Exemple #1
void flashfsEraseCompletely()


Exemple #2
void flashfsEraseCompletely(void)


Exemple #3
 * Called after bytes have been written from the buffer to advance the position of the tail by the given amount.
static void flashfsAdvanceTailInBuffer(uint32_t delta)
    bufferTail += delta;

    // Wrap tail around the end of the buffer
    if (bufferTail >= FLASHFS_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE) {
        bufferTail -= FLASHFS_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE;

    if (flashfsBufferIsEmpty()) {
        flashfsClearBuffer(); // Bring buffer pointers back to the start to be tidier
Exemple #4
 * Wait for the flash to become ready and begin flushing any buffered data to flash.
 * The flash will still be busy some time after this sync completes, but space will
 * be freed up to accept more writes in the write buffer.
void flashfsFlushSync()
    if (flashfsBufferIsEmpty()) {
        return; // Nothing to flush

    uint8_t const * buffers[2];
    uint32_t bufferSizes[2];

    flashfsGetDirtyDataBuffers(buffers, bufferSizes);
    flashfsWriteBuffers(buffers, bufferSizes, 2, true);

    // We've written our entire buffer now:
Exemple #5
 * Write the given buffer to the flash either synchronously or asynchronously depending on the 'sync' parameter.
 * If writing asynchronously, data will be silently discarded if the buffer overflows.
 * If writing synchronously, the routine will block waiting for the flash to become ready so will never drop data.
void flashfsWrite(const uint8_t *data, unsigned int len, bool sync)
    uint8_t const * buffers[3];
    uint32_t bufferSizes[3];

    // There could be two dirty buffers to write out already:
    flashfsGetDirtyDataBuffers(buffers, bufferSizes);

    // Plus the buffer the user supplied:
    buffers[2] = data;
    bufferSizes[2] = len;

     * Would writing this data to our buffer cause our buffer to reach the flush threshold? If so try to write through
     * to the flash now
    if (bufferSizes[0] + bufferSizes[1] + bufferSizes[2] >= FLASHFS_WRITE_BUFFER_AUTO_FLUSH_LEN) {
        uint32_t bytesWritten;

        // Attempt to write all three buffers through to the flash asynchronously
        bytesWritten = flashfsWriteBuffers(buffers, bufferSizes, 3, false);

        if (bufferSizes[0] == 0 && bufferSizes[1] == 0) {
            // We wrote all the data that was previously buffered

            if (bufferSizes[2] == 0) {
                // And we wrote all the data the user supplied! Job done!
        } else {
            // We only wrote a portion of the old data, so advance the tail to remove the bytes we did write from the buffer

        // Is the remainder of the data to be written too big to fit in the buffers?
        if (bufferSizes[0] + bufferSizes[1] + bufferSizes[2] > FLASHFS_WRITE_BUFFER_USABLE) {
            if (sync) {
                // Write it through synchronously
                flashfsWriteBuffers(buffers, bufferSizes, 3, true);
            } else {
                 * Silently drop the data the user asked to write (i.e. no-op) since we can't buffer it and they
                 * requested async.


        // Fall through and add the remainder of the incoming data to our buffer
        data = buffers[2];
        len = bufferSizes[2];

    // Buffer up the data the user supplied instead of writing it right away

    // First write the portion before we wrap around the end of the circular buffer
    unsigned int bufferBytesBeforeWrap = FLASHFS_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE - bufferHead;

    unsigned int firstPortion = len < bufferBytesBeforeWrap ? len : bufferBytesBeforeWrap;

    memcpy(flashWriteBuffer + bufferHead, data, firstPortion);

    bufferHead += firstPortion;

    data += firstPortion;
    len -= firstPortion;

    // If we wrap the head around, write the remainder to the start of the buffer (if any)
    if (bufferHead == FLASHFS_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE) {
        memcpy(flashWriteBuffer + 0, data, len);

        bufferHead = len;
Exemple #6
 * Write the given buffers to flash sequentially at the current tail address, advancing the tail address after
 * each write.
 * In synchronous mode, waits for the flash to become ready before writing so that every byte requested can be written.
 * In asynchronous mode, if the flash is busy, then the write is aborted and the routine returns immediately.
 * In this case the returned number of bytes written will be less than the total amount requested.
 * Modifies the supplied buffer pointers and sizes to reflect how many bytes remain in each of them.
 * bufferCount: the number of buffers provided
 * buffers: an array of pointers to the beginning of buffers
 * bufferSizes: an array of the sizes of those buffers
 * sync: true if we should wait for the device to be idle before writes, otherwise if the device is busy the
 *       write will be aborted and this routine will return immediately.
 * Returns the number of bytes written
static uint32_t flashfsWriteBuffers(uint8_t const **buffers, uint32_t *bufferSizes, int bufferCount, bool sync)
    uint32_t bytesTotal = 0;

    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < bufferCount; i++) {
        bytesTotal += bufferSizes[i];

    if (!sync && !m25p16_isReady()) {
        return 0;

    uint32_t bytesTotalRemaining = bytesTotal;

    while (bytesTotalRemaining > 0) {
        uint32_t bytesTotalThisIteration;
        uint32_t bytesRemainThisIteration;

         * Each page needs to be saved in a separate program operation, so
         * if we would cross a page boundary, only write up to the boundary in this iteration:
        if (tailAddress % M25P16_PAGESIZE + bytesTotalRemaining > M25P16_PAGESIZE) {
            bytesTotalThisIteration = M25P16_PAGESIZE - tailAddress % M25P16_PAGESIZE;
        } else {
            bytesTotalThisIteration = bytesTotalRemaining;

        // Are we at EOF already? Abort.
        if (flashfsIsEOF()) {
            // May as well throw away any buffered data



        bytesRemainThisIteration = bytesTotalThisIteration;

        for (i = 0; i < bufferCount; i++) {
            if (bufferSizes[i] > 0) {
                // Is buffer larger than our write limit? Write our limit out of it
                if (bufferSizes[i] >= bytesRemainThisIteration) {
                    m25p16_pageProgramContinue(buffers[i], bytesRemainThisIteration);

                    buffers[i] += bytesRemainThisIteration;
                    bufferSizes[i] -= bytesRemainThisIteration;

                    bytesRemainThisIteration = 0;
                } else {
                    // We'll still have more to write after finishing this buffer off
                    m25p16_pageProgramContinue(buffers[i], bufferSizes[i]);

                    bytesRemainThisIteration -= bufferSizes[i];

                    buffers[i] += bufferSizes[i];
                    bufferSizes[i] = 0;


        bytesTotalRemaining -= bytesTotalThisIteration;

        // Advance the cursor in the file system to match the bytes we wrote
        flashfsSetTailAddress(tailAddress + bytesTotalThisIteration);

         * We'll have to wait for that write to complete before we can issue the next one, so if
         * the user requested asynchronous writes, break now.
        if (!sync)

    return bytesTotal - bytesTotalRemaining;