Exemple #1
int main(void) {

    char* a = "abcijfghij klmn";
    char* b = "ghij kl";
    int an = 15;
    int bn = 7;
    findCommon(a, an, b, bn);
    return 0;
Exemple #2
    string longestCommonPrefix(vector<string> &strs) {
        if(strs.size() == 0) return "";
        if(strs.size() == 1) return strs[0];

        string res = strs[0];
        for(int i = 1; i < strs.size(); ++i) {
            res = findCommon(res, strs[i]);
        return res;
int main(int argc,char *argv[]){
    // Usage();
    int num_seq=2;
    double r_d;
    unsigned int seed=0;
    time_t cur_t, cur_lat_t;
    clock_t start;
    struct tm *loc_t;
    int num_divisions=1000;
    int maxitems_in_seq=10;
    if (argc > 1){
        maxitems_in_seq = atoi(argv[1]);
    double r_unit ;
    RandomGen rng(seed);

    double *rnd_seq1 = (double *)malloc(maxitems_in_seq*sizeof(double));;
    double *rnd_seq2 = (double *)malloc(maxitems_in_seq*sizeof(double));;
    // double rnd_seq1[maxitems_in_seq];
    // double rnd_seq2[maxitems_in_seq]; //TODO  can be convered to a 2D array instead of two 1D arrays ?

    for (int j=0; j < num_seq; j++ ) {

	printf("\n Generationg the Sequence %d\n",j+1); 
	// Seed based on current time on every run
    	cur_t = time(NULL);
    	loc_t = localtime(&cur_t);
	printf ("\n#########################################\n");
    	printf("Current Time hh %d MM %d SS %d gmtoff = %ld \n",loc_t->tm_hour,loc_t->tm_min,loc_t->tm_sec,loc_t->tm_gmtoff);
    	seed = (loc_t->tm_hour+1)*(loc_t->tm_min+1)*(loc_t->tm_sec+1)*(loc_t->tm_year);
        printf("Seed for Sequence %d = %d \n",j+1,seed);
	printf ("#########################################\n");
    	r_d = rng.rand_d();
    	printf("Sample Rand Number = %lf \n",r_d);
	// Generate and store random numbers	
	for(int i=0;i<maxitems_in_seq;i++) {
		if (j==0) {
        		rnd_seq1[i] = rng.rand_d();
		else {
        		rnd_seq2[i] = rng.rand_d();

	cur_lat_t = time(NULL);
	while (cur_lat_t == cur_t){
		cur_lat_t = time(NULL);


	/* Commenting out print statement
      	printf("\nSequence 1 \n");
    	for(int i=0;i<maxitems_in_seq;i++){
        	printf("%f \n",rnd_seq1[i]);
        	//printf("%1.3f \n",rnd_seq1[i]);

      	printf("Sequence 2 \n");
        for(int i=0;i<maxitems_in_seq;i++){
                printf("%f \n",rnd_seq2[i]);

	printf("\n Sorting the Sequence 1 \n");
	qsort (rnd_seq1, maxitems_in_seq, sizeof(double), compare4qsort);
	printf("\n Sorting the Sequence 2 \n");
	qsort (rnd_seq2, maxitems_in_seq, sizeof(double), compare4qsort);

	/* Commenting out print statement 
	printf("\nSequence 1 (Sorted)\n");
        for(int i=0;i<maxitems_in_seq;i++){
                printf("%f \n",rnd_seq1[i]);
                //printf("%1.3f \n",rnd_seq1[i]);

        printf("Sequence 2 (Sorted)\n");
        for(int i=0;i<maxitems_in_seq;i++){
                printf("%f \n",rnd_seq2[i]);


	printf("\nComparing the two sequences....\n");

    return 0;
Exemple #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#define stepSize 10000
#define extraBases 1000
static struct noiseTrack noiseTrack[stepSize];
int chromIx;
int chromSize;
int baseOff;
char *chromName;
int dnaStart, dnaEnd;
char *outName;
FILE *out;
struct hash *dupeHash;

if (argc != 2)
    errAbort("editbase - lists bases for which there is evidence of RNA editing\n"
             "      editbase outfile.txt");
outName = argv[1];
out = mustOpen(outName, "w");
printf("Scanning for cDNAs that align more than once.\n");
dupeHash = buildMultiAlignHash();
printf("Loading worm genome\n");
wormLoadNt4Genome(&chrom, &chromCount);
wormChromNames(&chromNames, &chromCount);
for (chromIx = 0; chromIx < chromCount; ++chromIx)
    chromName = chromNames[chromIx];
    printf("Processing chromosome %s\n", chromName);
    chromSize = wormChromSize(chromName);
    for (baseOff = 0; baseOff < chromSize; baseOff += stepSize)
        struct wormFeature *cdnaNamesList, *name;
        struct cdnaAli *caList = NULL, *ca;
        int dnaSize;
        DNA *dna;
        int chunkSize;
        DNA *chunk;
        int i;

       /* Figure out how much DNA to get and get it.  Include some
         * extra around chunk so can align better. */
        chunkSize = chromSize - baseOff;
        if (chunkSize > stepSize) chunkSize = stepSize;
        dnaStart = baseOff - extraBases;
        dnaEnd = baseOff + stepSize + extraBases;
        wormClipRangeToChrom(chromName, &dnaStart, &dnaEnd);
        dnaSize = dnaEnd - dnaStart;
        dna = wormChromPart(chromName, dnaStart, dnaSize);

        /* Get the cDNAs */
        cdnaNamesList = wormCdnasInRange(chromName, baseOff, baseOff + chunkSize);
        for (name = cdnaNamesList; name != NULL; name = name->next)
            if (!hashLookup(dupeHash, name->name) )
                ca = makeCdnaAli(name->name, dna, dnaSize);
                slAddHead(&caList, ca);
        /* Add cdnas to noise track. */
        chunk = dna + baseOff - dnaStart;
        for (ca = caList; ca != NULL; ca = ca->next)
            addNoiseTrack(noiseTrack, chunk, chunkSize, ca);

        /* Step through base by base evaluating noise and reporting it if
         * it's interesting. */
        for (i=0; i<chunkSize; ++i)
            struct noiseTrack *nt = &noiseTrack[i];
            struct noise *noise = nt->noise;
            int noiseCount = slCount(noise);
            if (noiseCount > 1)
                char commonVal;
                int commonCount;
                findCommon(noise, &commonVal, &commonCount);
                if (commonCount*2 > noiseCount && commonVal != 'n')
                    double ratio = (double)commonCount/noiseCount;
                    double score;
                    ratio = ratio * ratio * ratio;
                    score = ratio * commonCount;
                    if (score >= 4.0)
                        fprintf(stdout, "%f %s:%d %c->%c in %d out of %d out of %d %s\n",
                            ratio*commonCount, chromName, i+baseOff+1,
                            chunk[i], commonVal, 
                            commonCount, noiseCount, nt->cdnaCount, nt->noise->ca->cdna->srn->name);
                        fprintf(out, "%f %s:%d %c->%c in %d out of %d out of %d %s\n",
                            ratio*ratio*commonCount, chromName, i+baseOff+1,
                            chunk[i], commonVal, 
                            commonCount, noiseCount, nt->cdnaCount, nt->noise->ca->cdna->srn->name);
        recycleNoiseTrack(noiseTrack, chunkSize);
        printf("%s %d maxNoise %d\n", chromName, baseOff, slCount(freeNoiseList));
return 0;