Exemple #1
 foreach (const MeshPointer& mesh, meshes) {
     const gpu::BufferView& normalsBufferView = mesh->getAttributeBuffer(gpu::Stream::InputSlot::NORMAL);
     gpu::BufferView::Index numNormals = (gpu::BufferView::Index)normalsBufferView.getNumElements();
     for (gpu::BufferView::Index i = 0; i < numNormals; i++) {
         glm::vec3 normal = normalsBufferView.get<glm::vec3>(i);
         out << "vn ";
         out << formatFloat(normal[0]) << " ";
         out << formatFloat(normal[1]) << " ";
         out << formatFloat(normal[2]) << "\n";
     currentNormalStartOffset += numNormals;
Exemple #2
void Functions::printFloat(Aurora::NWScript::FunctionContext &ctx) {
	const float value    = ctx.getParams()[0].getFloat();
	const int   width    = ctx.getParams()[1].getInt();
	const int   decimals = ctx.getParams()[2].getInt();

	status("NWN2: %s", formatFloat(value, width, decimals).c_str());
Exemple #3
void Functions::floatToString(Aurora::NWScript::FunctionContext &ctx) {
	const float value    = ctx.getParams()[0].getFloat();
	const int   width    = ctx.getParams()[1].getInt();
	const int   decimals = ctx.getParams()[2].getInt();

	ctx.getReturn() = formatFloat(value, width, decimals);
void DialogEditSIMDRegister::updateFloatEntries(const std::array<NumberEdit*,numBytes/sizeof(T)>& entries,NumberEdit* notUpdated)
	for(std::size_t i=0;i<entries.size();++i)
		T value;
Exemple #5
char *getData(){
    int totmem = totalMemory();
    char *TOTAL_MEMORY = formatInt(totmem);
    float freemem = freeMemory();
    float usedmem = usedMemory();
    char *FREE_MEMORY = formatFloat(freemem);
    char *USED_MEMORY = formatFloat(usedmem);
    double loadavg[1];
    getloadavg(loadavg, 1);
    char *CPU_LOAD_AVG = formatDouble(loadavg[0] * 10);
    double cpuLoad = getCpuReading();
    char *CPU_LOAD_CURR = formatDouble(cpuLoad);
    double cpuTemp = getCpuTemp();
    char *CPU_TEMP = formatDouble(cpuTemp);
    char host[40];//cuts username off if more than 40 characters.
    gethostname(host, sizeof(host));
    char HOSTNAME[40] ="|";
    int hostlen = strlen(HOSTNAME);
    for (int s = hostlen; s <40; s++){//fill excess space to prevent overflows.
        strcpy(&HOSTNAME[s], " ");
    char *data = new char[75]; //original 35
    return data;
    void formatLabels()
        const wxString unit = wxT( "Hz" );
        wxString suffix;
        int power;

        for( auto &l : TickLabels() )
            getSISuffix( l.pos, unit, power, suffix );
            double sf = pow( 10.0, power );
            int k = countDecimalDigits( l.pos / sf, 3 );

            l.label = formatFloat( l.pos / sf, k ) + suffix;
            l.visible = true;
static void formatSILabels( mpScaleBase* scale, const wxString& aUnit, int nDigits )
    double maxVis = scale->AbsVisibleMaxValue();

    wxString suffix;
    int power, digits = 0;

    getSISuffix( maxVis, aUnit, power, suffix );

    double sf = pow( 10.0, power );

    for( auto &l : scale->TickLabels() )
        int k = countDecimalDigits( l.pos / sf, nDigits );

        digits = std::max( digits, k );

    for( auto &l : scale->TickLabels() )
        l.label = formatFloat ( l.pos / sf, digits ) + suffix;
        l.visible = true;
Exemple #8
bool writeOBJToTextStream(QTextStream& out, QList<MeshPointer> meshes) {
    // each mesh's vertices are numbered from zero.  We're combining all their vertices into one list here,
    // so keep track of the start index for each mesh.
    QList<int> meshVertexStartOffset;
    QList<int> meshNormalStartOffset;
    int currentVertexStartOffset = 0;
    int currentNormalStartOffset = 0;

    // write out vertices (and maybe colors)
    foreach (const MeshPointer& mesh, meshes) {
        const gpu::BufferView& vertexBuffer = mesh->getVertexBuffer();

        const gpu::BufferView& colorsBufferView = mesh->getAttributeBuffer(gpu::Stream::COLOR);
        gpu::BufferView::Index numColors = (gpu::BufferView::Index)colorsBufferView.getNumElements();
        gpu::BufferView::Index colorIndex = 0;

        int vertexCount = 0;
        gpu::BufferView::Iterator<const glm::vec3> vertexItr = vertexBuffer.cbegin<const glm::vec3>();
        while (vertexItr != vertexBuffer.cend<const glm::vec3>()) {
            glm::vec3 v = *vertexItr;
            out << "v ";
            out << formatFloat(v[0]) << " ";
            out << formatFloat(v[1]) << " ";
            out << formatFloat(v[2]);
            if (colorIndex < numColors) {
                glm::vec3 color = colorsBufferView.get<glm::vec3>(colorIndex);
                out << " " << formatFloat(color[0]);
                out << " " << formatFloat(color[1]);
                out << " " << formatFloat(color[2]);
            out << "\n";
        currentVertexStartOffset += vertexCount;
Exemple #9
String FieldVisitorToString::operator() (const Float64     & x) const { return formatFloat(x); }
Exemple #10
  bool MicroRateCalculator::testMicroRateCoeffs(Reaction* pReact, PersistPtr ppbase) const
    vector<Molecule *> unimolecularspecies;
    if (!unimolecularspecies.size()){
      ctest << "\nNo microcanonical rate coefficients for " << pReact->getName() << endl;
      return true;

    string comment("Canonical rate coefficients (calculated from microcanonical rate coefficients)");
    PersistPtr ppList = ppbase->XmlWriteMainElement("me:canonicalRateList", comment);

    ctest << "\nCanonical (high pressure) rate coefficients for " << pReact->getName() << ", calculated from microcanonical rates\n{\n";
    //Number of reactants and products to set kf,kb and Keq units
    vector<Molecule*> vec;
    int nr = pReact->get_reactants(vec);
    int np = pReact->get_products(vec);
    ctest << right << setw(7) << "T/K"
      << setw(20) << (nr == 2 ? "kf/cm3molecule-1s-1" : "kf/s-1")
      << setw(20) << (np == 2 ? "kb/cm3molecule-1s-1" : "kb/s-1")
      << setw(18) << ((np - nr) == 0 ? "Keq   " : ((np - nr) > 0 ? "Keq/moleculecm-3" : "Keq/cm3molecule-1"))
      << endl;

    // Save the current value of excess concentration and set it to unity
    // to prevent division by zero for assocaiation type reactions.
    const double current_conc = pReact->get_concExcessReactant();

    // Save current value of beta.
    const double current_beta = pReact->getEnv().beta;

    // Calculate Canonical rate coefficients up to the max. temperature givn by MesmerEnv.
    MesmerEnv &env = const_cast<MesmerEnv&>(pReact->getEnv());
    double dTemp(100.0); // 100 K intervals.
    double Temp(0.0);
    vector<double> Coeffs;
    size_t nTemp(size_t(pReact->getEnv().MaximumTemperature / dTemp) + 1);
    for (size_t j(0); j < nTemp; j++) {
      Temp += dTemp;
      env.beta = 1.0 / (boltzmann_RCpK*Temp);


      formatFloat(ctest, Temp, 6, 7);
      formatFloat(ctest, Coeffs[0], 6, 20);
      if (Coeffs.size()>1) //output only forward rate if no ZPE has been provided
        formatFloat(ctest, Coeffs[1], 6, 20);
        formatFloat(ctest, Coeffs[2], 6, 18);
      ctest << endl;

      // Add to XML document.
      vector<Molecule*> vec;
      int nr = pReact->get_reactants(vec);
      int np = pReact->get_products(vec);
      PersistPtr ppItem = ppList->XmlWriteElement("me:kinf");
      PersistPtr pp = ppItem->XmlWriteValueElement("me:T", Temp, 6);
      if (j == 0) pp->XmlWriteAttribute("units", "K");
      pp = ppItem->XmlWriteValueElement("me:val", Coeffs[0], 6);
      if (j == 0) pp->XmlWriteAttribute("units", nr == 2 ? "cm3molecule-1s-1" : "s-1");
      if (Coeffs.size() > 1)
        pp = ppItem->XmlWriteValueElement("me:rev", Coeffs[1], 6);
        if (j == 0) pp->XmlWriteAttribute("units", np == 2 ? "cm3molecule-1s-1" : "s-1");
        pp = ppItem->XmlWriteValueElement("me:Keq", Coeffs[2], 6);
        if (j == 0) pp->XmlWriteAttribute("units", ((np - nr) == 0 ? "" : ((np - nr) > 0 ? "moleculecm-3" : "cm3molecule-1")));
    ctest << "}\n";

    // Restore excess concentration value.

    // Restore current value of beta.
    env.beta = current_beta;

    return true;