void PAAvoid::Execute(ParticleGroup *group)
	float magdt = magnitude * dt;
	case PDPlane:
			if(look_ahead < P_MAXFLOAT)
				for(int i = 0; i < group->p_count; i++)
					Particle &m = group->list[i];
					// p2 stores the plane normal (the a,b,c of the plane eqn).
					// Old and new distances: dist(p,plane) = n * p + d
					// radius1 stores -n*p, which is d.
					float dist = m.pos * position.p2 + position.radius1;
					if(dist < look_ahead)
						float vm = m.vel.length();
						pVector Vn = m.vel / vm;
						// float dot = Vn * position.p2;
						pVector tmp = (position.p2 * (magdt / (dist*dist+epsilon))) + Vn;
						m.vel = tmp * (vm / tmp.length());
				for(int i = 0; i < group->p_count; i++)
					Particle &m = group->list[i];
					// p2 stores the plane normal (the a,b,c of the plane eqn).
					// Old and new distances: dist(p,plane) = n * p + d
					// radius1 stores -n*p, which is d.
					float dist = m.pos * position.p2 + position.radius1;
					float vm = m.vel.length();
					pVector Vn = m.vel / vm;
					// float dot = Vn * position.p2;
					pVector tmp = (position.p2 * (magdt / (dist*dist+epsilon))) + Vn;
					m.vel = tmp * (vm / tmp.length());
	case PDRectangle:
			// Compute the inverse matrix of the plane basis.
			pVector &u = position.u;
			pVector &v = position.v;
			// The normalized bases are needed inside the loop.
			pVector un = u / position.radius1Sqr;
			pVector vn = v / position.radius2Sqr;
			// w = u cross v
			float wx = u.y*v.z-u.z*v.y;
			float wy = u.z*v.x-u.x*v.z;
			float wz = u.x*v.y-u.y*v.x;
			float det = 1/(wz*u.x*v.y-wz*u.y*v.x-u.z*wx*v.y-u.x*v.z*wy+v.z*wx*u.y+u.z*v.x*wy);
			pVector s1((v.y*wz-v.z*wy), (v.z*wx-v.x*wz), (v.x*wy-v.y*wx));
			s1 *= det;
			pVector s2((u.y*wz-u.z*wy), (u.z*wx-u.x*wz), (u.x*wy-u.y*wx));
			s2 *= -det;
			// See which particles bounce.
			for(int i = 0; i < group->p_count; i++)
				Particle &m = group->list[i];
				// See if particle's current and next positions cross plane.
				// If not, couldn't bounce, so keep going.
				pVector pnext(m.pos + m.vel * dt * look_ahead);
				// p2 stores the plane normal (the a,b,c of the plane eqn).
				// Old and new distances: dist(p,plane) = n * p + d
				// radius1 stores -n*p, which is d.
				float distold = m.pos * position.p2 + position.radius1;
				float distnew = pnext * position.p2 + position.radius1;
				// Opposite signs if product < 0
				// There is no faster way to do this.
				if(distold * distnew >= 0)
				float nv = position.p2 * m.vel;
				float t = -distold / nv;
				// Actual intersection point p(t) = pos + vel t
				pVector phit(m.pos + m.vel * t);
				// Offset from origin in plane, p - origin
				pVector offset(phit - position.p1);
				// Dot product with basis vectors of old frame
				// in terms of new frame gives position in uv frame.
				float upos = offset * s1;
				float vpos = offset * s2;
				// Did it cross plane outside triangle?
				if(upos < 0 || vpos < 0 || upos > 1 || vpos > 1)
				// A hit! A most palpable hit!
				// Compute distance to the three edges.
				pVector uofs = (un * (un * offset)) - offset;
				float udistSqr = uofs.length2();
				pVector vofs = (vn * (vn * offset)) - offset;
				float vdistSqr = vofs.length2();
				pVector foffset((u + v) - offset);
				pVector fofs = (un * (un * foffset)) - foffset;
				float fdistSqr = fofs.length2();
				pVector gofs = (un * (un * foffset)) - foffset;
				float gdistSqr = gofs.length2();
				pVector S;
				if(udistSqr <= vdistSqr && udistSqr <= fdistSqr
					&& udistSqr <= gdistSqr) S = uofs;
				else if(vdistSqr <= fdistSqr && vdistSqr <= gdistSqr) S = vofs;
				else if(fdistSqr <= gdistSqr) S = fofs;
				else S = gofs;
				// We now have a vector to safety.
				float vm = m.vel.length();
				pVector Vn = m.vel / vm;
				// Blend S into V.
				pVector tmp = (S * (magdt / (t*t+epsilon))) + Vn;
				m.vel = tmp * (vm / tmp.length());
	case PDTriangle:
			// Compute the inverse matrix of the plane basis.
			pVector &u = position.u;
			pVector &v = position.v;
			// The normalized bases are needed inside the loop.
			pVector un = u / position.radius1Sqr;
			pVector vn = v / position.radius2Sqr;
			// f is the third (non-basis) triangle edge.
			pVector f = v - u;
			pVector fn(f);
			// w = u cross v
			float wx = u.y*v.z-u.z*v.y;
			float wy = u.z*v.x-u.x*v.z;
			float wz = u.x*v.y-u.y*v.x;
			float det = 1/(wz*u.x*v.y-wz*u.y*v.x-u.z*wx*v.y-u.x*v.z*wy+v.z*wx*u.y+u.z*v.x*wy);
			pVector s1((v.y*wz-v.z*wy), (v.z*wx-v.x*wz), (v.x*wy-v.y*wx));
			s1 *= det;
			pVector s2((u.y*wz-u.z*wy), (u.z*wx-u.x*wz), (u.x*wy-u.y*wx));
			s2 *= -det;
			// See which particles bounce.
			for(int i = 0; i < group->p_count; i++)
				Particle &m = group->list[i];
				// See if particle's current and next positions cross plane.
				// If not, couldn't bounce, so keep going.
				pVector pnext(m.pos + m.vel * dt * look_ahead);
				// p2 stores the plane normal (the a,b,c of the plane eqn).
				// Old and new distances: dist(p,plane) = n * p + d
				// radius1 stores -n*p, which is d.
				float distold = m.pos * position.p2 + position.radius1;
				float distnew = pnext * position.p2 + position.radius1;
				// Opposite signs if product < 0
				// Is there a faster way to do this?
				if(distold * distnew >= 0)
				float nv = position.p2 * m.vel;
				float t = -distold / nv;
				// Actual intersection point p(t) = pos + vel t
				pVector phit(m.pos + m.vel * t);
				// Offset from origin in plane, p - origin
				pVector offset(phit - position.p1);
				// Dot product with basis vectors of old frame
				// in terms of new frame gives position in uv frame.
				float upos = offset * s1;
				float vpos = offset * s2;
				// Did it cross plane outside triangle?
				if(upos < 0 || vpos < 0 || (upos + vpos) > 1)
				// A hit! A most palpable hit!
				// Compute distance to the three edges.
				pVector uofs = (un * (un * offset)) - offset;
				float udistSqr = uofs.length2();
				pVector vofs = (vn * (vn * offset)) - offset;
				float vdistSqr = vofs.length2();
				pVector foffset(offset - u);
				pVector fofs = (fn * (fn * foffset)) - foffset;
				float fdistSqr = fofs.length2();
				pVector S;
				if(udistSqr <= vdistSqr && udistSqr <= fdistSqr) S = uofs;
				else if(vdistSqr <= fdistSqr) S = vofs;
				else S = fofs;
				// We now have a vector to safety.
				float vm = m.vel.length();
				pVector Vn = m.vel / vm;
				// Blend S into V.
				pVector tmp = (S * (magdt / (t*t+epsilon))) + Vn;
				m.vel = tmp * (vm / tmp.length());
	case PDDisc:
			float r1Sqr = fsqr(position.radius1);
			float r2Sqr = fsqr(position.radius2);
			// See which particles bounce.
			for(int i = 0; i < group->p_count; i++)
				Particle &m = group->list[i];
				// See if particle's current and next positions cross plane.
				// If not, couldn't bounce, so keep going.
				pVector pnext(m.pos + m.vel * dt * look_ahead);
				// p2 stores the plane normal (the a,b,c of the plane eqn).
				// Old and new distances: dist(p,plane) = n * p + d
				// radius1 stores -n*p, which is d. radius1Sqr stores d.
				float distold = m.pos * position.p2 + position.radius1Sqr;
				float distnew = pnext * position.p2 + position.radius1Sqr;
				// Opposite signs if product < 0
				// Is there a faster way to do this?
				if(distold * distnew >= 0)
				// Find position at the crossing point by parameterizing
				// p(t) = pos + vel * t
				// Solve dist(p(t),plane) = 0 e.g.
				// n * p(t) + D = 0 ->
				// n * p + t (n * v) + D = 0 ->
				// t = -(n * p + D) / (n * v)
				// Could factor n*v into distnew = distold + n*v and save a bit.
				// Safe since n*v != 0 assured by quick rejection test.
				// This calc is indep. of dt because we have established that it
				// will hit before dt. We just want to know when.
				float nv = position.p2 * m.vel;
				float t = -distold / nv;
				// Actual intersection point p(t) = pos + vel t
				pVector phit(m.pos + m.vel * t);
				// Offset from origin in plane, phit - origin
				pVector offset(phit - position.p1);
				float rad = offset.length2();
				if(rad > r1Sqr || rad < r2Sqr)
				// A hit! A most palpable hit!
				pVector S = offset;
				// We now have a vector to safety.
				float vm = m.vel.length();
				pVector Vn = m.vel / vm;
				// Blend S into V.
				pVector tmp = (S * (magdt / (t*t+epsilon))) + Vn;
				m.vel = tmp * (vm / tmp.length());
	case PDSphere:
			float rSqr = position.radius1 * position.radius1;
			// See which particles are aimed toward the sphere.
			for(int i = 0; i < group->p_count; i++)
				Particle &m = group->list[i];
				// First do a ray-sphere intersection test and
				// see if it's soon enough.
				// Can I do this faster without t?
				float vm = m.vel.length();
				pVector Vn = m.vel / vm;
				pVector L = position.p1 - m.pos;
				float v = L * Vn;
				float disc = rSqr - (L * L) + v * v;
				if(disc < 0)
					continue; // I'm not heading toward it.
				// Compute length for second rejection test.
				float t = v - sqrtf(disc);
				if(t < 0 || t > (vm * look_ahead))
				// Get a vector to safety.
				pVector C = Vn ^ L;
				pVector S = Vn ^ C;
				// Blend S into V.
				pVector tmp = (S * (magdt / (t*t+epsilon))) + Vn;
				m.vel = tmp * (vm / tmp.length());
Exemple #2
void prcsreq(int fd)
	struct student s;
	struct course c;
	struct grade g;
	int from = -1, to = -1;

	if (
		REQUEST("ADD STUDENT %d %s", &s.index, s.name) == 2
	) {
		sprintf(buff, "OK\n");
	} else if (
		REQUEST("ADD COURSE %d %s", &c.id, c.name) == 2
	) {
		sprintf(buff, "OK\n");
	} else if (
		REQUEST("ADD GRADE %d %d %d", &g.index, &g.id, &g.value) == 3
	) {
		sprintf(buff, "OK\n");
	} else if (
		REQUEST("FIND %d %d", &g.index, &g.id) == 2
	) {
		int grade = fgrade(g);
		if (grade > 0) {
			sprintf(buff, "GRADE %d\n", grade);
		} else {
			sprintf(buff, "NONE\n");
	} else if (
		REQUEST("MATCH OFFSET %s %s %d %d", s.name, c.name, &from, &to)
	) {
		foffset(s.name, c.name, fd, from, to);
	} else if (
		REQUEST("MATCH %s %s", s.name, c.name) == 2
	) {
		int grade = fgnames(s.name, c.name);
		if (grade > 0) {
			sprintf(buff, "GRADE %d\n", grade);
		} else {
			sprintf(buff, "NONE\n");
	} else if (
		REQUEST("MODIFY %d %d %d", &g.index, &g.id, &g.value) == 3
	) {
		sprintf(buff, "OK\n");
	} else if (
		REQUEST("REMOVE %d %d", &g.index, &g.id)
	) {
		sprintf(buff, "OK\n");
	} else {
		printf("Invalid request.\n");

	/* Send reply for request. */
	if (from == -1 && to == -1) {
		write(fd, buff, strlen(buff));