void EnhancedSGM::computeCurveCost(const Mat8u & img1, const Mat8u & img2) { if (_params.verbosity > 0) cout << "EnhancedSGM::computeCurveCost" << endl; // compute the weights for matching cost if (_params.salientPoints) _salientBuffer.setTo(0); for (int y = 0; y < _params.yMax; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < _params.xMax; x++) { int idx = getLinearIndex(x, y); if (_params.verbosity > 4) { cout << " x: " << x << " y: " << y << " idx: " << idx; cout << " mask: " << _maskVec[idx] << endl; } if (not _maskVec[idx]) { uint8_t * outPtr = _errorBuffer.row(y).data + x*_params.dispMax; *outPtr = 0; fill(outPtr + 1, outPtr + _params.dispMax, 255); continue; } // compute the local image descriptor, // a piece of the epipolar curve on the first image vector<uint8_t> descriptor; CurveRasterizer<int, Polynomial2> descRaster = getCurveRasteriser1(idx); const int step = _epipolarDescriptor.compute(img1, descRaster, descriptor); _stepBuffer(y, x) = step; if (step < 1) { //TODO make a function uint8_t * outPtr = _errorBuffer.row(y).data + x*_params.dispMax; *outPtr = 0; fill(outPtr + 1, outPtr + _params.dispMax, 255); continue; } if (_params.imageBasedCost) { switch (step) { case 1: _costBuffer(y, x) = _params.lambdaJump; break; case 2: _costBuffer(y, x) = _params.lambdaJump * 3; break; default: _costBuffer(y, x) = _params.lambdaJump * 6; break; } } //TODO revise the criterion (step == 1) if (_params.salientPoints and step <= 2) { _salientBuffer(y, x) = 1; } const int nSteps = ( _params.dispMax + step - 1 ) / step; //sample the curve vector<uint8_t> sampleVec(nSteps + MARGIN, 0); if (_params.useUVCache) { const int u_vCacheStep = _params.dispMax + 2 * DISPARITY_MARGIN; int32_t * uPtr = (int32_t *)_uCache.row(y).data + x*u_vCacheStep; int32_t * vPtr = (int32_t *)_vCache.row(y).data + x*u_vCacheStep; uPtr += DISPARITY_MARGIN - HALF_LENGTH * step; vPtr += DISPARITY_MARGIN - HALF_LENGTH * step; for (int i = 0; i < nSteps + MARGIN; i++, uPtr += step, vPtr += step) { if (*uPtr < 0 or *vPtr < 0) sampleVec[i] = 0; else sampleVec[i] = img2(*vPtr, *uPtr); } } else { CurveRasterizer<int, Polynomial2> raster = getCurveRasteriser2(idx); raster.setStep(step); raster.steps(-HALF_LENGTH); for (int i = 0; i < nSteps + MARGIN; i++, raster.step()) { if (raster.v < 0 or raster.v >= img2.rows or raster.u < 0 or raster.u >= img2.cols) sampleVec[i] = 0; else sampleVec[i] = img2(raster.v, raster.u); } } vector<int> costVec = compareDescriptor(descriptor, sampleVec, _params.flawCost); if (y == 350 and x > 469 and x < 481) { cout << "Point : " << x << " " << y << endl; cout << "Step : " << step << endl; cout << "samples :" << endl; for (auto & x : sampleVec) { cout << setw(6) << int(x); } cout << endl; cout << "cost :" << endl; for (auto & x : costVec) { cout << setw(6) << int(x); } cout << endl; cout << "descriptor :" << endl; for (auto & x : descriptor) { cout << setw(6) << int(x); } cout << endl; } // //compute the bias; // int sum1 = filter(kernelVec.begin(), kernelVec.end(), descriptor.begin(), 0); // fill up the cost buffer uint8_t * outPtr = _errorBuffer.row(y).data + x*_params.dispMax; auto costIter = costVec.begin() + HALF_LENGTH; for (int d = 0; d < nSteps; d++, outPtr += step) { // int sum2 = filter(kernelVec.begin(), kernelVec.end(), sampleVec.begin() + d, 0); // int bias = min(_params.maxBias, max(-_params.maxBias, (sum2 - sum1) / LENGTH)); // int acc = biasedAbsDiff(kernelVec.begin(), kernelVec.end(), // descriptor.begin(), sampleVec.begin() + d, bias); // *outPtr = acc / NORMALIZER; *outPtr = *costIter / _params.descLength; ++costIter; } if (step > 1) fillGaps(_errorBuffer.row(y).data + x*_params.dispMax, step); } } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { GWEN_DB_NODE *db; const char *cmd; int rv; AB_BANKING *ab; GWEN_GUI *gui; int nonInteractive=0; int acceptValidCerts=0; const char *pinFile; const char *cfgDir; const char *s; const GWEN_ARGS args[]={ { GWEN_ARGS_FLAGS_HAS_ARGUMENT, /* flags */ GWEN_ArgsType_Char, /* type */ "cfgdir", /* name */ 0, /* minnum */ 1, /* maxnum */ "D", /* short option */ "cfgdir", /* long option */ I18S("Specify the configuration folder"), I18S("Specify the configuration folder") }, { 0, /* flags */ GWEN_ArgsType_Int, /* type */ "nonInteractive", /* name */ 0, /* minnum */ 1, /* maxnum */ "n", /* short option */ "noninteractive", /* long option */ "Select non-interactive mode",/* short description */ "Select non-interactive mode.\n" /* long description */ "This automatically returns a confirmative answer to any non-critical\n" "message." }, { 0, /* flags */ GWEN_ArgsType_Int, /* type */ "acceptValidCerts", /* name */ 0, /* minnum */ 1, /* maxnum */ "A", /* short option */ "acceptvalidcerts", /* long option */ "Automatically accept all valid TLS certificate", "Automatically accept all valid TLS certificate" }, { GWEN_ARGS_FLAGS_HAS_ARGUMENT, /* flags */ GWEN_ArgsType_Char, /* type */ "charset", /* name */ 0, /* minnum */ 1, /* maxnum */ 0, /* short option */ "charset", /* long option */ "Specify the output character set", /* short description */ "Specify the output character set" /* long description */ }, { GWEN_ARGS_FLAGS_HAS_ARGUMENT, /* flags */ GWEN_ArgsType_Char, /* type */ "pinfile", /* name */ 0, /* minnum */ 1, /* maxnum */ "P", /* short option */ "pinfile", /* long option */ "Specify the PIN file", /* short description */ "Specify the PIN file" /* long description */ }, { GWEN_ARGS_FLAGS_HELP | GWEN_ARGS_FLAGS_LAST, /* flags */ GWEN_ArgsType_Int, /* type */ "help", /* name */ 0, /* minnum */ 0, /* maxnum */ "h", /* short option */ "help", I18S("Show this help screen. For help on commands, " "run aqbanking-cli <COMMAND> --help."), I18S("Show this help screen. For help on commands, run aqbanking-cli <COMMAND> --help.") } }; rv=GWEN_Init(); if (rv) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to init Gwen.\n"); exit(2); } GWEN_Logger_Open(0, "aqbanking-cli", 0, GWEN_LoggerType_Console, GWEN_LoggerFacility_User); GWEN_Logger_SetLevel(0, GWEN_LoggerLevel_Warning); rv=GWEN_I18N_BindTextDomain_Dir(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); if (rv) { DBG_ERROR(0, "Could not bind textdomain (%d)", rv); } else { rv=GWEN_I18N_BindTextDomain_Codeset(PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); if (rv) { DBG_ERROR(0, "Could not set codeset (%d)", rv); } } db=GWEN_DB_Group_new("arguments"); rv=GWEN_Args_Check(argc, argv, 1, GWEN_ARGS_MODE_ALLOW_FREEPARAM | GWEN_ARGS_MODE_STOP_AT_FREEPARAM, args, db); if (rv==GWEN_ARGS_RESULT_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not parse arguments main\n"); GWEN_DB_Group_free(db); return 1; } else if (rv==GWEN_ARGS_RESULT_HELP) { GWEN_BUFFER *ubuf; ubuf=GWEN_Buffer_new(0, 1024, 0, 1); GWEN_Buffer_AppendString(ubuf, I18N("This is version ")); GWEN_Buffer_AppendString(ubuf, AQHBCI_VERSION_STRING "\n"); GWEN_Buffer_AppendString(ubuf, I18N("Usage: ")); GWEN_Buffer_AppendString(ubuf, argv[0]); GWEN_Buffer_AppendString(ubuf, I18N(" [GLOBAL OPTIONS] COMMAND " "[LOCAL OPTIONS]\n")); GWEN_Buffer_AppendString(ubuf, I18N("\nGlobal Options:\n")); if (GWEN_Args_Usage(args, ubuf, GWEN_ArgsOutType_Txt)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not create help string\n"); GWEN_DB_Group_free(db); return 1; } GWEN_Buffer_AppendString(ubuf, I18N("\nCommands:\n")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "senddtazv", I18N("Sends a DTAZV file to the bank")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "listaccs", I18N("Prints the list of accounts")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "listbal", I18N("Export balances from a context file.")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "listtrans", I18N("Export transactions from a context file.")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "listtransfers", I18N("Export transactions from a context file which match certain status.")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "request", I18N("Requests transactions, balances, standing orders etc.")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "chkacc", I18N("Check a combination of bank id and account number")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "chkiban", I18N("Check an IBAN")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "import", I18N("Import a file into an import context file")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "transfer", I18N("Issue a single transfer (data from command line)")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "transfers", I18N("Issue a number of transfers (data from a file)")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "sepatransfer", I18N("Issue a single SEPA transfer (data from command line)")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "sepatransfers", I18N("Issue a number of SEPA transfers (data from a file)")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "debitnote", I18N("Issue a single debit note (data from command line)")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "debitnotes", I18N("Issue a number of debit notes (data from a file)")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "sepadebitnote", I18N("Issue a single SEPA debit note (data from command line)")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "sepaflashdebitnote", I18N("Issue a single flash SEPA debit note COR1 (data from command line)")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "sepadebitnotes", I18N("Issue a number of SEPA debit notes (data from a file)")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "addtrans", I18N("Add a transfer to an existing import context file")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "addsepadebitnote", I18N("Add a SEPA debit note to an existing import context file")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "sepasto", I18N("Manage SEPA standing orders")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "fillgaps", I18N("Fill gaps in an import context file from configuration settings")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "updateconf", I18N("Update configuration from previous AqBanking versions")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "listprofiles", I18N("Print existing profiles")); cmdAddHelpStr(ubuf, "versions", I18N("Print the program and library versions")); GWEN_Buffer_AppendString(ubuf, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", GWEN_Buffer_GetStart(ubuf)); GWEN_Buffer_free(ubuf); GWEN_DB_Group_free(db); return 0; } if (rv) { argc-=rv-1; argv+=rv-1; } nonInteractive=GWEN_DB_GetIntValue(db, "nonInteractive", 0, 0); acceptValidCerts=GWEN_DB_GetIntValue(db, "acceptValidCerts", 0, 0); cfgDir=GWEN_DB_GetCharValue(db, "cfgdir", 0, 0); cmd=GWEN_DB_GetCharValue(db, "params", 0, 0); if (!cmd) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Command needed.\n"); GWEN_DB_Group_free(db); return 1; } gui=GWEN_Gui_CGui_new(); s=GWEN_DB_GetCharValue(db, "charset", 0, NULL); if (s && *s) GWEN_Gui_SetCharSet(gui, s); if (nonInteractive) GWEN_Gui_AddFlags(gui, GWEN_GUI_FLAGS_NONINTERACTIVE); else GWEN_Gui_SubFlags(gui, GWEN_GUI_FLAGS_NONINTERACTIVE); if (acceptValidCerts) GWEN_Gui_AddFlags(gui, GWEN_GUI_FLAGS_ACCEPTVALIDCERTS); else GWEN_Gui_SubFlags(gui, GWEN_GUI_FLAGS_ACCEPTVALIDCERTS); pinFile=GWEN_DB_GetCharValue(db, "pinFile", 0, NULL); if (pinFile) { GWEN_DB_NODE *dbPins; dbPins=GWEN_DB_Group_new("pins"); if (GWEN_DB_ReadFile(dbPins, pinFile, GWEN_DB_FLAGS_DEFAULT | GWEN_PATH_FLAGS_CREATE_GROUP)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading pinfile \"%s\"\n", pinFile); GWEN_DB_Group_free(dbPins); GWEN_DB_Group_free(db); return 2; } GWEN_Gui_SetPasswordDb(gui, dbPins, 1); } GWEN_Gui_SetGui(gui); ab=AB_Banking_new("aqbanking-cli", cfgDir, 0); AB_Gui_Extend(gui, ab); if (strcasecmp(cmd, "senddtazv")==0) { rv=sendDtazv(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "listaccs")==0) { rv=listAccs(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "listbal")==0) { rv=listBal(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "listtrans")==0) { rv=listTrans(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "listtransfers")==0) { rv=listTransfers(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "request")==0) { rv=request(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "chkacc")==0) { rv=chkAcc(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "chkiban")==0) { rv=chkIban(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "import")==0) { rv=import(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "transfer")==0) { rv=transfer(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "transfers")==0) { rv=transfers(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "sepatransfer")==0) { rv=sepaTransfer(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "sepatransfers")==0) { rv=sepaMultiJobs(ab, db, argc, argv, AQBANKING_TOOL_SEPA_TRANSFERS); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "debitnote")==0) { rv=debitNote(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "debitnotes")==0) { rv=debitNotes(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "sepadebitnote")==0) { rv=sepaDebitNote(ab, db, argc, argv, 0); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "sepaFlashDebitNote")==0) { rv=sepaDebitNote(ab, db, argc, argv, 1); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "sepadebitnotes")==0) { rv=sepaMultiJobs(ab, db, argc, argv, AQBANKING_TOOL_SEPA_DEBITNOTES); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "addtrans")==0) { rv=addTransaction(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "addsepadebitnote")==0) { rv=addSepaDebitNote(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "sepasto")==0) { rv=sepaRecurTransfer(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "fillgaps")==0) { rv=fillGaps(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "updateconf")==0) { rv=updateConf(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "listprofiles")==0) { rv=listProfiles(ab, db, argc, argv); } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "versions")==0) { rv=versions(ab, db, argc, argv); } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unknown command \"%s\".\n", cmd); rv=1; } GWEN_DB_Group_free(db); return rv; }