Exemple #1
void LocalInitData::parseArguments( const int argc, char** argv )
        std::string wsHelp = "Window System API ( one of: ";
#ifdef AGL
        wsHelp += "AGL ";
#ifdef GLX
        wsHelp += "glX ";
#ifdef WGL
        wsHelp += "WGL ";
        wsHelp += ")";

        const std::string& desc = EqPly::getHelp();

        TCLAP::CmdLine command( desc, ' ', eq::Version::getString( ));
        TCLAP::MultiArg<std::string> modelArg( "m", "model",
                                               "ply model file name or directory",
                                               false, "string", command );
        TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> portArg( "p", "port",
                                              "tracking device port",
                                              false, "/dev/ttyS0", "string",
                                              command );
        TCLAP::SwitchArg colorArg( "b", "blackAndWhite",
                                   "Don't use colors from ply file",
                                   command, false );
        TCLAP::SwitchArg residentArg( "r", "resident",
                                      "Keep client resident (see resident node documentation on website)",
                                      command, false );
        TCLAP::ValueArg<uint32_t> framesArg( "n", "numFrames",
                                             "Maximum number of rendered frames",
                                             false, 0xffffffffu, "unsigned",
                                             command );
        TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> wsArg( "w", "windowSystem", wsHelp,
                                            false, "auto", "string", command );
        TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> modeArg( "c", "renderMode",
                                              "Rendering Mode (immediate, displayList, VBO)",
                                              false, "auto", "string",
                                              command );
        TCLAP::SwitchArg glslArg( "g", "glsl", "Enable GLSL shaders",
                                  command, false );
        TCLAP::SwitchArg invFacesArg( "i", "invertFaces",
                                      "Invert faces (valid during binary file creation)",
                                      command, false );
        TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> pathArg( "a", "cameraPath",
                                              "File containing camera path animation",
                                              false, "", "string", command );
        TCLAP::SwitchArg overlayArg( "o", "noOverlay", "Disable overlay logo",
                                     command, false );
        TCLAP::VariableSwitchArg ignoreEqArgs( "eq",
                                               "Ignored Equalizer options",
                                               command );
        TCLAP::UnlabeledMultiArg< std::string >
        ignoreArgs( "ignore", "Ignored unlabeled arguments", false, "any",
                    command );
        TCLAP::SwitchArg roiArg( "d", "disableROI", "Disable ROI", command,
                                 false );

        command.parse( argc, argv );

        if( modelArg.isSet( ))
            _filenames = modelArg.getValue();
        if( portArg.isSet( ))
            _trackerPort = portArg.getValue();
        if( wsArg.isSet( ))
            std::string windowSystem = wsArg.getValue();
            transform( windowSystem.begin(), windowSystem.end(),
                       windowSystem.begin(), (int(*)(int))std::toupper );

            setWindowSystem( windowSystem );

        _color = !colorArg.isSet();

        if( framesArg.isSet( ))
            _maxFrames = framesArg.getValue();

        if( residentArg.isSet( ))
            _isResident = true;

        if( modeArg.isSet() )
            std::string mode = modeArg.getValue();
            transform( mode.begin(), mode.end(), mode.begin(),
                       (int(*)(int))std::tolower );

            if( mode == "immediate" )
                setRenderMode( mesh::RENDER_MODE_IMMEDIATE );
            else if( mode == "displaylist" )
                setRenderMode( mesh::RENDER_MODE_DISPLAY_LIST );
            else if( mode == "vbo" )
                setRenderMode( mesh::RENDER_MODE_BUFFER_OBJECT );

        if( pathArg.isSet( ))
            _pathFilename = pathArg.getValue();

        if( glslArg.isSet() )
        if( invFacesArg.isSet() )
        if( overlayArg.isSet( ))
        if( roiArg.isSet( ))
    catch( const TCLAP::ArgException& exception )
        LBERROR << "Command line parse error: " << exception.error()
                << " for argument " << exception.argId() << std::endl;
        ::exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
Exemple #2
void LocalInitData::parseArguments( const int argc, char** argv )
        std::string wsHelp = "Window System API ( one of: ";
#ifdef AGL
        wsHelp += "AGL ";
#ifdef GLX
        wsHelp += "glX ";
#ifdef WGL
        wsHelp += "WGL ";
        wsHelp += ")";

        std::string desc = EVolve::getHelp();

        TCLAP::CmdLine command( desc );
        TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> modelArg( "m", "model", 
                                               "raw model file name",
                                               false, "Bucky32x32x32.raw",
                                               "string", command );
        TCLAP::SwitchArg residentArg( "r", "resident", 
           "Keep client resident (see resident node documentation on website)", 
                                      command, false );
        TCLAP::ValueArg<uint32_t> framesArg( "n", "numFrames", 
                                           "Maximum number of rendered frames", 
                                             false, 0xffffffffu, "unsigned",
                                             command );
        TCLAP::ValueArg<uint32_t> precisionArg( "p", "precision", 
                "Rendering precision (default 2, bigger is better and slower)", 
                                                false, 2, "unsigned",
                                                command );
        TCLAP::ValueArg<float> brightnessArg( "b", "brightness",
                                              "brightness factor", false, 1.0f,
                                              "float", command );
        TCLAP::ValueArg<float> alphaArg( "a", "alpha", "alpha attenuation", 
                                         false, 1.0f, "float", command );
        TCLAP::SwitchArg orthoArg( "o", "ortho", 
                                   "use orthographic projection", 
                                   command, false );
        TCLAP::ValueArg<std::string> wsArg( "w", "windowSystem", wsHelp,
                                            false, "auto", "string", command );
        TCLAP::VariableSwitchArg ignoreEqArgs( "eq",
                                               "Ignored Equalizer options",
                                               command );
        TCLAP::UnlabeledMultiArg< std::string >
            ignoreArgs( "ignore", "Ignored unlabeled arguments", false, "any",
                        command );

        command.parse( argc, argv );

        if( modelArg.isSet( ))
            setFilename( modelArg.getValue( ));
        if( wsArg.isSet( ))
            std::string windowSystem = wsArg.getValue();
            transform( windowSystem.begin(), windowSystem.end(),
                       windowSystem.begin(), (int(*)(int))std::toupper );

            setWindowSystem( windowSystem );

        if( framesArg.isSet( ))
            _maxFrames = framesArg.getValue();
        if( precisionArg.isSet( ))
            setPrecision( precisionArg.getValue( ));
        if( brightnessArg.isSet( ))
            setBrightness( brightnessArg.getValue( ));
        if( alphaArg.isSet( ))
            setAlpha( alphaArg.getValue( ));
        if( residentArg.isSet( ))
            _isResident = true;
        if( orthoArg.isSet( ))
            _ortho = true;
    catch( const TCLAP::ArgException& exception )
        LBERROR << "Command line parse error: " << exception.error() 
                << " for argument " << exception.argId() << std::endl;
        ::exit( EXIT_FAILURE );