int main(int argc, char** args) { int argchar; kdtree_t* kd; int Nleaf = 25; char* infn = NULL; char* outfn = NULL; char* tychofn = NULL; char* crossfn = NULL; char* progname = args[0]; FILE* f; tycstar_t* tycstars = NULL; int Ntyc = 0; int exttype = KDT_EXT_DOUBLE; int datatype = KDT_DATA_U32; int treetype = KDT_TREE_U32; int tt; int buildopts = 0; int i, N, D; dl* ras; dl* decs; dl* hds; fl* mag1s; fl* mag2s; fl* mag3s; int nbad = 0; int nox = 0; int* hd; double* xyz; qfits_header* hdr; while ((argchar = getopt (argc, args, OPTIONS)) != -1) switch (argchar) { case 'T': tychofn = optarg; break; case 'X': crossfn = optarg; break; case 'R': Nleaf = (int)strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 't': treetype = kdtree_kdtype_parse_tree_string(optarg); break; case 'd': datatype = kdtree_kdtype_parse_data_string(optarg); break; case 'b': buildopts |= KD_BUILD_BBOX; break; case 's': buildopts |= KD_BUILD_SPLIT; break; case 'S': buildopts |= KD_BUILD_SPLITDIM; break; case '?': fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt); case 'h': printHelp(progname); return 0; default: return -1; } if (optind != argc - 2) { printHelp(progname); exit(-1); } infn = args[optind]; outfn = args[optind+1]; if (!(buildopts & (KD_BUILD_BBOX | KD_BUILD_SPLIT))) { printf("You need bounding-boxes or splitting planes!\n"); printHelp(progname); exit(-1); } if (tychofn || crossfn) { if (!(tychofn && crossfn)) { printf("You need both -T <Tycho2> and -X <Crossref> to do cross-referencing.\n"); exit(-1); } } if (tychofn) { int i, N; tycho2_fits* tyc; FILE* f; int nx, nox; int lastgrass = 0; tyc = tycho2_fits_open(tychofn); if (!tyc) { ERROR("Failed to open Tycho-2 catalog."); exit(-1); } printf("Reading Tycho-2 catalog...\n"); N = tycho2_fits_count_entries(tyc); tycstars = calloc(N, sizeof(tycstar_t)); for (i=0; i<N; i++) { tycho2_entry* te; int grass = (i*80 / N); if (grass != lastgrass) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); lastgrass = grass; } te = tycho2_fits_read_entry(tyc); tycstars[i].tyc1 = te->tyc1; tycstars[i].tyc2 = te->tyc2; tycstars[i].tyc3 = te->tyc3; tycstars[i].ra = te->ra; tycstars[i].dec = te->dec; tycstars[i].mag_BT = te->mag_BT; tycstars[i].mag_VT = te->mag_VT; tycstars[i].mag_HP = te->mag_HP; } tycho2_fits_close(tyc); printf("Sorting...\n"); qsort(tycstars, N, sizeof(tycstar_t), compare_tycs); Ntyc = N; f = fopen(crossfn, "rb"); if (!f) { SYSERROR("Failed to open cross-reference file %s", crossfn); exit(-1); } nx = 0; nox = 0; while (TRUE) { char buf[1024]; int tyc1, tyc2, tyc3, hd, nhd, ntyc; char ftyc, sptype0, sptype1, sptype2; tycstar_t* s; if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) { if (ferror(f)) { SYSERROR("Failed to read a line of text from the cross-reference file"); exit(-1); } break; } if (sscanf(buf, " %d %d %d%c %d %c%c%c %d %d", &tyc1, &tyc2, &tyc3, &ftyc, &hd, &sptype0, &sptype1, &sptype2, &nhd, &ntyc) != 10) { ERROR("Failed to parse line: \"%s\"", buf); } //printf("%i %i %i %i %i %i\n", tyc1, tyc2, tyc3, hd, nhd, ntyc); s = find_tycho(tycstars, Ntyc, tyc1, tyc2, tyc3); if (!s) { ERROR("Failed to find Tycho-2 star %i-%i-%i", tyc1, tyc2, tyc3); nox++; } else { s->hd = hd; s->ntyc = ntyc; } nx++; } fclose(f); printf("Read %i cross-references.\n", nx); printf("Failed to find %i cross-referenced Tycho-2 stars.\n", nox); printf("Sorting...\n"); qsort(tycstars, N, sizeof(tycstar_t), compare_hds); } f = fopen(infn, "rb"); if (!f) { SYSERROR("Failed to open input file %s", infn); exit(-1); } ras = dl_new(1024); decs = dl_new(1024); hds = il_new(1024); mag1s = fl_new(1024); mag2s = fl_new(1024); mag3s = fl_new(1024); printf("Reading HD catalog...\n"); for (;;) { char buf[1024]; double ra, dec; int hd; float mag1, mag2, mag3; mag1 = mag2 = mag3 = 0.0; if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) { if (ferror(f)) { SYSERROR("Failed to read a line of text from the input file"); exit(-1); } break; } if (buf[0] == '#') continue; if (buf[0] == '\n') continue; if (sscanf(buf, " %lf| %lf| %d", &ra, &dec, &hd) < 3) { // ignore three invalid lines if (nbad > 3) { ERROR("Failed to parse line: \"%s\"", buf); } nbad++; } else { if (tycstars) { tycstar_t* s = find_hd(tycstars, Ntyc, hd); if (!s) { //printf("Failed to find cross-ref for HD %i\n", hd); nox++; } else { ra = s->ra; dec = s->dec; mag1 = s->mag_VT; mag2 = s->mag_BT; mag3 = s->mag_HP; } } dl_append(ras, ra); dl_append(decs, dec); il_append(hds, hd); fl_append(mag1s, mag1); fl_append(mag2s, mag2); fl_append(mag3s, mag3); } } fclose(f); N = dl_size(ras); printf("Read %i entries and %i bad lines.\n", N, nbad); if (dl_size(ras) != HD_NENTRIES) { printf("WARNING: expected %i Henry Draper catalog entries.\n", HD_NENTRIES); } if (nox) { printf("Found %i HD entries with no cross-reference (expect this to be about 1%%)\n", nox); } hd = malloc(sizeof(int) * N); il_copy(hds, 0, N, hd); il_free(hds); for (i=0; i<N; i++) if (hd[i] != i+1) { printf("Line %i is HD %i\n", i+1, hd[i]); break; } // HACK - don't allocate 'em in the first place... free(hd); xyz = malloc(sizeof(double) * 3 * N); for (i=0; i<N; i++) { radecdeg2xyzarr(dl_get(ras, i), dl_get(decs, i), xyz + 3*i); } dl_free(ras); dl_free(decs); tt = kdtree_kdtypes_to_treetype(exttype, treetype, datatype); D = 3; { // limits of the kdtree... double lo[] = {-1.0, -1.0, -1.0}; double hi[] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; kd = kdtree_new(N, D, Nleaf); kdtree_set_limits(kd, lo, hi); } printf("Building tree...\n"); kd = kdtree_build(kd, xyz, N, D, Nleaf, tt, buildopts); hdr = qfits_header_default(); qfits_header_add(hdr, "AN_FILE", "HDTREE", "Henry Draper catalog kdtree", NULL); BOILERPLATE_ADD_FITS_HEADERS(hdr); fits_add_long_history(hdr, "This file was created by the following command-line:"); fits_add_args(hdr, args, argc); if (kdtree_fits_write(kd, outfn, hdr)) { ERROR("Failed to write kdtree"); exit(-1); } // Write mags as tag-along table. { fitstable_t* tag; tag = fitstable_open_for_appending(outfn); if (!tag) { ERROR("Failed to open kd-tree file for appending"); exit(-1); } fitstable_add_write_column(tag, fitscolumn_float_type(), "MAG_VT", ""); fitstable_add_write_column(tag, fitscolumn_float_type(), "MAG_BT", ""); fitstable_add_write_column(tag, fitscolumn_float_type(), "MAG_HP", ""); if (fitstable_write_header(tag)) { ERROR("Failed to write tag-along header"); exit(-1); } for (i=0; i<N; i++) { fitstable_write_row(tag, fl_get(mag1s, i), fl_get(mag2s, i), fl_get(mag3s, i)); } if (fitstable_fix_header(tag)) { ERROR("Failed to fix tag-along header"); exit(-1); } if (fitstable_close(tag)) { ERROR("Failed to close tag-along data"); exit(-1); } } fl_free(mag1s); fl_free(mag2s); fl_free(mag3s); printf("Done.\n"); qfits_header_destroy(hdr); free(xyz); kdtree_free(kd); free(tycstars); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int argchar; char* progname = argv[0]; sl* infns = sl_new(16); char* outfnpat = NULL; char* racol = "RA"; char* deccol = "DEC"; char* tempdir = "/tmp"; anbool gzip = FALSE; sl* cols = sl_new(16); int loglvl = LOG_MSG; int nside = 1; double margin = 0.0; int NHP; double md; char* backref = NULL; fitstable_t* intable; fitstable_t** outtables; char** myargs; int nmyargs; int i; while ((argchar = getopt (argc, argv, OPTIONS)) != -1) switch (argchar) { case 'b': backref = optarg; break; case 't': tempdir = optarg; break; case 'c': sl_append(cols, optarg); break; case 'g': gzip = TRUE; break; case 'o': outfnpat = optarg; break; case 'r': racol = optarg; break; case 'd': deccol = optarg; break; case 'n': nside = atoi(optarg); break; case 'm': margin = atof(optarg); break; case 'v': loglvl++; break; case '?': fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt); case 'h': printHelp(progname); return 0; default: return -1; } if (sl_size(cols) == 0) { sl_free2(cols); cols = NULL; } nmyargs = argc - optind; myargs = argv + optind; for (i=0; i<nmyargs; i++) sl_append(infns, myargs[i]); if (!sl_size(infns)) { printHelp(progname); printf("Need input filenames!\n"); exit(-1); } log_init(loglvl); fits_use_error_system(); NHP = 12 * nside * nside; logmsg("%i output healpixes\n", NHP); outtables = calloc(NHP, sizeof(fitstable_t*)); assert(outtables); md = deg2dist(margin); /** About the mincaps/maxcaps: These have a center and radius-squared, describing the region inside a small circle on the sphere. The "mincaps" describe the regions that are definitely owned by a single healpix -- ie, more than MARGIN distance from any edge. That is, the mincap is the small circle centered at (0.5, 0.5) in the healpix and with radius = the distance to the closest healpix boundary, MINUS the margin distance. Below, we first check whether a new star is within the "mincap" of any healpix. If so, we stick it in that healpix and continue. Otherwise, we check all the "maxcaps" -- these are the healpixes it could *possibly* be in. We then refine with healpix_within_range_of_xyz. The maxcap distance is the distance to the furthest boundary point, PLUS the margin distance. */ cap_t* mincaps = malloc(NHP * sizeof(cap_t)); cap_t* maxcaps = malloc(NHP * sizeof(cap_t)); for (i=0; i<NHP; i++) { // center double r2; double xyz[3]; double* cxyz; double step = 1e-3; double v; double r2b, r2a; cxyz = mincaps[i].xyz; healpix_to_xyzarr(i, nside, 0.5, 0.5, mincaps[i].xyz); memcpy(maxcaps[i].xyz, cxyz, 3 * sizeof(double)); logverb("Center of HP %i: (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)\n", i, cxyz[0], cxyz[1], cxyz[2]); // radius-squared: // max is the easy one: max of the four corners (I assume) r2 = 0.0; healpix_to_xyzarr(i, nside, 0.0, 0.0, xyz); logverb(" HP %i corner 1: (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f), distsq %.3f\n", i, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], distsq(xyz, cxyz, 3)); r2 = MAX(r2, distsq(xyz, cxyz, 3)); healpix_to_xyzarr(i, nside, 1.0, 0.0, xyz); logverb(" HP %i corner 1: (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f), distsq %.3f\n", i, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], distsq(xyz, cxyz, 3)); r2 = MAX(r2, distsq(xyz, cxyz, 3)); healpix_to_xyzarr(i, nside, 0.0, 1.0, xyz); logverb(" HP %i corner 1: (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f), distsq %.3f\n", i, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], distsq(xyz, cxyz, 3)); r2 = MAX(r2, distsq(xyz, cxyz, 3)); healpix_to_xyzarr(i, nside, 1.0, 1.0, xyz); logverb(" HP %i corner 1: (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f), distsq %.3f\n", i, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], distsq(xyz, cxyz, 3)); r2 = MAX(r2, distsq(xyz, cxyz, 3)); logverb(" max distsq: %.3f\n", r2); logverb(" margin dist: %.3f\n", md); maxcaps[i].r2 = square(sqrt(r2) + md); logverb(" max cap distsq: %.3f\n", maxcaps[i].r2); r2a = r2; r2 = 1.0; r2b = 0.0; for (v=0; v<=1.0; v+=step) { healpix_to_xyzarr(i, nside, 0.0, v, xyz); r2 = MIN(r2, distsq(xyz, cxyz, 3)); r2b = MAX(r2b, distsq(xyz, cxyz, 3)); healpix_to_xyzarr(i, nside, 1.0, v, xyz); r2 = MIN(r2, distsq(xyz, cxyz, 3)); r2b = MAX(r2b, distsq(xyz, cxyz, 3)); healpix_to_xyzarr(i, nside, v, 0.0, xyz); r2 = MIN(r2, distsq(xyz, cxyz, 3)); r2b = MAX(r2b, distsq(xyz, cxyz, 3)); healpix_to_xyzarr(i, nside, v, 1.0, xyz); r2 = MIN(r2, distsq(xyz, cxyz, 3)); r2b = MAX(r2b, distsq(xyz, cxyz, 3)); } mincaps[i].r2 = square(MAX(0, sqrt(r2) - md)); logverb("\nhealpix %i: min rad %g\n", i, sqrt(r2)); logverb("healpix %i: max rad %g\n", i, sqrt(r2a)); logverb("healpix %i: max rad(b) %g\n", i, sqrt(r2b)); assert(r2a >= r2b); } if (backref) { fitstable_t* tab = fitstable_open_for_writing(backref); int maxlen = 0; char* buf; for (i=0; i<sl_size(infns); i++) { char* infn = sl_get(infns, i); maxlen = MAX(maxlen, strlen(infn)); } fitstable_add_write_column_array(tab, fitscolumn_char_type(), maxlen, "filename", NULL); fitstable_add_write_column(tab, fitscolumn_i16_type(), "index", NULL); if (fitstable_write_primary_header(tab) || fitstable_write_header(tab)) { ERROR("Failed to write header of backref table \"%s\"", backref); exit(-1); } buf = malloc(maxlen+1); assert(buf); for (i=0; i<sl_size(infns); i++) { char* infn = sl_get(infns, i); int16_t ind; memset(buf, 0, maxlen); strcpy(buf, infn); ind = i; if (fitstable_write_row(tab, buf, &ind)) { ERROR("Failed to write row %i of backref table: %s = %i", i, buf, ind); exit(-1); } } if (fitstable_fix_header(tab) || fitstable_close(tab)) { ERROR("Failed to fix header & close backref table"); exit(-1); } logmsg("Wrote backref table %s\n", backref); free(buf); } for (i=0; i<sl_size(infns); i++) { char* infn = sl_get(infns, i); char* originfn = infn; int r, NR; tfits_type any, dubl; il* hps = NULL; bread_t* rowbuf; int R; char* tempfn = NULL; char* padrowdata = NULL; int ii; logmsg("Reading input \"%s\"...\n", infn); if (gzip) { char* cmd; int rtn; tempfn = create_temp_file("hpsplit", tempdir); asprintf_safe(&cmd, "gunzip -cd %s > %s", infn, tempfn); logmsg("Running: \"%s\"\n", cmd); rtn = run_command_get_outputs(cmd, NULL, NULL); if (rtn) { ERROR("Failed to run command: \"%s\"", cmd); exit(-1); } free(cmd); infn = tempfn; } intable = fitstable_open(infn); if (!intable) { ERROR("Couldn't read catalog %s", infn); exit(-1); } NR = fitstable_nrows(intable); logmsg("Got %i rows\n", NR); any = fitscolumn_any_type(); dubl = fitscolumn_double_type(); fitstable_add_read_column_struct(intable, dubl, 1, 0, any, racol, TRUE); fitstable_add_read_column_struct(intable, dubl, 1, sizeof(double), any, deccol, TRUE); fitstable_use_buffered_reading(intable, 2*sizeof(double), 1000); R = fitstable_row_size(intable); rowbuf = buffered_read_new(R, 1000, NR, refill_rowbuffer, intable); if (fitstable_read_extension(intable, 1)) { ERROR("Failed to find RA and DEC columns (called \"%s\" and \"%s\" in the FITS file)", racol, deccol); exit(-1); } for (r=0; r<NR; r++) { int hp = -1; double ra, dec; int j; double* rd; void* rowdata; void* rdata; if (r && ((r % 100000) == 0)) { logmsg("Reading row %i of %i\n", r, NR); } //printf("reading RA,Dec for row %i\n", r); rd = fitstable_next_struct(intable); ra = rd[0]; dec = rd[1]; logverb("row %i: ra,dec %g,%g\n", r, ra, dec); if (margin == 0) { hp = radecdegtohealpix(ra, dec, nside); logverb(" --> healpix %i\n", hp); } else { double xyz[3]; anbool gotit = FALSE; double d2; if (!hps) hps = il_new(4); radecdeg2xyzarr(ra, dec, xyz); for (j=0; j<NHP; j++) { d2 = distsq(xyz, mincaps[j].xyz, 3); if (d2 <= mincaps[j].r2) { logverb(" -> in mincap %i (dist %g vs %g)\n", j, sqrt(d2), sqrt(mincaps[j].r2)); il_append(hps, j); gotit = TRUE; break; } } if (!gotit) { for (j=0; j<NHP; j++) { d2 = distsq(xyz, maxcaps[j].xyz, 3); if (d2 <= maxcaps[j].r2) { logverb(" -> in maxcap %i (dist %g vs %g)\n", j, sqrt(d2), sqrt(maxcaps[j].r2)); if (healpix_within_range_of_xyz(j, nside, xyz, margin)) { logverb(" -> and within range.\n"); il_append(hps, j); } } } } //hps = healpix_rangesearch_radec(ra, dec, margin, nside, hps); logverb(" --> healpixes: ["); for (j=0; j<il_size(hps); j++) logverb(" %i", il_get(hps, j)); logverb(" ]\n"); } //printf("Reading rowdata for row %i\n", r); rowdata = buffered_read(rowbuf); assert(rowdata); j=0; while (1) { if (hps) { if (j >= il_size(hps)) break; hp = il_get(hps, j); j++; } assert(hp < NHP); assert(hp >= 0); if (!outtables[hp]) { char* outfn; fitstable_t* out; // MEMLEAK the output filename. You'll live. asprintf_safe(&outfn, outfnpat, hp); logmsg("Opening output file \"%s\"...\n", outfn); out = fitstable_open_for_writing(outfn); if (!out) { ERROR("Failed to open output table \"%s\"", outfn); exit(-1); } // Set the output table structure. if (cols) { fitstable_add_fits_columns_as_struct3(intable, out, cols, 0); } else fitstable_add_fits_columns_as_struct2(intable, out); if (backref) { tfits_type i16type; tfits_type i32type; // R = fitstable_row_size(intable); int off = R; i16type = fitscolumn_i16_type(); i32type = fitscolumn_i32_type(); fitstable_add_read_column_struct(out, i16type, 1, off, i16type, "backref_file", TRUE); off += sizeof(int16_t); fitstable_add_read_column_struct(out, i32type, 1, off, i32type, "backref_index", TRUE); } //printf("Output table:\n"); //fitstable_print_columns(out); if (fitstable_write_primary_header(out) || fitstable_write_header(out)) { ERROR("Failed to write output file headers for \"%s\"", outfn); exit(-1); } outtables[hp] = out; } if (backref) { int16_t brfile; int32_t brind; if (!padrowdata) { padrowdata = malloc(R + sizeof(int16_t) + sizeof(int32_t)); assert(padrowdata); } // convert to FITS endian brfile = htons(i); brind = htonl(r); // add backref data to rowdata memcpy(padrowdata, rowdata, R); memcpy(padrowdata + R, &brfile, sizeof(int16_t)); memcpy(padrowdata + R + sizeof(int16_t), &brind, sizeof(int32_t)); rdata = padrowdata; } else { rdata = rowdata; } if (cols) { if (fitstable_write_struct_noflip(outtables[hp], rdata)) { ERROR("Failed to copy a row of data from input table \"%s\" to output healpix %i", infn, hp); } } else { if (fitstable_write_row_data(outtables[hp], rdata)) { ERROR("Failed to copy a row of data from input table \"%s\" to output healpix %i", infn, hp); } } if (!hps) break; } if (hps) il_remove_all(hps); } buffered_read_free(rowbuf); // wack... buffered_read_free() just frees its internal buffer, // not the "rowbuf" struct itself. // who wrote this crazy code? Oh, me of 5 years ago. Jerk. free(rowbuf); fitstable_close(intable); il_free(hps); if (tempfn) { logverb("Removing temp file %s\n", tempfn); if (unlink(tempfn)) { SYSERROR("Failed to unlink() temp file \"%s\"", tempfn); } tempfn = NULL; } // fix headers so that the files are valid at this point. for (ii=0; ii<NHP; ii++) { if (!outtables[ii]) continue; off_t offset = ftello(outtables[ii]->fid); if (fitstable_fix_header(outtables[ii])) { ERROR("Failed to fix header for healpix %i after reading input file \"%s\"", ii, originfn); exit(-1); } fseeko(outtables[ii]->fid, offset, SEEK_SET); } if (padrowdata) { free(padrowdata); padrowdata = NULL; } } for (i=0; i<NHP; i++) { if (!outtables[i]) continue; if (fitstable_fix_header(outtables[i]) || fitstable_fix_primary_header(outtables[i]) || fitstable_close(outtables[i])) { ERROR("Failed to close output table for healpix %i", i); exit(-1); } } free(outtables); sl_free2(infns); sl_free2(cols); free(mincaps); free(maxcaps); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int argchar; char* progname = argv[0]; index_t* index; fitstable_t* table; char* indexfn = NULL; char* outfn = NULL; int i, D, N; while ((argchar = getopt (argc, argv, OPTIONS)) != -1) { switch (argchar) { case 'i': indexfn = optarg; break; case 'o': outfn = optarg; break; default: case 'h': printHelp(progname); exit(0); } } if (!(indexfn && outfn)) { printHelp(progname); exit(-1); } index = index_load(indexfn, 0, NULL); if (!index) { ERROR("Failed to open index"); exit(-1); } table = fitstable_open_for_writing(outfn); if (!table) { ERROR("Failed to open output file for writing"); exit(-1); } D = index_get_quad_dim(index); fitstable_add_write_column_array(table, fitscolumn_i32_type(), D, "quads", ""); if (fitstable_write_primary_header(table) || fitstable_write_header(table)) { ERROR("Failed to write headers"); exit(-1); } N = index_nquads(index); for (i=0; i<N; i++) { unsigned int quad[D]; quadfile_get_stars(index->quads, i, quad); if (fitstable_write_row(table, quad)) { ERROR("Failed to write quad %i", i); exit(-1); } } if (fitstable_fix_header(table)) { ERROR("Failed to fix quad header"); exit(-1); } fitstable_next_extension(table); fitstable_clear_table(table); // write star RA,Dec s. fitstable_add_write_column(table, fitscolumn_double_type(), "RA", "deg"); fitstable_add_write_column(table, fitscolumn_double_type(), "Dec", "deg"); if (fitstable_write_header(table)) { ERROR("Failed to write star header"); exit(-1); } N = index_nstars(index); for (i=0; i<N; i++) { double xyz[3]; double ra, dec; startree_get(index->starkd, i, xyz); xyzarr2radecdeg(xyz, &ra, &dec); if (fitstable_write_row(table, &ra, &dec)) { ERROR("Failed to write star %i", i); exit(-1); } } if (fitstable_fix_header(table) || fitstable_close(table)) { ERROR("Failed to fix star header and close"); exit(-1); } index_close(index); return 0; }