AlarmNode* AlarmNode::findNow(int N, time_t time) { if (N==0) { return this; } else if (next->getNextTrigger() > time && next!=this) { doCallback(); return next; } else { return findNow(N-1,time); } }
static void *heartbeatDeamon(void *vptr) /* Send out a beat every now and again to hub. */ { struct paraMessage *pm; while (alive) { sleep(MINUTE/4); findNow(); pm = pmNew(0,0); pmSet(pm, "heartbeat"); hubMessagePut(pm); } return NULL; }
void paraNode() /* paraNode - a net server. */ { char *line; char *command; struct sockaddr_in sai; /* We have to know who we are... */ hostName = getMachine(); initRandom(); getTicksToHundreths(); /* log init */ if (optionExists("log")) logOpenFile("paraNode", optionVal("log", NULL)); else logOpenSyslog("paraNode", optionVal("logFacility", NULL)); logSetMinPriority(optionVal("logMinPriority", "info")); logInfo("starting paraNode on %s", hostName); /* Make job lists. */ jobsRunning = newDlList(); jobsFinished = newDlList(); /* Set up socket and self to listen to it. */ ZeroVar(&sai); sai.sin_family = AF_INET; sai.sin_port = htons(paraNodePort); sai.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; mainRudp = rudpMustOpenBound(&sai); mainRudp->maxRetries = 12; /* Event loop. */ findNow(); for (;;) { /* Get next incoming message and optionally check to make * sure that it's from a host we trust, and check signature * on first bit of incoming data. */ if (pmReceive(&pmIn, mainRudp)) { findNow(); if (hubName == NULL || ntohl(pmIn.ipAddress.sin_addr.s_addr) == hubIp || ntohl(pmIn.ipAddress.sin_addr.s_addr) == localIp) { /* Host and signature look ok, read a string and * parse out first word as command. */ line =; logDebug("message from %s: \"%s\"", paraFormatIp(ntohl(pmIn.ipAddress.sin_addr.s_addr)), line); command = nextWord(&line); if (command != NULL) { if (sameString("quit", command)) break; else if (sameString("run", command)) doRun(line, &pmIn.ipAddress); else if (sameString("jobDone", command)) jobDone(line); else if (sameString("status", command)) doStatus(); else if (sameString("kill", command)) doKill(line); else if (sameString("check", command)) doCheck(line, &pmIn.ipAddress); else if (sameString("resurrect", command)) doResurrect(line, &pmIn.ipAddress); else if (sameString("listJobs", command)) listJobs(); else if (sameString("fetch", command)) doFetch(line); else logWarn("invalid command: \"%s\"", command); } logDebug("done command"); } else { logWarn("command from unauthorized host %s", paraFormatIp(ntohl(pmIn.ipAddress.sin_addr.s_addr))); } } } rudpClose(&mainRudp); }