Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char **argv)	// argv are the command-line arguments
	char infname[512], outfname[512];	// file names for input and output
	unsigned char imagetypein, imagetypeout;
	IMAGE *data;
	IMAGE *target;

	if(argc<5)		// too few command-line arguments?
		printf("Command-line usage:\n");
		printf("   %s (inf) (outf) (x) (y)\n",argv[0]);
		printf("   (inf)  is the input file name\n");
		printf("   (outf) is the output file name\n");
		printf("   (x), (y), are the image dimensions\n");

	// Allocate local memory for struct pointers
	data = malloc(sizeof(IMAGE));

	// Handle Command Line args
	strcpy(infname,nextargs);	// read input file name
	strcpy(outfname,nextargs);	// read output file name
	data->xmax = nextargi;		// Read image dimensions
	data->ymax = nextargi; 
	data->zmax = 1;

	// params set image data types in and out
	imagetypein  = FLOATIMAGE;
	imagetypeout = UCHARIMAGE;

	// Read Image into Mem
	printf("Reading image %s with dimensions %d, %d, %d\n",infname,data->xmax,data->ymax,data->zmax);
	if(read_raw(infname, data)){  printf("Error reading file\n");  exit (1);  }

	// Set target params, Allocate local memory
  	target = malloc(sizeof(IMAGE));
	if(copyimage(target, data, imagetypeout)){  fprintf(stderr,"Could not Create Image: target\n");  exit(-1);  }

	/* Image Processing calls here */
	printf("   Converting Data Types...\n");
	//switch case with command line parameters to specify data type conversions
	if(float2uchar(target, data)){ printf("Error Converting\n");  exit(3); }

	// Write Image to File
	printf("Writing processed image %s with dimensions %d, %d, %d\n",outfname,target->xmax,target->ymax,target->zmax);
	if(write_raw(outfname, target)){  printf("Error writing file\n");  exit (4);  }

	// Free All Memory
	printf("Program completed successfully\n");
	exit (0);

Exemple #2
Mat OPert_ima(Mat& ori_ima,int type)
	if( (type<0) || (type>6) )
	float operat[][9] = {{1.0/9, 1.0/9, 1.0/9, 1.0/9, 1.0/9, 1.0/9, 1.0/9, 1.0/9, 1.0/9},
						  {0, -1.0/4, 0, -1.0/4, 1.0, -1.0/4, 0, -1.0/4, 0},
						  {-1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1},
						  {-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
						  {-3, 0, 3, -10, 0, 10, -3, 0, 3},
						  {-3, -10, -3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 10, 3},
						  {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}};

	Mat new_ima(ori_ima.rows, ori_ima.cols, CV_8U, Scalar(0)); // 最终输出图像
	Mat float_ima(ori_ima.rows, ori_ima.cols, CV_32F, Scalar(0)); // 中间float图像,保证精度
	//float_ima=uchar2float(ori_ima); // uchar型图像转换为float型图像

	for (int i=1; i<ori_ima.rows-1; i++)
		float* data  = float_ima.ptr<float>(i);
		uchar* data0 = ori_ima.ptr<uchar>(i-1);
		uchar* data1 = ori_ima.ptr<uchar>(i);
		uchar* data2 = ori_ima.ptr<uchar>(i+1);
		for (int j=1; j<ori_ima.cols; j++)
			data[j] = data0[j-1] * operat[type][0] + data0[j] * operat[type][1] + data0[j+1] * operat[type][2]
					+ data1[j-1] * operat[type][3] + data1[j] * operat[type][4] + data1[j+1] * operat[type][5]
					+ data2[j-1] * operat[type][6] + data2[j] * operat[type][7] + data2[j+1] * operat[type][8];

	new_ima=float2uchar(float_ima); // float型图像转换为uchar型图像
	return new_ima;