static int mp4_extractAvcVid(const MP4_CONTAINER_T *pMp4, const char *path, float fStart, float fDuration) { FILE_STREAM_T fStreamOut; MP4_TRAK_AVCC_T mp4BoxSet; AVCC_CBDATA_WRITE_SAMPLE_T avcDescr; uint64_t startHz = 0; uint64_t durationHz = 0; uint32_t sampledelta = 0; int rc = 0; if(!pMp4|| !pMp4->pStream || pMp4->pStream == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { return -1; } LOG(X_DEBUG("Extracting h.264 video from %s"), pMp4->pStream->cbGetName(pMp4->pStream)); if(mp4_initAvcCTrack(pMp4, &mp4BoxSet) < 0) { return -1; } durationHz = (uint64_t) (fDuration *>timescale); startHz = (uint64_t) (fStart *>timescale); if((fStreamOut.fp = fileops_Open(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { LOG(X_CRITICAL("Unable to open file for writing: %s"), path); return -1; } fStreamOut.offset = 0; if((sampledelta = mp4_getSttsSampleDelta(&>list)) == 0) { LOG(X_WARNING("Unable to get video sample timing from stts w/ %d entries"),>list.entrycnt); } rc = avcc_writeSPSPPS(&fStreamOut, &mp4BoxSet.pAvcC->avcc, sampledelta,>timescale); if(rc >= 0) { avcDescr.lenNalSzField = mp4BoxSet.pAvcC->avcc.lenminusone + 1; avcDescr.pStreamOut = &fStreamOut; if(avcDescr.lenNalSzField <= 0 || avcDescr.lenNalSzField > 4) { LOG(X_ERROR("Invalid avcC start frame length field: %u"), avcDescr.lenNalSzField); fileops_Close(fStreamOut.fp); return -1; } rc = mp4_readSamplesFromTrack(&, pMp4->pStream, avcc_cbWriteSample_mp4wrap, &avcDescr, startHz, durationHz); } fileops_Close(fStreamOut.fp); return rc; }
static int extractGenericTrak(const MP4_CONTAINER_T *pMp4, const MP4_TRAK_T *pMp4BoxSet, const char *path, float fStart, float fDuration) { FILE_STREAM_T fStreamOut; CBDATA_WRITE_GENERIC_SAMPLE_T genericDescr; uint64_t startHz = 0; uint64_t durationHz = 0; int rc = 0; durationHz = (uint64_t) (fDuration * pMp4BoxSet->pMdhd->timescale); startHz = (uint64_t) (fStart * pMp4BoxSet->pMdhd->timescale); if((fStreamOut.fp = fileops_Open(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { LOG(X_CRITICAL("Unable to open file for writing: %s"), path); return -1; } fStreamOut.offset = 0; LOG(X_DEBUG("Extracting raw media from %s"), pMp4->pStream->cbGetName(pMp4->pStream)); genericDescr.pStreamOut = &fStreamOut; rc = mp4_readSamplesFromTrack(pMp4BoxSet, pMp4->pStream, writeGenericSample_mp4wrap, &genericDescr, startHz, durationHz); fileops_Close(fStreamOut.fp); return rc; }
static int mp4_extractAacAud(const MP4_CONTAINER_T *pMp4, const char *path, float fStart, float fDuration) { FILE_STREAM_T fStreamOut; MP4_TRAK_MP4A_T mp4BoxSet; ESDS_CBDATA_WRITE_SAMPLE_T esdsDescr; unsigned char buf[4096]; uint64_t startHz = 0; uint64_t durationHz = 0; int rc = 0; if(!pMp4|| !pMp4->pStream || pMp4->pStream == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { return -1; } LOG(X_DEBUG("Extracting aac audio from %s"), pMp4->pStream->cbGetName(pMp4->pStream)); = buf; = sizeof(buf); = 0; if(mp4_initMp4aTrack(pMp4, &mp4BoxSet) < 0) { return -1; } if(mp4BoxSet.pEsds->config.objtypeid != ESDS_OBJTYPE_MP4A) { LOG(X_ERROR("Unsupported mp4a esds object type descriptor: %u"), mp4BoxSet.pEsds->config.objtypeid); return -1; } else if(esds_decodeDecoderSp(mp4BoxSet.pEsds->specific.startcodes, (mp4BoxSet.pEsds->specific.type.length > sizeof(mp4BoxSet.pEsds->specific.startcodes) ? sizeof(mp4BoxSet.pEsds->specific.startcodes) : mp4BoxSet.pEsds->specific.type.length), &esdsDescr.decoderCfg) != 0) { LOG(X_ERROR("Failed to decode mp4a esds decoder specific data for type descriptor: %u"), mp4BoxSet.pEsds->config.type.descriptor); return -1; } durationHz = (uint64_t) (fDuration *>timescale); startHz = (uint64_t) (fStart *>timescale); if((fStreamOut.fp = fileops_Open(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { LOG(X_CRITICAL("Unable to open file for writing: %s"), path); return -1; } fStreamOut.offset = 0; esdsDescr.pStreamOut = &fStreamOut; rc = mp4_readSamplesFromTrack(&, pMp4->pStream, esds_cbWriteSample_mp4wrap, &esdsDescr, startHz, durationHz); fileops_Close(fStreamOut.fp); return rc; }
SRV_CONF_T *conf_parse(const char *path) { FILE_HANDLE fp; SRV_CONF_T *pConf = NULL; KEYVAL_PAIR_T kv; KEYVAL_PAIR_T *pKv = NULL; KEYVAL_PAIR_T *pKvPrev = NULL; char buf[1024]; unsigned int numEntries = 0; if(!path) { return NULL; } if((fp = fileops_Open(path, O_RDONLY)) == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { LOG(X_CRITICAL("Unable to open file for reading: %s"), path); return NULL; } pConf = (SRV_CONF_T *) avc_calloc(1, sizeof(SRV_CONF_T)); while(fileops_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, fp)) { if(conf_parse_keyval(&kv, buf, strlen(buf), '=', 0) > 0) { if((pKv = (KEYVAL_PAIR_T *) avc_calloc(1, sizeof(KEYVAL_PAIR_T))) == NULL) { LOG(X_CRITICAL("Failed to allocate %d"), sizeof(KEYVAL_PAIR_T)); break; } memcpy(pKv->key, kv.key, sizeof(pKv->key)); memcpy(pKv->val, kv.val, sizeof(pKv->val)); if(pKvPrev == NULL) { pConf->pKeyvals = pKv; } else { pKvPrev->pnext = pKv; } pKvPrev = pKv; numEntries++; } } fileops_Close(fp); return pConf; }
static int mp4_extractMp4Vid(const MP4_CONTAINER_T *pMp4, const char *path, float fStart, float fDuration) { FILE_STREAM_T fStreamOut; MP4_TRAK_MP4V_T mp4BoxSet; MPG4V_CBDATA_WRITE_SAMPLE_T mpg4vDescr; uint64_t startHz = 0; uint64_t durationHz = 0; uint32_t sampledelta = 0; int rc = 0; if(!pMp4|| !pMp4->pStream || pMp4->pStream == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { return -1; } LOG(X_DEBUG("Extracting mpeg-4 video from %s"), pMp4->pStream->cbGetName(pMp4->pStream)); if(mp4_initMp4vTrack(pMp4, &mp4BoxSet) < 0) { return -1; } durationHz = (uint64_t) (fDuration *>timescale); startHz = (uint64_t) (fStart *>timescale); if((fStreamOut.fp = fileops_Open(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { LOG(X_CRITICAL("Unable to open file for writing: %s"), path); return -1; } fStreamOut.offset = 0; if((sampledelta = mp4_getSttsSampleDelta(&>list)) == 0) { LOG(X_WARNING("Unable to get video sample timing from stts w/ %d entries"),>list.entrycnt); } rc = mpg4v_writeStart(&fStreamOut, mp4BoxSet.pEsds->specific.startcodes, mp4BoxSet.pEsds->specific.type.length); if(rc >= 0) { mpg4vDescr.pStreamOut = &fStreamOut; rc = mp4_readSamplesFromTrack(&, pMp4->pStream, mpg4v_cbWriteSample_mp4wrap, &mpg4vDescr, startHz, durationHz); } fileops_Close(fStreamOut.fp); return rc; }
static int create_and_write_mpd(MPD_CREATE_CTXT_T *pCtxt, const MPD_ADAPTATION_T *pAdaptationList, DASH_MPD_TYPE_T mpdType, int outidx, int idxmax, unsigned int mediaSequenceIndex, int mediaSequenceMin) { int rc = 0; int idxbuf = 0; FILE_HANDLE fp; char buf[4096]; char mpdpath[VSX_MAX_PATH_LEN]; // // Create the .mpd xml file contents // if((idxbuf = mpd_doc_create(mpdType, pAdaptationList, pCtxt, outidx, mediaSequenceIndex, buf, sizeof(buf))) <= 0) { return -1; } // // Write the .mpd xml file to disk // if((rc = write_mpd_path(pCtxt, outidx, mpdType, mpdpath, sizeof(mpdpath))) < 0) { return rc; } if((fp = fileops_Open(mpdpath, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { LOG(X_ERROR("Failed to open DASH mpd '%s' for writing"), mpdpath); return -1; } if((rc = fileops_WriteBinary(fp, (unsigned char *) buf, idxbuf)) < 0) { LOG(X_ERROR("Failed to write %d to DASH mpd '%s'"), idxbuf, mpdpath); } fileops_Close(fp); if(rc >= 0) { LOG(X_DEBUG("Updated DASH playlist '%s' (%d - %d)"), mpdpath, mediaSequenceMin, idxmax); } else { LOG(X_ERROR("Failed to update DASH playlist '%s' (%d - %d)"), mpdpath, mediaSequenceMin, idxmax); } return rc; }
static int cpu_snapshot(CPU_SNAPSHOT_T *pS) { int rc = -1; #if defined(__linux__) FILE_HANDLE fp; char buf[1024]; const char *path = "/proc/stat"; const char *p; int have_cpu = 0; if(!pS) { return -1; } memset(pS, 0, sizeof(CPU_SNAPSHOT_T)); if((fp = fileops_Open(path, O_RDONLY)) == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { LOG(X_ERROR("Unable to open %s for reading. "ERRNO_FMT_STR), path, ERRNO_FMT_ARGS); return -1; } while(fileops_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf) -1, fp)) { if(!have_cpu && !strncmp(buf, "cpu ", 4)) { p = &buf[4]; MOVE_WHILE_SPACE(p); sscanf(p, "%Lf %Lf %Lf %Lf", &pS->tmuser, &pS->tmnice, &pS->tmsys, &pS->tmidle); pS->tmtot = pS->tmuser + pS->tmnice + pS->tmsys + pS->tmidle; have_cpu = 1; } else if(!strncmp(buf, "cpu", 3)) { pS->numcpu++; } } fileops_Close(fp); if(have_cpu > 0) { rc = 0; } #else // (__linux__) LOG(X_ERROR("CPU snapshot not implemented on this architecure")); #endif // (__linux__) return rc; }
int streamer_run_tofile(STREAM_XMIT_NODE_T *pStreamIn, STREAM_XMIT_NODE_T *pStreamOut, const char *path) { FILE_STREAM_T fileOut; if(pStreamIn->pNext) { LOG(X_ERROR("Cannot not stream multiple streams to one file")); return -1; } memset(&fileOut, 0, sizeof(fileOut)); if(pStreamOut->poverwritefile && ! *pStreamOut->poverwritefile) { if((fileOut.fp = fileops_Open(path, O_RDONLY)) != FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { fileops_Close(fileOut.fp); LOG(X_ERROR("File %s already exists. Will not overwrite."), path); return -1; } } if((fileOut.fp = fileops_Open(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { LOG(X_ERROR("Unable to open file for writing: %s"), path); return -1; } LOG(X_DEBUG("Writing to local file: %s"), path); // TODO: disable loop setting pStreamOut->pXmitCbs->pCbRecordData = &fileOut; while(*pStreamIn->prunning == STREAMER_STATE_RUNNING && !g_proc_exit) { if(pStreamIn->cbCanSend(pStreamIn->pCbData) < 0) { // TODO: check error condition vs eof //fprintf(stderr, "no more pkts...\n"); break; } if(pStreamIn->cbPreparePkt(pStreamIn->pCbData) < 0) { // TODO: check error condition vs eof //fprintf(stderr, "no more pkts...\n"); break; } } return 0; }
int metafile_open(const char *path, META_FILE_T *pMetaFile, int readIgnores, int readTitles) { int rc = 0; FILE_HANDLE fp; char *p; int match = 0; PARSE_ENTRY_DATA_T parseData; ENTRY_IGNORE_T *pIgnore; ENTRY_IGNORE_T *pIgnorePrev = NULL; ENTRY_META_DESCRIPTION_T *pDesc; ENTRY_META_DESCRIPTION_T *pDescPrev = NULL; char buf[1024]; if(!path || !pMetaFile) { return -1; } if((fp = fileops_Open(path, O_RDONLY)) == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { LOG(X_ERROR("Unable to open metafile for reading: %s (ignore list:%d)"), path, readIgnores); return -1; } VSX_DEBUG_METAFILE( LOG(X_DEBUG("META - metafile_open: '%s', readIgnores: %d, readTitles: %d"), path, readIgnores, readTitles)); pMetaFile->filestr[0] = '\0'; pMetaFile->linkstr[0] = '\0'; pMetaFile->instr[0] = '\0'; pMetaFile->xcodestr[0] = '\0'; pMetaFile->userpass[0] = '\0'; pMetaFile->methodBits = 0; memset(&parseData, 0, sizeof(parseData)); parseData.path = path; while(fileops_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, fp)) { parseData.linenum++; p = buf; while(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') { p++; } if(*p == '#' || *p == '\r' || *p == '\n') { continue; } // // Reset the parse context storage // reset_parsedata_ctxt(&parseData); // // We allow multiple configuration items on one line, separated by comma // rc = strutil_parse_csv(cbparse_entry_metafile, &parseData, p); if(parseData.flags == 0) { continue; } if(!(readIgnores || readTitles)) { handle_parsed_line(&parseData, pMetaFile, path, &match); } // // We're only interested in reading the ignore list // if(readIgnores && parseData.ignore[0] != '\0') { if(!(pIgnore = (ENTRY_IGNORE_T *) avc_calloc(1, sizeof(ENTRY_IGNORE_T)))) { rc = -1; break; } strncpy(pIgnore->filename, parseData.ignore, sizeof(pIgnore->filename)); if(pIgnorePrev) { pIgnorePrev->pnext = pIgnore; } else { pMetaFile->pignoreList = pIgnore; } pIgnorePrev = pIgnore; } // // We're only interested in reading the resource title name // if(readTitles && parseData.title[0] != '\0' && parseData.filename[0] != '\0') { if(!(pDesc = (ENTRY_META_DESCRIPTION_T *) avc_calloc(1, sizeof(ENTRY_META_DESCRIPTION_T)))) { rc = -1; break; } strncpy(pDesc->title, parseData.title, sizeof(pDesc->title)); strncpy(pDesc->filename, parseData.filename, sizeof(pDesc->filename)); if(pDescPrev) { pDescPrev->pnext = pDesc; } else { pMetaFile->pDescriptionList = pDesc; } pDescPrev = pDesc; } } fileops_Close(fp); VSX_DEBUG_METAFILE( LOG(X_DEBUG("META - metafile_open done '%s', meta-devicefilter:'%s', meta-profilefilter: '%s' returning rc: %d, " "file: '%s', link: '%s', input: '%s', xcode: '%s', digestauth: '%s', methods: '%s', id: '%s'" ), path, pMetaFile->devicefilterstr, pMetaFile->profilefilterstr, rc, pMetaFile->filestr, pMetaFile->linkstr, pMetaFile->instr, pMetaFile->xcodestr, pMetaFile->userpass, devtype_dump_methods(pMetaFile->methodBits, buf, sizeof(buf)), pMetaFile->id)); return rc; }
int metafile_findprofs(const char *path, const char *devname, char profs[][META_FILE_PROFILESTR_MAX], unsigned int max) { int rc = 0; FILE_HANDLE fp; char *p; unsigned int idx = 0; PARSE_ENTRY_DATA_T parseData; char buf[2048]; PROFILE_LIST_ALL_T foundProfs; if(!path || !profs) { return -1; } if((fp = fileops_Open(path, O_RDONLY)) == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { LOG(X_ERROR("Unable to open metafile for reading profiles: %s"), path); return -1; } VSX_DEBUG_METAFILE( LOG(X_DEBUG("META - metafile_findprofs: '%s', devname: '%s'"), path, devname)); memset(&foundProfs, 0, sizeof(foundProfs)); memset(&parseData, 0, sizeof(parseData)); parseData.path = path; while(fileops_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, fp)) { parseData.linenum++; p = buf; while(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') { p++; } if(*p == '#') { continue; } // // Reset the parse context storage // reset_parsedata_ctxt(&parseData); strutil_parse_csv(cbparse_entry_metafile, &parseData, p); if(parseData.flags == 0) { continue; } check_profs(&parseData, devname, &foundProfs, path); } fileops_Close(fp); rc = 0; for(idx = 0; idx < foundProfs.profs_devmatch.count && idx < max; idx++) { if(!find_prof(foundProfs.profs_devmatch.profiles[idx], profs, rc)) { strncpy(profs[rc], foundProfs.profs_devmatch.profiles[idx], META_FILE_PROFILESTR_MAX); //fprintf(stderr, "ADDING DEVMATCH[%d] '%s'\n", rc, profs[rc]); rc++; } } if(foundProfs.profs_devmatch.count == 0 || !foundProfs.profs_devmatch.haveCatchAll) { for(idx = 0; idx < foundProfs.profs_nodevmatch.count && idx < max; idx++) { if(!find_prof(foundProfs.profs_nodevmatch.profiles[idx], profs, rc)) { strncpy(profs[rc], foundProfs.profs_nodevmatch.profiles[idx], META_FILE_PROFILESTR_MAX); //fprintf(stderr, "ADDING NODEVMATCH[%d] '%s'\n", rc, profs[rc]); rc++; } } } return rc; }
int mp4_extractRaw(const MP4_CONTAINER_T *pMp4, const char *outPrfx, float fStart, float fDuration, int overwrite, int extractVid, int extractAud) { BOX_HDLR_T *pBoxHdlr; BOX_T *pBoxTrak; BOX_T *pBox; MP4_TRAK_T mp4Trak; char *outPath = NULL; size_t szPath; FILE_HANDLE fp; int rc = 0; if(!pMp4|| !pMp4->pStream || !pMp4->pStream->cbCheckFd(pMp4->pStream) || !outPrfx) { return -1; } else if(!extractVid && !extractAud) { return -1; } if(!(pBoxTrak = mp4_findBoxInTree(pMp4->proot, *((uint32_t *) "moov"))) || !(pBoxTrak = pBoxTrak->child)) { LOG(X_ERROR("No tracks found in mp4")); return -1; } while(pBoxTrak) { if(pBoxTrak->type != *((uint32_t *) "trak") || !(pBoxHdlr = (BOX_HDLR_T *) mp4_findBoxInTree(pBoxTrak, *((uint32_t *) "hdlr")))) { pBoxTrak = pBoxTrak->pnext; continue; } memset(&mp4Trak, 0, sizeof(MP4_TRAK_T)); mp4Trak.pTrak = pBoxTrak; pBox = fillTrack(&mp4Trak, 0); if(!pBox) { pBoxTrak = pBoxTrak->pnext; continue; } szPath = strlen(outPrfx); outPath = (char *) avc_calloc(1, szPath + 8); memcpy(outPath, outPrfx, szPath); rc = 0; if(pBoxHdlr->handlertype == *((uint32_t *) "soun") || pBoxHdlr->handlertype == *((uint32_t *) "sdsm")) { if(extractAud) { if(mp4_findBoxInTree(pBoxTrak, *((uint32_t *) "mp4a"))) { strncpy(&outPath[szPath], ".aac", 7); } else { LOG(X_WARNING("Unknown audio track %c%c%c%c written as raw output"), ((unsigned char *)&pBox->type)[0], ((unsigned char *)&pBox->type)[1], ((unsigned char *)&pBox->type)[2], ((unsigned char *)&pBox->type)[3]); strncpy(&outPath[szPath], ".araw", 7); } } else { pBox = NULL; } } else if(pBoxHdlr->handlertype == *((uint32_t *) "vide")) { if(extractVid) { if(mp4_findBoxInTree(pBoxTrak, *((uint32_t *) "avc1"))) { strncpy(&outPath[szPath], ".h264", 7); } else if(mp4_findBoxInTree(pBoxTrak, *((uint32_t *) "mp4v"))) { strncpy(&outPath[szPath], ".mpg4", 7); } else { LOG(X_WARNING("Unknown video track %c%c%c%c written as raw output"), ((unsigned char *)&pBox->type)[0], ((unsigned char *)&pBox->type)[1], ((unsigned char *)&pBox->type)[2], ((unsigned char *)&pBox->type)[3]); strncpy(&outPath[szPath], ".vraw", 7); } } else { pBox = NULL; } } else { pBox = NULL; } if(pBox) { if(!overwrite && (fp = fileops_Open(outPath, O_RDONLY)) != FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { fileops_Close(fp); LOG(X_ERROR("File %s already exists. Will not overwrite."), outPath); free(outPath); pBoxTrak = pBoxTrak->pnext; continue; } if(pBox->type == *((uint32_t *) "avc1")) { rc = mp4_extractAvcVid(pMp4, outPath, fStart, fDuration); } else if(pBox->type == *((uint32_t *) "mp4v")) { rc = mp4_extractMp4Vid(pMp4, outPath, fStart, fDuration); } else if(pBox->type == *((uint32_t *) "mp4a")) { rc = mp4_extractAacAud(pMp4, outPath, fStart, fDuration); } else { rc = extractGenericTrak(pMp4, &mp4Trak, outPath, fStart, fDuration); } if(rc == 0) { LOG(X_INFO("Created %s"), outPath); } free(outPath); } pBoxTrak = pBoxTrak->pnext; } return rc; }
static int mem_snapshot(MEM_SNAPSHOT_T *pM, TIME_VAL tmnow) { int rc = -1; #if defined(__linux__) FILE_HANDLE fp; char buf[1024]; char *p; const char *path = "/proc/meminfo"; int haveCached = 0; int haveBuffers = 0; int haveFree = 0; if(!pM) { return -1; } memset(pM, 0, sizeof(MEM_SNAPSHOT_T)); if((fp = fileops_Open(path, O_RDONLY)) == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { LOG(X_ERROR("Unable to open %s for reading. "ERRNO_FMT_STR), path, ERRNO_FMT_ARGS); return -1; } while(fileops_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf) -1, fp)) { if(!strncasecmp(buf, "MemTotal:", 9)) { p = &buf[9]; MOVE_WHILE_SPACE(p); pM->memTotal = strutil_read_numeric(p, 0, 0, 0); } else if(!strncasecmp(buf, "MemFree:", 8)) { p = &buf[8]; MOVE_WHILE_SPACE(p); pM->memFree = strutil_read_numeric(p, 0, 0, 0); haveFree = 1; } else if(!strncasecmp(buf, "Buffers:", 8)) { p = &buf[8]; MOVE_WHILE_SPACE(p); pM->buffers = strutil_read_numeric(p, 0, 0, 0); haveBuffers = 1; } else if(!strncasecmp(buf, "Cached:", 7)) { p = &buf[7]; MOVE_WHILE_SPACE(p); pM->cached = strutil_read_numeric(p, 0, 0, 0); haveCached = 1; } if(pM->memTotal > 0 && haveFree && haveBuffers && haveCached) { pM->memUsed = pM->memTotal - pM->memFree; pM->tvsnapshot = tmnow; rc = 0; break; } } fileops_Close(fp); #else // (__linux__) LOG(X_ERROR("Memory snapshot not implemented on this architecure")); #endif // (__linux__) return rc; }
int devtype_loadcfg(const char *path) { STREAM_DEVICE_T *pdev = NULL; STREAM_DEVICE_T *pdevprev = NULL; FILE_HANDLE fp; char buf[1024]; const char *p; int linenum = 1; int count = 0; PARSE_ENTRY_DATA_T parseData; if(!path) { return -1; } if(g_devtypes) { devtype_free(g_devtypes); g_devtypes = NULL; } if((fp = fileops_Open(path, O_RDONLY)) == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { LOG(X_ERROR("Unable to open metafile for reading: %s"), path); return -1; } while(fileops_fgets(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, fp)) { p = buf; while(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') { p++; } if(*p == '#') { continue; } memset(&parseData, 0, sizeof(parseData)); if(strutil_parse_csv(cbparse_entry_devtype, &parseData, p) < 0) { LOG(X_ERROR("Failed to parse line %d in file %s"), linenum, path); devtype_free(g_devtypes); break; } else if((parseData.flags & PARSE_FLAG_HAVE_ALL)) { if(!(pdev = create_device(parseData.devname, parseData.strmatch, parseData.strmatch2, parseData.methods, parseData.devtype))) { LOG(X_ERROR("Failed to create device config from line %d"), linenum); devtype_free(g_devtypes); break; } else if(pdevprev) { pdevprev->pnext = pdev; } else { g_devtypes = pdev; } pdevprev = pdev; count++; } else if(strlen(p) > 1) { LOG(X_WARNING("Incomplete line %d in file %s"), linenum, path); } linenum++; } fileops_Close(fp); LOG(X_DEBUG("Read %d device profiles from %s"), count, path); //devtype_dump(g_devtypes); return count; }
static void closeFp(HTTPLIVE_DATA_T *pLive) { fileops_Close(pLive->fs.fp); pLive->fs.fp = FILEOPS_INVALID_FP; }
static int httplive_writepl_multibr(const char *path, const HTTPLIVE_DATA_T *pLiveArg) { FILE_HANDLE fp; int sz = 0; int rc = 0; char buf[4096]; char tmp[32]; int progId = 1; unsigned int bitrate; const char *uriprfxdelimeter = ""; const HTTPLIVE_DATA_T *pLive = pLiveArg; if((rc = snprintf(&buf[sz], sizeof(buf) - sz, "#EXTM3U\r\n")) > 0) { sz += rc; } while(pLive) { if((rc = snprintf(&buf[sz], sizeof(buf) - sz, "#%s:PROGRAM-ID=%d", HTTPLIVE_EXTX_STREAM_INFO, progId)) > 0) { sz += rc; } #define HTTPLIVE_BANDWIDTH(bw) (bw>1000 ? bw/1000*1000 : bw>100 ? bw/100*100 : bw>10 ? bw/10*10 : bw) bitrate = pLive->publishedBitrate ? pLive->publishedBitrate : pLive->autoBitrate; if(bitrate > 0) { if((rc = snprintf(&buf[sz], sizeof(buf) - sz, ", BANDWIDTH=%u", HTTPLIVE_BANDWIDTH(bitrate))) > 0) { sz += rc; } } if((rc = snprintf(&buf[sz], sizeof(buf) - sz, "\r\n")) > 0) { sz += rc; } if((rc = strlen(pLive->uriprefix)) > 0 && pLive->uriprefix[rc - 1] != '/') { uriprfxdelimeter = "/"; } if(pLive->outidx > 0) { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d", pLive->outidx + 1); } else { tmp[0] = '\0'; } if((rc = snprintf(&buf[sz], sizeof(buf) - sz, "%s%s%s%s%s\r\n", (pLive->uriprefix[0] != '\0' ? pLive->uriprefix : ""), uriprfxdelimeter, tmp, //&pLive->fileprefix[pLive->outidx > 0 ? 1 : 0], HTTPLIVE_PL_NAME_EXT)) < 0) { HTTPLIVE_TS_NAME_PRFX, HTTPLIVE_PL_NAME_EXT)) < 0) { break; } else { sz += rc; } pLive = pLive->pnext; } if(rc >= 0) { if((fp = fileops_Open(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { LOG(X_ERROR("Failed to open '%s' for writing"), path); return -1; } if((rc = fileops_WriteBinary(fp, (unsigned char *) buf, sz)) < 0) { LOG(X_ERROR("Failed to write %d to '%s'"), sz, path); } fileops_Close(fp); } if(rc >= 0) { LOG(X_DEBUG("Updated master playlist '%s'"), path); } else { LOG(X_ERROR("Failed to update master playlist '%s'"), path); } return rc; }
static int httplive_writepl(const char *path, int idxmin, int idxmax, HTTPLIVE_DATA_T *pLive) { FILE_HANDLE fp; int idx; int sz = 0; int rc = 0; char filename[128]; char buf[4096]; const char *uriprfxdelimeter = ""; unsigned int duration = (unsigned int) pLive->duration; if(pLive->duration > (float) duration) { duration++; } if((rc = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#EXTM3U\r\n#%s:%d\r\n#%s:%d\r\n", HTTPLIVE_EXTX_TARGET_DURATION, duration, HTTPLIVE_EXTX_MEDIA_SEQUENCE, idxmin)) > 0) { sz += rc; if(rc >= 0 && (rc = snprintf(&buf[sz], sizeof(buf) - sz, "#EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:NO\r\n")) > 0) { sz += rc; } #if defined(HTTPLIVE_INCLUDE_PROGRAM_DATE_TIME) char tmbuf[256]; time_t tm = s_httplive_tm + (pLive->curIdx * duration); strftime(tmbuf, sizeof(tmbuf) - 1, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+08:00", gmtime(&tm)); //fprintf(stderr, "TM:%u, %u, %d * %d '%s'\n", tm, s_httplive_tm, pLive->curIdx, duration, tmbuf); if(rc >= 0 && (rc = snprintf(&buf[sz], sizeof(buf) - sz, "#EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME:%s\r\n", tmbuf)) > 0) { sz += rc; } #endif // HTTPLIVE_INCLUDE_PROGRAM_DATE_TIME if(pLive->uriprefix && (rc = strlen(pLive->uriprefix)) > 0 && pLive->uriprefix[rc - 1] != '/') { uriprfxdelimeter = "/"; } for(idx = idxmin; idx <= idxmax; idx++) { httplive_format_path(filename, sizeof(filename), pLive->fileprefix, idx); if((rc = snprintf(&buf[sz], sizeof(buf) - sz, "#EXTINF:%d,\r\n%s%s%s\r\n" ,duration, (pLive->uriprefix ? pLive->uriprefix : ""), uriprfxdelimeter, filename)) < 0) { break; } else { sz += rc; } } } // // For live streams, do not end with #EXT-X-ENDLIST // if(rc >= 0) { if((fp = fileops_Open(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT)) == FILEOPS_INVALID_FP) { LOG(X_ERROR("Failed to open httplive playlist '%s' for writing"), path); return -1; } if((rc = fileops_WriteBinary(fp, (unsigned char *) buf, sz)) < 0) { LOG(X_ERROR("Failed to write %d to httplive playlist '%s'"), sz, path); } fileops_Close(fp); } if(rc >= 0) { LOG(X_DEBUG("Updated httplive playlist '%s' (%d - %d)"), path, idxmin, idxmax); } else { LOG(X_ERROR("Failed to update httplive playlist '%s' (%d - %d)"), path, idxmin, idxmax); } return rc; }