/** Iterate over a collection of VALUE_PAIRs of a given type in the pairlist
 * Find the next attribute of a given type. If no fr_pair_cursor_next_by_* function
 * has been called on a cursor before, or the previous call returned
 * NULL, the search will start with the current attribute. Subsequent calls to
 * fr_pair_cursor_next_by_* functions will start the search from the previously
 * matched attribute.
 * @param cursor to operate on.
 * @param attr number to match.
 * @param vendor number to match (0 for none vendor attribute).
 * @param tag to match. Either a tag number or TAG_ANY to match any tagged or
 *	  untagged attribute, TAG_NONE to match attributes without tags.
 * @return
 *	- The next matching #VALUE_PAIR.
 *	- NULL if no #VALUE_PAIR (s) match.
VALUE_PAIR *fr_pair_cursor_next_by_num(vp_cursor_t *cursor, unsigned int vendor, unsigned int attr, int8_t tag)

	if (!cursor->first) return NULL;

	if (!vendor) {
		 *	Find top-level attributes.
		for (i = cursor->found ? cursor->found->next : cursor->current;
		     i != NULL;
		     i = i->next) {
			if (fr_dict_attr_is_top_level(i->da) && (i->da->attr == attr) && ATTR_TAG_MATCH(i, tag)) {
	} else {
		for (i = cursor->found ? cursor->found->next : cursor->current;
		     i != NULL;
		     i = i->next) {
			if ((i->da->parent->type == FR_TYPE_VENDOR) &&
			    (i->da->attr == attr) && (fr_dict_vendor_num_by_da(i->da) == vendor) &&
			    ATTR_TAG_MATCH(i, tag)) {

	return fr_pair_cursor_update(cursor, i);
/** Return the vendor number of an attribute reference
static ssize_t xlat_vendor_num(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, char **out, UNUSED size_t outlen,
			       UNUSED void const *mod_inst, UNUSED void const *xlat_inst,
			       REQUEST *request, char const *fmt)


	if ((xlat_fmt_get_vp(&vp, request, fmt) < 0) || !vp) return 0;

	*out = talloc_typed_asprintf(ctx, "%i", fr_dict_vendor_num_by_da(vp->da));
	return talloc_array_length(*out) - 1;
Exemple #3
/** Decode DHCP option
 * @param[in] ctx context	to alloc new attributes in.
 * @param[in,out] cursor	Where to write the decoded options.
 * @param[in] dict		to lookup attributes in.
 * @param[in] data		to parse.
 * @param[in] data_len		of data to parse.
 * @param[in] decoder_ctx	Unused.
ssize_t fr_dhcpv4_decode_option(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_cursor_t *cursor,
			        fr_dict_t const *dict, uint8_t const *data, size_t data_len, UNUSED void *decoder_ctx)
	ssize_t			ret;
	uint8_t const		*p = data;
	fr_dict_attr_t const	*child;
	fr_dict_attr_t const	*parent;

	FR_PROTO_TRACE("%s called to parse %zu byte(s)", __FUNCTION__, data_len);

	if (data_len == 0) return 0;

	FR_PROTO_HEX_DUMP(data, data_len, NULL);

	parent = fr_dict_root(dict);

	 *	Padding / End of options
	if (p[0] == 0) return 1;		/* 0x00 - Padding option */
	if (p[0] == 255) {			/* 0xff - End of options signifier */
		size_t i;

		for (i = 1; i < data_len; i++) {
			if (p[i] != 0) {
				FR_PROTO_HEX_DUMP(p + i, data_len - i, "ignoring trailing junk at end of packet");
		return data_len;

	 *	Everything else should be real options
	if ((data_len < 2) || (data[1] > data_len)) {
		fr_strerror_printf("%s: Insufficient data", __FUNCTION__);
		return -1;

	child = fr_dict_attr_child_by_num(parent, p[0]);
	if (!child) {
		 *	Unknown attribute, create an octets type
		 *	attribute with the contents of the sub-option.
		child = fr_dict_unknown_afrom_fields(ctx, parent, fr_dict_vendor_num_by_da(parent), p[0]);
		if (!child) return -1;
	FR_PROTO_TRACE("decode context changed %s:%s -> %s:%s",
		       fr_int2str(fr_value_box_type_table, parent->type, "<invalid>"), parent->name,
		       fr_int2str(fr_value_box_type_table, child->type, "<invalid>"), child->name);

	ret = decode_value(ctx, cursor, child, data + 2, data[1]);
	if (ret < 0) {
		return ret;
	ret += 2; /* For header */
	FR_PROTO_TRACE("decoding option complete, returning %zu byte(s)", ret);
	return ret;
Exemple #4
/** Decode DHCP suboptions
 * @param[in] ctx context to alloc new attributes in.
 * @param[in,out] cursor Where to write the decoded options.
 * @param[in] parent of sub TLVs.
 * @param[in] data to parse.
 * @param[in] data_len of data parsed.
static ssize_t decode_tlv(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_cursor_t *cursor, fr_dict_attr_t const *parent,
			  uint8_t const *data, size_t data_len)
	uint8_t const		*p = data;
	uint8_t const		*end = data + data_len;
	fr_dict_attr_t const	*child;

	if (data_len < 3) return -1; /* type, length, value */

	FR_PROTO_TRACE("%s called to parse %zu byte(s)", __FUNCTION__, data_len);
	FR_PROTO_HEX_DUMP(data, data_len, NULL);

	 *	Each TLV may contain multiple children
	while (p < end) {
		ssize_t tlv_len;

		if (p[0] == 0) {

		 *	RFC 3046 is very specific about not allowing termination
		 *	with a 255 sub-option. But it's required for decoding
		 *	option 43, and vendors will probably screw it up
		 *	anyway.
		if (p[0] == 255) {
			return p - data;

		 *	Everything else should be real options
		if ((end - p) < 2) {
			fr_strerror_printf("%s: Insufficient data: Needed at least 2 bytes, got %zu",
					   __FUNCTION__, (end - p));
			return -1;

		if (p[1] > (end - p)) {
			fr_strerror_printf("%s: Suboption would overflow option.  Remaining option data %zu byte(s) "
					   "(from %zu), Suboption length %u", __FUNCTION__, (end - p), data_len, p[1]);
			return -1;

		child = fr_dict_attr_child_by_num(parent, p[0]);
		if (!child) {
			fr_dict_attr_t const *unknown_child;

			FR_PROTO_TRACE("failed to find child %u of TLV %s", p[0], parent->name);

			 *	Build an unknown attr
			unknown_child = fr_dict_unknown_afrom_fields(ctx, parent,
								     fr_dict_vendor_num_by_da(parent), p[0]);
			if (!unknown_child) return -1;
			child = unknown_child;
		FR_PROTO_TRACE("decode context changed %s:%s -> %s:%s",
			       fr_int2str(fr_value_box_type_table, parent->type, "<invalid>"), parent->name,
			       fr_int2str(fr_value_box_type_table, child->type, "<invalid>"), child->name);

		tlv_len = decode_value(ctx, cursor, child, p + 2, p[1]);
		if (tlv_len < 0) {
			return tlv_len;
		p += tlv_len + 2;
		FR_PROTO_TRACE("decode_value returned %zu, adding 2 (for header)", tlv_len);
		FR_PROTO_TRACE("remaining TLV data %zu byte(s)" , end - p);
	FR_PROTO_TRACE("tlv parsing complete, returning %zu byte(s)", p - data);

	return p - data;
/** Create any kind of VP from the attribute contents
 * @param[in] ctx		to allocate new attributes in.
 * @param[in] cursor		to addd new attributes to.
 * @param[in] parent		the current attribute we're processing.
 * @param[in] data		to parse. Points to the data field of the attribute.
 * @param[in] attr_len		length of the attribute being parsed.
 * @param[in] data_len		length of the remaining data in the packet.
 * @param[in] decoder_ctx	IVs, keys etc...
 * @return
 *	- Length on success.
 *	- -1 on failure.
static ssize_t sim_decode_pair_value(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_cursor_t *cursor, fr_dict_attr_t const *parent,
				     uint8_t const *data, size_t const attr_len, size_t const data_len,
				     void *decoder_ctx)
	uint8_t const		*p = data;
	size_t			prefix = 0;

	fr_sim_decode_ctx_t	*packet_ctx = decoder_ctx;

	if (!fr_cond_assert(attr_len <= data_len)) return -1;
	if (!fr_cond_assert(parent)) return -1;

	FR_PROTO_TRACE("Parent %s len %zu", parent->name, attr_len);
	FR_PROTO_HEX_DUMP(data, attr_len, __FUNCTION__ );

	FR_PROTO_TRACE("Type \"%s\" (%u)", fr_int2str(fr_value_box_type_table, parent->type, "?Unknown?"), parent->type);

	 *	Special cases, attributes that either have odd formats, or need
	 *	have information we need to decode the packet.
	switch (parent->attr) {
	 *	We need to record packet_ctx so we can decrypt AT_ENCR attributes.
	 *	If we don't find it before, then that's fine, we'll try and
	 *	find it in the rest of the packet after the encrypted
	 *	attribute.
	 *	0                   1                   2                   3
	 *	0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
	 *	+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
	 *	|     AT_IV     | Length = 5    |           Reserved            |
	 *	+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
	 *	|                                                               |
	 *	|                 Initialization Vector                         |
	 *	|                                                               |
	 *	|                                                               |
	 *	+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
	case FR_SIM_IV:
		if (sim_iv_extract(&packet_ctx->iv[0], data, attr_len) < 0) return -1;
		packet_ctx->have_iv = true;
		break;	/* Now create the attribute */

	 *	AT_RES - Special case (RES length is in bits)
	 *	0                   1                   2                   3
	 *	0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
	 *	+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
	 *	|     AT_RES    |    Length     |          RES Length           |
	 *	+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-|
	 *	|                                                               |
	 *	|                             RES                               |
	 *	|                                                               |
	 *	|                                                               |
	 *	+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
		uint16_t res_len;

		if (attr_len < 2) goto raw;	/* Need at least two bytes for the length field */

		res_len = (p[0] << 8) | p[1];
		if (res_len % 8) {
			fr_strerror_printf("%s: RES Length (%hu) is not a multiple of 8",
					   __FUNCTION__, res_len);
			return -1;
		res_len /= 8;

		if (res_len > (attr_len - 2)) {
			fr_strerror_printf("%s: RES Length field value (%u bits) > attribute value length (%zu bits)",
					   __FUNCTION__, res_len * 8, (attr_len - 2) * 8);
			return -1;

		if ((res_len < 4) || (res_len > 16)) {
			fr_strerror_printf("%s: RES Length field value must be between 32-128 bits, got %u bits",
					   __FUNCTION__, (res_len * 8));
			return -1;

		vp = fr_pair_afrom_da(ctx, parent);
		if (!vp) return -1;

		fr_pair_value_memcpy(vp, p + 2, res_len, true);
		goto done;

	 *	AT_CHECKCODE - Special case (Variable length with no length field)
	 *   	0                   1                   2                   3
	 *	0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
	 *	+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
	 *	| AT_CHECKCODE  | Length        |           Reserved            |
	 *	+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
	 *	|                                                               |
	 *	|                     Checkcode (0 or 20 bytes)                 |
	 *	|                                                               |
	 *	|                                                               |
	 *	|                                                               |
	 *	+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
		if (attr_len < 2) goto raw;	/* Need at least two bytes for reserved field */

		vp = fr_pair_afrom_da(ctx, parent);
		if (!vp) return -1;

		fr_pair_value_memcpy(vp, p + 2, attr_len - 2, true);
		goto done;


	switch (parent->type) {
		if (attr_len < 2) goto raw;	/* Need at least two bytes for the length field */
		if (parent->flags.length && (attr_len != parent->flags.length)) {
			fr_strerror_printf("%s: Attribute \"%s\" needs a value of exactly %zu bytes, "
					   "but value was %zu bytes", __FUNCTION__,
					   parent->name, (size_t)parent->flags.length, attr_len);
			goto raw;

		 *	Get the number of bytes we expect before the value
		prefix = fr_sim_octets_prefix_len(parent);
		if (attr_len < prefix) goto raw;
		if (parent->flags.length && (attr_len != (parent->flags.length + prefix))) goto wrong_len;

	case FR_TYPE_UINT8:
	case FR_TYPE_UINT16:
	case FR_TYPE_UINT32:
	case FR_TYPE_UINT64:
		if (attr_len != fr_sim_attr_sizes[parent->type][0]) goto raw;

	case FR_TYPE_TLV:
		if (attr_len < 2) goto raw;

		 *	We presume that the TLVs all fit into one
		 *	attribute, OR they've already been grouped
		 *	into a contiguous memory buffer.
		return sim_decode_tlv(ctx, cursor, parent, p, attr_len, data_len, decoder_ctx);

		 *	We can't create unknowns for non-skippable attributes
		 *	as we're prohibited from continuing by the SIM RFCs.
		if (parent->attr <= SIM_SKIPPABLE_MAX) {
			fr_strerror_printf_push("%s: Failed parsing non-skippable attribute '%s'",
						__FUNCTION__, parent->name);
			return -1;

#ifdef __clang_analyzer__
		if (!parent->parent) return -1; /* stupid static analyzers */

		 *	Re-write the attribute to be "raw".  It is
		 *	therefore of type "octets", and will be
		 *	handled below.
		parent = fr_dict_unknown_afrom_fields(ctx, parent->parent,
						      fr_dict_vendor_num_by_da(parent), parent->attr);
		if (!parent) {
			fr_strerror_printf_push("%s[%d]: Internal sanity check failed", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
			return -1;

	vp = fr_pair_afrom_da(ctx, parent);
	if (!vp) return -1;

	 *	For unknown attributes copy the entire value, not skipping
	 *	any reserved bytes.
	if (parent->flags.is_unknown || parent->flags.is_raw) {
		fr_pair_value_memcpy(vp, p, attr_len, true);
		vp->vp_length = attr_len;
		goto done;

	switch (parent->type) {
	 *	0                   1                   2                   3
	 *	0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
	 *	+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
	 *	| AT_<STRING>   | Length        |    Actual <STRING> Length     |
	 *	+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
	 *	|                                                               |
	 *	.                           String                              .
	 *	.                                                               .
	 *	|                                                               |
	 *	+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
		uint16_t actual_len = (p[0] << 8) | p[1];

		if (actual_len > (attr_len - 2)) {
			fr_strerror_printf("%s: Actual length field value (%hu) > attribute value length (%zu)",
					   __FUNCTION__, actual_len, attr_len - 2);
			return -1;

		fr_pair_value_bstrncpy(vp, p + 2, actual_len);

		 *	Variable length octets buffer
		if (!parent->flags.length) {
			uint16_t actual_len = (p[0] << 8) | p[1];

			if (actual_len > (attr_len - prefix)) {
				fr_strerror_printf("%s: Actual length field value (%hu) > attribute value length (%zu)",
						   __FUNCTION__, actual_len, attr_len - 2);
				return -1;

			fr_pair_value_memcpy(vp, p + prefix, actual_len, true);
		 *	Fixed length octets buffer
		} else {
			fr_pair_value_memcpy(vp, p + prefix, attr_len - prefix, true);

	 *	Not proper bool. We Use packet_ctx to represent
	 *	flag attributes like AT_FULLAUTH_ID_REQ
	 *	0                   1                   2                   3
	 *	0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
	 *	+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
	 *	|   AT_<BOOL>   | Length = 1    |           Reserved            |
	 *	+---------------+---------------+-------------------------------+
		vp->vp_bool = true;

	 *	Numbers are network byte order.
	 *	In the base RFCs only short (16bit) unsigned integers are used.
	 *	We add support for more, just for completeness.
	 *	0                   1                   2                   3
	 *	0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
	 *	+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
	 *	|   AT_<SHORT>  | Length = 1    |    Short 1    |    Short 2    |
	 *	+---------------+---------------+-------------------------------+
	case FR_TYPE_UINT8:
		vp->vp_uint8 = p[0];

	case FR_TYPE_UINT16:
		memcpy(&vp->vp_uint16, p, sizeof(vp->vp_uint16));
		vp->vp_uint16 = ntohs(vp->vp_uint32);

	case FR_TYPE_UINT32:
		memcpy(&vp->vp_uint32, p, sizeof(vp->vp_uint32));
		vp->vp_uint32 = ntohl(vp->vp_uint32);

	case FR_TYPE_UINT64:
		memcpy(&vp->vp_uint64, p, sizeof(vp->vp_uint64));
		vp->vp_uint64 = ntohll(vp->vp_uint64);

		fr_strerror_printf_push("%s[%d]: Internal sanity check failed", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
		return -1;

	vp->type = VT_DATA;
	fr_cursor_append(cursor, vp);

	return attr_len;
/** Break apart a TLV attribute into individual attributes
 * @param[in] ctx		to allocate new attributes in.
 * @param[in] cursor		to addd new attributes to.
 * @param[in] parent		the current attribute TLV attribute we're processing.
 * @param[in] data		to parse. Points to the data field of the attribute.
 * @param[in] attr_len		length of the TLV attribute.
 * @param[in] data_len		remaining data in the packet.
 * @param[in] decoder_ctx	IVs, keys etc...
 * @return
 *	- Length on success.
 *	- < 0 on malformed attribute.
static ssize_t sim_decode_tlv(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, fr_cursor_t *cursor,
			      fr_dict_attr_t const *parent,
			      uint8_t const *data, size_t const attr_len, size_t data_len,
			      void *decoder_ctx)
	uint8_t const		*p = data, *end = p + attr_len;
	uint8_t			*decr = NULL;
	ssize_t			decr_len;
	fr_dict_attr_t const	*child;
	VALUE_PAIR		*head = NULL;
	fr_cursor_t		tlv_cursor;
	ssize_t			rcode;

	if (data_len < 2) {
		fr_strerror_printf("%s: Insufficient data", __FUNCTION__);
		return -1; /* minimum attr size */

	 *	We have an AES-128-CBC encrypted attribute
	 *	IV is from AT_IV, key is from k_encr.
	 *	unfortunately the ordering of these two attributes
	 *	aren't specified, so we may have to hunt for the IV.
	if (parent->flags.encrypt) {
		FR_PROTO_TRACE("found encrypted attribute '%s'", parent->name);

		decr_len = sim_value_decrypt(ctx, &decr, p + 2,
					     attr_len - 2, data_len - 2, decoder_ctx);	/* Skip reserved */
		if (decr_len < 0) return -1;

		p = decr;
		end = p + decr_len;
	} else {
		p += 2;	/* Skip the reserved bytes */

	FR_PROTO_HEX_DUMP(p, end - p, "tlvs");

	 *  Record where we were in the list when packet_ctx function was called
	fr_cursor_init(&tlv_cursor, &head);
	while ((size_t)(end - p) >= sizeof(uint32_t)) {
		uint8_t	sim_at = p[0];
		size_t	sim_at_len = ((size_t)p[1]) << 2;

		if ((p + sim_at_len) > end) {
			fr_strerror_printf("%s: Malformed nested attribute %d: Length field (%zu bytes) value "
					   "longer than remaining data in parent (%zu bytes)",
					   __FUNCTION__, sim_at, sim_at_len, end - p);

			return -1;

		if (sim_at_len == 0) {
			fr_strerror_printf("%s: Malformed nested attribute %d: Length field 0", __FUNCTION__, sim_at);
			goto error;

		 *	Padding attributes are cleartext inside of
		 *	encrypted TLVs to pad out the value to the
		 *	correct length for the block cipher
		 *	(16 in the case of AES-128-CBC).
		if (sim_at == FR_SIM_PADDING) {
			uint8_t zero = 0;
			uint8_t i;

			if (!parent->flags.encrypt) {
				fr_strerror_printf("%s: Found padding attribute outside of an encrypted TLV",
				goto error;

			if (!fr_cond_assert(data_len % 4)) goto error;

			if (sim_at_len > 12) {
				fr_strerror_printf("%s: Expected padding attribute length <= 12 bytes, got %zu bytes",
						   __FUNCTION__, sim_at_len);
				goto error;

			 *	RFC says we MUST verify that FR_SIM_PADDING
			 *	data is zeroed out.
			for (i = 2; i < sim_at_len; i++) zero |= p[i];
			if (zero) {
				fr_strerror_printf("%s: Padding attribute value not zeroed 0x%pH", __FUNCTION__,
						   fr_box_octets(p + 2, sim_at_len - 2));
				goto error;

			p += sim_at_len;

		child = fr_dict_attr_child_by_num(parent, p[0]);
		if (!child) {
			fr_dict_attr_t const *unknown_child;

			FR_PROTO_TRACE("Failed to find child %u of TLV %s", p[0], parent->name);

			 *	Encountered none skippable attribute
			 *	RFC says we need to die on these if we don't
			 *	understand them.  non-skippables are < 128.
			if (sim_at <= SIM_SKIPPABLE_MAX) {
				fr_strerror_printf("%s: Unknown (non-skippable) attribute %i",
						   __FUNCTION__, sim_at);
				goto error;

			 *	Build an unknown attr
			unknown_child = fr_dict_unknown_afrom_fields(ctx, parent,
								     fr_dict_vendor_num_by_da(parent), p[0]);
			if (!unknown_child) goto error;
			child = unknown_child;
		FR_PROTO_TRACE("decode context changed %s -> %s", parent->name, child->name);

		rcode = sim_decode_pair_value(ctx, &tlv_cursor, child, p + 2, sim_at_len - 2, (end - p) - 2,
		if (rcode < 0) goto error;
		p += sim_at_len;
	fr_cursor_merge(cursor, &tlv_cursor);	/* Wind to the end of the new pairs */

	return attr_len;
 * Use a reply packet to determine what to do.
static rlm_rcode_t CC_HINT(nonnull) process_reply(NDEBUG_UNUSED eap_session_t *eap_session,
						  tls_session_t *tls_session,
						  REQUEST *request, RADIUS_PACKET *reply)
	rlm_rcode_t			rcode = RLM_MODULE_REJECT;
	VALUE_PAIR			*vp;
	fr_cursor_t			cursor;

	eap_fast_tunnel_t	*t = talloc_get_type_abort(tls_session->opaque, eap_fast_tunnel_t);

	rad_assert(eap_session->request == request);

	 * If the response packet was Access-Accept, then
	 * we're OK.  If not, die horribly.
	 * FIXME: EAP-Messages can only start with 'identity',
	 * NOT 'eap start', so we should check for that....
	switch (reply->code) {
		RDEBUG2("Got tunneled Access-Accept");

		rcode = RLM_MODULE_OK;

		 * Copy what we need into the TTLS tunnel and leave
		 * the rest to be cleaned up.
		for (vp = fr_cursor_init(&cursor, &reply->vps); vp; vp = fr_cursor_next(&cursor)) {
			if (fr_dict_vendor_num_by_da(vp->da) != VENDORPEC_MICROSOFT) continue;

			/* FIXME must be a better way to capture/re-derive this later for ISK */
			switch (vp->da->attr) {
				if (vp->vp_length != RADIUS_CHAP_CHALLENGE_LENGTH) {
					REDEBUG("Found %s with incorrect length.  Expected %u, got %zu",
						vp->da->name, RADIUS_CHAP_CHALLENGE_LENGTH, vp->vp_length);
					rcode = RLM_MODULE_INVALID;

				memcpy(t->isk.mppe_send, vp->vp_octets, RADIUS_CHAP_CHALLENGE_LENGTH);

				if (vp->vp_length != RADIUS_CHAP_CHALLENGE_LENGTH) goto wrong_length;
				memcpy(t->isk.mppe_recv, vp->vp_octets, RADIUS_CHAP_CHALLENGE_LENGTH);

				RDEBUG2("Got %s, tunneling it to the client in a challenge", vp->da->name);
				t->authenticated = true;

			 (uint8_t *)&t->isk, 2 * RADIUS_CHAP_CHALLENGE_LENGTH, "ISK[j]"); /* FIXME (part of above) */

		REDEBUG("Got tunneled Access-Reject");

		RDEBUG2("Got tunneled Access-Challenge");

		 *	Copy the EAP-Message back to the tunnel.
		(void) fr_cursor_init(&cursor, &reply->vps);

		for (vp = fr_cursor_iter_by_da_init(&cursor, &reply->vps, attr_eap_message);
		     vp = fr_cursor_next(&cursor)) {
			eap_fast_tlv_append(tls_session, attr_eap_fast_eap_payload, true, vp->vp_length, vp->vp_octets);


		REDEBUG("Unknown RADIUS packet type %d: rejecting tunneled user", reply->code);

	return rcode;
Exemple #8
static int getusersfile(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, char const *filename, rbtree_t **ptree)
	int rcode;
	PAIR_LIST *users = NULL;
	PAIR_LIST *entry, *next;
	PAIR_LIST *user_list, *default_list, **default_tail;
	rbtree_t *tree;

	if (!filename) {
		*ptree = NULL;
		return 0;

	rcode = pairlist_read(ctx, dict_radius, filename, &users, 1);
	if (rcode < 0) {
		return -1;

	 *	Walk through the 'users' file list
	entry = users;
	while (entry) {
		fr_cursor_t cursor;

		 *	Look for improper use of '=' in the
		 *	check items.  They should be using
		 *	'==' for on-the-wire RADIUS attributes,
		 *	and probably ':=' for server
		 *	configuration items.
		for (vp = fr_cursor_init(&cursor, &entry->check);
		     vp = fr_cursor_next(&cursor)) {
			 *	Ignore attributes which are set
			 *	properly.
			if (vp->op != T_OP_EQ) {

			 *	If it's a vendor attribute,
			 *	or it's a wire protocol,
			 *	ensure it has '=='.
			if ((fr_dict_vendor_num_by_da(vp->da) != 0) ||
			    (vp->da->attr < 0x100)) {
				WARN("[%s]:%d Changing '%s =' to '%s =='\n\tfor comparing RADIUS attribute in check item list for user %s",
				     filename, entry->lineno,
				     vp->da->name, vp->da->name,
				vp->op = T_OP_CMP_EQ;
		} /* end of loop over check items */

		 *	Look for server configuration items
		 *	in the reply list.
		 *	It's a common enough mistake, that it's
		 *	worth doing.
		for (vp = fr_cursor_init(&cursor, &entry->reply);
		     vp = fr_cursor_next(&cursor)) {
			 *	If it's NOT a vendor attribute,
			 *	and it's NOT a wire protocol
			 *	and we ignore Fall-Through,
			 *	then bitch about it, giving a
			 *	good warning message.
			 if (fr_dict_attr_is_top_level(vp->da) && (vp->da->attr > 1000)) {
				WARN("[%s]:%d Check item \"%s\"\n"
				       "\tfound in reply item list for user \"%s\".\n"
				       "\tThis attribute MUST go on the first line"
				       " with the other check items", filename, entry->lineno, vp->da->name,

		entry = entry->next;

	tree = rbtree_create(ctx, pairlist_cmp, NULL, RBTREE_FLAG_NONE);
	if (!tree) {
		return -1;

	default_list = NULL;
	default_tail = &default_list;

	 *	We've read the entries in linearly, but putting them
	 *	into an indexed data structure would be much faster.
	 *	Let's go fix that now.
	for (entry = users; entry != NULL; entry = next) {
		 *	Remove this entry from the input list.
		next = entry->next;
		entry->next = NULL;

		 *	DEFAULT entries get their own list.
		if (strcmp(entry->name, "DEFAULT") == 0) {
			if (!default_list) {
				default_list = entry;

				 *	Insert the first DEFAULT into the tree.
				if (!rbtree_insert(tree, entry)) {
					return -1;

			} else {
				 *	Tack this entry onto the tail
				 *	of the DEFAULT list.
				*default_tail = entry;

			default_tail = &entry->next;

		 *	Not DEFAULT, must be a normal user.
		user_list = rbtree_finddata(tree, entry);
		if (!user_list) {
			 *	Insert the first one.
			if (!rbtree_insert(tree, entry)) goto error;
		} else {
			 *	Find the tail of this list, and add it
			 *	there.
			while (user_list->next) user_list = user_list->next;

			user_list->next = entry;

	*ptree = tree;

	return 0;