Exemple #1
/* Throws out all entries marked as unused, by walking through the
 * filedb and moving all good ones towards the top.
static void filedb_cleanup(FILE *fdb)
    long oldpos, newpos, temppos;
    filedb_entry *fdbe = NULL;

    filedb_readtop(fdb, NULL);    /* Skip DB header  */
    newpos = temppos = oldpos = ftell(fdb);
    fseek(fdb, oldpos, SEEK_SET); /* Go to beginning */
    while (!feof(fdb)) {          /* Loop until EOF  */
        fdbe = filedb_getfile(fdb, oldpos, GET_HEADER);     /* Read header     */
        if (fdbe) {
            if (fdbe->stat & FILE_UNUSED) {   /* Found dirt!     */
                while (!feof(fdb)) {    /* Loop until EOF  */
                    newpos = ftell(fdb);
                    fdbe = filedb_getfile(fdb, newpos, GET_FULL); /* Read next entry */
                    if (!fdbe)
                    if (!(fdbe->stat & FILE_UNUSED)) {    /* Not unused?     */
                        temppos = ftell(fdb);
                        filedb_movefile(fdb, oldpos, fdbe); /* Move to top     */
                        oldpos = ftell(fdb);
                        fseek(fdb, temppos, SEEK_SET);
            } else {
                oldpos = ftell(fdb);
    ftruncate(fileno(fdb), oldpos);       /* Shorten file    */
Exemple #2
/* Merges empty entries to one big entry, if they directly
 * follow each other. Does this for the complete DB.
 * This considerably speeds up several actions performed on
 * the db.
static void filedb_mergeempty(FILE *fdb)
  filedb_entry *fdbe_t, *fdbe_i;
  int modified;

  filedb_readtop(fdb, NULL);
  while (!feof(fdb))
    fdbe_t = filedb_getfile(fdb, ftell(fdb), GET_HEADER);
    if (fdbe_t) {
      if (fdbe_t->stat & FILE_UNUSED) {
	modified = 0;
	fdbe_i = filedb_getfile(fdb, ftell(fdb), GET_HEADER);
	while (fdbe_i) {
	  /* Is this entry in use? */
	  if (!(fdbe_i->stat & FILE_UNUSED))
	    break;	/* It is, exit loop. */

	  /* Woohoo, found an empty entry. Append it's space to
	   * our target entry's buffer space.
	  fdbe_t->buf_len += sizeof(filedb_header) + fdbe_i->buf_len;
	  /* Get next file entry */
	  fdbe_i = filedb_getfile(fdb, ftell(fdb), GET_HEADER);

	/* Did we exit the loop because of a used entry? */
	if (fdbe_i) {
	  /* Did we find any empty entries before? */
	  if (modified)
	    filedb_updatefile(fdb, fdbe_t->pos, fdbe_t, UPDATE_SIZE);
	/* ... or because we hit EOF? */
	} else {
	  /* Truncate trailing empty entries and exit. */
	  ftruncate(fileno(fdb), fdbe_t->pos);
Exemple #3
/* Searches for a suitable place to write an entry which uses tot
 * bytes for dynamic data.
 *  * If there is no such existing entry, it just points to the
 *    end of the DB.
 *  * If it finds an empty entry and it has enough space to fit
 *    in another entry, we split it up and only use the space we
 *    really need.
 * Note: We can assume that empty entries' dyn_lengths are zero.
 *       Therefore we only need to check buf_len.
static filedb_entry *filedb_findempty(FILE *fdb, int tot)
    filedb_entry *fdbe;

    filedb_readtop(fdb, NULL);
    fdbe = filedb_getfile(fdb, ftell(fdb), GET_HEADER);
    while (fdbe) {
        /* Found an existing, empty entry? */
        if ((fdbe->stat & FILE_UNUSED) && (fdbe->buf_len >= tot)) {
            /* Do we have enough space to split up the entry to form
             * another empty entry? That way we would use the space
             * more efficiently.
            if (fdbe->buf_len > (tot + sizeof(filedb_header) + FILEDB_ESTDYN)) {
                filedb_entry *fdbe_oe;

                /* Create new entry containing the additional space */
                fdbe_oe = malloc_fdbe();
                fdbe_oe->stat = FILE_UNUSED;
                fdbe_oe->pos = fdbe->pos + sizeof(filedb_header) + tot;
                fdbe_oe->buf_len = fdbe->buf_len - tot - sizeof(filedb_header);
                filedb_movefile(fdb, fdbe_oe->pos, fdbe_oe);

                /* Cut down buf_len of entry as the rest is now used in the new
                 * entry.
                fdbe->buf_len = tot;
            return fdbe;
        fdbe = filedb_getfile(fdb, ftell(fdb), GET_HEADER);

    /* No existing entries, so create new entry at end of DB instead. */
    fdbe = malloc_fdbe();
    fseek(fdb, 0L, SEEK_END);
    fdbe->pos = ftell(fdb);
    return fdbe;
Exemple #4
static void filedb_getdirs(Tcl_Interp *irp, char *dir)
    FILE *fdb;
    filedb_entry *fdbe;

    fdb = filedb_open(dir, 0);
    if (!fdb)
    filedb_readtop(fdb, NULL);
    while (!feof(fdb)) {
        fdbe = filedb_getfile(fdb, ftell(fdb), GET_FILENAME);
        if (fdbe) {
            if ((!(fdbe->stat & FILE_UNUSED)) && (fdbe->stat & FILE_DIR))
                Tcl_AppendElement(irp, fdbe->filename);
Exemple #5
/* Searches the filedb for a file matching the specified mask, starting
 * at position 'pos'. The first matching file is returned.
static filedb_entry *_filedb_matchfile(FILE *fdb, long pos, char *match,
                                       char *file, int line)
    filedb_entry *fdbe = NULL;

    fseek(fdb, pos, SEEK_SET);
    while (!feof(fdb)) {
        pos = ftell(fdb);
        fdbe = filedb_getfile(fdb, pos, GET_FILENAME);
        if (fdbe) {
            if (!(fdbe->stat & FILE_UNUSED) &&        /* Not unused?         */
                    wild_match_file(match, fdbe->filename)) {     /* Matches our mask?   */
                fdbe = _filedb_getfile(fdb, pos, GET_FULL, file, line); /* Save all data now   */
                return fdbe;
    return NULL;
Exemple #6
/* Outputs a sorted list of files/directories matching the mask,
 * to idx.
static void filedb_ls(FILE *fdb, int idx, char *mask, int showall)
    int ok = 0, cnt = 0, is = 0;
    char s1[81], *p = NULL;
    struct flag_record user = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    filedb_entry *fdbe = NULL;
    filelist_t *flist = NULL;

    flist = filelist_new();
    filedb_readtop(fdb, NULL);
    fdbe = filedb_getfile(fdb, ftell(fdb), GET_FULL);
    while (fdbe) {
        ok = 1;
        if (fdbe->stat & FILE_UNUSED)
            ok = 0;
        if (ok && (fdbe->stat & FILE_DIR) && fdbe->flags_req) {
            /* Check permissions */
            struct flag_record req = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

            break_down_flags(fdbe->flags_req, &req, NULL);
            get_user_flagrec(dcc[idx].user, &user, dcc[idx].u.file->chat->con_chan);
            if (!flagrec_ok(&req, &user)) {
                ok = 0;
        if (ok)
            is = 1;
        if (ok && !wild_match_file(mask, fdbe->filename))
            ok = 0;
        if (ok && (fdbe->stat & FILE_HIDDEN) && !(showall))
            ok = 0;
        if (ok) {
            /* Display it! */
            if (cnt == 0) {
                dprintf(idx, FILES_LSHEAD1);
                dprintf(idx, FILES_LSHEAD2);
            filelist_add(flist, fdbe->filename);
            if (fdbe->stat & FILE_DIR) {
                char *s2 = NULL, *s3 = NULL;

                /* Too long? */
                if (strlen(fdbe->filename) > 45) {
                    /* Display the filename on its own line. */
                    s2 = nmalloc(strlen(fdbe->filename) + 3);
                    sprintf(s2, "%s/\n", fdbe->filename);
                    filelist_addout(flist, s2);
                } else {
                    s2 = nmalloc(strlen(fdbe->filename) + 2);
                    sprintf(s2, "%s/", fdbe->filename);
                /* Note: You have to keep the sprintf and the nmalloc statements
                 *       in sync, i.e. always check that you allocate enough
                 *       memory.
                if ((fdbe->flags_req) && (user.global &(USER_MASTER | USER_JANITOR))) {
                    s3 = nmalloc(42 + strlen(s2 ? s2 : "") + 6 +
                                 strlen(FILES_REQUIRES) + strlen(fdbe->flags_req) + 1 +
                                 strlen(fdbe->chan ? fdbe->chan : "") + 1);
                    sprintf(s3, "%-30s <DIR%s>  (%s %s%s%s)\n", s2,
                            fdbe->stat & FILE_SHARE ?
                            " SHARE" : "", FILES_REQUIRES, fdbe->flags_req,
                            fdbe->chan ? " " : "", fdbe->chan ? fdbe->chan : "");
                } else {
                    s3 = nmalloc(38 + strlen(s2 ? s2 : ""));
                    sprintf(s3, "%-30s <DIR>\n", s2 ? s2 : "");
                if (s2)
                filelist_addout(flist, s3);
            } else {
                char s2[41], t[50], *s3 = NULL, *s4;

                s2[0] = 0;
                if (showall) {
                    if (fdbe->stat & FILE_SHARE)
                        strcat(s2, " (shr)");
                    if (fdbe->stat & FILE_HIDDEN)
                        strcat(s2, " (hid)");
                egg_strftime(t, 10, "%d%b%Y", localtime(&fdbe->uploaded));
                if (fdbe->size < 1024)
                    sprintf(s1, "%5d", fdbe->size);
                    sprintf(s1, "%4dk", (int) (fdbe->size / 1024));
                if (fdbe->sharelink)
                    strcpy(s1, "     ");
                /* Too long? */
                if (strlen(fdbe->filename) > 30) {
                    s3 = nmalloc(strlen(fdbe->filename) + 2);
                    sprintf(s3, "%s\n", fdbe->filename);
                    filelist_addout(flist, s3);
                    /* Causes filename to be displayed on its own line */
                } else
                    malloc_strcpy(s3, fdbe->filename);
                s4 = nmalloc(69 + strlen(s3 ? s3 : "") + strlen(s1) +
                             strlen(fdbe->uploader) + strlen(t) + strlen(s2));
                sprintf(s4, "%-30s %s  %-9s (%s)  %6d%s\n", s3 ? s3 : "", s1,
                        fdbe->uploader, t, fdbe->gots, s2);
                if (s3)
                filelist_addout(flist, s4);
                if (fdbe->sharelink) {
                    s4 = nmalloc(9 + strlen(fdbe->sharelink));
                    sprintf(s4, "   --> %s\n", fdbe->sharelink);
                    filelist_addout(flist, s4);
            if (fdbe->desc) {
                p = strchr(fdbe->desc, '\n');
                while (p != NULL) {
                    *p = 0;
                    if ((fdbe->desc)[0]) {
                        char *sd;

                        sd = nmalloc(strlen(fdbe->desc) + 5);
                        sprintf(sd, "   %s\n", fdbe->desc);
                        filelist_addout(flist, sd);
                    strcpy(fdbe->desc, p + 1);
                    p = strchr(fdbe->desc, '\n');
                if ((fdbe->desc)[0]) {
                    char *sd;

                    sd = nmalloc(strlen(fdbe->desc) + 5);
                    sprintf(sd, "   %s\n", fdbe->desc);
                    filelist_addout(flist, sd);
        fdbe = filedb_getfile(fdb, ftell(fdb), GET_FULL);
    if (is == 0)
        dprintf(idx, FILES_NOFILES);
    else if (cnt == 0)
        dprintf(idx, FILES_NOMATCH);
    else {
        filelist_idxshow(flist, idx);
        dprintf(idx, "--- %d file%s.\n", cnt, cnt != 1 ? "s" : "");
Exemple #7
/* Updates the specified filedb in several ways:
 * 1. Adds all new files from the directory to the db.
 * 2. Removes all stale entries from the db.
 * 3. Optimises the db.
static void filedb_update(char *path, FILE *fdb, int sort)
    struct dirent *dd = NULL;
    struct stat st;
    filedb_entry *fdbe = NULL;
    DIR *dir = NULL;
    long where = 0;
    char *name = NULL, *s = NULL;

     * FIRST: make sure every real file is in the database
    dir = opendir(path);
    if (dir == NULL) {
        putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", FILES_NOUPDATE);
    dd = readdir(dir);
    while (dd != NULL) {
        malloc_strcpy(name, dd->d_name);
        if (name[0] != '.') {
            s = nmalloc(strlen(path) + strlen(name) + 2);
            sprintf(s, "%s/%s", path, name);
            stat(s, &st);
            filedb_readtop(fdb, NULL);
            fdbe = filedb_matchfile(fdb, ftell(fdb), name);
            if (!fdbe) {
                /* new file! */
                fdbe = malloc_fdbe();
                malloc_strcpy(fdbe->filename, name);
                malloc_strcpy(fdbe->uploader, botnetnick);
                fdbe->uploaded = now;
                fdbe->size = st.st_size;
                if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
                    fdbe->stat |= FILE_DIR;
                filedb_addfile(fdb, fdbe);
            } else if (fdbe->size != st.st_size) {
                /* update size if needed */
                fdbe->size = st.st_size;
                filedb_updatefile(fdb, fdbe->pos, fdbe, UPDATE_HEADER);
        dd = readdir(dir);
    if (name)

     * SECOND: make sure every db file is real
    filedb_readtop(fdb, NULL);
    fdbe = filedb_getfile(fdb, ftell(fdb), GET_FILENAME);
    while (fdbe) {
        where = ftell(fdb);
        if (!(fdbe->stat & FILE_UNUSED) && !(fdbe->stat & FILE_ISLINK) &&
                fdbe->filename) {
            s = nmalloc(strlen(path) + 1 + strlen(fdbe->filename) + 1);
            sprintf(s, "%s/%s", path, fdbe->filename);
            if (stat(s, &st) != 0)
                /* gone file */
                filedb_delfile(fdb, fdbe->pos);
        fdbe = filedb_getfile(fdb, where, GET_FILENAME);

     * THIRD: optimise database
     * Instead of sorting, we only clean up the db, because sorting is now
     * done on-the-fly when we display the file list.
    if (sort)
        filedb_cleanup(fdb);        /* Cleanup DB           */
    filedb_timestamp(fdb);        /* Write new timestamp  */