Exemple #1
 bool Helpers::getLast(const char *ns, BSONObj& result) {
     Client::Context ctx(ns);
     shared_ptr<Cursor> c = findTableScan(ns, reverseNaturalObj);
     if( !c->ok() )
         return false;
     result = c->current();
     return true;
Exemple #2
 auto_ptr< Cursor > QueryPlan::newCursor( const DiskLoc &startLoc ) const {
     if ( !fbs_.matchPossible() )
         return auto_ptr< Cursor >( new BasicCursor( DiskLoc() ) );
     if ( !index_ )
         return findTableScan( fbs_.ns(), order_, startLoc );
     massert( "newCursor() with start location not implemented for indexed plans", startLoc.isNull() );
     //TODO This constructor should really take a const ref to the index details.
     return auto_ptr< Cursor >( new BtreeCursor( *const_cast< IndexDetails* >( index_ ), startKey_, endKey_, direction_ >= 0 ? 1 : -1 ) );
Exemple #3
 shared_ptr<Cursor> QueryPlan::newReverseCursor() const {
     if ( willScanTable() ) {
         int orderSpec = _order.getIntField( "$natural" );
         if ( orderSpec == INT_MIN )
             orderSpec = 1;
         return findTableScan( _frs.ns(), BSON( "$natural" << -orderSpec ) );
     massert( 10364, "newReverseCursor() not implemented for indexed plans", false );
     return shared_ptr<Cursor>();
Exemple #4
 auto_ptr< Cursor > QueryPlan::newReverseCursor() const {
     if ( !fbs_.matchPossible() )
         return auto_ptr< Cursor >( new BasicCursor( DiskLoc() ) );
     if ( !index_ ) {
         int orderSpec = order_.getIntField( "$natural" );
         if ( orderSpec == INT_MIN )
             orderSpec = 1;
         return findTableScan( fbs_.ns(), BSON( "$natural" << -orderSpec ) );
     massert( "newReverseCursor() not implemented for indexed plans", false );
     return auto_ptr< Cursor >( 0 );
Exemple #5
            void run() {
                stringstream spec;
                spec << "{\"capped\":true,\"size\":2000,\"$nExtents\":" << nExtents() << "}";
                string err;
                ASSERT( userCreateNS( ns(), fromjson( spec.str() ), err, false ) );
                int j = 0;
                for ( auto_ptr< Cursor > i = theDataFileMgr.findAll( ns() );
                        i->ok(); i->advance(), ++j )
                    ASSERT_EQUALS( j, i->current().firstElement().number() );
                ASSERT_EQUALS( count(), j );

                j = count() - 1;
                for ( auto_ptr< Cursor > i =
                            findTableScan( ns(), fromjson( "{\"$natural\":-1}" ) );
                        i->ok(); i->advance(), --j )
                    ASSERT_EQUALS( j, i->current().firstElement().number() );
                ASSERT_EQUALS( -1, j );
Exemple #6
    /* we reuse our existing objects so that we can keep our existing connection
       and cursor in effect.
    void ReplSource::loadAll(SourceVector &v) {
        Client::Context ctx("local.sources");
        SourceVector old = v;

        if ( !cmdLine.source.empty() ) {
            // --source <host> specified.
            // check that no items are in sources other than that
            // add if missing
            shared_ptr<Cursor> c = findTableScan("local.sources", BSONObj());
            int n = 0;
            while ( c->ok() ) {
                ReplSource tmp(c->current());
                if ( tmp.hostName != cmdLine.source ) {
                    log() << "repl: --source " << cmdLine.source << " != " << tmp.hostName << " from local.sources collection" << endl;
                    log() << "repl: for instructions on changing this slave's source, see:" << endl;
                    log() << "http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/masterslave" << endl;
                    log() << "repl: terminating mongod after 30 seconds" << endl;
                    dbexit( EXIT_REPLICATION_ERROR );
                if ( tmp.only != cmdLine.only ) {
                    log() << "--only " << cmdLine.only << " != " << tmp.only << " from local.sources collection" << endl;
                    log() << "terminating after 30 seconds" << endl;
                    dbexit( EXIT_REPLICATION_ERROR );
            uassert( 10002 ,  "local.sources collection corrupt?", n<2 );
            if ( n == 0 ) {
                // source missing.  add.
                ReplSource s;
                s.hostName = cmdLine.source;
                s.only = cmdLine.only;
        else {
            try {
                massert( 10384 , "--only requires use of --source", cmdLine.only.empty());
            catch ( ... ) {
                dbexit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS );

        shared_ptr<Cursor> c = findTableScan("local.sources", BSONObj());
        while ( c->ok() ) {
            ReplSource tmp(c->current());
            if ( tmp.syncedTo.isNull() ) {
                DBDirectClient c;
                if ( c.exists( "local.oplog.$main" ) ) {
                    BSONObj op = c.findOne( "local.oplog.$main", QUERY( "op" << NE << "n" ).sort( BSON( "$natural" << -1 ) ) );
                    if ( !op.isEmpty() ) {
                        tmp.syncedTo = op[ "ts" ].date();
            addSourceToList(v, tmp, old);
 void appendReplicationInfo(BSONObjBuilder& result, int level) {
     if ( replSet ) {
         if( theReplSet == 0 || theReplSet->state().shunned() ) {
             result.append("ismaster", false);
             result.append("secondary", false);
             result.append("info", ReplSet::startupStatusMsg.get());
             result.append( "isreplicaset" , true );
         else {
     if ( replAllDead ) {
         result.append("ismaster", 0);
         string s = string("dead: ") + replAllDead;
         result.append("info", s);
     else {
         result.appendBool("ismaster", _isMaster() );
     if ( level && replSet ) {
         result.append( "info" , "is replica set" );
     else if ( level ) {
         BSONObjBuilder sources( result.subarrayStart( "sources" ) );
         int n = 0;
         list<BSONObj> src;
             Client::ReadContext ctx("local.sources", dbpath);
             shared_ptr<Cursor> c = findTableScan("local.sources", BSONObj());
             while ( c->ok() ) {
         for( list<BSONObj>::const_iterator i = src.begin(); i != src.end(); i++ ) {
             BSONObj s = *i;
             BSONObjBuilder bb;
             bb.append( s["host"] );
             string sourcename = s["source"].valuestr();
             if ( sourcename != "main" )
                 bb.append( s["source"] );
                 BSONElement e = s["syncedTo"];
                 BSONObjBuilder t( bb.subobjStart( "syncedTo" ) );
                 t.appendDate( "time" , e.timestampTime() );
                 t.append( "inc" , e.timestampInc() );
             if ( level > 1 ) {
                 wassert( !Lock::isLocked() );
                 // note: there is no so-style timeout on this connection; perhaps we should have one.
                 ScopedDbConnection conn(s["host"].valuestr());
                 DBClientConnection *cliConn = dynamic_cast< DBClientConnection* >( &conn.conn() );
                 if ( cliConn && replAuthenticate(cliConn, false) ) {
                     BSONObj first = conn->findOne( (string)"local.oplog.$" + sourcename,
                                                           Query().sort( BSON( "$natural" << 1 ) ) );
                     BSONObj last = conn->findOne( (string)"local.oplog.$" + sourcename,
                                                          Query().sort( BSON( "$natural" << -1 ) ) );
                     bb.appendDate( "masterFirst" , first["ts"].timestampTime() );
                     bb.appendDate( "masterLast" , last["ts"].timestampTime() );
                     double lag = (double) (last["ts"].timestampTime() - s["syncedTo"].timestampTime());
                     bb.append( "lagSeconds" , lag / 1000 );
             sources.append( BSONObjBuilder::numStr( n++ ) , bb.obj() );
Exemple #8
    shared_ptr<Cursor> QueryPlan::newCursor( const DiskLoc& startLoc,
                                             bool requestIntervalCursor ) const {

        if ( _type ) {
            // hopefully safe to use original query in these contexts - don't think we can mix type
            // with $or clause separation yet
            int numWanted = 0;
            if ( _parsedQuery ) {
                // SERVER-5390
                numWanted = _parsedQuery->getSkip() + _parsedQuery->getNumToReturn();

            IndexDescriptor* descriptor = CatalogHack::getDescriptor(_d, _idxNo);
            IndexAccessMethod* iam = CatalogHack::getIndex(descriptor);
            return shared_ptr<Cursor>(EmulatedCursor::make(descriptor, iam, _originalQuery,
                                                           _order, numWanted,

        if ( _utility == Impossible ) {
            // Dummy table scan cursor returning no results.  Allowed in --notablescan mode.
            return shared_ptr<Cursor>( new BasicCursor( DiskLoc() ) );

        if ( willScanTable() ) {
            return findTableScan( _frs.ns(), _order, startLoc );
        massert( 10363,
                 "newCursor() with start location not implemented for indexed plans",
                 startLoc.isNull() );

        if ( _startOrEndSpec ) {
            // we are sure to spec _endKeyInclusive
            return shared_ptr<Cursor>( BtreeCursor::make( _d,
                                                          _direction >= 0 ? 1 : -1 ) );

        if ( _index->getSpec().getType() ) {
            return shared_ptr<Cursor>( BtreeCursor::make( _d,
                                                          _direction >= 0 ? 1 : -1 ) );

        // An IntervalBtreeCursor is returned if explicitly requested AND _frv is exactly
        // represented by a single interval within the btree.
        if ( // If an interval cursor is requested and ...
             requestIntervalCursor &&
             // ... equalities come before ranges (a requirement of Optimal) and ...
             _utility == Optimal &&
             // ... the field range vector exactly represents a single interval ...
             _frv->isSingleInterval() ) {
            // ... and an interval cursor can be created ...
            shared_ptr<Cursor> ret( IntervalBtreeCursor::make( _d,
                                                               _frv->endKeyInclusive() ) );
            if ( ret ) {
                // ... then return the interval cursor.
                return ret;

        return shared_ptr<Cursor>( BtreeCursor::make( _d,
                                                      _direction >= 0 ? 1 : -1 ) );