Exemple #1
  void LLVMState::compile_callframe(STATE, GCToken gct, CompiledCode* start,
      CallFrame* call_frame, int primitive)
    // TODO: Fix compile policy checks
    if(!start->keywords()->nil_p()) {


    if(debug_search) {
      std::cout << std::endl << "JIT:       triggered: "
            << enclosure_name(start) << "#"
            << symbol_debug_str(start->name()) << std::endl;

   CallFrame* candidate = find_candidate(state, start, call_frame);
    if(!candidate || candidate->jitted_p() || candidate->inline_method_p()) {
      if(config().jit_show_compiling) {
        llvm::outs() << "[[[ JIT error finding call frame "
                      << enclosure_name(start) << "#" << symbol_debug_str(start->name());
        if(!candidate) {
          llvm::outs() << " no candidate";
        } else {
          if(candidate->jitted_p()) {
           llvm::outs() << " candidate is jitted";
          if(candidate->inline_method_p()) {
            llvm::outs() << " candidate is inlined";

        llvm::outs() << " ]]]\n";

    if(debug_search) {
      std::cout << "! ";
      candidate->print_backtrace(state, 1);

    if(candidate->compiled_code->machine_code()->call_count <= 1) {
      if(!start || start->machine_code()->jitted_p()) return;
      // Ignore it. compile this one.
      candidate = call_frame;

    if(candidate->block_p()) {
      compile_soon(state, gct, candidate->compiled_code, call_frame,
                   candidate->self()->direct_class(state), candidate->block_env(), true);
    } else {
      if(candidate->compiled_code->can_specialize_p()) {
        compile_soon(state, gct, candidate->compiled_code, call_frame,
      } else {
        compile_soon(state, gct, candidate->compiled_code, call_frame, NULL);
Exemple #2
  void LLVMState::compile_callframe(STATE, VMMethod* start, CallFrame* call_frame,
                                    int primitive) {
    if(config().jit_inline_debug) {
      if(start) {
        llvm::errs() << "JIT: target search from "
          << symbol_cstr(start->original->scope()->module()->name())
          << "#"
          << symbol_cstr(start->original->name()) << "\n";
      } else {
        llvm::errs() << "JIT: target search from primitive\n";

    VMMethod* candidate = find_candidate(start, call_frame);
    if(!candidate) {
      if(config().jit_inline_debug) {
        llvm::errs() << "JIT: unable to find candidate\n";


    if(candidate->call_count < 0) {
      if(!start) return;
      // Ignore it. compile this one.
      candidate = start;

    compile_soon(state, candidate);
Exemple #3
int main ( int argc , char * argv[] ) {

	int t , z , i;
	scanf("%d" , &t);
	for ( z = 1 ; z <= t ; z++ ) {
		int n;
		scanf("%d" , &n);

		for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
			scanf("%d" , &array[i]);

		int count = 0;
		int candidate = find_candidate(n);

		for ( i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
			if ( array[i] == candidate ) {

		if ( count > n/2 ) {
			printf("YES %d\n" , candidate);
		else {

	return 0;
Exemple #4
  void LLVMState::compile_callframe(STATE, CompiledMethod* start, CallFrame* call_frame,
                                    int primitive) {
    if(config().jit_inline_debug) {
      if(start) {
        log() << "JIT: target search from "
          << symbol_cstr(start->name()) << "\n";
      } else {
        log() << "JIT: target search from primitive\n";

    CallFrame* candidate = find_candidate(start, call_frame);
    if(!candidate || candidate->jitted_p() || candidate->inline_method_p()) {
      if(config().jit_inline_debug) {
        log() << "JIT: unable to find candidate\n";

    if(candidate->cm->backend_method()->call_count <= 1) {
      if(!start || start->backend_method()->jitted()) return;
      // Ignore it. compile this one.
      candidate = call_frame;

    if(candidate->block_p()) {
      compile_soon(state, candidate->cm, candidate->block_env());
    } else {
      compile_soon(state, candidate->cm);
Exemple #5
/*  match_pairs() finds for each target in each source camera the candidate
    targets for correspondence on the other cameras by projecting epipolar 
    correspond *list[4][4] - pairwise adjacency lists to be filled with the
        results. Each is a buffer long enough to contain data for all targets
        in the source camera of the pair.
    coord_2d **corrected - the flat-image metric coordinates of targets, by
        camera, x-sorted. Epipolar lines are projected in flat coordinates.
    frame *frm - frame data and reference target properties (similarity of
        size and brightness are used to determine correlation score).
    volume_par *vpar, control_par *cpar, Calibration **calib - scene 
void match_pairs(correspond *list[4][4], coord_2d **corrected, 
    frame *frm, volume_par *vpar, control_par *cpar, Calibration **calib) 
    int i1, i2, i, j, pt1, count;
    double xa12, ya12, xb12, yb12; /* Epipolar line edges */
    candidate cand[MAXCAND];
    for (i1 = 0; i1 < cpar->num_cams - 1; i1++) {
        for (i2 = i1 + 1; i2 < cpar->num_cams; i2++) {
            for (i=0; i<frm->num_targets[i1]; i++) {
                if (corrected[i1][i].x == PT_UNUSED) continue;
                epi_mm (corrected[i1][i].x, corrected[i1][i].y, 
                    calib[i1], calib[i2], cpar->mm, 
                    vpar, &xa12, &ya12, &xb12, &yb12);
                /* origin point in the list */
                list[i1][i2][i].p1 = i;
                pt1 = corrected[i1][i].pnr;

                /* search for a conjugate point in corrected[i2] */
                count = find_candidate(corrected[i2], frm->targets[i2],
                    frm->num_targets[i2], xa12, ya12, xb12, yb12, 
                    frm->targets[i1][pt1].n, frm->targets[i1][pt1].nx,
                    frm->targets[i1][pt1].ny, frm->targets[i1][pt1].sumg, cand, 
                    vpar, cpar, calib[i2]);
                /* write all corresponding candidates to the preliminary list 
 	           of correspondences */
                if (count > MAXCAND) count = MAXCAND;
                for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
                    list[i1][i2][i].p2[j] = cand[j].pnr;
                    list[i1][i2][i].corr[j] = cand[j].corr;
                    list[i1][i2][i].dist[j] = cand[j].tol;
                list[i1][i2][i].n = count;
Exemple #6


    int i;
    /* set of particles to choose from */

    target test_pix[] = {
        {0, 0.0, -0.2, 5, 1, 2, 10, -999},
        {6, 0.2, 0.0, 10, 8, 1, 20, -999},
        {3, 0.2, 0.8, 10, 3, 3, 30, -999},
        {4, 0.4, -1.1, 10, 3, 3, 40, -999},
        {1, 0.7, -0.1, 10, 3, 3, 50, -999},
        {7, 1.2, 0.3, 10, 3, 3, 60, -999},
        {5, 10.4, 0.1, 10, 3, 3, 70, -999}
    int num_pix = 7; /* length of the test_pix */

    /* coord_2d is int pnr, double x,y */
    coord_2d test_crd[] = {
        {0, 0.0, 0.0},
        {6, 0.1, 0.1}, /* best candidate, right on the diagonal */
        {3, 0.2, 0.8},
        {4, 0.4, -1.1},
        {1, 0.7, -0.1},
        {7, 1.2, 0.3},
        {5, 10.4, 0.1}

    /* parameters of the particle for which we look for the candidates */
    int n = 10; 
    int nx = 3; 
    int ny = 3;
    int sumg = 100;
    candidate test_cand[7];
    int count; 
    Exterior test_Ex = {
        0.0, 0.0, 100.0,
        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 
        {{1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, 
        {0.0, 1.0, 0.0},
        {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}};
    Interior test_I = {0.0, 0.0, 100.0};
    Glass test_G = {0.0, 0.0, 50.0};
    ap_52 test_addp = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.};
    Calibration test_cal = {test_Ex, test_I, test_G, test_addp};
    mm_np test_mm = {
    	{1.49, 0.0, 0.0}, 
    	{5.0, 0.0, 0.0},
    volume_par test_vpar = {
        {-250., 250.}, {-100., -100.}, {100., 100.}, 0.01, 0.3, 0.3, 0.01, 1.0, 33
    /* prepare test control parameters, basically for pix_x  */
    int cam;
    char img_format[] = "cam%d";
    char cal_format[] = "cal/cam%d.tif";
    control_par *test_cpar, *cpar;
    test_cpar = new_control_par(4);
    for (cam = 0; cam < 4; cam++) {
        sprintf(test_cpar->img_base_name[cam], img_format, cam + 1);
        sprintf(test_cpar->cal_img_base_name[cam], cal_format, cam + 1);
    test_cpar->hp_flag = 1;
    test_cpar->allCam_flag = 0;
    test_cpar->tiff_flag = 1;
    test_cpar->imx = 1280;
    test_cpar->imy = 1024;
    test_cpar->pix_x = 0.02; /* 20 micron pixel */
    test_cpar->pix_y = 0.02;
    test_cpar->chfield = 0;
    test_cpar->mm->n1 = 1;
    test_cpar->mm->n2[0] = 1.49;
    test_cpar->mm->n3 = 1.33;
    test_cpar->mm->d[0] = 5;
    /* the result is that the sensor size is 12.8 mm x 10.24 mm */
    /* epipolar line  */
    double xa = -10.;
    double ya = -10.;
    double xb = 10.;
    double yb = 10.;
    count = find_candidate (test_crd, test_pix, num_pix, xa, ya, xb, yb, 
        n, nx, ny, sumg, test_cand, &test_vpar, test_cpar, &test_cal);
    /* expected results: */
    fail_unless(test_cand[0].pnr = 1);
    fail_unless(test_cand[0].tol < EPS);

    /* regression guard */
    double sum_corr = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    	sum_corr += test_cand[i].corr;
    ck_assert_msg( fabs(sum_corr - 2625.) < EPS && 
                   (count == 4)  && 
                    fabs(test_cand[3].tol  - 0.565685) < EPS,
         "\n Expected ...  \n  \
         but found %f %d %9.6f \n", sum_corr, count, test_cand[3].tol);	
Exemple #7
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int argi;
	char *envarea = NULL;
	char *hffile = "ghosts";
	int bgcolor = COL_BLUE;
	char *ghosts = NULL;
	sendreturn_t *sres;

	for (argi = 1; (argi < argc); argi++) {
		if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--env=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			loadenv(p+1, envarea);
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--area=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			envarea = strdup(p+1);
		else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) {
			debug = 1;
		else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--hffile=")) {
			char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '=');
			hffile = strdup(p+1);

	load_hostnames(xgetenv("HOSTSCFG"), NULL, get_fqdn());

	switch (outform) {
	  case O_HTML:
		fprintf(stdout, "Content-type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE"));
		headfoot(stdout, hffile, "", "header", bgcolor);
	  case O_TXT:
		fprintf(stdout, "Content-type: text/plain\n\n");

	sres = newsendreturnbuf(1, NULL);

	if (sendmessage("ghostlist", NULL, XYMON_TIMEOUT, sres) == XYMONSEND_OK) {
		char *bol, *eoln, *name, *sender, *timestr;
		time_t tstamp, now;
		int count, idx;
		ghost_t *ghosttable;

		ghosts = getsendreturnstr(sres, 1);

		/* Count the number of lines */
		for (bol = ghosts, count=0; (bol); bol = strchr(bol, '\n')) {
			if (*bol == '\n') bol++;
		ghosttable = (ghost_t *)calloc(count+1, sizeof(ghost_t));

		idx = count = 0;
		tstamp = now = getcurrenttime(NULL);
		bol = ghosts;
		while (bol) {
			name = sender = timestr = NULL;

			eoln = strchr(bol, '\n'); if (eoln) *eoln = '\0';
			name = strtok(bol, "|");
			if (name) sender = strtok(NULL, "|");
			if (sender) timestr = strtok(NULL, "|");

			if (timestr) tstamp = atol(timestr);

			if (name && sender && timestr && (tstamp > (now - maxage))) {
				int i1, i2, i3, i4;

				sscanf(sender, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &i1, &i2, &i3, &i4);
				ghosttable[idx].sender = sender;
				ghosttable[idx].senderval = (i1 << 24) + (i2 << 16) + (i3 << 8) + i4;
				ghosttable[idx].name = name;
				ghosttable[idx].tstamp = tstamp;
				idx++; count++;

			if (eoln) eoln++;
			bol = eoln;

		switch (sorttype) {
		  case S_NAME:
			qsort(&ghosttable[0], count, sizeof(ghost_t), hostname_compare);

		  case S_SENDER:
			qsort(&ghosttable[0], count, sizeof(ghost_t), sender_compare);

		  case S_TIME:
			qsort(&ghosttable[0], count, sizeof(ghost_t), time_compare);

		if (outform == O_HTML) {
			fprintf(stdout, "<table align=center>\n");
			fprintf(stdout, "<tr>");
			fprintf(stdout, "<th align=left><a href=\"ghostlist.sh?SORT=name&MAXAGE=%d\">Hostname</a></th>", maxage);
			fprintf(stdout, "<th align=left><a href=\"ghostlist.sh?SORT=sender&MAXAGE=%d\">Sent from</a></th>", maxage);
			fprintf(stdout, "<th align=left>Candidate</th>");
			fprintf(stdout, "<th align=right><a href=\"ghostlist.sh?SORT=time&MAXAGE=%d\">Report age</a></th>", maxage);
			fprintf(stdout, "</tr>\n");

		for (idx = 0; (idx < count); idx++) {
			if (!ghosttable[idx].name) continue;
			if (!ghosttable[idx].sender) continue;

			switch (outform) {
			  case O_HTML:
				fprintf(stdout, "<tr><td align=left>%s</td><td align=left>%s</td>",

				if (ghosttable[idx].candidate) {
					fprintf(stdout, "<td align=left><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></td>",
						hostsvcurl(xmh_item(ghosttable[idx].candidate, XMH_HOSTNAME), xgetenv("INFOCOLUMN"), 1),
						xmh_item(ghosttable[idx].candidate, XMH_HOSTNAME));
				else {
					fprintf(stdout, "<td>&nbsp;</td>");

				fprintf(stdout, "<td align=right>%ld:%02ld</td></tr>\n",
					(now - ghosttable[idx].tstamp)/60, (now - ghosttable[idx].tstamp)%60);

			  case O_TXT:
				fprintf(stdout, "%s\t\t%s\n", ghosttable[idx].sender, ghosttable[idx].name);

		if (outform == O_HTML) {
			fprintf(stdout, "</table>\n");
			fprintf(stdout, "<br><br><center><a href=\"ghostlist.sh?SORT=%s&MAXAGE=%d&TEXT\">Text report</a></center>\n", htmlquoted(sortstring), maxage);
		fprintf(stdout, "<h3><center>Failed to retrieve ghostlist from server</center></h3>\n");


	if (outform == O_HTML) {
		headfoot(stdout, hffile, "", "footer", bgcolor);

	return 0;