Exemple #1
** This routine takes a user-entered UUID which might be in mixed
** case and might only be a prefix of the full UUID and converts it
** into the full-length UUID in canonical form.
** If the input is not a UUID or a UUID prefix, then try to resolve
** the name as a tag.  If multiple tags match, pick the latest.
** If the input name matches "tag:*" then always resolve as a tag.
** If the input is not a tag, then try to match it as an ISO-8601 date
** string YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS and pick the nearest check-in to that date.
** If the input is of the form "date:*" then always resolve the name as
** a date. The forms "utc:*" and "local:" are deprecated.
** Return 0 on success.  Return 1 if the name cannot be resolved.
** Return 2 name is ambiguous.
int name_to_uuid(Blob *pName, int iErrPriority, const char *zType){
  char *zName = blob_str(pName);
  int rid = symbolic_name_to_rid(zName, zType);
  if( rid<0 ){
    fossil_error(iErrPriority, "ambiguous name: %s", zName);
    return 2;
  }else if( rid==0 ){
    fossil_error(iErrPriority, "not found: %s", zName);
    return 1;
    db_blob(pName, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid);
    return 0;
Exemple #2
** Convert a name to a rid.  If the name can be any of the various forms
** accepted:
**   * SHA1 hash or prefix thereof
**   * symbolic name
**   * date
**   * label:date
**   * prev, previous
**   * next
**   * tip
** This routine is used by command-line routines to resolve command-line inputs
** into a rid.
int name_to_typed_rid(const char *zName, const char *zType){
  int rid;

  if( zName==0 || zName[0]==0 ) return 0;
  rid = symbolic_name_to_rid(zName, zType);
  if( rid<0 ){
    fossil_error(1, "ambiguous name: %s", zName);
    return 0;
  }else if( rid==0 ){
    fossil_error(1, "not found: %s", zName);
    return 0;
    return rid;