void CanvasGradient::getColor(float value, float* r, float* g, float* b, float* a)
    ASSERT(value >= 0);
    ASSERT(value <= 1);

    if (value <= 0) {
        *r = m_stops.first().red;
        *g = m_stops.first().green;
        *b = m_stops.first().blue;
        *a = m_stops.first().alpha;
    if (value >= 1) {
        *r = m_stops.last().red;
        *g = m_stops.last().green;
        *b = m_stops.last().blue;
        *a = m_stops.last().alpha;

    // Find stop before and stop after and interpolate.
    int stop = findStop(value);
    const ColorStop& lastStop = m_stops[stop];    
    const ColorStop& nextStop = m_stops[stop + 1];
    float stopFraction = (value - lastStop.stop) / (nextStop.stop - lastStop.stop);
    *r = lastStop.red + (nextStop.red - lastStop.red) * stopFraction;
    *g = lastStop.green + (nextStop.green - lastStop.green) * stopFraction;
    *b = lastStop.blue + (nextStop.blue - lastStop.blue) * stopFraction;
    *a = lastStop.alpha + (nextStop.alpha - lastStop.alpha) * stopFraction;
Exemple #2
void Gradient::getColor(float value, float* r, float* g, float* b, float* a) const
    ASSERT(value >= 0);
    ASSERT(value <= 1);

    if (m_stops.isEmpty()) {
        *r = 0;
        *g = 0;
        *b = 0;
        *a = 0;
    if (!m_stopsSorted) {
        if (m_stops.size())
            //AJB: Original code was calling std::stable_sort. That could call the global new in order to allocate memory.
            //Replace it with the eastl::merege_sort and give it a allocator if it needs to allocate memory.
            //+ 5/13/09 CSidhall - Removed dependance on EASTL with a modified internal sort    
            // Precious code:
            // EA::WebKit::EASTLAllocator allocator;
            // eastl::merge_sort(m_stops.begin(), m_stops.end(), allocator, compareStops);

            EA::Internal::merge_sort(m_stops.data(), m_stops.size(), compareStops);
            //- CS 
        m_stopsSorted = true;
    if (value <= 0 || value <= m_stops.first().stop) {
        *r = m_stops.first().red;
        *g = m_stops.first().green;
        *b = m_stops.first().blue;
        *a = m_stops.first().alpha;
    if (value >= 1 || value >= m_stops.last().stop) {
        *r = m_stops.last().red;
        *g = m_stops.last().green;
        *b = m_stops.last().blue;
        *a = m_stops.last().alpha;

    // Find stop before and stop after and interpolate.
    int stop = findStop(value);
    const ColorStop& lastStop = m_stops[stop];    
    const ColorStop& nextStop = m_stops[stop + 1];
    float stopFraction = (value - lastStop.stop) / (nextStop.stop - lastStop.stop);
    *r = lastStop.red + (nextStop.red - lastStop.red) * stopFraction;
    *g = lastStop.green + (nextStop.green - lastStop.green) * stopFraction;
    *b = lastStop.blue + (nextStop.blue - lastStop.blue) * stopFraction;
    *a = lastStop.alpha + (nextStop.alpha - lastStop.alpha) * stopFraction;
Exemple #3
void Gradient::getColor(float value, float* r, float* g, float* b, float* a) const
    ASSERT(value >= 0);
    ASSERT(value <= 1);

    if (m_stops.isEmpty()) {
        *r = 0;
        *g = 0;
        *b = 0;
        *a = 0;
    if (!m_stopsSorted) {
        if (m_stops.size())
            std::stable_sort(m_stops.begin(), m_stops.end(), compareStops);
        m_stopsSorted = true;
    if (value <= 0 || value <= m_stops.first().stop) {
        *r = m_stops.first().red;
        *g = m_stops.first().green;
        *b = m_stops.first().blue;
        *a = m_stops.first().alpha;
    if (value >= 1 || value >= m_stops.last().stop) {
        *r = m_stops.last().red;
        *g = m_stops.last().green;
        *b = m_stops.last().blue;
        *a = m_stops.last().alpha;

    // Find stop before and stop after and interpolate.
    int stop = findStop(value);
    const ColorStop& lastStop = m_stops[stop];    
    const ColorStop& nextStop = m_stops[stop + 1];
    float stopFraction = (value - lastStop.stop) / (nextStop.stop - lastStop.stop);
    *r = lastStop.red + (nextStop.red - lastStop.red) * stopFraction;
    *g = lastStop.green + (nextStop.green - lastStop.green) * stopFraction;
    *b = lastStop.blue + (nextStop.blue - lastStop.blue) * stopFraction;
    *a = lastStop.alpha + (nextStop.alpha - lastStop.alpha) * stopFraction;