bool KArchive::writeFile( const QString& name, const QString& user, const QString& group, const char* data, qint64 size, mode_t perm, time_t atime, time_t mtime, time_t ctime ) { if ( !prepareWriting( name, user, group, size, perm, atime, mtime, ctime ) ) { qWarning() << "prepareWriting failed"; return false; } // Write data // Note: if data is 0L, don't call write, it would terminate the KFilterDev if ( data && size && !writeData( data, size ) ) { qWarning() << "writeData failed"; return false; } if ( !finishWriting( size ) ) { qWarning() << "finishWriting failed"; return false; } return true; }
VideoWriter_ufmf::~VideoWriter_ufmf() { stopBackgroundModeling(); stopCompressors(); threadPoolPtr_ -> waitForDone(); finishWriting(); }
void HTMLImportLoader::notifyFinished(Resource* resource) { // The writer instance indicates that a part of the document can be already loaded. // We don't take such a case as an error because the partially-loaded document has been visible from script at this point. if (resource->loadFailedOrCanceled() && !m_writer) { setState(StateError); return; } setState(finishWriting()); }
void MulNode::run(){ bool inputReady = (!inVar1.empty)&&(!inVar2.empty); if(inputReady && outVarEmpty(outVar)){ for(size_t i=0;i<Node::frameSize;i++){ outBuffer[i] = in1[i]*in2[i]; } finishReading(inVar1); finishReading(inVar2); finishWriting(outVar); } }
/******************************************************************************* * Name of Function: writerHandler * Purpose: writes the writer output file till maximum item * Parameters: pointer to arguments as void * Return Value: void * Calls to: startWriting, writeData, finishWriting * Called from: main * Method: 1. get mutually exclusive access to writer output file * 2. writes 5 items * 3. release the shared writer file * 4. repeats this process till max iteration(20) for each * writer ******************************************************************************/ void *writerHandler (void *args) { struct writer_struct *writer; int i; writer = (struct writer_struct *)args; /* write till max iterations for each writer */ for(i=1;i<=MAX_ITERATIONS;i++) { printf("%ld W%d waiting-for-lock\n", timeElapsed(), writer->w_id); startWriting(writer->monitor, writer->w_id); printf("%ld W%d lock-acquired\n", timeElapsed(), writer->w_id); writeData(writer->w_id, &(writer->w_item)); finishWriting(writer->monitor); printf("%ld W%d lock-released\n",timeElapsed(), writer->w_id); } return; }
void AMContinuousScanActionControllerAMDSClientDataRequestFileWriter::writeToFile(const AMDSClientDataRequestMap &clientDataRequestMap) { QDataStream dataStream(clientDataRequestFile_); quint16 numberOfRequests = clientDataRequestMap.count(); dataStream << numberOfRequests; AMDSClientDataRequest *oneClientRequest; QMap<QString, AMDSClientDataRequest*>::const_iterator i = clientDataRequestMap.constBegin(); while(i != clientDataRequestMap.constEnd()){ oneClientRequest = i.value(); AMDSClientRequest::encodeAndwriteClientRequest(&dataStream, oneClientRequest); i++; } QMap<QString, AMDSClientDataRequest*>::const_iterator j = clientDataRequestMap.constBegin(); while(j != clientDataRequestMap.constEnd()){ j.value()->deleteLater(); j++; } finishWriting(); }
void Worker::answer(int fd) { assert(clients.find(fd) != clients.end()); assert(!clients[fd]->outBuf.empty()); std::string resp = clients[fd]->outBuf; printf("[worker #%d]:\t%s", myID, resp.c_str()); ssize_t sent = send(fd, resp.c_str(), resp.size() + 1, 0); if (sent > 0) { if (sent == resp.size() + 1) { /* Clear outBuf */ clients[fd]->outBuf.clear(); /* Remove write event for client */ finishWriting(fd); } else { /* Decrease string size */ clients[fd]->outBuf = clients[fd]->outBuf.substr(sent); } } }
bool KArchive::writeFile(const QString &name, const QByteArray &data, mode_t perm, const QString &user, const QString &group, const QDateTime &atime, const QDateTime &mtime, const QDateTime &ctime) { const qint64 size = data.size(); if (!prepareWriting(name, user, group, size, perm, atime, mtime, ctime)) { //qWarning() << "prepareWriting failed"; return false; } // Write data // Note: if data is null, don't call write, it would terminate the KCompressionDevice if (data.constData() && size && !writeData(data.constData(), size)) { //qWarning() << "writeData failed"; return false; } if (!finishWriting(size)) { //qWarning() << "finishWriting failed"; return false; } return true; }
void HTMLImportLoader::notifyFinished(Resource*) { setState(finishWriting()); }
/* FUNCTION: ReadFromPort DATE: 11/28/2015 REVISIONS: v4 12/2/2015 - wait state added DESIGNER: Allen & Dylan & Thomas PROGRAMMER: Allen & Dylan INTERFACE: static DWORD WINAPI ReadFromPort(LPVOID lpParam) LPVOID lpParam : parameter passed to the thread; intended to be a communications handle RETURNS: 1 NOTES: This function is intended to be called on a separate thread. It has the event driven code to monitor the serial port for INCOMING communications. It will send messages to the main window (via WndProc) for OUTGOING communications. */ static DWORD WINAPI ReadFromPort(LPVOID lpParam) { OVERLAPPED overlapped = { 0 }; HANDLE hnd = 0; BOOL fWaitingOnRead = FALSE; overlapped.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); CHAR buffer[PACKETLENGTH] = ""; DWORD dwEvent; SetCommMask(lpParam, EV_RXCHAR); while (true) { switch (state) { // Waiting for ENQ ACKnowledgment case WENQACK: if (!fWaitingOnRead) { if (!WaitCommEvent(lpParam, &dwEvent, &overlapped)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { fWaitingOnRead = TRUE; } } } else { if (Wait(overlapped.hEvent, TIMEOUT)) { if (!ReadFile(lpParam, buffer, 1, NULL, &overlapped)) { WaitForSingleObject(overlapped.hEvent, TIMEOUT); }; OutputDebugString("Finished reading in WENQACK\n"); if (buffer[0] == ACK) { SendMessage(hMain, WM_COMMAND, ACK_REC, NULL); } else { OutputDebugString("Was not ACK, was "); OutputDebugString(buffer); OutputDebugString("\n"); state = WAIT; } fWaitingOnRead = FALSE; } else { state = IDLE; } } break; // Waiting for ACKnowledgment for a packet case WACK: if (!fWaitingOnRead) { if (!WaitCommEvent(lpParam, &dwEvent, &overlapped)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { fWaitingOnRead = TRUE; } } } else { if (Wait(overlapped.hEvent, TIMEOUT)) { ReadFile(lpParam, &buffer, 1, NULL, &overlapped); if (buffer[0] == ACK) { SendMessage(hMain, WM_COMMAND, ACK_REC, NULL); buffer[0] = 0; } fWaitingOnRead = FALSE; } else { state = WAIT; } } break; // a backoff state, can only become a receiver for some time case WAIT: // default state, can move to sending or receiving case IDLE: if (!fWaitingOnRead) { if ((state == WAIT || state == IDLE) && !WaitCommEvent(lpParam, &dwEvent, &overlapped)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { fWaitingOnRead = TRUE; } } } else { if ((state == WAIT || state == IDLE) && Wait(overlapped.hEvent, TIMEOUT)) { ReadFile(lpParam, &buffer, 1, NULL, &overlapped); if (buffer[0] == ENQ) { startWriting(); SendAck(lpParam); finishWriting(); state = RECEIVING; } // this is what you call a hack to get around race conditions else if ((state == WENQACK || state == WACK) && buffer[0] == ACK) { SendMessage(hMain, WM_COMMAND, ACK_REC, NULL); } fWaitingOnRead = FALSE; } else { state = IDLE; } } break; // anticipating a packet case RECEIVING: if (!fWaitingOnRead) { if (!WaitCommEvent(lpParam, &dwEvent, &overlapped)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { fWaitingOnRead = TRUE; } } } else { if (Wait(overlapped.hEvent, INFINITE)) { receiveBuffer = ReceivePacket(lpParam, overlapped); if (ErrorCheck(receiveBuffer) || 1) { //DoNonReadingStuff(receiveBuffer); Depacketize(receiveBuffer); startWriting(); SendAck(lpParam); finishWriting(); packetsReceived++; SetStatistics(); // open the file for writing and reading hnd = CreateFile(FileName, FILE_APPEND_DATA | GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, NULL, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); startWriting(); if (WritePacketToFile(receiveBuffer, hnd)) { UpdateWindowFromFile(hReceive, hnd); } finishWriting(); CloseHandle(hnd); fWaitingOnRead = FALSE; state = IDLE; buffer[0] = 0; free(receiveBuffer); } } else { state = IDLE; } } break; } // if a packet is in the queue and the process is in idle, attempt to send if (state == IDLE && packetBuffer[currentPacket][0] != 0) { SendMessage(hMain, WM_COMMAND, ASN_ENQ, NULL); } } return 1; }
/* FUNCTION: WndProc DATE: 12/2/2015 REVISIONS: v3 - changed all IO operations to overlapped DESIGNER: Dylan & Allen & Thomas PROGRAMMER: Dylan & Allen INTERFACE: LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) HWND hwnd : handle to the the main window UINT Message : message sent from the message loop to the window WPARAM wParam : parameters to the message LPARAM lParam : parameters to the message RETURNS: The default window procedure or 0 NOTES: Handles all button presses from the main window as well as events from the serial port reading thread */ LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (Message) { case WM_CREATE: break; case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case ASN_ENQ: if (state != IDLE && state != WAIT) { OutputDebugString("ENQ but not idling\n"); break; } startWriting(); // send ENQ to the serial port and assume it never fails WriteFile(hComm, enq, 1, NULL, &OVERLAPPED()); state = WENQACK; OutputDebugString("ENQ sent\n"); finishWriting(); break; case ASN_SET: startWriting(); if (!CommConfigDialog(TEXT("com1"), hMain, &cc)) { return FALSE; } else { SetCommConfig(hComm, &cc, cc.dwSize); PurgeComm(hComm, PURGE_RXCLEAR); } finishWriting(); break; case ASN_CON: OpenFileDialog(); break; case ASN_CLR: ClearTextBoxes(); break; case ASN_QUIT: PostQuitMessage(0); break; case ASN_HLP: break; case ASN_OPN: OpenFileDialog(); break; case ACK_REC: if (state != WACK && state != WENQACK) { OutputDebugString("ACK received but not waiting for ACK before sending a packet\n"); break; } if (state == WENQACK) { OutputDebugString("ACK received\n"); acksReceived++; SetStatistics(); if (packetBuffer[currentPacket][0] != 0) { OVERLAPPED overlapped = { 0 }; overlapped.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); startWriting(); if (!WriteFile(hComm, packetBuffer[currentPacket++], PACKETLENGTH, NULL, &overlapped)) { WaitForSingleObject(overlapped.hEvent, TIMEOUT); } OutputDebugString("Sent a packet\n"); packetsSent++; SetStatistics(); // ENQ the line to send the next packet // THIS SHOULD BE REPLACED BY THE APPROPRIATE PRIORTIY PROTOCOL /* if (packetBuffer[currentPacket][0] != 0) { WriteFile(hComm, enq, 1, NULL, NULL); } */ finishWriting(); } OutputDebugString("Going to WACK state\n"); state = WACK; break; } if (state == WACK) { OutputDebugString("Packet confirmed received\n"); OutputDebugString("Going to WAIT state\n"); state = WAIT; packsAcked++; acksReceived++; SetStatistics(); } break; } break; // end WM_COMMAND case WM_CHAR: break; case WM_SIZE: break; case WM_DESTROY: // Terminate program PostQuitMessage(0); break; default: return DefWindowProc(hwnd, Message, wParam, lParam); } return 0; }
bool KArchive::addLocalFile( const QString& fileName, const QString& destName ) { QFileInfo fileInfo( fileName ); if ( !fileInfo.isFile() && !fileInfo.isSymLink() ) { kWarning() << fileName << "doesn't exist or is not a regular file."; return false; } KDE_struct_stat fi; if (KDE::lstat(fileName,&fi) == -1) { kWarning() << "stat'ing" << fileName << "failed:" << strerror(errno); return false; } if (fileInfo.isSymLink()) { QString symLinkTarget; // Do NOT use fileInfo.readLink() for unix symlinks! // It returns the -full- path to the target, while we want the target string "as is". #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_OS2EMX) const QByteArray encodedFileName = QFile::encodeName(fileName); QByteArray s; #if defined(PATH_MAX) s.resize(PATH_MAX+1); #else int path_max = pathconf(, _PC_PATH_MAX); if (path_max <= 0) { path_max = 4096; } s.resize(path_max); #endif int len = readlink(,, s.size() - 1); if ( len >= 0 ) { s[len] = '\0'; symLinkTarget = QFile::decodeName(s); } #endif if (symLinkTarget.isEmpty()) // Mac or Windows symLinkTarget = fileInfo.symLinkTarget(); return writeSymLink(destName, symLinkTarget, fileInfo.owner(),, fi.st_mode, fi.st_atime, fi.st_mtime, fi.st_ctime); }/*end if*/ qint64 size = fileInfo.size(); // the file must be opened before prepareWriting is called, otherwise // if the opening fails, no content will follow the already written // header and the tar file is effectively f*cked up QFile file( fileName ); if ( ! QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { kWarning() << "couldn't open file " << fileName; return false; } if ( !prepareWriting( destName, fileInfo.owner(),, size, fi.st_mode, fi.st_atime, fi.st_mtime, fi.st_ctime ) ) { kWarning() << " prepareWriting" << destName << "failed"; return false; } // Read and write data in chunks to minimize memory usage QByteArray array; array.resize( int( qMin( qint64( 1024 * 1024 ), size ) ) ); qint64 n; qint64 total = 0; while ( ( n =, array.size() ) ) > 0 ) { if ( !writeData(, n ) ) { kWarning() << "writeData failed"; return false; } total += n; } Q_ASSERT( total == size ); if ( !finishWriting( size ) ) { kWarning() << "finishWriting failed"; return false; } return true; }
bool KArchive::addLocalFile(const QString &fileName, const QString &destName) { QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName); if (!fileInfo.isFile() && !fileInfo.isSymLink()) { setErrorString( tr("%1 doesn't exist or is not a regular file.") .arg(fileName)); return false; } #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) #define STAT_METHOD QT_LSTAT #else #define STAT_METHOD QT_STAT #endif QT_STATBUF fi; if (STAT_METHOD(QFile::encodeName(fileName).constData(), &fi) == -1) { setErrorString( tr("Failed accessing the file %1 for adding to the archive. The error was: %2") .arg(fileName) .arg(QLatin1Literal{strerror(errno)})); return false; } if (fileInfo.isSymLink()) { QString symLinkTarget; // Do NOT use fileInfo.readLink() for unix symlinks! // It returns the -full- path to the target, while we want the target string "as is". #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_OS2EMX) const QByteArray encodedFileName = QFile::encodeName(fileName); QByteArray s; #if defined(PATH_MAX) s.resize(PATH_MAX + 1); #else int path_max = pathconf(, _PC_PATH_MAX); if (path_max <= 0) { path_max = 4096; } s.resize(path_max); #endif int len = readlink(,, s.size() - 1); if (len >= 0) { s[len] = '\0'; symLinkTarget = QFile::decodeName(s.constData()); } #endif if (symLinkTarget.isEmpty()) { // Mac or Windows symLinkTarget = fileInfo.symLinkTarget(); } return writeSymLink(destName, symLinkTarget, fileInfo.owner(),, fi.st_mode, fileInfo.lastRead(), fileInfo.lastModified(), fileInfo.created()); }/*end if*/ qint64 size = fileInfo.size(); // the file must be opened before prepareWriting is called, otherwise // if the opening fails, no content will follow the already written // header and the tar file is effectively f*cked up QFile file(fileName); if (! { setErrorString( tr("Couldn't open file %1: %2") .arg(fileName) .arg(file.errorString())); return false; } if (!prepareWriting(destName, fileInfo.owner(),, size, fi.st_mode, fileInfo.lastRead(), fileInfo.lastModified(), fileInfo.created())) { //qCWarning(KArchiveLog) << " prepareWriting" << destName << "failed"; return false; } // Read and write data in chunks to minimize memory usage QByteArray array; array.resize(int(qMin(qint64(1024 * 1024), size))); qint64 n; qint64 total = 0; while ((n =, array.size())) > 0) { if (!writeData(, n)) { //qCWarning(KArchiveLog) << "writeData failed"; return false; } total += n; } Q_ASSERT(total == size); if (!finishWriting(size)) { //qCWarning(KArchiveLog) << "finishWriting failed"; return false; } return true; }