void ImageNodelet::imageCb(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg)

  // May want to view raw bayer data, which CvBridge doesn't know about
  if (msg->encoding.find("bayer") != std::string::npos)
    last_image_ = cv::Mat(msg->height, msg->width, CV_8UC1,
                          const_cast<uint8_t*>(&msg->data[0]), msg->step);
  // We want to scale floating point images so that they display nicely
  else if(msg->encoding.find("F") != std::string::npos)
    cv::Mat float_image_bridge = cv_bridge::toCvShare(msg, msg->encoding)->image;
    cv::Mat_<float> float_image = float_image_bridge;
    float max_val = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < float_image.rows; ++i)
      for(int j = 0; j < float_image.cols; ++j)
        max_val = std::max(max_val, float_image(i, j));

    if(max_val > 0)
      float_image /= max_val;
    last_image_ = float_image;
    // Convert to OpenCV native BGR color
    try {
      last_image_ = cv_bridge::toCvShare(msg, "bgr8")->image;
    catch (cv_bridge::Exception& e) {
      NODELET_ERROR_THROTTLE(30, "Unable to convert '%s' image to bgr8: '%s'",
                             msg->encoding.c_str(), e.what());

  // last_image_ may point to data owned by last_msg_, so we hang onto it for
  // the sake of mouseCb.
  last_msg_ = msg;

  // Must release the mutex before calling cv::imshow, or can deadlock against
  // OpenCV's window mutex.
  if (!last_image_.empty())
    cv::imshow(window_name_, last_image_);
Exemple #2
bool aq::nodes::INeuralNet::forwardAll() {
    std::vector<cv::Rect2f> defaultROI;
    auto                    input_image_shape = input->getShape();
    defaultROI.push_back(cv::Rect2f(0, 0, 1.0, 1.0));
    if (bounding_boxes == nullptr) {
        bounding_boxes = &defaultROI;

    if (input_detections != nullptr && bounding_boxes == &defaultROI) {
        for (const auto& itr : *input_detections) {
                itr.bounding_box.x / input_image_shape[2],
                itr.bounding_box.y / input_image_shape[1],
                itr.bounding_box.width / input_image_shape[2],
                itr.bounding_box.height / input_image_shape[1]);
        if (defaultROI.size() == 0) {
            bounding_boxes = nullptr;
            return false;


#ifndef NDEBUG
    cv::Mat dbg_img;
    input->clone(dbg_img, stream());
    cv::Scalar_<unsigned int> network_input_shape = getNetworkShape();
    float net_ar = float(network_input_shape[3]) / float(network_input_shape[2]);
    std::vector<cv::Rect> pixel_bounding_boxes;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < bounding_boxes->size(); ++i) {
        cv::Rect bb;
        bb.x      = static_cast<int>((*bounding_boxes)[i].x * input_image_shape[2]);
        bb.y      = static_cast<int>((*bounding_boxes)[i].y * input_image_shape[1]);
        bb.width  = static_cast<int>((*bounding_boxes)[i].width * input_image_shape[2]);
        bb.height = static_cast<int>((*bounding_boxes)[i].height * input_image_shape[1]);
        if (bb.x + bb.width >= input_image_shape[2]) {
            bb.x -= input_image_shape[2] - bb.width;
        if (bb.y + bb.height >= input_image_shape[1]) {
            bb.y -= input_image_shape[1] - bb.height;
        bb.x = std::max(0, bb.x);
        bb.y = std::max(0, bb.y);
        float bb_ar = float(bb.width) / float(bb.height);
        if(abs(bb_ar - net_ar) > 0.1){
            MO_LOG_FIRST_N(warning, 5) << "Neural net aspect ratio (" << net_ar << ") differs from bounding box aspect ratio (" << bb_ar << ")";
#ifndef NDEBUG
        cv::rectangle(dbg_img, bb, cv::Scalar(0,255,0), 2);

    if (image_scale > 0) {
        reshapeNetwork(static_cast<unsigned int>(bounding_boxes->size()),
            static_cast<unsigned int>(input_image_shape[3]),
            static_cast<unsigned int>(input_image_shape[1] * image_scale),
            static_cast<unsigned int>(input_image_shape[2] * image_scale));
    if (pixel_bounding_boxes.size() != network_input_shape[0] && input_detections == nullptr) {
        reshapeNetwork(static_cast<unsigned int>(bounding_boxes->size()),

    cv::cuda::GpuMat float_image;
    if (input->getDepth() != CV_32F) {
        input->getGpuMat(stream()).convertTo(float_image, CV_32F, stream());
    } else {
        input->clone(float_image, stream());
    if (channel_mean[0] != 0.0 || channel_mean[1] != 0.0 || channel_mean[2] != 0.0)
        cv::cuda::subtract(float_image, channel_mean, float_image, cv::noArray(), -1, stream());
    if (pixel_scale != 1.0f) {
        cv::cuda::multiply(float_image, cv::Scalar::all(static_cast<double>(pixel_scale)), float_image, 1.0, -1, stream());

    cv::cuda::GpuMat resized;
    auto             net_input = getNetImageInput();
    MO_ASSERT(net_input[0].size() == static_cast<size_t>(input->getChannels()));
    cv::Size net_input_size = net_input[0][0].size();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < pixel_bounding_boxes.size();) { // for each roi
        size_t start = i, end = 0;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < net_input.size() && i < pixel_bounding_boxes.size(); ++j, ++i) { // for each image in the mini batch
            if (pixel_bounding_boxes[i].size() != net_input_size) {
                cv::cuda::resize(float_image(pixel_bounding_boxes[i]), resized, net_input_size, 0, 0, cv::INTER_LINEAR, stream());
            } else {
                resized = float_image(pixel_bounding_boxes[i]);
            cv::cuda::split(resized, net_input[j], stream());
            end = start + j + 1;
        if (forwardMinibatch()) {
            std::vector<cv::Rect>         batch_bounding_boxes;
            std::vector<DetectedObject2d> batch_detections;
            for (size_t j = start; j < end; ++j) {
            if (input_detections != nullptr && bounding_boxes == &defaultROI) {
                for (size_t j = start; j < end; ++j)
            postMiniBatch(batch_bounding_boxes, batch_detections);
    if (bounding_boxes == &defaultROI) {
        bounding_boxes = nullptr;
    return true;