Exemple #1
/* Take any action which is expected to happen after the diagnostic
   is written out.  This function does not always return.  */
static void
diagnostic_action_after_output (diagnostic_context *context,
				diagnostic_info *diagnostic)
  switch (diagnostic->kind)
    case DK_DEBUG:
    case DK_NOTE:
    case DK_WARNING:

    case DK_ERROR:
    case DK_SORRY:
      if (context->abort_on_error)
	real_abort ();
      if (context->fatal_errors)
	  fnotice (stderr, "compilation terminated due to -Wfatal-errors.\n");
	  diagnostic_finish (context);
	  exit (FATAL_EXIT_CODE);
      if (context->max_errors != 0
	  && ((unsigned) (diagnostic_kind_count (context, DK_ERROR)
			  + diagnostic_kind_count (context, DK_SORRY))
	      >= context->max_errors))
	  fnotice (stderr,
		   "compilation terminated due to -fmax-errors=%u.\n",
	  diagnostic_finish (context);
	  exit (FATAL_EXIT_CODE);

    case DK_ICE:
      if (context->abort_on_error)
	real_abort ();

      fnotice (stderr, "Please submit a full bug report,\n"
	       "with preprocessed source if appropriate.\n"
	       "See %s for instructions.\n", bug_report_url);
      exit (ICE_EXIT_CODE);

    case DK_FATAL:
      if (context->abort_on_error)
	real_abort ();
      diagnostic_finish (context);
      fnotice (stderr, "compilation terminated.\n");
      exit (FATAL_EXIT_CODE);

      gcc_unreachable ();
Exemple #2
const char*
avr_devicespecs_file (int argc, const char **argv)
  const char *mmcu = NULL;

  if (verbose_flag)
    fnotice (stderr, "Running spec function '%s' with %d args\n\n",
             __FUNCTION__, argc);

  switch (argc)
    case 0:
      fatal_error (input_location,
                   "bad usage of spec function %qs", "device-specs-file");
      return X_NODEVLIB;

    case 1:
      if (0 == strcmp ("device-specs", argv[0]))
          /* FIXME:  This means "device-specs%s" from avr.h:DRIVER_SELF_SPECS
             has not been resolved to a path.  That case can occur when the
             c++ testsuite is run from the build directory.  DejaGNU's
             libgloss.exp:get_multilibs runs $compiler without -B, i.e.runs
             xgcc without specifying a prefix.  Without any prefix, there is
             no means to find out where the specs files might be located.
             get_multilibs runs xgcc --print-multi-lib, hence we don't actually
             need information form a specs file and may skip it here.  */
          return X_NODEVLIB;

      mmcu = AVR_MMCU_DEFAULT;

      mmcu = argv[1];

      // Allow specifying the same MCU more than once.

      for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++)
        if (0 != strcmp (mmcu, argv[i]))
            error ("specified option %qs more than once", "-mmcu");
            return X_NODEVLIB;


  // Filter out silly -mmcu= arguments like "foo bar".

  for (const char *s = mmcu; *s; s++)
    if (!ISALNUM (*s)
        && '-' != *s
        && '_' != *s)
        error ("strange device name %qs after %qs: bad character %qc",
               mmcu, "-mmcu=", *s);
        return X_NODEVLIB;

  return concat ("-specs=device-specs", dir_separator_str, "specs-",
                 mmcu, "%s"
#if defined (WITH_AVRLIBC)
                 " %{mmcu=avr*:" X_NODEVLIB "} %{!mmcu=*:" X_NODEVLIB "}",
                 " " X_NODEVLIB,
Exemple #3
const char*
avr_devicespecs_file (int argc, const char **argv)
  char *specfile_name;
  const char *mmcu = NULL;

  if (verbose_flag)
    fnotice (stderr, "Running spec function '%s' with %d args\n\n",
             __FUNCTION__, argc);

  switch (argc)
    case 0:
      fatal_error (input_location,
                   "bad usage of spec function %qs", "device-specs-file");
      return X_NODEVLIB;

    case 1:
      mmcu = AVR_MMCU_DEFAULT;

      mmcu = argv[1];

      // Allow specifying the same MCU more than once.

      for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++)
        if (0 != strcmp (mmcu, argv[i]))
            error ("specified option %qs more than once", "-mmcu");
            return X_NODEVLIB;


  specfile_name = concat (argv[0], dir_separator_str, "specs-", mmcu, NULL);

  if (verbose_flag)
    fnotice (stderr, "'%s': mmcu='%s'\n'%s': specfile='%s'\n\n",
             __FUNCTION__, mmcu, __FUNCTION__, specfile_name);

  // Filter out silly -mmcu= arguments like "foo bar".

  for (const char *s = mmcu; *s; s++)
    if (!ISALNUM (*s)
        && '-' != *s
        && '_' != *s)
        error ("strange device name %qs after %qs: bad character %qc",
               mmcu, "-mmcu=", *s);
        return X_NODEVLIB;

  if (/* When building / configuring the compiler we might get a relative path
         as supplied by "-B.".  Assume that the specs file exists and MCU is
         a core, not a proper device then, i.e. we have "-mmcu=avr*".  */
      (0 == strncmp (mmcu, "avr", strlen ("avr"))
       && specfile_name[0] == '.')
      /* vanilla */
      || (IS_ABSOLUTE_PATH (specfile_name)
          && !access (specfile_name, R_OK)))
      return concat ("-specs=device-specs", dir_separator_str, "specs-", mmcu,
                     // Use '%s' instead of the expanded specfile_name.  This
                     // is the easiest way to handle pathes containing spaces.
#if defined (WITH_AVRLIBC)
                     " %{mmcu=avr*:" X_NODEVLIB "} %{!mmcu=*:" X_NODEVLIB "}",
                     " " X_NODEVLIB,

  return avr_diagnose_devicespecs_error (mmcu, specfile_name);