inline void m_frq_prnt() { lcd_cpos(0); freq_print(&config.frequency); freq_offset_print(); lcd_fill(); m_timer_en = 0; pll_timer = 0; }
/* count all the 1-nucleotide and 2-nucleotide sequences, and write the * code and percentage frequency, sorted */ static void do_freq(const struct buf *seq, unsigned len, char *dst) { struct ht t; htinit(&t, HT_BINS, MIN(dna_combo(len), MAX_ENTRIES)); unsigned long total = freq_build(&t, seq, len); { struct htentry *e = ht2vec(&t); qsort(e, htsize(&t), sizeof *e, freq_cmp); freq_print(e, htsize(&t), total, dst); free(e); } htfree(&t); }
static void reset_ui(uint8_t type) { if(type == UI_RESET_COLD) lcd_clr(LCD_CLEAR_LED); // clear lcd content including LEDs else lcd_cpos(0); freq_print(&config.frequency); // print current frequency vTaskDelay(15); squelch_print(); rfpwr_print(); // print state of output power freq_offset_print(); // print state of tx shift pll_led(PLL_LOCK_STATE_FORCE_UPDATE);// force update of PLL led state menu_init(); // (re-)initialize menu }