Exemple #1
int main( string param ) {
  string from, to;
  object ob, inv, env;
  int nok = 0, nfail = 0;


  if( !param ) {
     notify_fail("==> [Format] wempty object [[in]to object]\n");
     return 0;
  if ( (sscanf( param, "%s into %s", from, to ) < 2) &&
       (sscanf( param, "%s to %s", from, to) < 2) ) {
    from = param;
  if( !from ) {
     notify_fail("==> [Format] wempty object [[in]to object]\n");
     return 0;
  ob = find_thing( from );
  if( !ob ) {
     notify_fail("I don't understand what you are trying to empty.\n");
     return 0;

  env = find_thing( to );
  if (!env) {
    if ( !ob || !(env = environment(ob))) {
      env = find_thing("/obj/void");

  foreach( inv : all_inventory(ob) ) {
    inv->move( env );
    if( !inv || environment(inv) == env )
    if( !inv ) continue;
    inv->set_x( this_player()->query_x() );
    inv->set_y( this_player()->query_y() );
  if( nfail )

    msg( "" + nok + " object(s) moved successfully to  " + as_string(env) + ", " + nfail + " did not move.\n");
    msg( "" + nok + " object(s) moved successfully to " + as_string(env) );
  return 1;
Exemple #2
main(string param) {
   object ob, *obs, i, n, env;
   string s;


   if(!param) {
      msg("==> [Format] nuke <objects>");
      return 1;

   ob = find_thing(param);

   if(!ob) {
      notify_fail("==> [Error] Unable to locate object "+param+"\n");
      return 0;

   obs = all_inventory( ob );

   this_player()->msg_local("~CBRT~Name ~verbclap ~poss hands. A heavy banging sound is heard, like a cannon-shot.~CDEF");

   foreach( ob : obs ) {
      if( !ob->query_is_player() )
   return 1;
Exemple #3
void menu_motion(WThing *thing, XMotionEvent *ev, int dx, int dy,
				 WFunction *func, WFuncArg arg)
	WMenu *menu;
	int ret;
	if(!menu_select_at(menu, ev->x_root, ev->y_root)){
		if(thing==(WThing*)menu || thing==NULL ||
		   !WTHING_IS(thing, WTHING_MENU)){
		if(!menu_select_at(menu, ev->x_root, ev->y_root)){
	if(test_scroll(menu, ev->x_root, ev->y_root))
Exemple #4
WThing *find_thing_t(Window win, int type)
	WThing *thing=find_thing(win);
	if(thing==NULL || !WTHING_IS(thing, type))
		return NULL;
	return thing;
Exemple #5
WWinObj *find_winobj_of(Window win)
	WThing *thing=find_thing(win);
		return NULL;
		return (WWinObj*)thing;

	if(WTHING_IS(thing, WTHING_CLIENTWIN) && thing->t_parent!=NULL &&
	   WTHING_IS(thing->t_parent, WTHING_WINOBJ))
		return (WWinObj*)thing->t_parent;
	return NULL;
Exemple #6
// Ok, this isn't going to work until we get 3.3.x online.
// Rats. Will look at it later. -- Acius.
int main( string param ) {
   string obname, fname;
   object ob;
   string obfile;
   string curr, buf;
   int line, i;

   if( !param || sscanf(param, "%s->%s", obname, fname) != 2 ) {
      notify_fail( query_verb() + " obj->func\n" );
      return 0;

   ob = find_thing( obname );
   if( !ob ) {
      notify_fail( "Can't find object: " + obname + "\n" );
      return 0;

   obfile = function_exists( fname, ob, FEXISTS_FILENAME );
   line = function_exists( fname, ob, FEXISTS_LINENO );

   if( !obfile || !line ) {
      notify_fail("Can't find the function.\n");
      return 0;

   buf = read_file( obfile, line, 1 );
   for( i = 1; i < 40 && line - i > 0; i++ ) {
      curr = read_file( obfile, line - i );
      if( curr[0..2] == "/**" || curr[0..2] == "///" || curr[0..1] == " *" || curr[0..1] == " */" )
         buf = curr + buf;
      else break;

   buf += read_file( obfile, line+1, 40 );
   i = strstr(buf, "\n}\n", 0);
   if( i > 0 ) buf = buf[..i+2];
   msg("Function " + fname + " in file " + obfile + ":\n" + buf );

   return 1;
Exemple #7
int main( string param ) {
   object ob;
   string obname;
   int ix, iy, x, y, w, h;

   if( !param ) {
      notify_fail("==> [Format] rmspot scenery [x,y[,w,h]]\n");
      return 0;

   if( sscanf(param, "%s %d,%d,%d,%d", obname, x, y, w, h) != 5 ) {
      w = 1;
      h = 1;
      if( sscanf(param, "%s %d,%d", obname, x, y) != 3 ) {
         x = this_player()->query_x();
         y = this_player()->query_y();
         obname = param;

   ob = find_thing( obname );
   if( !ob ) {
      notify_fail("==> [Error] Can't find '"+obname+"'\n");
      return 0;
   if( w > 80 || h > 30 ) {
      notify_fail("Sorry, no insane values of w and h allowed.\n");
      return 0;
   for( ix = 0; ix < w; ix++ )
   for( iy = 0; iy < h; iy++ )
      ob->remove_spot( MAKE_C(x+ix,y+iy,0) );

   return 1;
Exemple #8
/** Converts a reference into an object pointer. You should only
 * pass in one parameter; the second \a rcheck parameter is used
 * internally.
 * \return The object referenced by \a str, or 0 on failure.
varargs object find_thing(string str, status rcheck) {
   object ob;
   string a, b;

   if(!str) return 0;
   if( this_player() ) {
      ob = present(str, this_player());
      if(environment(this_player())) {  /* Believe it or not, this was necessary. */
         if(!ob) ob = present(str, environment(this_player()));
         if(!ob && (environment(this_player())->id(str) == environment(this_player()) || str == "env"))
            ob = environment(this_player());
   if(!ob) {
      ob = find_player(str);
   if(!ob) {
      ob = find_living(str);
   if(!ob) {
      ob = find_object(str);
   if(!ob) {
      ob = find_objectref(str);
   if(!ob && sscanf(str, "%s %s",a,b)!=2 && file_exists(str+".c") ) {
      call_other(str, "this_function_does_not_exist\n");
      ob = find_object(str);
   if(!ob && str == "me") ob = this_player();
   if(!ob) ob = find_room( str, this_player() );
   if(!ob) ob = single_present( str, this_player() );
   if(!ob) ob = single_present( str, environment(this_player()) );
   if(!rcheck && !ob && this_player() )
      ob = find_thing(this_player()->make_path_absolute(str), 1);
   return ob;
Exemple #9
/** A highly unusual function that lets you generate and execute a snippet of code
 * that will execute. Just pass in the snippet. Warning: This can't handle recursive
 * calls; the old call will be trashed by the new.
 * \return The return value of the call, converted to a string.
string exec_call(string code) {
   string buf;
   string obj, func, func_name, err;
   mixed param, ret;
   string fname;

   if( !this_player() )
      raise_error("exec_call must have a valid this_player() using it");

   fname = this_player()->make_path_absolute( EXEC_OBJ );

   if( ret = find_object(fname) ) destruct(ret);
   if( file_exists(fname + ".c") && !rm( fname + ".c" ) )
      return "Unable to clear out the old "+fname+" to execute the call (uid="+getuid(this_object())+").";

   buf = HEADER + EXEC_MACROS + "\ndo_call() {\n";

   if( sscanf(code, "%s->%s", obj, func) == 2 ) {
      func_name = func;
      if( sscanf(func, "%~s(%~s)") != 2 ) {
         code = func;
         if( sscanf( code, "%s %d", func, param) == 2)
            func = (func_name = func) + "( " + param + " );";
         if( sscanf( code, "%s %s", func, param) == 2)
            func = (func_name = func) + "( \"" + param + "\" );";
            func = (func_name = code) + "();";
      else sscanf( func_name, "%s(%~s)", func_name );
   else if( sscanf(code, "%s %s(%s)%~s", obj, func, param) == 4 && member(func, ' ') < 0 )
      func = (func_name = func) + "( " + param +" );";
   else if( sscanf(code, "%s %s %d", obj, func, param) == 3 )
      func = (func_name = func) + "( " + param + " );";
   else if( sscanf(code, "%s %s %s", obj, func, param) == 3 )
      func = (func_name = func) + "( \"" + param + "\" );";
   else if( sscanf(code, "%s %s", obj, func) == 2 )
      func = (func_name = func) + "();";
   else raise_error("Ill formatted exec_call");

   if( !find_thing(obj) ) return "No such object: "+obj;
   if( !function_exists(func_name, find_thing(obj)) && !function_exists("catch_call", find_thing(obj)) )
      return "No such function: "+obj+"->"+func_name+"()";

//   if( sscanf(func, "%s(%s)%s", ret, ret, ret) != 3 ) func += "();";

   if( func[<1] != ';' ) func += ";";
   buf += "   object ob;\n";
   buf += "   ob = find_thing(\""+obj+"\");\n";
   buf += "   if( !ob ) return \"Could not find object "+obj+"!\";\n";
   buf += "   return ob->"+func+"\n}\n";

   write_file( fname + ".c", buf );
   err = catch(ret = load_object( fname ));
   if( err ) {
      msg("==> [Call Error] "+err);
      return "<Invalid>";

   seteuid( getuid(this_player()) );
   export_uid( ret );
   seteuid( getuid(this_object()) );
   err = catch(ret = fname->do_call());
   if( err ) {
      msg("==> [Call Runtime Error] "+err);
      return "<Invalid>";

   return as_lpc(ret);