void ofPolyline::quadBezierTo(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float x3, float y3, float z3, int curveResolution){
	for(int i=0; i <= curveResolution; i++){
		double t = (double)i / (double)(curveResolution);
		double a = (1.0 - t)*(1.0 - t);
		double b = 2.0 * t * (1.0 - t);
		double c = t*t;
		double x = a * x1 + b * x2 + c * x3;
		double y = a * y1 + b * y2 + c * y3;
		double z = a * z1 + b * z2 + c * z3;
		points.push_back(ofPoint(x, y, z));
void ofPolyline::curveTo( const ofPoint & to, int curveResolution ){
	if (curveVertices.size() == 4){
		float x0 = curveVertices[0].x;
		float y0 = curveVertices[0].y;
		float z0 = curveVertices[0].z;
		float x1 = curveVertices[1].x;
		float y1 = curveVertices[1].y;
		float z1 = curveVertices[1].z;
		float x2 = curveVertices[2].x;
		float y2 = curveVertices[2].y;
		float z2 = curveVertices[2].z;
		float x3 = curveVertices[3].x;
		float y3 = curveVertices[3].y;
		float z3 = curveVertices[3].z;
		float t,t2,t3;
		float x,y,z;
		for (int i = 0; i < curveResolution; i++){
			t 	=  (float)i / (float)(curveResolution-1);
			t2 	= t * t;
			t3 	= t2 * t;
			x = 0.5f * ( ( 2.0f * x1 ) +
                        ( -x0 + x2 ) * t +
                        ( 2.0f * x0 - 5.0f * x1 + 4 * x2 - x3 ) * t2 +
                        ( -x0 + 3.0f * x1 - 3.0f * x2 + x3 ) * t3 );
			y = 0.5f * ( ( 2.0f * y1 ) +
                        ( -y0 + y2 ) * t +
                        ( 2.0f * y0 - 5.0f * y1 + 4 * y2 - y3 ) * t2 +
                        ( -y0 + 3.0f * y1 - 3.0f * y2 + y3 ) * t3 );
			z = 0.5f * ( ( 2.0f * z1 ) +
                        ( -z0 + z2 ) * t +
                        ( 2.0f * z0 - 5.0f * z1 + 4 * z2 - z3 ) * t2 +
                        ( -z0 + 3.0f * z1 - 3.0f * z2 + z3 ) * t3 );
void ofPolyline::bezierTo( const ofPoint & cp1, const ofPoint & cp2, const ofPoint & to, int curveResolution ){
	// if, and only if poly vertices has points, we can make a bezier
	// from the last point
	// the resolultion with which we computer this bezier
	// is arbitrary, can we possibly make it dynamic?
	if (size() > 0){
		float x0 = points[size()-1].x;
		float y0 = points[size()-1].y;
		float z0 = points[size()-1].z;
		float   ax, bx, cx;
		float   ay, by, cy;
		float   az, bz, cz;
		float   t, t2, t3;
		float   x, y, z;
		// polynomial coefficients
		cx = 3.0f * (cp1.x - x0);
		bx = 3.0f * (cp2.x - cp1.x) - cx;
		ax = to.x - x0 - cx - bx;
		cy = 3.0f * (cp1.y - y0);
		by = 3.0f * (cp2.y - cp1.y) - cy;
		ay = to.y - y0 - cy - by;
		cz = 3.0f * (cp1.z - z0);
		bz = 3.0f * (cp2.z - cp1.z) - cz;
		az = to.z - z0 - cz - bz;
		for (int i = 0; i < curveResolution; i++){
			t 	=  (float)i / (float)(curveResolution-1);
			t2 = t * t;
			t3 = t2 * t;
			x = (ax * t3) + (bx * t2) + (cx * t) + x0;
			y = (ay * t3) + (by * t2) + (cy * t) + y0;
			z = (az * t3) + (bz * t2) + (cz * t) + z0;
void ofxBox2dPolygon::create(b2World * b2dworld) {

	if(size() <= 3) {
		ofLog(OF_LOG_NOTICE, "need at least 3 points: %i\n", (int)size());
	if (body != NULL) {
		body = NULL;
	// create the body from the world (1)
	b2BodyDef		bd;
	bd.type			= density <= 0.0 ? b2_staticBody : b2_dynamicBody;
	body			= b2dworld->CreateBody(&bd);

	if(bIsTriangulated) {
		b2PolygonShape	shape;
		b2FixtureDef	fixture;
		b2Vec2			verts[3];
		ofVec2f a, b, c;
		for (int i=0; i<triangles.size(); i++) {
			a = triangles[i].a;
			b = triangles[i].b;
			c = triangles[i].c;

			verts[0].Set(a.x/OFX_BOX2D_SCALE, a.y/OFX_BOX2D_SCALE);
			verts[1].Set(b.x/OFX_BOX2D_SCALE, b.y/OFX_BOX2D_SCALE);
			verts[2].Set(c.x/OFX_BOX2D_SCALE, c.y/OFX_BOX2D_SCALE);
			shape.Set(verts, 3);
			fixture.density		= density;
			fixture.restitution = bounce;
			fixture.friction	= friction;
			fixture.shape		= &shape;
	else {
		vector<ofPoint> pts = ofPolyline::getVertices();
        for (int i=0; i<MIN((int)pts.size(), b2_maxPolygonVertices); i++) {
        b2PolygonShape shape;
        shape.Set(&verts[0], verts.size()-1);
        fixture.shape		= &shape;
        fixture.density		= density;
        fixture.restitution = bounce;
        fixture.friction	= friction;
    vector<ofPoint> pts = ofPolyline::getVertices();
    ofPath path;
    ofPoint center = getCentroid2D();
    for (int i=0; i<pts.size(); i++) {
        ofPoint p(pts[i].x, pts[i].y);
        p -= center;
    mesh = path.getTessellation();

    alive = true;
void ofPolyline::setClosed( bool tf ) {
	bClosed = tf;
void ofPolyline::resize(size_t size){
ofPoint& ofPolyline::operator[] (int index) {
	return points[index];
void ofPolyline::setRightVector(ofVec3f v) {
    rightVector = v;
void ofPolyline::insertVertex(const ofPoint &p, int index) {
    points.insert(points.begin()+index, p);
void ofPolyline::addVertices(const ofPoint* verts, int numverts) {
	points.insert( points.end(), verts, verts + numverts );
void ofPolyline::addVertices(const vector<ofPoint>& verts) {
	points.insert( points.end(), verts.begin(), verts.end() );
void ofPolyline::addVertex(float x, float y, float z) {
void ofPolyline::addVertex(const ofPoint& p) {
void ofPolyline::arc(const ofPoint & center, float radiusX, float radiusY, float angleBegin, float angleEnd, bool clockwise, int circleResolution){
    if(circleResolution<=1) circleResolution=2;

    const float epsilon = 0.0001f;
    const size_t nCirclePoints = circlePoints.size();
    float segmentArcSize  = M_TWO_PI / (float)nCirclePoints;
    // convert angles to radians and wrap them into the range 0-M_TWO_PI and
    float angleBeginRad = wrapAngle(ofDegToRad(angleBegin));
    float angleEndRad =   wrapAngle(ofDegToRad(angleEnd));
    while(angleBeginRad >= angleEndRad) angleEndRad += M_TWO_PI;
    // determine the directional angle delta
    float d = clockwise ? angleEndRad - angleBeginRad : angleBeginRad - angleEndRad;
    // find the shortest angle delta, clockwise delta direction yeilds POSITIVE values
    float deltaAngle = atan2(sin(d),cos(d));
    // establish the remaining angle that we have to work through
    float remainingAngle = deltaAngle;
    // if the delta angle is in the CCW direction OR the start and stop angles are
    // effectively the same adjust the remaining angle to be a be a full rotation
    if(deltaAngle < 0 || abs(deltaAngle) < epsilon) remainingAngle += M_TWO_PI;
    ofPoint radii(radiusX,radiusY);
    ofPoint point;
    int currentLUTIndex = 0;
    bool isFirstPoint = true; // special case for the first point
    while(remainingAngle > 0) {
        if(isFirstPoint) {
            // TODO: should this be the exact point on the circle or
            // should it be an intersecting point on the line that connects two
            // surrounding LUT points?
            // get the EXACT first point requested (for points that
            // don't fall precisely on a LUT entry)
            point = ofPoint(cos(angleBeginRad),sin(angleBeginRad));
            // set up the get any in between points from the LUT
            float ratio = angleBeginRad / M_TWO_PI * (float)nCirclePoints;
            currentLUTIndex = clockwise ? (int)ceil(ratio) : (int)floor(ratio);
            float lutAngleAtIndex = currentLUTIndex * segmentArcSize;
            // the angle between the beginning angle and the next angle in the LUT table
            float d = clockwise ? (lutAngleAtIndex - angleBeginRad) : (angleBeginRad - lutAngleAtIndex);
            float firstPointDelta = atan2(sin(d),cos(d)); // negative is in the clockwise direction
            // if the are "equal", get the next one CCW
            if(abs(firstPointDelta) < epsilon) {
                currentLUTIndex = clockwise ? (currentLUTIndex + 1) : (currentLUTIndex - 1);
                firstPointDelta = segmentArcSize; // we start at the next lut point
            // start counting from the offset
            remainingAngle -= firstPointDelta;
            isFirstPoint = false;
        } else {
            point = ofPoint(circlePoints[currentLUTIndex].x,circlePoints[currentLUTIndex].y);
            if(clockwise) {
                currentLUTIndex++; // go to the next LUT point
                remainingAngle -= segmentArcSize; // account for next point
                // if the angle overshoots, then the while loop will fail next time
            } else {
                currentLUTIndex--; // go to the next LUT point
                remainingAngle -= segmentArcSize; // account for next point
                // if the angle overshoots, then the while loop will fail next time
        // keep the current lut index in range
        if(clockwise) {
            currentLUTIndex = currentLUTIndex % nCirclePoints;
        } else {
            if(currentLUTIndex < 0) currentLUTIndex = nCirclePoints + currentLUTIndex;
        // add the point to the poly line
        point = point * radii + center;
        // if the next LUT point moves us past the end angle then
        // add a a point a the exact end angle and call it finished
        if(remainingAngle < epsilon) {
            point = ofPoint(cos(angleEndRad),sin(angleEndRad));
            point = point * radii + center;
            remainingAngle = 0; // call it finished, the next while loop test will fail
void ofPolyline::clear() {
vector<ofPoint> & ofPolyline::getVertices(){
	return points;