int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int counter1 = 0; int hashValue; int sizeOfList = 102; int * sizePtr = &sizeOfList; bucket * root; //bucket * conductor; char ** wordList; char * toBeHashed; char userInput[BUFSIZE]; FILE* inputFile; if (argc != 2) { printf("Please input a file name and nothing else.\n"); exit(0); } inputFile = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if (inputFile == NULL) { printf("The file '%s' does not exist. Quiting.\n", argv[1]); exit(0); } wordList = readFile(inputFile); fclose(inputFile); root = initLinkedList(sizePtr); if(root == NULL) { printf("Error creating linked list, quiting...\n"); exit(0); } while (wordList[counter1] != NULL) { hashValue = findHash(wordList[counter1]); addHash(hashValue, wordList[counter1], root); counter1++; } free(wordList); printf("List successfully hashed! Ready for queries: "); while (1==1) { fgets(userInput, BUFSIZE, stdin); toBeHashed = malloc(strlen(userInput)+1); strcpy(toBeHashed, userInput); hashValue = findHash(toBeHashed); queryDatabase(hashValue, root, toBeHashed); printf("Ready for queries: "); } return 0; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Callback *CallbackManager::getCallback( string actionString) { XTRACE(); Callback * cb = findHash( actionString, _actionMap); if( !cb) { LOG_ERROR << "Unable to find callback for " << actionString << endl; string dummyAction = "TertiaryFire"; cb = findHash( dummyAction, _actionMap); } return cb; }
/* ================== addAirport ================= This function adds another element of data into both the tree and hash table, through the user's input from keyboard. Pre pHeader - pointer to HEAD structure Post Return true if success false if fails */ bool addAirport (HEAD* pHeader) { // Local Declarations bool result = false; DATA tempAirport; DATA* newAirport = NULL; char tempCode [28]; char tempName [128]; int i; printf ("Enter airport code: "); scanf (" %s", tempCode); if (strlen(tempCode) != 3) { printf("Your airport code has to have 3 characters\n"); return result; } for (i = 0; i<strlen(tempCode); i++) { tempCode[i] = toupper(tempCode[i]); } strcpy(tempAirport.arpCode, tempCode); newAirport = findHash(pHeader->pHash, &tempAirport); if (newAirport == NULL) { if (!(newAirport = (DATA*) malloc(sizeof(DATA)))) { printf("Error allocating new airport\n"); exit(100); } strcpy(newAirport->arpCode, tempCode); printf("Enter airport city: "); scanf(" %[^\n]", tempName); newAirport->city = (char*) calloc(strlen(tempName) + 1, sizeof(char)); strcpy(newAirport->city, tempName); printf("Enter airport latitude: "); while(!(scanf("%f", &newAirport->latitude))) { printf("Invalid input, please try entering the latitude again: "); while(getchar() != '\n'); } printf("Enter airport longitude: "); while(!(scanf("%f", &newAirport->longitude))) { printf("Invalid input, please try entering the longitude again: "); while(getchar() != '\n'); } insertHash(pHeader->pHash, newAirport); BST_Insert(pHeader->pTree, newAirport); result = true; } else{ printf("This airport already exists\n"); processScreen(newAirport); } return result; } // addAirport
// (new ['flg|num] ['typ ['any ..]]) -> obj any doNew(any ex) { any x, y, *h; cell c1, c2; x = cdr(ex); if (isCell(y = EVAL(car(x)))) Push(c1, consSym(y,Nil)); else { if (isNil(y)) data(c1) = consSym(Nil,Nil); else { y = newId(ex, isNum(y)? (int)unDig(y)/2 : 1); if (data(c1) = findHash(y, h = Extern + ehash(y))) tail(data(c1)) = y; else *h = cons(data(c1) = consSym(Nil,y), *h); mkExt(data(c1)); } Save(c1); x = cdr(x), val(data(c1)) = EVAL(car(x)); } TheKey = T, TheCls = NULL; if (y = method(data(c1))) evMethod(data(c1), y, cdr(x)); else { Push(c2, Nil); while (isCell(x = cdr(x))) { data(c2) = EVAL(car(x)), x = cdr(x); put(data(c1), data(c2), EVAL(car(x))); } } return Pop(c1); }
void testHash ( const char * name ) { HashInfo * pInfo = findHash(name); if(pInfo == NULL) { printf("Invalid hash '%s' specified\n",name); return; } else { g_hashUnderTest = pInfo; if(pInfo->hashbits == 32) { test<uint32_t>( VerifyHash, pInfo ); } else if(pInfo->hashbits == 64) { test<uint64_t>( pInfo->hash, pInfo ); } else if(pInfo->hashbits == 128) { test<uint128_t>( pInfo->hash, pInfo ); } else if(pInfo->hashbits == 256) { test<uint256_t>( pInfo->hash, pInfo ); } else { printf("Invalid hash bit width %d for hash '%s'",pInfo->hashbits,pInfo->name); } } }
int main() { hashTable ht; asserthashInit(&ht); addHash(&ht, 816, 620); int v = findHash(&ht, 816); printf("%d\n", v); }
ParticleGroup *ParticleGroupManager::getParticleGroup( const string &groupName) { XTRACE(); ParticleGroup * pg = findHash( groupName, _particleGroupMap); if( !pg) { LOG_ERROR << "Unable to find particle group " << groupName << endl; } return pg; }
Model *getModel( std::string modelName) { Model *model = findHash( modelName, _modelMap); if( !model) { model = load( modelName); if( !model) { LOG_ERROR << "Unable to find model " << modelName << "\n"; return 0; } _modelMap[ modelName] = model; } return model; }
int updateHash(int id, char *cost) { //First save the given node's updport and hostname struct nodeInfo *s; s = findHash(id); char tempUdpport[15]; strcpy(tempUdpport, s->udpPort); char temphostName[15]; strcpy(temphostName, s->hostName); int next = s->nextHop; int oldCost, newCost; oldCost = atoi(s->cost); newCost = atoi(cost); //Delete entry for the the particular node if( oldCost > newCost ) { HASH_DEL(table, s); //Create a new entry with updated info struct nodeInfo *temp = NULL; temp = (struct nodeInfo*)malloc(sizeof(struct nodeInfo)); temp->ID = id; strcpy(temp->udpPort, tempUdpport); strcpy(temp->hostName, temphostName); strcpy(temp->cost, cost); temp->nextHop = next; HASH_ADD_INT(table, ID, temp); findHash(id); //debug message } else printf("Old cost is smallest\n"); return 1; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Input::bind( Trigger &trigger, Callback *callback) { XTRACE(); Callback * cb = findHash( trigger, _callbackMap); if( cb) { LOG_INFO << "Removing old binding" << endl; //remove previous callback... _callbackMap.erase( trigger); //delete cb; LOG_INFO << "DELETE SUCCESSFULL" << endl; } LOG_INFO << "Creating binding for " << callback->getActionName() << " - " << trigger.type << ":" << trigger.data1 << endl; _callbackMap[ trigger] = callback; }
int readStr(FILE* file, STRING** table) { int chr = 0; long addr = 0; unsigned long long hash = 0; int i = 0; addr = ftell(file); while(EOF != (chr = fgetc(file))) { if(chr == '\n' || chr == 0) { break; } hash += hash * 255 + chr; } i = findHash(hash, table); if(table[i]) { table[i]->freq++; }else { table[i] = (STRING*)malloc(sizeof(STRING)); checkMem(table[i]); table[i]->addr = addr; table[i]->freq = 1; table[i]->hash_ = hash; } table[i + 1] = NULL; return ((chr == EOF) ? 0 : 1); }
void buildCSp ( zeroCircuit *node, cs *arrayC, hashTable *namTab, int kPos ) { int posn1; int posn2; double tmp; struct linear_element *element; element = node->linElement; switch ( node->type ) { case 0: switch( node->linElement->element ) { case 4: if ( ( strcmp( node->linElement->connectors[0], "0\0" ) ) && ( strcmp( node->linElement->connectors[1], "0\0" ) ) ) { //posn1 = findPlace ( node->linElement->connectors[0], &nodes ); //posn2 = findPlace ( node->linElement->connectors[1], &nodes ); posn1 = findHash ( namTab, node->linElement->connectors[0] ); posn2 = findHash ( namTab, node->linElement->connectors[1] ); tmp = (-1.0) * node->linElement->value; cs_entry(arrayC,posn1,posn2,tmp); cs_entry(arrayC,posn2,posn1,tmp); } if ( strcmp( node->linElement->connectors[0], "0\0" ) ) { //posn1 = findPlace ( node->linElement->connectors[0], &nodes ); posn1 = findHash ( namTab, node->linElement->connectors[0] ); tmp = node->linElement->value; cs_entry(arrayC,posn1,posn1,tmp); } if ( strcmp( node->linElement->connectors[1], "0\0" ) ) { //posn2 = findPlace ( node->linElement->connectors[1], &nodes ); posn2 = findHash ( namTab, node->linElement->connectors[1] ); tmp = node->linElement->value; cs_entry(arrayC,posn2,posn2,tmp); } break; case 5: tmp = -node->linElement->value; cs_entry(arrayC, kPos + namTab->currPos - 1, kPos + namTab->currPos - 1, tmp); break; } break; case 1: //irrelevant break; } }
/* ================== getOption ================= This function reads in the user's desired chose of operation. Calls upon other functions to perform the procedure. Pre pHeader - pointer to HEAD structure Post Return */ void getOption (HEAD* pHeader) { // Local Declarations char command; DATA target; DATA* airport = NULL; int i; // Statements while ((command = menu()) != 'Q') { switch (command) { case 'A': if (addAirport(pHeader)) { while (checkHash(pHeader->pHash) == 1) { pHeader->pHash = upsizeHash(pHeader->pHash); } printf ("\n Succesfully added data.\n\n"); } break; case 'D': printf("Enter the airport code: "); scanf(" %s", target.arpCode); if (deleteHash (pHeader, target)) { while (checkHash(pHeader->pHash) == -1) { pHeader->pHash = downsizeHash(pHeader->pHash); } printf ("\n Succesfully deleted data.\n\n"); } break; case 'F': printf("Enter the airport code: "); scanf(" %s", target.arpCode); // fix sensitive input cases for (i = 0; i < strlen(target.arpCode); i++) { target.arpCode[i] = toupper(target.arpCode[i]); } airport = findHash(pHeader->pHash, &target); if (airport != NULL) { processScreen(airport); } else printf("No airport exists\n"); break; case 'L': printHash(pHeader->pHash); break; case 'K': BST_Traverse(pHeader->pTree, processScreen); break; case 'P': printTree(pHeader->pTree->root, 0); printf("\n"); break; case 'W': outputFile (pHeader->pHash); break; case 'E': efficiency(pHeader->pHash); break; case 'H': pHeader->pHash = hashDemo(pHeader->pHash); break; default: printf("Invalid choice. Choose again\n"); break; } } return; } // getOption
static int bitVectorTraversePlausibility(unsigned int **bitVectors, nodeptr p, int numsp, unsigned int vectorLength, hashtable *h, int *countBranches, int firstTaxon, tree *tr, boolean multifurcating) { /* trivial bipartition */ if(isTip(p->number, numsp)) return 0; else { int found = 0; nodeptr q = p->next; /* recursively descend into the tree and get the bips of all subtrees first */ do { found = found + bitVectorTraversePlausibility(bitVectors, q->back, numsp, vectorLength, h, countBranches, firstTaxon, tr, multifurcating); q = q->next; } while(q != p); /* compute the bipartition induced by the current branch p, p->back, here we invoke two different functions, depending on whether we are dealing with a multi-furcating or bifurcating tree. */ if(multifurcating) newviewBipartitionsMultifurcating(bitVectors, p, numsp, vectorLength); else newviewBipartitions(bitVectors, p, numsp, vectorLength); assert(p->x); /* if p->back does not lead to a tip this is an inner branch that induces a non-trivial bipartition. in this case we need to lookup if the induced bipartition is already contained in the hash table */ if(!(isTip(p->back->number, numsp))) { /* this is the bit vector to insert into the hash table */ unsigned int *toInsert = bitVectors[p->number]; /* compute the hash number on that bit vector */ hashNumberType position = oat_hash((unsigned char *)toInsert, sizeof(unsigned int) * vectorLength) % h->tableSize; /* each bipartition can be stored in two forms (the two bit-wise complements we always canonically store that version of the bit-vector that does not contain the first taxon of the small tree, we use an assertion to make sure that all is correct */ assert(!(toInsert[(firstTaxon - 1) / MASK_LENGTH] & mask32[(firstTaxon - 1) % MASK_LENGTH])); /* increment the branch counter to assure that all inner branches are traversed */ *countBranches = *countBranches + 1; /* now look up this bipartition in the hash table, If it is present the number of shared bipartitions between the small and the big tree is incremented by 1 */ found = found + findHash(toInsert, h, vectorLength, position); } return found; } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Input::update( void) { // XTRACE(); bool isDown; Trigger trigger; static float nextTime = Timer::getTime()+0.5f; float thisTime = Timer::getTime(); if( thisTime > nextTime) { updateMouseSettings(); nextTime = thisTime+0.5f; } _valDX = 0.0f; _valDY = 0.0f; while( tryGetTrigger( trigger, isDown)) { if( trigger.type == eUnknownTrigger) { //for unkown trigger we don't need to do a lookup continue; } if( _interceptor) { //feed trigger to interceptor instead of normal callback mechanism _interceptor->input( trigger, isDown); continue; } if( !_bindMode) { //find callback for this trigger //i.e. the action bound to this key Callback * cb = findHash( trigger, _callbackMap); if( cb) { // LOG_INFO << "Callback for [" << cb->getActionName() << "]" << endl; cb->performAction( trigger, isDown); } } else if( _callback && (trigger.type!=eMotionTrigger)) { //Note: motion triggers can't be bound //we are in bind-mode, so bind this trigger to callback bind( trigger, _callback); //go back to normal mode _bindMode = false; } else if( !_callback) { LOG_ERROR << "Input is in bind mode, but callback is 0" << endl; _bindMode = false; } } _valDX = feedbackFilter( _valDX, _dampVal, _memoryDX); _valDY = feedbackFilter( _valDY, _dampVal, _memoryDY); if( (fabs(_valDX)>1.0e-10) || (fabs(_valDY)>1.0e-10)) { trigger.type = eMotionTrigger; trigger.fData1 = _valDX; trigger.fData2 = _valDY; if( _interceptor) { //feed trigger to interceptor instead of normal callback mechanism _interceptor->input( trigger, true); } else { Callback * cb = findHash( trigger, _callbackMap); if( cb) { // LOG_INFO << "Callback for [" << cb->getActionName() << "]" << endl; cb->performAction( trigger, isDown); } } } return true; }
void addElementStampSparse( zeroCircuit *node, mnaSpSystem *system, cs *arrayA, hashTable *namTab, int row, int kPos) { int posn1; int posn2; double tmp; struct linear_element *element; element = node->linElement; switch ( node->type ) { case 0: switch( node->linElement->element ) { case 1: if ( ( strcmp( node->linElement->connectors[0], "0\0" ) ) && ( strcmp( node->linElement->connectors[1], "0\0" ) ) ) { //posn1 = findPlace ( node->linElement->connectors[0], &nodes ); //posn2 = findPlace ( node->linElement->connectors[1], &nodes ); posn1 = findHash ( namTab, node->linElement->connectors[0] ); posn2 = findHash ( namTab, node->linElement->connectors[1] ); tmp = (-1.0) * ( 1.0 / node->linElement->value); cs_entry(arrayA,posn1,posn2,tmp); cs_entry(arrayA,posn2,posn1,tmp); } if ( strcmp( node->linElement->connectors[0], "0\0" ) ) { //posn1 = findPlace ( node->linElement->connectors[0], &nodes ); posn1 = findHash ( namTab, node->linElement->connectors[0] ); tmp = ( 1.0 / node->linElement->value ); cs_entry(arrayA,posn1,posn1,tmp); } if ( strcmp( node->linElement->connectors[1], "0\0" ) ) { //posn2 = findPlace ( node->linElement->connectors[1], &nodes ); posn2 = findHash ( namTab, node->linElement->connectors[1] ); tmp = ( 1.0 / node->linElement->value ); cs_entry(arrayA,posn2,posn2,tmp); } break; case 3: if ( strcmp( node->linElement->connectors[0], "0\0" ) ) { //posn1 = findPlace ( node->linElement->connectors[0], &nodes ); posn1 = findHash ( namTab, node->linElement->connectors[0] ); system->vector_B[posn1] += (-1.0) * element->value; } if ( strcmp( node->linElement->connectors[1], "0\0" ) ) { //posn2 = findPlace ( node->linElement->connectors[1], &nodes ); posn2 = findHash ( namTab, node->linElement->connectors[1] ); system->vector_B[posn2] += element->value; } break; case 2: //case 2same as 5 case 5: element->k = kPos; if (element->element == 2) { system->vector_B[ namTab->currPos -1 + kPos ] += element->value; //printf ( "bug ib B: %f\n", element->value ); } if ( ( strcmp( node->linElement->connectors[0], "0\0" ) ) && ( strcmp( node->linElement->connectors[1], "0\0" ) ) ) { //posn1 = findPlace ( element->connectors[0], &nodes ); //posn2 = findPlace ( element->connectors[1], &nodes ); posn1 = findHash ( namTab, node->linElement->connectors[0] ); posn2 = findHash ( namTab, node->linElement->connectors[1] ); cs_entry(arrayA,kPos + namTab->currPos -1,posn1,1.0); cs_entry(arrayA,kPos + namTab->currPos -1,posn2,-1.0); cs_entry(arrayA,posn1,kPos + namTab->currPos -1,1.0); cs_entry(arrayA,posn2,kPos + namTab->currPos -1,-1.0); break; } if ( strcmp( node->linElement->connectors[0], "0\0" ) ) { //posn2 = findPlace ( element->connectors[1], &nodes ); posn2 = findHash ( namTab, node->linElement->connectors[1] ); cs_entry(arrayA,kPos + namTab->currPos -1,posn2,-1.0); cs_entry(arrayA,posn2,kPos + namTab->currPos -1,-1.0); break; } if ( strcmp( node->linElement->connectors[1], "0\0" ) ) { //posn1 = findPlace ( element->connectors[0], &nodes ); posn1 = findHash ( namTab, node->linElement->connectors[0] ); cs_entry(arrayA,kPos + namTab->currPos -1,posn1,1.0); cs_entry(arrayA,posn1,kPos + namTab->currPos -1,1.0); } break; } break; case 1: //irrelevant break; } }
int saveHash(char *buf, int next) { printf("BUFFAH! = %s\n", buf); char *space = " "; struct nodeInfo *temp=NULL; struct nodeInfo *sendPort; char message[15]; strcpy(message, strtok (buf, space )); int sendPortCost, tempCost; char *temptempID = strtok( '\0' , space ); int tempID = atoi(temptempID ); //HASH_FIND_INT(table, &tempID, temp); /* id already in the hash? */ if(temp == NULL) { temp = (struct nodeInfo*)malloc(sizeof(struct nodeInfo)); sendPort = temp; //ENTRY item; char *space = " " ; temp->ID = tempID; char *nline = "\n"; strcpy( temp->hostName , strtok( '\0' ,space ) ); strcpy(temp->udpPort , strtok( '\0' ,space ) ); if( strcmp(message, "NEW") == 0 || strcmp(message, "UPDATE") == 0) { strcpy (temp->cost , strtok( '\0' , space)); tempCost = atoi(temp->cost); char *tempn = strtok('\0',space); printf(" Temp (next) is : %s\n", tempn); next = atoi(tempn); printf("next is : %d \n", next); //debug message temp->nextHop = next; while(sendPort->ID != sendPort->nextHop) { sendPort = findHash(sendPort->nextHop); sendPortCost = atoi(sendPort->cost); tempCost += sendPortCost; } itoa(tempCost, temp->cost); } else { strcpy (temp->cost , strtok( '\0' , nline)); temp->nextHop = next; } //item.key = strdup(temp.ID); printf(" Temp ID = %d\n", temp->ID); // = &temp; printf( " Cost is : %s \n" , temp->cost ); //store in Hash Table pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); HASH_ADD_INT(table, ID, temp); findHash(tempID); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); return 1; } //loop through hash table else return 0; }
void *udpConnection(void *args) { // sleep(5); //TCP communication w/ Mr. Manager struct threadArgs *thrdArg = (struct threadArgs *)args; int sockfd = thrdArg->fd; char addr[15]; strcpy(addr, thrdArg->adr); char host[15]; strcpy(host, thrdArg->hst); strcpy(listenOn , thrdArg->listen); //UDP listen sockfd_udp int sockfd_udp; struct addrinfo hints_udp, *servinfo_udp, *p_udp; struct sockaddr_storage their_addr; int MAXBUFLEN = 100; char listenBuf[MAXBUFLEN],sendBuf[MAXBUFLEN]; socklen_t addr_len; char s_udp[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; int rv, numbytes; memset(&hints_udp, 0, sizeof hints_udp); hints_udp.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; // set to AF_INET to force IPv4 hints_udp.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; hints_udp.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; // use my IP if ((rv = getaddrinfo(NULL, listenOn , &hints_udp, &servinfo_udp)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(rv)); } // loop through all the results and bind to the first we can for(p_udp = servinfo_udp; p_udp != NULL; p_udp = p_udp->ai_next) { if ((sockfd_udp = socket(p_udp->ai_family, p_udp->ai_socktype, p_udp->ai_protocol)) == -1) { perror("listener: socket"); continue; } if (bind(sockfd_udp, p_udp->ai_addr, p_udp->ai_addrlen) == -1) { close(sockfd_udp); perror("listener: bind"); continue; } break; } if (p_udp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "listener: failed to bind socket\n"); } freeaddrinfo(servinfo_udp); ////////////////////UDP THREAD///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// while(1) { //recieve message/packet from mr. manager to fwd //udp recieve printf("listener: waiting to recvfrom...\n"); //setup select to wait for connection ack struct timeval tv; fd_set readfds; tv.tv_sec = 2; tv.tv_usec = 500000; FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(sockfd_udp, &readfds); select(sockfd_udp+1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (FD_ISSET(sockfd_udp, &readfds)) { addr_len = sizeof their_addr; if ((numbytes = recvfrom(sockfd_udp, listenBuf, MAXBUFLEN-1 , 0, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, &addr_len)) == -1) { perror("recvfrom"); exit(1); } } if (numbytes == 0) continue; char sendBuf[100]; int i = 0; //debug messages printf("listener: got packet from %s\n", inet_ntop(their_addr.ss_family, get_in_addr((struct sockaddr *)&their_addr), s_udp, sizeof s_udp)); printf("listener: packet is %d bytes long\n", numbytes); listenBuf[numbytes] = '\0'; //Copy listenBuf to sendBuf memcpy ( (void *) sendBuf, (void *) listenBuf, numbytes); sendBuf[numbytes] = '\0'; // strcpy(sendBuf, listenBuf); printf("listener: packet contains \"%s\"\n", listenBuf); //debug message printf("sendBuf contains : %s \n", sendBuf); //debug message char type = listenBuf[0]; if((int)type == 1) { uint send_id = (int) ( listenBuf[2] | (listenBuf[1] << 8) ); printf("send id is : %d\n", send_id); //debug message char data[50]; int k,l; for(k =3,l=0 ; k< numbytes; k++, l++) { data[l] = listenBuf[k] ; printf("%c\n" , data[l]); //debug message } data[l] = '\0'; printf("atoi of addr: %s\n", addr); //debug message if((int)send_id == atoi(addr)) //Message arrived at destination { printf("LOG DICKS\n"); sendLog(send_id, data, 1, sockfd); } else { struct nodeInfo * sendPort = findHash(send_id); //Send only if ID of next hop == ID of send_id //Else lookup info for next hop while(sendPort->ID != sendPort->nextHop) sendPort = findHash(sendPort->nextHop); //if(sendPort->ID != sendPort->nextHop) char dstPort[15]; for(k = 0; k < 15; k++ ) dstPort[k] = sendPort->udpPort[k]; //UDP forward sendLog(sendPort->ID, data, 0, sockfd); //Get external ip address struct ifaddrs * ifAddrStruct=NULL; struct ifaddrs * ifa=NULL; void * tmpAddrPtr=NULL; char addressBuffer[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; getifaddrs(&ifAddrStruct); for (ifa = ifAddrStruct; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { if (ifa ->ifa_addr->sa_family==AF_INET) { // check it is IP4 // is a valid IP4 Address tmpAddrPtr=&((struct sockaddr_in *)ifa->ifa_addr)->sin_addr; inet_ntop(AF_INET, tmpAddrPtr, addressBuffer, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); //printf("%s IP Address %s\n", ifa->ifa_name, addressBuffer); } else if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family==AF_INET6) { // check it is IP6 // is a valid IP6 Address tmpAddrPtr=&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)ifa->ifa_addr)->sin6_addr; char addressBuffer[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; inet_ntop(AF_INET6, tmpAddrPtr, addressBuffer, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); //printf("%s IP Address %s\n", ifa->ifa_name, addressBuffer); } } if (ifAddrStruct!=NULL) freeifaddrs(ifAddrStruct); //UDP send sockfd_send struct addrinfo hints, *p; int sockfd_send; struct addrinfo *servinfo_send; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; if ((rv = getaddrinfo(addressBuffer, dstPort, &hints, &servinfo_send)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(rv)); } // loop through all the results and make a socket for(p = servinfo_send; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next) { if ((sockfd_send = socket(p->ai_family, p->ai_socktype, p->ai_protocol)) == -1) { perror("talker: socket"); continue; } break; } if (p == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "talker: failed to bind socket\n"); } for(k = 0 ; k<numbytes; k++) printf("%c\n" , listenBuf[k]); printf("listenBuf length is: %d\n", strlen(listenBuf)); //debug message if ((numbytes = sendto(sockfd_send, listenBuf, numbytes, 0, p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen)) == -1) { perror("talker: sendto"); exit(1); } freeaddrinfo(servinfo_send); printf("talker: sent %d bytes to %s\n", numbytes, dstPort); close(sockfd_send); } } else //if((int)type == 0) { char *space = " "; char message[10]; char temp[100]; char propogate[100]; int identify, lookup; char tempID[10]; char cst[10]; char templookup[10]; char savehsh[100]; strcpy(temp, listenBuf); //strcpy(propogate, listenBuf); strcpy(savehsh, listenBuf); strcpy(message, strtok(listenBuf, space)); if(strcmp(message, "ACK") != 0) { strtok(temp, space); strcpy(tempID, strtok('\0', space)); strtok('\0', space); strtok('\0', space); strcpy(cst, strtok('\0', space)); strcpy(templookup, strtok('\0', space)); if(strcmp(message, "NEW") == 0) saveHash(savehsh, 0); else if(strcmp(message, "UPDATE") == 0) { identify = atoi(tempID); updateHash(identify, cst); } //Send the ack lookup = atoi(templookup); struct nodeInfo *look = findHash(lookup); sendMessageHelper("ACK ", look->udpPort); } else ackflag = 1; //propagateControl(propogate); } } close(sockfd_udp); return NULL; }
void insertTable(int key, int buckets, struct Node ** tablePtr) { int spot = findHash(key, buckets); insertNode(key, &tablePtr[spot]); }