Exemple #1
 * If tile borders empty space, moves tile and returns true, else
 * returns false. 
bool move(int tile)
    // Check whether tile is on the board
    if (findTile(tile))
        // Check to see if blank tile's row position is equal to selected tile's row position
        if (blank_row + 1 == found_row || blank_row - 1 == found_row)
            // To ensure only selecting tile below or above blank tile (column position stays the same)
            if (blank_col == found_col)
                return true;
        // Check to see if blank tile's column position is equal to selected tile's column position   
        if (blank_col + 1 == found_col || blank_col - 1 == found_col)
            // To ensure only selecting tiles left or right of blank tile (row position stays the same)
            if (blank_row == found_row)
                return true;
    return false;
void HydroFlowProducer::putTile(TileCache::Tile *t)
    if (t->level > 0) {
        TileCache::Tile *t2 = findTile(t->level - 1, t->tx / 2, t->ty / 2);
        assert(t2 != NULL);

    TileCache::Tile *t2 = graphs->findTile(t->level, t->tx, t->ty);

void HydroFlowProducer::stopCreateTile(int level, int tx, int ty)
    TileProducer::stopCreateTile(level, tx, ty);

    if (level > 0) {
            TileCache::Tile *t = findTile(level - 1, tx / 2, ty / 2);
            assert(t != NULL);

    TileCache::Tile *t = graphs->findTile(level, tx, ty);
    assert(t != NULL);
void CPUElevationProducer::stopCreateTile(int level, int tx, int ty)
    if (level > 0) {
        TileCache::Tile *t = findTile(level - 1, tx / 2, ty / 2);
        assert(t != NULL);

    int tileSize = getCache()->getStorage()->getTileSize() - 5;
    int residualTileSize = residualTiles->getCache()->getStorage()->getTileSize() - 5;
    int mod = residualTileSize / tileSize;
    if (residualTiles->hasTile(level, tx / mod, ty / mod)) {
        TileCache::Tile *t = residualTiles->findTile(level, tx / mod, ty / mod);
        assert(t != NULL);
Exemple #5
bool TileMap::addTile( Tile* t, int palNum, bool optimizeFlag )
    int index= findTile( t );
    if ( index == -1 || !optimizeFlag )
        tiles.push_back( t );
        map.push_back( new MapAttribute( mode, (tileOffset + (tileCount++)), palNum) );
    else {
        if ( hasEmptyTile )
            map.push_back( new MapAttribute( mode, index+1, palNum ) );
            map.push_back( new MapAttribute( mode, index, palNum ) );

bool CPUElevationProducer::doCreateTile(int level, int tx, int ty, TileStorage::Slot *data)
    if (Logger::DEBUG_LOGGER != NULL) {
        ostringstream oss;
        oss << "CPUElevation tile " << getId() << " " << level << " " << tx << " " << ty;
        Logger::DEBUG_LOGGER->log("DEM", oss.str());

    CPUTileStorage<float>::CPUSlot *cpuData = dynamic_cast<CPUTileStorage<float>::CPUSlot*>(data);
    assert(cpuData != NULL);

    int tileWidth = data->getOwner()->getTileSize();
    int tileSize = tileWidth - 5;

    CPUTileStorage<float>::CPUSlot *parentCpuData = NULL;
    if (level > 0) {
        TileCache::Tile *t = findTile(level - 1, tx / 2, ty / 2);
        assert(t != NULL);
        parentCpuData = dynamic_cast<CPUTileStorage<float>::CPUSlot*>(t->getData());
        assert(parentCpuData != NULL);

    int residualTileWidth = residualTiles->getCache()->getStorage()->getTileSize();
    int mod = (residualTileWidth - 2 * residualTiles->getBorder() - 1) / tileSize;

    int rx = (tx % mod) * tileSize; // select the xy coord in residual
    int ry = (ty % mod) * tileSize;
    TileCache::Tile *t = residualTiles->findTile(level, tx / mod, ty / mod);

    CPUTileStorage<float>::CPUSlot *cpuTile = NULL;

    bool hasResidual = residualTiles->hasTile(level, tx / mod, ty / mod);
    if (hasResidual) {
        assert(t != NULL);
        cpuTile = dynamic_cast<CPUTileStorage<float>::CPUSlot*>(t->getData());
        assert(cpuTile != NULL);

    int px = 1 + (tx % 2) * tileSize / 2; //select the xy coord in the parent tile
    int py = 1 + (ty % 2) * tileSize / 2;

    float *parentTile = NULL;
    if (level > 0) {
        parentTile = parentCpuData->data;

    for (int j = 0; j < tileWidth; ++j) {
        for (int i = 0; i < tileWidth; ++i) {
            float z;
            float r = 0.0f;

            if (level == 0) {
                z = 0.0f;
            } else {
                if (j % 2 == 0) {
                    if (i % 2 == 0) {
                        z = parentTile[i / 2 + px + (j / 2 + py) * tileWidth];
                    } else {
                        float z0 = parentTile[i / 2 + px - 1 + (j / 2 + py) * tileWidth];
                        float z1 = parentTile[i / 2 + px + (j / 2 + py) * tileWidth];
                        float z2 = parentTile[i / 2 + px + 1 + (j / 2 + py) * tileWidth];
                        float z3 = parentTile[i / 2 + px + 2 + (j / 2 + py) * tileWidth];
                        z = ((z1 + z2) * 9 - (z0 + z3)) / 16;
                } else {
                    if (i % 2 == 0) {
                        float z0 = parentTile[i / 2  + px + (j / 2 - 1 + py) * tileWidth];
                        float z1 = parentTile[i / 2 + px + (j / 2 + py) * tileWidth];
                        float z2 = parentTile[i / 2 + px + (j / 2 + 1 + py) * tileWidth];
                        float z3 = parentTile[i / 2 + px + (j / 2 + 2 + py) * tileWidth];
                        z = ((z1 + z2) * 9 - (z0 + z3)) / 16;
                    } else {
                        int di, dj;
                        z = 0;
                        for (dj = -1; dj <= 2; ++dj) {
                            float f = dj == -1 || dj == 2 ? -1/16.0f : 9/16.0f;
                            for (di = -1; di <= 2; ++di) {
                                float g = di == -1 || di == 2 ? -1/16.0f : 9/16.0f;
                                z += f * g * parentTile[i / 2 + di + px + (j / 2 + dj + py) * tileWidth];
            if (hasResidual) {
                r = cpuTile->data[(int)(i + rx + (j + ry) * residualTileWidth)];
            cpuData->data[i + j * tileWidth] = z + r;

    return true;
bool HydroFlowProducer::doCreateTile(int level, int tx, int ty, TileStorage::Slot *data)
    if (Logger::DEBUG_LOGGER != NULL) {
        ostringstream oss;
        oss << "Hydro tile " << getId() << " " << level << " " << tx << " " << ty;
        Logger::DEBUG_LOGGER->log("RIVER", oss.str());
    bool res = false;

    ObjectTileStorage::ObjectSlot *objectData = dynamic_cast<ObjectTileStorage::ObjectSlot*>(data);
    assert(objectData != NULL);
    TileCache::Tile::TId id = TileCache::Tile::getTId(getId(), level, tx, ty);

    TileCache::Tile *graphTile = graphs->findTile(level, tx, ty);
    assert(graphTile != NULL);
    ptr<Graph> graphData = dynamic_cast<ObjectTileStorage::ObjectSlot*>(graphTile->getData())->data.cast<Graph>();

    float quadSize = getRootQuadSize() / (1 << level);

    bool diffVersion = false;
    if (objectData->data != NULL) {
        diffVersion = !objectData->data.cast<HydroFlowTile>()->equals(graphData->version, slipParameter, min((int) (quadSize / potentialDelta), displayTileSize), searchRadiusFactor);//objectData->data.cast<HydroFlowTile>()->version != graphData->version;

    if (diffVersion || id != objectData->id || objectData->data == NULL ) {
        ptr<HydroFlowTile> hydroData;

        double ox = getRootQuadSize() * (double(tx) / (1 << level) - 0.5f);
        double oy = getRootQuadSize() * (double(ty) / (1 << level) - 0.5f);

        if (level >= minLevel) {
            if (graphData.cast<HydroGraph>() == NULL && graphData.cast<LazyHydroGraph>() == NULL) { // if the type of graph is wrong
                if (Logger::ERROR_LOGGER != NULL) {
                    ostringstream oss;
                    oss << "Bad Graph Type : Should be a [Lazy]HydroGraph.";
                    Logger::ERROR_LOGGER->log("RIVER", oss.str());
                return false;

            if (quadSize / potentialDelta < displayTileSize / 2 && level - 1 >=minLevel) { //maxLevel
                objectData->data = dynamic_cast<ObjectTileStorage::ObjectSlot*>(findTile(level - 1, tx / 2, ty / 2)->getData())->data;
                return true;

            float scale = displayTileSize == -1 ? 1 : displayTileSize / quadSize;

            ptr<Graph::CurveIterator> ci = graphData->getCurves();
            vector<ptr<HydroCurve> > banks;
            float width = 0.f;
            while(ci->hasNext()) {
                ptr<HydroCurve> c = ci->next().cast<HydroCurve>();
                bool display = false;
                if (c->getType() != HydroCurve::BANK && c->getWidth() * scale > 1.0f) {
                    display = true;
                    if (width < c->getWidth()) {
                        width = c->getWidth();
                } else if (c->getType() == HydroCurve::BANK && c->getRiver().id != NULL_ID) {
                    if (c->getOwner()->getAncestor()->getCurve(c->getRiver()).cast<HydroCurve>()->getWidth() * scale > 1.0f) {
                        display = true;
                if (display) {
            hydroData = new HydroFlowTile(ox, oy, quadSize, slipParameter, min((int) (quadSize / potentialDelta), displayTileSize), searchRadiusFactor);
            hydroData->addBanks(banks, width);
        } else {
            hydroData = new HydroFlowTile(ox, oy, quadSize, slipParameter, min((int) (quadSize / potentialDelta), displayTileSize), searchRadiusFactor);

        objectData->data = hydroData;
        hydroData->version = graphData->version;
        res = true;

    TileProducer::doCreateTile(level, tx, ty, data);
    return res;