Exemple #1
bool InitCREngine( const char * exename, lString16Collection & fontDirs )
	CRLog::trace("InitCREngine(%s)", exename);
#ifdef _WIN32
    lString16 appname( exename );
    int lastSlash=-1;
    lChar16 slashChar = '/';
    for ( int p=0; p<(int)appname.length(); p++ ) {
        if ( appname[p]=='\\' ) {
            slashChar = '\\';
            lastSlash = p;
        } else if ( appname[p]=='/' ) {
            slashChar = '/';

    lString16 appPath;
    if ( lastSlash>=0 )
        appPath = appname.substr( 0, lastSlash+1 );
    lString16 datadir = appPath;
    lString16 datadir = lString16(CR3_DATA_DIR);
    lString16 fontDir = datadir + L"fonts";
	lString8 fontDir8_ = UnicodeToUtf8(fontDir);

    fontDirs.add( fontDir );

    LVAppendPathDelimiter( fontDir );

    lString8 fontDir8 = UnicodeToLocal(fontDir);
    //const char * fontDir8s = fontDir8.c_str();
    //InitFontManager( fontDir8 );
    InitFontManager( lString8() );

#ifdef _WIN32
    lChar16 sysdir[MAX_PATH+1];
    GetWindowsDirectoryW(sysdir, MAX_PATH);
    lString16 fontdir( sysdir );
    fontdir << L"\\Fonts\\";
    lString8 fontdir8( UnicodeToUtf8(fontdir) );
    const char * fontnames[] = {
    for ( int fi = 0; fontnames[fi]; fi++ ) {
        fontMan->RegisterFont( fontdir8 + fontnames[fi] );
    // Load font definitions into font manager
    // fonts are in files font1.lbf, font2.lbf, ... font32.lbf
    // use fontconfig

    lString16Collection fontExt;
    lString16Collection fonts;

    getDirectoryFonts( fontDirs, fontExt, fonts, true );

    // load fonts from file
    CRLog::debug("%d font files found", fonts.length());
    //if (!fontMan->GetFontCount()) {
	for ( unsigned fi=0; fi<fonts.length(); fi++ ) {
	    lString8 fn = UnicodeToLocal(fonts[fi]);
	    CRLog::trace("loading font: %s", fn.c_str());
	    if ( !fontMan->RegisterFont(fn) ) {
		CRLog::trace("    failed\n");

    // init hyphenation manager
    //char hyphfn[1024];
    //sprintf(hyphfn, "Russian_EnUS_hyphen_(Alan).pdb" );
    //if ( !initHyph( (UnicodeToLocal(appPath) + hyphfn).c_str() ) ) {
#ifdef _LINUX
    //    initHyph( "/usr/share/crengine/hyph/Russian_EnUS_hyphen_(Alan).pdb" );

    if (!fontMan->GetFontCount())
        printf("Fatal Error: Cannot open font file(s) .ttf \nCannot work without font\n" );
        printf("Fatal Error: Cannot open font file(s) font#.lbf \nCannot work without font\nUse FontConv utility to generate .lbf fonts from TTF\n" );
        return false;

    printf("%d fonts loaded.\n", fontMan->GetFontCount());

    return true;

Exemple #2
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
                     HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                     LPSTR     lpCmdLine,
                     int       nCmdShow)

    CRLog::setFileLogger( "crengine.log", true );
    CRLog::setLogLevel( CRLog::LL_TRACE );

#if 0

    lString8 exe_dir;
    char exe_fn[MAX_PATH+1];
    GetModuleFileNameA( NULL, exe_fn, MAX_PATH );
    lChar16 exe_fn16[MAX_PATH+1];
    GetModuleFileNameW( NULL, exe_fn16, MAX_PATH );
	lString16 exedir = LVExtractPath(lString16(exe_fn16));	
	lString8 exedir8 = UnicodeToUtf8( exedir );
	CRLog::debug("exedir=%s", exedir8.c_str());

	CRMoFileTranslator * translator = new CRMoFileTranslator();
	translator->openMoFile(exedir + L"/po/ru.mo");
	CRI18NTranslator::setTranslator( translator );

	lChar16 sysdir[MAX_PATH+1];
	GetWindowsDirectoryW(sysdir, MAX_PATH);
	lString16 fontdir( sysdir );
	fontdir << L"\\Fonts\\";
	lString8 fontdir8( UnicodeToUtf8(fontdir) );
	lString8 fd = UnicodeToLocal(exedir);
	lString16Collection fontDirs;
	//fontDirs.add( fontdir );
    fontDirs.add( exedir + L"fonts" );
	InitCREngine( exe_fn, fontDirs );
    const char * fontnames[] = {
#if 1
#if 0
#if 0
    for ( int fi = 0; fontnames[fi]; fi++ ) {
        fontMan->RegisterFont( fontdir8 + fontnames[fi] );
    //LVCHECKPOINT("WinMain start");

    if (!fontMan->GetFontCount())
        char str[1000];
        sprintf(str, "Cannot open font file(s) fonts/*.ttf \nCannot work without font\nPlace some TTF files to font\\ directory" );
        sprintf(str, "Cannot open font file(s) font#.lbf \nCannot work without font\nUse FontConv utility to generate .lbf fonts from TTF" );
        MessageBoxA( NULL, str, "CR Engine :: Fb2Test -- fatal error!", MB_OK);
        return 1;

    lString8 cmdline(lpCmdLine);
    if ( cmdline.empty() )
        return 2; // need filename

    hInst = hInstance;


		CRWin32WindowManager winman(500, 700);

		const char * keymap_locations [] = {
		loadKeymaps( winman, keymap_locations );

        ldomDocCache::init( exedir + L"cache", 0x100000 * 96 ); /*96Mb*/

        winman.loadSkin( LVExtractPath(LocalToUnicode(lString8(exe_fn))) + L"skin" );
        V3DocViewWin * main_win = new V3DocViewWin( &winman, LVExtractPath(LocalToUnicode(lString8(exe_fn))) );
        main_win->getDocView()->setFontSize( 20 );
		main_win->loadCSS( exedir + L"fb2.css" );
		main_win->loadSettings( exedir + L"cr3.ini" );
		main_win->setHelpFile( exedir + L"cr3-manual-ru.fb2" );
		HyphMan::initDictionaries( exedir + L"hyph\\" );
		main_win->loadDefaultCover( exedir + L"cr3_def_cover.png" );
		lString8 exedir8 = UnicodeToUtf8( exedir );
		const char * dirs[] = {

		loadKeymaps( winman, dirs );

        main_win->loadHistory( exedir + L"cr3hist.bmk" );

        winman.activateWindow( main_win );
        if ( !main_win->loadDocument( LocalToUnicode( cmdline )) ) {
            char str[100];
            sprintf(str, "Cannot open document file %s", cmdline.c_str());
            MessageBoxA( NULL, str, "CR Engine :: Fb2Test -- fatal error!", MB_OK);
            return 1;
        } else {

    return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    std::vector<std::string> args;
    for (int i=1;i<argc;++i)
    bool quiet = std::find(args.begin(), args.end(), "-q")!=args.end();



        std::string fontdir("fonts/");

        BOOST_TEST( mapnik::util::exists( fontdir ) );
        BOOST_TEST( mapnik::util::is_directory( fontdir ) );

        std::vector<std::string> face_names;

        std::string foo("foo");

        // fake directories
        BOOST_TEST( !mapnik::freetype_engine::register_fonts(foo , true ) );
        face_names = mapnik::freetype_engine::face_names();
        BOOST_TEST( face_names.size() == 0 );
        BOOST_TEST( !mapnik::freetype_engine::register_fonts(foo) );
        face_names = mapnik::freetype_engine::face_names();
        BOOST_TEST( face_names.size() == 0 );

        // directories without fonts
        std::string src("src");
        // an empty directory will not return true
        // we need to register at least one font and not fail on any
        // to return true
        BOOST_TEST( mapnik::freetype_engine::register_font(src) == false );
        BOOST_TEST( mapnik::freetype_engine::register_fonts(src, true) == false );
        BOOST_TEST( mapnik::freetype_engine::face_names().size() == 0 );

        // bogus, emtpy file that looks like font
        BOOST_TEST( mapnik::freetype_engine::register_font("tests/data/fonts/fake.ttf") == false );
        BOOST_TEST( mapnik::freetype_engine::register_fonts("tests/data/fonts/fake.ttf") == false );
        BOOST_TEST( mapnik::freetype_engine::face_names().size() == 0 );

        BOOST_TEST( mapnik::freetype_engine::register_font("tests/data/fonts/intentionally-broken.ttf") == false );
        BOOST_TEST( mapnik::freetype_engine::register_fonts("tests/data/fonts/intentionally-broken.ttf") == false );
        BOOST_TEST( mapnik::freetype_engine::face_names().size() == 0 );

        // register unifont, since we know it sits in the root fonts/ dir
        BOOST_TEST( mapnik::freetype_engine::register_fonts(fontdir) );
        face_names = mapnik::freetype_engine::face_names();
        //std::clog << "number of registered fonts: " << face_names.size() << std::endl;
        BOOST_TEST( face_names.size() > 0 );
        BOOST_TEST( face_names.size() == 1 );

        // re-register unifont, should not have any affect
        BOOST_TEST( mapnik::freetype_engine::register_fonts(fontdir, false) );
        face_names = mapnik::freetype_engine::face_names();
        //std::clog << "number of registered fonts: " << face_names.size() << std::endl;
        BOOST_TEST( face_names.size() == 1 );

        // register a single dejavu font
        std::string dejavu_bold_oblique("tests/data/fonts/DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf");
        BOOST_TEST( mapnik::freetype_engine::register_font(dejavu_bold_oblique) );
        face_names = mapnik::freetype_engine::face_names();
        //std::clog << "number of registered fonts: " << face_names.size() << std::endl;
        BOOST_TEST( face_names.size() == 2 );

        // recurse to find all dejavu fonts
        BOOST_TEST( mapnik::freetype_engine::register_fonts(fontdir, true) );
        face_names = mapnik::freetype_engine::face_names();
        //std::clog << "number of registered fonts: " << face_names.size() << std::endl;
        BOOST_TEST( face_names.size() == 22 );
    catch (std::exception const & ex)
        std::clog << "C++ fonts registration problem: " << ex.what() << "\n";

    if (!::boost::detail::test_errors()) {
        if (quiet) std::clog << "\x1b[1;32m.\x1b[0m";
        else std::clog << "C++ fonts registration: \x1b[1;32m✓ \x1b[0m\n";
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 104600
        ::boost::detail::report_errors_remind().called_report_errors_function = true;
    } else {
        return ::boost::report_errors();