Exemple #1
** Calls a runtime capture. Returns number of captures removed by
** the call, including the initial Cgroup. (Captures to be added are
** on the Lua stack.)
int runtimecap (CapState *cs, Capture *close, const char *s, int *rem) {
  int n, id;
  lua_State *L = cs->L;
  int otop = lua_gettop(L);
  Capture *open = findopen(close);
  assert(captype(open) == Cgroup);
  id = finddyncap(open, close);  /* get first dynamic capture argument */
  close->kind = Cclose;  /* closes the group */
  close->s = s;
  cs->cap = open; cs->valuecached = 0;  /* prepare capture state */
  luaL_checkstack(L, 4, "too many runtime captures");
  pushluaval(cs);  /* push function to be called */
  lua_pushvalue(L, SUBJIDX);  /* push original subject */
  lua_pushinteger(L, s - cs->s + 1);  /* push current position */
  n = pushnestedvalues(cs, 0);  /* push nested captures */
  lua_call(L, n + 2, LUA_MULTRET);  /* call dynamic function */
  if (id > 0) {  /* are there old dynamic captures to be removed? */
    int i;
    for (i = id; i <= otop; i++)
      lua_remove(L, id);  /* remove old dynamic captures */
    *rem = otop - id + 1;  /* total number of dynamic captures removed */
    *rem = 0;  /* no dynamic captures removed */
  return (int)(close - open);  /* number of captures of all kinds removed */
Exemple #2
** Remove dynamic captures from the Lua stack (called in case of failure)
static int removedyncap (lua_State *L, Capture *capture,
                         int level, int last) {
  int id = finddyncap(capture + level, capture + last);  /* index of 1st cap. */
  int top = lua_gettop(L);
  if (id == 0) return 0;  /* no dynamic captures? */
  lua_settop(L, id - 1);  /* remove captures */
  return top - id + 1;  /* number of values removed */