static void close_cfm(struct avdtp *session, struct avdtp_local_sep *sep, struct avdtp_stream *stream, struct avdtp_error *err, void *user_data) { struct a2dp_sep *a2dp_sep = user_data; struct a2dp_setup *setup; if (a2dp_sep->type == AVDTP_SEP_TYPE_SINK) DBG("Sink %p: Close_Cfm", sep); else DBG("Source %p: Close_Cfm", sep); setup = find_setup_by_session(session); if (!setup) return; if (err) { setup->stream = NULL; setup->err = err; finalize_config(setup); return; } if (setup->reconfigure) g_timeout_add(RECONFIGURE_TIMEOUT, a2dp_reconfigure, setup); }
static gboolean start_ind(struct avdtp *session, struct avdtp_local_sep *sep, struct avdtp_stream *stream, uint8_t *err, void *user_data) { struct a2dp_sep *a2dp_sep = user_data; struct a2dp_setup *setup; if (a2dp_sep->type == AVDTP_SEP_TYPE_SINK) DBG("Sink %p: Start_Ind", sep); else DBG("Source %p: Start_Ind", sep); setup = find_setup_by_session(session); if (setup) finalize_resume(setup); if (!a2dp_sep->locked) { a2dp_sep->session = avdtp_ref(session); a2dp_sep->suspend_timer = g_timeout_add_seconds(SUSPEND_TIMEOUT, (GSourceFunc) suspend_timeout, a2dp_sep); } return TRUE; }
static void open_cfm(struct avdtp *session, struct avdtp_local_sep *sep, struct avdtp_stream *stream, struct avdtp_error *err, void *user_data) { struct a2dp_sep *a2dp_sep = user_data; struct a2dp_setup *setup; if (a2dp_sep->type == AVDTP_SEP_TYPE_SINK) DBG("Sink %p: Open_Cfm", sep); else DBG("Source %p: Open_Cfm", sep); setup = find_setup_by_session(session); if (!setup) return; if (setup->reconfigure) setup->reconfigure = FALSE; if (err) { setup->stream = NULL; setup->err = err; } finalize_config(setup); }
static void reconf_cfm(struct avdtp *session, struct avdtp_local_sep *sep, struct avdtp_stream *stream, struct avdtp_error *err, void *user_data) { struct a2dp_sep *a2dp_sep = user_data; struct a2dp_setup *setup; if (a2dp_sep->type == AVDTP_SEP_TYPE_SINK) debug("Sink %p: ReConfigure_Cfm", sep); else debug("Source %p: ReConfigure_Cfm", sep); setup = find_setup_by_session(session); if (!setup) return; if (setup->canceled) { if (!err) avdtp_close(session, stream); setup_unref(setup); return; } if (err) { setup->stream = NULL; setup->err = err; } finalize_config(setup); }
unsigned int a2dp_source_config(struct avdtp *session, a2dp_config_cb_t cb, GSList *caps, void *user_data) { struct a2dp_setup_cb *cb_data; GSList *l; struct a2dp_setup *setup; struct a2dp_sep *sep = NULL, *tmp; struct avdtp_local_sep *lsep; struct avdtp_remote_sep *rsep; struct avdtp_service_capability *cap; struct avdtp_media_codec_capability *codec_cap = NULL; int posix_err; for (l = caps; l != NULL; l = l->next) { cap = l->data; if (cap->category != AVDTP_MEDIA_CODEC) continue; codec_cap = (void *) cap->data; break; } if (!codec_cap) return 0; for (l = sources; l != NULL; l = l->next) { tmp = l->data; if (tmp->locked) continue; if (tmp->codec != codec_cap->media_codec_type) continue; if (!tmp->stream || avdtp_has_stream(session, tmp->stream)) { sep = tmp; break; } } if (!sep) { error("a2dp_source_cfg: no available SEP found"); return 0; } debug("a2dp_source_config: selected SEP %p", sep->sep); cb_data = g_new0(struct a2dp_setup_cb, 1); cb_data->config_cb = cb; cb_data->user_data = user_data; cb_data->id = ++cb_id; setup = find_setup_by_session(session); if (!setup) { setup = g_new0(struct a2dp_setup, 1); setup->session = avdtp_ref(session); setups = g_slist_append(setups, setup); }
static struct a2dp_setup *a2dp_setup_get(struct avdtp *session) { struct a2dp_setup *setup; setup = find_setup_by_session(session); if (!setup) { setup = setup_new(session); if (!setup) return NULL; } return setup_ref(setup); }
static void setconf_cfm(struct avdtp *session, struct avdtp_local_sep *sep, struct avdtp_stream *stream, struct avdtp_error *err, void *user_data) { struct a2dp_sep *a2dp_sep = user_data; struct a2dp_setup *setup; struct audio_device *dev; int ret; if (a2dp_sep->type == AVDTP_SEP_TYPE_SINK) DBG("Sink %p: Set_Configuration_Cfm", sep); else DBG("Source %p: Set_Configuration_Cfm", sep); setup = find_setup_by_session(session); if (err) { if (setup) { setup->err = err; finalize_config(setup); } return; } avdtp_stream_add_cb(session, stream, stream_state_changed, a2dp_sep); a2dp_sep->stream = stream; if (!setup) return; dev = a2dp_get_dev(session); /* Notify D-Bus interface of the new stream */ if (a2dp_sep->type == AVDTP_SEP_TYPE_SOURCE) sink_new_stream(dev, session, setup->stream); else source_new_stream(dev, session, setup->stream); ret = avdtp_open(session, stream); if (ret < 0) { error("Error on avdtp_open %s (%d)", strerror(-ret), -ret); setup->stream = NULL; finalize_config_errno(setup, ret); } }
static void abort_cfm(struct avdtp *session, struct avdtp_local_sep *sep, struct avdtp_stream *stream, struct avdtp_error *err, void *user_data) { struct a2dp_sep *a2dp_sep = user_data; struct a2dp_setup *setup; if (a2dp_sep->type == AVDTP_SEP_TYPE_SINK) DBG("Sink %p: Abort_Cfm", sep); else DBG("Source %p: Abort_Cfm", sep); setup = find_setup_by_session(session); if (!setup) return; setup_unref(setup); }
static void suspend_cfm(struct avdtp *session, struct avdtp_local_sep *sep, struct avdtp_stream *stream, struct avdtp_error *err, void *user_data) { struct a2dp_sep *a2dp_sep = user_data; struct a2dp_setup *setup; gboolean start; if (a2dp_sep->type == AVDTP_SEP_TYPE_SINK) DBG("Sink %p: Suspend_Cfm", sep); else DBG("Source %p: Suspend_Cfm", sep); a2dp_sep->suspending = FALSE; setup = find_setup_by_session(session); if (!setup) return; start = setup->start; setup->start = FALSE; if (err) { setup->stream = NULL; setup->err = err; finalize_suspend(setup); } else finalize_suspend_errno(setup, 0); if (!start) return; if (err) { setup->err = err; finalize_suspend(setup); } else if (avdtp_start(session, a2dp_sep->stream) < 0) { struct avdtp_error start_err; error("avdtp_start failed"); avdtp_error_init(&start_err, AVDTP_ERROR_ERRNO, EIO); setup->err = err; finalize_suspend(setup); } }