bool RenderFlowThread::hitTestFlowThreadPortionInRegion(RenderRegion* region, LayoutRect flowThreadPortionRect, LayoutRect flowThreadPortionOverflowRect, const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, const HitTestLocation& locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset) const
    LayoutRect regionClippingRect = computeRegionClippingRect(accumulatedOffset, flowThreadPortionRect, flowThreadPortionOverflowRect);
    if (!regionClippingRect.contains(locationInContainer.point()))
        return false;

    LayoutSize renderFlowThreadOffset;
    if (style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
        LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadPortionRect(flowThreadPortionRect);
        renderFlowThreadOffset = accumulatedOffset - flippedFlowThreadPortionRect.location();
    } else
        renderFlowThreadOffset = accumulatedOffset - flowThreadPortionRect.location();

    // Always ignore clipping, since the RenderFlowThread has nothing to do with the bounds of the FrameView.
    HitTestRequest newRequest(request.type() | HitTestRequest::IgnoreClipping);

    // Make a new temporary HitTestLocation in the new region.
    HitTestLocation newHitTestLocation(locationInContainer, -renderFlowThreadOffset, region);

    bool isPointInsideFlowThread = layer()->hitTest(newRequest, newHitTestLocation, result);

    // FIXME: Should we set result.m_localPoint back to the RenderRegion's coordinate space or leave it in the RenderFlowThread's coordinate
    // space? Right now it's staying in the RenderFlowThread's coordinate space, which may end up being ok. We will know more when we get around to
    // patching positionForPoint.
    return isPointInsideFlowThread;
Exemple #2
void RenderRegion::repaintFlowThreadContentRectangle(const LayoutRect& repaintRect, const LayoutRect& flowThreadPortionRect, const LayoutPoint& regionLocation, const LayoutRect* flowThreadPortionClipRect)

    // We only have to issue a repaint in this region if the region rect intersects the repaint rect.
    LayoutRect clippedRect(repaintRect);

    if (flowThreadPortionClipRect) {
        LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadPortionClipRect(*flowThreadPortionClipRect);

    if (clippedRect.isEmpty())

    LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadPortionRect(flowThreadPortionRect);
    flowThread()->flipForWritingMode(flippedFlowThreadPortionRect); // Put the region rects into physical coordinates.

    // Put the region rect into the region's physical coordinate space.
    clippedRect.setLocation(regionLocation + (clippedRect.location() - flippedFlowThreadPortionRect.location()));

    // Now switch to the region's writing mode coordinate space and let it repaint itself.
    // Issue the repaint.
Exemple #3
LayoutPoint RenderRegion::flowThreadPortionLocation() const
    LayoutPoint portionLocation;
    LayoutRect portionRect = flowThreadPortionRect();

    if (flowThread()->style().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
        LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadPortionRect(portionRect);
        portionLocation = flippedFlowThreadPortionRect.location();
    } else
        portionLocation = portionRect.location();

    return portionLocation;
Exemple #4
void RenderFlowThread::paintFlowThreadPortionInRegion(PaintInfo& paintInfo, RenderRegion* region, LayoutRect flowThreadPortionRect, LayoutRect flowThreadPortionOverflowRect, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset) const
    GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;
    if (!context)

    // RenderFlowThread should start painting its content in a position that is offset
    // from the region rect's current position. The amount of offset is equal to the location of
    // the flow thread portion in the flow thread's local coordinates.
    // Note that we have to pixel snap the location at which we're going to paint, since this is necessary
    // to minimize the amount of incorrect snapping that would otherwise occur.
    // If we tried to paint by applying a non-integral translation, then all the
    // layout code that attempted to pixel snap would be incorrect.
    IntPoint adjustedPaintOffset;
    LayoutPoint portionLocation;
    if (style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
        LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadPortionRect(flowThreadPortionRect);
        portionLocation = flippedFlowThreadPortionRect.location();
    } else
        portionLocation = flowThreadPortionRect.location();
    adjustedPaintOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintOffset - portionLocation);

    // The clipping rect for the region is set up by assuming the flowThreadPortionRect is going to paint offset from adjustedPaintOffset.
    // Remember that we pixel snapped and moved the paintOffset and stored the snapped result in adjustedPaintOffset. Now we add back in
    // the flowThreadPortionRect's location to get the spot where we expect the portion to actually paint. This can be non-integral and
    // that's ok. We then pixel snap the resulting clipping rect to account for snapping that will occur when the flow thread paints.
    IntRect regionClippingRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(computeRegionClippingRect(adjustedPaintOffset + portionLocation, flowThreadPortionRect, flowThreadPortionOverflowRect));

    PaintInfo info(paintInfo);

    if (!info.rect.isEmpty()) {


        context->translate(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y());
        layer()->paint(context, info.rect, 0, 0, region, RenderLayer::PaintLayerTemporaryClipRects);

void RenderFlowThread::paintFlowThreadPortionInRegion(PaintInfo& paintInfo, RenderRegion* region, LayoutRect flowThreadPortionRect, LayoutRect flowThreadPortionOverflowRect, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset) const
    GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;
    if (!context)

    // Adjust the clipping rect for the region.
    // paintOffset contains the offset where the painting should occur
    // adjusted with the region padding and border.
    LayoutRect regionClippingRect = computeRegionClippingRect(paintOffset, flowThreadPortionRect, flowThreadPortionOverflowRect);

    PaintInfo info(paintInfo);

    if (!info.rect.isEmpty()) {


        // RenderFlowThread should start painting its content in a position that is offset
        // from the region rect's current position. The amount of offset is equal to the location of
        // the flow thread portion in the flow thread's local coordinates.
        IntPoint renderFlowThreadOffset;
        if (style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
            LayoutRect flippedFlowThreadPortionRect(flowThreadPortionRect);
            renderFlowThreadOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintOffset - flippedFlowThreadPortionRect.location());
        } else
            renderFlowThreadOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintOffset - flowThreadPortionRect.location());

        context->translate(renderFlowThreadOffset.x(), renderFlowThreadOffset.y());
        layer()->paint(context, info.rect, 0, 0, region, RenderLayer::PaintLayerTemporaryClipRects);
