))) > 0) {
			nbytes += r;
			if (r < PIPE_BUF) {

		if (nbytes == 0) {
			/* We can not read it, but we were able to stat it. */
			if (info_from_stat (ms, sb.st_mode) == -1) {
				goto done;
			rv = 0;
			goto done;
	} else {
		if ((nbytes = read(fd, (char *)buf, HOWMANY)) == -1) {
			file_error(ms, errno, "cannot read `%s'", inname);
			goto done;

	(void)memset (buf + nbytes, 0, SLOP); /* NUL terminate */
	if (file_buffer (ms, fd, inname, buf, (size_t)nbytes) == -1) {
		goto done;
	rv = 0;
	free (buf);
	close_and_restore (ms, inname, fd, &sb);
	return rv == 0 ? file_getbuffer(ms) : NULL;
/* read (extract) 'zipfile' in current directory */
int zread(const char *zipfile, unsigned long long maxsize)
	struct filedesc *fdesc;
	int err, fd;
	size_t len;
	struct zip *zip;
	zip_int64_t z64;
	zip_uint64_t uz64;
	unsigned int count, index;
	struct zip_file *zfile;
	struct zip_stat zstat;
	char buffer[32768];
	ssize_t sizr, sizw;
	size_t esize;

	/* open the zip file */
	zip = zip_open(zipfile, ZIP_CHECKCONS, &err);
	if (!zip) {
		ERROR("Can't connect to file %s", zipfile);
		return -1;

	z64 = zip_get_num_entries(zip, 0);
	if (z64 < 0 || z64 > UINT_MAX) {
		ERROR("too many entries in %s", zipfile);
		goto error;
	count = (unsigned int)z64;

	/* records the files */
	esize = 0;
	for (index = 0 ; index < count ; index++) {
		err = zip_stat_index(zip, index, ZIP_FL_ENC_GUESS, &zstat);
		/* check the file name */
		if (!is_valid_filename(zstat.name)) {
			ERROR("invalid entry %s found in %s", zstat.name, zipfile);
			goto error;
		if (zstat.name[0] == '/') {
			ERROR("absolute entry %s found in %s", zstat.name, zipfile);
			goto error;
		len = strlen(zstat.name);
		if (len == 0) {
			ERROR("empty entry found in %s", zipfile);
			goto error;
		if (zstat.name[len - 1] == '/')
			/* record */
			fdesc = file_add_directory(zstat.name);
		else {
			/* get the size */
			esize += zstat.size;
			/* record */
			fdesc = file_add_file(zstat.name);
		if (!fdesc)
			goto error;
		fdesc->zindex = index;

	/* check the size */
	if (maxsize && esize > maxsize) {
		ERROR("extracted size %zu greater than allowed size %llu", esize, maxsize);
		goto error;

	/* unpack the recorded files */
	assert(count == file_count());
	for (index = 0 ; index < count ; index++) {
		fdesc = file_of_index(index);
		assert(fdesc != NULL);
		err = zip_stat_index(zip, fdesc->zindex, ZIP_FL_ENC_GUESS, &zstat);
		assert(zstat.name[0] != '/');
		len = strlen(zstat.name);
		assert(len > 0);
		if (zstat.name[len - 1] == '/') {
			/* directory name */
			err = create_directory((char*)zstat.name, MODE_OF_DIRECTORY_CREATION);
			if (err && errno != EEXIST)
				goto error;
		} else {
			/* file name */
			zfile = zip_fopen_index(zip, fdesc->zindex, 0);
			if (!zfile) {
				ERROR("Can't open %s in %s", zstat.name, zipfile);
				goto error;
			fd = create_file((char*)zstat.name, MODE_OF_FILE_CREATION, MODE_OF_DIRECTORY_CREATION);
			if (fd < 0)
				goto errorz;
			/* extract */
			uz64 = zstat.size;
			while (uz64) {
				sizr = zip_fread(zfile, buffer, sizeof buffer);
				if (sizr < 0) {
					ERROR("error while reading %s in %s", zstat.name, zipfile);
					goto errorzf;
				sizw = write(fd, buffer, (size_t)sizr);
				if (sizw < 0) {
					ERROR("error while writing %s", zstat.name);
					goto errorzf;
				uz64 -= (size_t)sizw;

	return 0;

	return -1;