Exemple #1
void green_read(void) // function to select green filter and display the count generated by the sensor on LCD. The count will be more if the color is green. The count will be very less if its blue or red.
	filter_green(); //select green filter
	pulse=0; //reset the count to 0
	_delay_ms(100); //capture the pulses for 100 ms or 0.1 second
	green = pulse;  //store the count in variable called green
void green_read(void) // function to select green filter and display the count generated by the sensor on LCD. The count will be more if the color is green. The count will be very less if its blue or red.
	filter_green(); //select green filter
	pulse=0; //reset the count to 0
	_delay_ms(100); //capture the pulses for 100 ms or 0.1 second
	green = pulse;  //store the count in variable called green
	lcd_cursor(1,1);  //set the cursor on row 1, column 1
	lcd_string("Green Pulses"); // Display "Green Pulses" on LCD
	lcd_print(2,1,green,5);  //Print the count on second row
	_delay_ms(1000);	// Display for 1000ms or 1 second
	lcd_wr_command(0x01); //Clear the LCD
Exemple #3
void color(void) // function to select red filter and display the count generated by the sensor on LCD. The count will be more if the color is red. The count will be very less if its blue or green.
	filter_red(); //select red filter
	pulse=0; //reset the count to 0
	_delay_ms(100); //capture the pulses for 100 ms or 0.1 second
	red = pulse;  //store the count in variable called red
	filter_green(); //select green filter
	pulse=0; //reset the count to 0
	_delay_ms(100); //capture the pulses for 100 ms or 0.1 second
	green = pulse;  //store the count in variable called green
	filter_blue(); //select blue filter
	pulse=0; //reset the count to 0
	_delay_ms(100); //capture the pulses for 100 ms or 0.1 second
	blue = pulse;  //store the count in variable called blue
	*/if(red<threshold && green <threshold && blue <threshold)		//black color detected
	else if(red>blue &&red >green)				//red color detected

	else                  //green color detected