* doesn't have any idea how to handle those commands, thus causing
         * the entire ORTE administrative system to break down.
         * For those reasons, we choose to fork/exec a daemon at this time
         * and then reconnect ourselves to it. We could just "fork" and declare
         * the child to be a daemon, but that would require we place *all* of the
         * daemon command processing code in the ORTE library, do some strange
         * mojo in a few places, etc. This doesn't seem worth it, so we'll just
         * do the old fork/exec here
         * Note that Windows-based systems have to do their own special trick as
         * they don't support fork/exec. So we have to use a giant "if" here to
         * protect the Windows world. To make the results more readable, we put
         * the whole mess in a separate function below
        if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc= fork_hnp())) {
            /* if this didn't work, then we cannot support operation any further.
             * Abort the system and tell orte_init to exit
            return rc;

    orte_process_info.num_procs = 1;
    /* NOTE: do not wireup our io - let the fork'd orted serve
     * as our io handler. This prevents issues with the event
     * library wrt pty's and stdin
static int rte_init(void)
    int rc, ret;
    char *error = NULL;
    char *envar, *ev1, *ev2;
    uint64_t unique_key[2];
    char *string_key;
    opal_value_t *kv;
    char *val;
    int u32, *u32ptr;
    uint16_t u16, *u16ptr;
    orte_process_name_t name;

    /* run the prolog */
    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = orte_ess_base_std_prolog())) {
        return rc;
    u32ptr = &u32;
    u16ptr = &u16;

    if (NULL != mca_ess_singleton_component.server_uri) {
        /* we are going to connect to a server HNP */
        if (0 == strncmp(mca_ess_singleton_component.server_uri, "file", strlen("file")) ||
            0 == strncmp(mca_ess_singleton_component.server_uri, "FILE", strlen("FILE"))) {
            char input[1024], *filename;
            FILE *fp;

            /* it is a file - get the filename */
            filename = strchr(mca_ess_singleton_component.server_uri, ':');
            if (NULL == filename) {
                /* filename is not correctly formatted */
                orte_show_help("help-orterun.txt", "orterun:ompi-server-filename-bad", true,
                               "singleton", mca_ess_singleton_component.server_uri);
                return ORTE_ERROR;
            ++filename; /* space past the : */

            if (0 >= strlen(filename)) {
                /* they forgot to give us the name! */
                orte_show_help("help-orterun.txt", "orterun:ompi-server-filename-missing", true,
                               "singleton", mca_ess_singleton_component.server_uri);
                return ORTE_ERROR;

            /* open the file and extract the uri */
            fp = fopen(filename, "r");
            if (NULL == fp) { /* can't find or read file! */
                orte_show_help("help-orterun.txt", "orterun:ompi-server-filename-access", true,
                               "singleton", mca_ess_singleton_component.server_uri);
                return ORTE_ERROR;
            memset(input, 0, 1024);  // initialize the array to ensure a NULL termination
            if (NULL == fgets(input, 1023, fp)) {
                /* something malformed about file */
                orte_show_help("help-orterun.txt", "orterun:ompi-server-file-bad", true,
                               "singleton", mca_ess_singleton_component.server_uri, "singleton");
                return ORTE_ERROR;
            input[strlen(input)-1] = '\0';  /* remove newline */
            orte_process_info.my_hnp_uri = strdup(input);
        } else {
            orte_process_info.my_hnp_uri = strdup(mca_ess_singleton_component.server_uri);
        /* save the daemon uri - we will process it later */
        orte_process_info.my_daemon_uri = strdup(orte_process_info.my_hnp_uri);
        /* construct our name - we are in their job family, so we know that
         * much. However, we cannot know how many other singletons and jobs
         * this HNP is running. Oh well - if someone really wants to use this
         * option, they can try to figure it out. For now, we'll just assume
         * we are the only ones */
        /* obviously, we are vpid=0 for this job */
        ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->vpid = 0;

        /* for convenience, push the pubsub version of this param into the environ */
        opal_setenv (OPAL_MCA_PREFIX"pubsub_orte_server", orte_process_info.my_hnp_uri, true, &environ);
    } else if (NULL != getenv("SINGULARITY_CONTAINER") ||
               mca_ess_singleton_component.isolated) {
        /* ensure we use the isolated pmix component */
        opal_setenv (OPAL_MCA_PREFIX"pmix", "isolated", true, &environ);
    } else {
        /* spawn our very own HNP to support us */
        if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = fork_hnp())) {
            return rc;
        /* our name was given to us by the HNP */
        opal_setenv (OPAL_MCA_PREFIX"pmix", "^s1,s2,cray,isolated", true, &environ);

    /* get an async event base - we use the opal_async one so
     * we don't startup extra threads if not needed */
    orte_event_base = opal_progress_thread_init(NULL);
    progress_thread_running = true;

    /* open and setup pmix */
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = mca_base_framework_open(&opal_pmix_base_framework, 0))) {
        error = "opening pmix";
        goto error;
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_pmix_base_select())) {
        error = "select pmix";
        goto error;
    /* set the event base */
    /* initialize the selected module */
    if (!opal_pmix.initialized() && (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_pmix.init()))) {
        /* we cannot run */
        error = "pmix init";
        goto error;

    /* pmix.init set our process name down in the OPAL layer,
     * so carry it forward here */
    name.jobid = OPAL_PROC_MY_NAME.jobid;
    name.vpid = ORTE_VPID_WILDCARD;

    /* get our local rank from PMI */
                          ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME, &u16ptr, OPAL_UINT16);
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != ret) {
        error = "getting local rank";
        goto error;
    orte_process_info.my_local_rank = u16;

    /* get our node rank from PMI */
                          ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME, &u16ptr, OPAL_UINT16);
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != ret) {
        error = "getting node rank";
        goto error;
    orte_process_info.my_node_rank = u16;

    /* get max procs */
                          &name, &u32ptr, OPAL_UINT32);
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != ret) {
        error = "getting max procs";
        goto error;
    orte_process_info.max_procs = u32;

    /* we are a singleton, so there is only one proc in the job */
    orte_process_info.num_procs = 1;
    /* push into the environ for pickup in MPI layer for
     * MPI-3 required info key
    if (NULL == getenv(OPAL_MCA_PREFIX"orte_ess_num_procs")) {
        asprintf(&ev1, OPAL_MCA_PREFIX"orte_ess_num_procs=%d", orte_process_info.num_procs);
        added_num_procs = true;
    if (NULL == getenv("OMPI_APP_CTX_NUM_PROCS")) {
        asprintf(&ev2, "OMPI_APP_CTX_NUM_PROCS=%d", orte_process_info.num_procs);
        added_app_ctx = true;

    /* get our app number from PMI - ok if not found */
                          ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME, &u32ptr, OPAL_UINT32);
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS == ret) {
        orte_process_info.app_num = u32;
    } else {
        orte_process_info.app_num = 0;
    /* set some other standard values */
    orte_process_info.num_local_peers = 0;

    /* setup transport keys in case the MPI layer needs them -
     * we can use the jobfam and stepid as unique keys
     * because they are unique values assigned by the RM
    if (NULL == getenv(OPAL_MCA_PREFIX"orte_precondition_transports")) {
        unique_key[0] = ORTE_JOB_FAMILY(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->jobid);
        unique_key[1] = ORTE_LOCAL_JOBID(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME->jobid);
        if (NULL == (string_key = orte_pre_condition_transports_print(unique_key))) {
            return ORTE_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
        asprintf(&envar, OPAL_MCA_PREFIX"orte_precondition_transports=%s", string_key);
        added_transport_keys = true;
        /* cannot free the envar as that messes up our environ */

    /* retrieve our topology */
                          &name, &val, OPAL_STRING);
    if (OPAL_SUCCESS == ret && NULL != val) {
        /* load the topology */
        if (0 != hwloc_topology_init(&opal_hwloc_topology)) {
            ret = OPAL_ERROR;
            error = "setting topology";
            goto error;
        if (0 != hwloc_topology_set_xmlbuffer(opal_hwloc_topology, val, strlen(val))) {
            ret = OPAL_ERROR;
            error = "setting topology";
            goto error;
        /* since we are loading this from an external source, we have to
         * explicitly set a flag so hwloc sets things up correctly
        if (0 != hwloc_topology_set_flags(opal_hwloc_topology,
                                         (HWLOC_TOPOLOGY_FLAG_IS_THISSYSTEM |
                                          HWLOC_TOPOLOGY_FLAG_WHOLE_SYSTEM |
                                          HWLOC_TOPOLOGY_FLAG_IO_DEVICES))) {
            ret = OPAL_ERROR;
            error = "setting topology";
            goto error;
        /* now load the topology */
        if (0 != hwloc_topology_load(opal_hwloc_topology)) {
            ret = OPAL_ERROR;
            error = "setting topology";
            goto error;
    } else {
        /* it wasn't passed down to us, so go get it */
        if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_hwloc_base_get_topology())) {
            error = "topology discovery";
            goto error;
        /* push it into the PMIx database in case someone
         * tries to retrieve it so we avoid an attempt to
         * get it again */
        kv = OBJ_NEW(opal_value_t);
        kv->key = strdup(OPAL_PMIX_LOCAL_TOPO);
        kv->type = OPAL_STRING;
        if (0 != (ret = hwloc_topology_export_xmlbuffer(opal_hwloc_topology, &kv->data.string, &u32))) {
            error = "topology export";
            goto error;
        if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_pmix.store_local(ORTE_PROC_MY_NAME, kv))) {
            error = "topology store";
            goto error;

    /* use the std app init to complete the procedure */
    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != (rc = orte_ess_base_app_setup(true))) {
        return rc;

    /* push our hostname so others can find us, if they need to */
    if (ORTE_SUCCESS != ret) {
        error = "db store hostname";
        goto error;

    return ORTE_SUCCESS;

    if (ORTE_ERR_SILENT != ret && !orte_report_silent_errors) {
                       true, error, ORTE_ERROR_NAME(ret), ret);
    return ret;