Exemple #1
// AUDIOnnn.MAP contains 10-byte entries:
// Early format:
// w 5 bits resource type and 11 bits resource number
// dw 7 bits volume number and 25 bits offset
// dw size
// Later format:
// w nEntry
// dw offset+volume (as in resource.map)
// dw size
// ending with 10 0xFFs
int ResourceManager::readAudioMapSCI1(ResourceSource *map, bool unload) {
	Common::File file;

	if (!file.open(map->getLocationName()))

	bool oldFormat = (file.readUint16LE() >> 11) == kResourceTypeAudio;

	for (;;) {
		uint16 n = file.readUint16LE();
		uint32 offset = file.readUint32LE();
		uint32 size = file.readUint32LE();

		if (file.eos() || file.err()) {
			warning("Error while reading %s", map->getLocationName().c_str());

		if (n == 0xffff)

		byte volume_nr;

		if (oldFormat) {
			n &= 0x07ff; // Mask out resource type
			volume_nr = offset >> 25; // most significant 7 bits
			offset &= 0x01ffffff; // least significant 25 bits
		} else {
			volume_nr = offset >> 28; // most significant 4 bits
			offset &= 0x0fffffff; // least significant 28 bits

		ResourceSource *src = findVolume(map, volume_nr);

		if (src) {
			const ResourceId resId(kResourceTypeAudio, n);

			if (unload)
				addResource(resId, src, offset, size, map->getLocationName());
		} else {
			warning("Failed to find audio volume %i", volume_nr);
Exemple #2
int ResourceManager::readAudioMapSCI11(IntMapResourceSource *map) {
#ifndef ENABLE_SCI32
	// SCI32 support is not built in. Check if this is a SCI32 game
	// and if it is abort here.
	if (_volVersion >= kResVersionSci2)

	uint32 offset = 0;
	Resource *mapRes = findResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeMap, map->_mapNumber), false);

	if (!mapRes) {
		warning("Failed to open %i.MAP", map->_mapNumber);

	ResourceSource *src = findVolume(map, map->_volumeNumber);

	if (!src) {
		warning("Failed to find volume for %i.MAP", map->_mapNumber);

	byte *ptr = mapRes->data;

	// Heuristic to detect entry size
	uint32 entrySize = 0;
	for (int i = mapRes->size - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
		if (ptr[i] == 0xff)

	if (map->_mapNumber == 65535) {
		while (ptr < mapRes->data + mapRes->size) {
			uint16 n = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr);
			ptr += 2;

			if (n == 0xffff)

			if (entrySize == 6) {
				offset = READ_LE_UINT32(ptr);
				ptr += 4;
			} else {
				offset += READ_LE_UINT24(ptr);
				ptr += 3;

			addResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeAudio, n), src, offset);
	} else if (map->_mapNumber == 0 && entrySize == 10 && ptr[3] == 0) {
		// QFG3 demo format
		// ptr[3] would be 'seq' in the normal format and cannot possibly be 0
		while (ptr < mapRes->data + mapRes->size) {
			uint16 n = READ_BE_UINT16(ptr);
			ptr += 2;

			if (n == 0xffff)

			offset = READ_LE_UINT32(ptr);
			ptr += 4;
			uint32 size = READ_LE_UINT32(ptr);
			ptr += 4;

			addResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeAudio, n), src, offset, size);
	} else if (map->_mapNumber == 0 && entrySize == 8 && READ_LE_UINT16(ptr + 2) == 0xffff) {
		// LB2 Floppy/Mother Goose SCI1.1 format
		Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = getVolumeFile(src);

		while (ptr < mapRes->data + mapRes->size) {
			uint16 n = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr);
			ptr += 4;

			if (n == 0xffff)

			offset = READ_LE_UINT32(ptr);
			ptr += 4;

			// The size is not stored in the map and the entries have no order.
			// We need to dig into the audio resource in the volume to get the size.
			stream->seek(offset + 1);
			byte headerSize = stream->readByte();
			assert(headerSize == 11 || headerSize == 12);

			uint32 size = stream->readUint32LE() + headerSize + 2;

			addResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeAudio, n), src, offset, size);
	} else {
		bool isEarly = (entrySize != 11);

		if (!isEarly) {
			offset = READ_LE_UINT32(ptr);
			ptr += 4;

		while (ptr < mapRes->data + mapRes->size) {
			uint32 n = READ_BE_UINT32(ptr);
			int syncSize = 0;
			ptr += 4;

			if (n == 0xffffffff)

			if (isEarly) {
				offset = READ_LE_UINT32(ptr);
				ptr += 4;
			} else {
				offset += READ_LE_UINT24(ptr);
				ptr += 3;

			if (isEarly || (n & 0x80)) {
				syncSize = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr);
				ptr += 2;

				// FIXME: The sync36 resource seems to be two bytes too big in KQ6CD
				// (bytes taken from the RAVE resource right after it)
				if (syncSize > 0)
					addResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeSync36, map->_mapNumber, n & 0xffffff3f), src, offset, syncSize);

			if (n & 0x40) {
				// This seems to define the size of raw lipsync data (at least
				// in KQ6 CD Windows).
				int kq6HiresSyncSize = READ_LE_UINT16(ptr);
				ptr += 2;

				if (kq6HiresSyncSize > 0) {
					addResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeRave, map->_mapNumber, n & 0xffffff3f), src, offset + syncSize, kq6HiresSyncSize);
					syncSize += kq6HiresSyncSize;

			addResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeAudio36, map->_mapNumber, n & 0xffffff3f), src, offset + syncSize);

	return 0;
Exemple #3
int ResourceManager::readAudioMapSCI11(IntMapResourceSource *map) {
#ifndef ENABLE_SCI32
	// SCI32 support is not built in. Check if this is a SCI32 game
	// and if it is abort here.
	if (_volVersion >= kResVersionSci2)

	uint32 offset = 0;
	const ResourceId mapResId(kResourceTypeMap, map->_mapNumber);
	Resource *mapRes = _resMap.getVal(mapResId, nullptr);

	if (!mapRes) {
		warning("Failed to open %s", mapResId.toString().c_str());

	// Here, we allocate audio maps ourselves instead of using findResource to
	// do this for us. This is in order to prevent the map resources from
	// getting into the LRU cache. These resources must be read and then
	// deallocated in games with multi-disc audio in order to read the audio
	// maps from every CD, and LRU eviction freaks out if an unallocated
	// resource ends up in the LRU list. It is also not necessary for these
	// resources to be cached in the LRU at all, since they are only used upon
	// game startup to populate _resMap.
	assert(mapRes->_status == kResStatusNoMalloc);

	if (!mapRes->data()) {
		warning("Failed to read data for %s", mapResId.toString().c_str());

	ResourceSource *src = findVolume(map, map->_volumeNumber);

	if (!src) {
		warning("Failed to find volume for %s", mapResId.toString().c_str());

	Common::SeekableReadStream *fileStream = getVolumeFile(src);

	if (!fileStream) {
		warning("Failed to open file stream for %s", src->getLocationName().c_str());

	const uint32 srcSize = fileStream->size();
	disposeVolumeFileStream(fileStream, src);

	SciSpan<const byte>::const_iterator ptr = mapRes->cbegin();

	uint32 entrySize = 0;
	if (_volVersion >= kResVersionSci2) {
		// The heuristic size detection is incompatible with at least Torin RU,
		// which is fine because it is not needed for SCI32
		entrySize = 11;
	} else {
		// Heuristic to detect entry size
		for (int i = mapRes->size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
			if (ptr[i] == 0xff)

	if (map->_mapNumber == 65535) {
		while (ptr != mapRes->cend()) {
			uint16 n = ptr.getUint16LE();
			ptr += 2;

			if (n == 0xffff)

			if (entrySize == 6) {
				offset = ptr.getUint32LE();
				ptr += 4;
			} else {
				offset += ptr.getUint24LE();
				ptr += 3;

			addResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeAudio, n), src, offset, 0, map->getLocationName());
	} else if (map->_mapNumber == 0 && entrySize == 10 && ptr[3] == 0) {
		// QFG3 demo format
		// ptr[3] would be 'seq' in the normal format and cannot possibly be 0
		while (ptr != mapRes->cend()) {
			uint16 n = ptr.getUint16BE();
			ptr += 2;

			if (n == 0xffff)

			offset = ptr.getUint32LE();
			ptr += 4;
			uint32 size = ptr.getUint32LE();
			ptr += 4;

			addResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeAudio, n), src, offset, size, map->getLocationName());
	} else if (map->_mapNumber == 0 && entrySize == 8 && (ptr + 2).getUint16LE() == 0xffff) {
		// LB2 Floppy/Mother Goose SCI1.1 format
		Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = getVolumeFile(src);

		while (ptr != mapRes->cend()) {
			uint16 n = ptr.getUint16LE();
			ptr += 4;

			if (n == 0xffff)

			const ResourceId audioResId(kResourceTypeAudio, n);

			offset = ptr.getUint32LE();
			ptr += 4;

			uint32 size;
			if (src->getAudioCompressionType() == 0) {
				// The size is not stored in the map and the entries have no order.
				// We need to dig into the audio resource in the volume to get the size.
				stream->seek(offset + 1);
				byte headerSize = stream->readByte();
				if (headerSize != 11 && headerSize != 12) {
					error("Unexpected header size in %s: should be 11 or 12, got %d", audioResId.toString().c_str(), headerSize);

				size = stream->readUint32LE() + headerSize + 2;
			} else {
				size = 0;
			addResource(audioResId, src, offset, size, map->getLocationName());

		disposeVolumeFileStream(stream, src);
	} else {
		// EQ1CD & SQ4CD are "early" games; KQ6CD and all SCI32 are "late" games
		const bool isEarly = (entrySize != 11);

		if (!isEarly) {
			offset = ptr.getUint32LE();
			ptr += 4;

		enum {
			kRaveFlag = 0x40,
			kSyncFlag = 0x80,
			kEndOfMapFlag = 0xFF

		while (ptr != mapRes->cend()) {
			uint32 n = ptr.getUint32BE();
			uint32 syncSize = 0;
			ptr += 4;

			// Checking the entire tuple breaks Torin RU and is not how SSCI
			// works
			if ((n & kEndOfMapFlag) == kEndOfMapFlag) {
				const uint32 bytesLeft = mapRes->cend() - ptr;
				if (bytesLeft >= entrySize) {
					warning("End of %s reached, but %u entries remain", mapResId.toString().c_str(), bytesLeft / entrySize);

			// GK1CD has a message whose audio36 resource has the wrong tuple and never plays.
			//  The message tuple is 420 2 32 0 1 but the audio36 tuple is 420 2 32 3 1. bug #10819
			if (g_sci->getGameId() == GID_GK1 && g_sci->isCD() &&
				map->_mapNumber == 420 && n == 0x02200301) {
				n = 0x02200001;

			// QFG4CD has a message whose audio36 resource has the wrong tuple and never plays.
			//  The message tuple is 510 23 1 0 1 but the audio36 tuple is 510 199 1 0 1. bug #10848
			if (g_sci->getGameId() == GID_QFG4 && g_sci->isCD() &&
				map->_mapNumber == 510 && n == 0xc7010001) {
				n = 0x17010001;

			// QFG4CD has an orphaned audio36 resource that additionally has the wrong tuple.
			//  The audio36 tuple is 520 2 59 0 3. The message would be 520 2 59 0 2. bug #10849
			//  We restore the missing message in message.cpp.
			if (g_sci->getGameId() == GID_QFG4 && g_sci->isCD() &&
				map->_mapNumber == 520 && n == 0x023b0003) {
				n = 0x023b0002;

			if (isEarly) {
				offset = ptr.getUint32LE();
				ptr += 4;
			} else {
				offset += ptr.getUint24LE();
				ptr += 3;

			if (isEarly || (n & kSyncFlag)) {
				syncSize = ptr.getUint16LE();
				ptr += 2;

				// FIXME: The sync36 resource seems to be two bytes too big in KQ6CD
				// (bytes taken from the RAVE resource right after it)
				if (syncSize > 0) {
					// TODO: Add a mechanism to handle cases with missing resources like the ones below
					// LB2CD is missing the sync resource for message 1885 1 6 30 2 but it's a duplicate
					//  of 1885 1 6 16 2 which does have a sync resource so use that for both. bug #9956
					if (g_sci->getGameId() == GID_LAURABOW2 && map->_mapNumber == 1885 && n == 0x01061002) {
						addResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeSync36, map->_mapNumber, 0x01061e02), src, offset, syncSize, map->getLocationName());

					addResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeSync36, map->_mapNumber, n & 0xffffff3f), src, offset, syncSize, map->getLocationName());

			// Checking for this 0x40 flag breaks at least Laura Bow 2 CD 1.1
			// map 448
			if (g_sci->getGameId() == GID_KQ6 && (n & kRaveFlag)) {
				// This seems to define the size of raw lipsync data (at least
				// in KQ6 CD Windows).
				uint32 kq6HiresSyncSize = ptr.getUint16LE();
				ptr += 2;

				if (kq6HiresSyncSize > 0) {
					// Rave resources do not have separate entries in the audio
					// map (their data was just appended to sync resources), so
					// we have to use the sync resource offset first and then
					// adjust the offset & size later, otherwise offset
					// validation will fail for compressed volumes (since the
					// relocation table in a compressed volume only contains
					// offsets that existed in the original audio map)
					Resource *res = addResource(ResourceId(kResourceTypeRave, map->_mapNumber, n & 0xffffff3f), src, offset, syncSize + kq6HiresSyncSize, map->getLocationName());
					res->_fileOffset += syncSize;
					res->_size -= syncSize;
					syncSize += kq6HiresSyncSize;

			const ResourceId id(kResourceTypeAudio36, map->_mapNumber, n & 0xffffff3f);

			// Map 405 on CD 1 of the US release of PQ:SWAT 1.000 is broken
			// and points to garbage in the RESOURCE.AUD. The affected audio36
			// assets seem to be able to load successfully from one of the later
			// CDs, so just ignore the map on this disc
			if (g_sci->getGameId() == GID_PQSWAT &&
				g_sci->getLanguage() == Common::EN_ANY &&
				map->_volumeNumber == 1 &&
				map->_mapNumber == 405) {

			if (g_sci->getGameId() == GID_GK2) {
				// At least version 1.00 of the US release, and the German
				// release, of GK2 have multiple invalid audio36 map entries on
				// CD 6
				if (map->_volumeNumber == 6 && offset + syncSize >= srcSize) {
					bool skip;
					switch (g_sci->getLanguage()) {
					case Common::EN_ANY:
						skip = (map->_mapNumber == 22 || map->_mapNumber == 160);
					case Common::DE_DEU:
						skip = (map->_mapNumber == 22);
						skip = false;

					if (skip) {

				// Map 2020 on CD 1 of the German release of GK2 is invalid.
				// This content does not appear to ever be used by the game (it
				// does not even exist in the US release), and there is a
				// correct copy of it on CD 6, so just ignore the bad copy on
				// CD 1
				if (g_sci->getLanguage() == Common::DE_DEU &&
					map->_volumeNumber == 1 &&
					map->_mapNumber == 2020) {

			// Map 800 and 4176 contain content that was cut from the game. The
			// French version of the game includes map files from the US
			// release, but the audio resources are French so the maps don't
			// match. Since the content was never used, just ignore these maps
			// everywhere
			if (g_sci->getGameId() == GID_PHANTASMAGORIA2 &&
				(map->_mapNumber == 800 || map->_mapNumber == 4176)) {

			addResource(id, src, offset + syncSize, 0, map->getLocationName());


	return 0;