Exemple #1
void Player::getInput()

	if(!gameWindow->GetInput().IsKeyDown( sf::Key::Left))
	if(gameWindow->GetInput().IsKeyDown( sf::Key::Left))
	if(gameWindow->GetInput().IsKeyDown( sf::Key::Right))
	if(!gameWindow->GetInput().IsKeyDown( sf::Key::Right))
	if(gameWindow->GetInput().IsKeyDown( sf::Key::Down))
void RagdollSetupAnimatedFriction( IPhysicsEnvironment *pPhysEnv, ragdoll_t *ragdoll, int iModelIndex )
	vcollide_t* pCollide = modelinfo->GetVCollide( iModelIndex );

	if ( pCollide )
		IVPhysicsKeyParser *pParse = physcollision->VPhysicsKeyParserCreate( pCollide->pKeyValues );

		while ( !pParse->Finished() )
			const char *pBlock = pParse->GetCurrentBlockName();

			if ( !strcmpi( pBlock, "animatedfriction") ) 
				CRagdollAnimatedFriction friction( ragdoll );
				pParse->ParseCustom( (void*)&friction, &friction );

		physcollision->VPhysicsKeyParserDestroy( pParse );
void GraphComparator::_calculateRasterCost(cv::Mat& mat)
  ProbablePathCalculator ppc;
  ppc.setRandomPatches(0.0, 1);
  vector<float> friction(_width * _height, 5.0 * _pixelSize);
  Tgs::Image<float> cost(_width, _height);

  for (int y = 0; y < _height; y++)
    float* row = mat.ptr<float>(y);
    for (int x = 0; x < _width; x++)
      cost.pixel(x, y) = row[x];

  ppc.setFriction(_height, _width, friction);
  cost = ppc.updateCostSurface(cost);

  for (int y = 0; y < _height; y++)
    float* row = mat.ptr<float>(y);
    for (int x = 0; x < _width; x++)
      row[x] = cost.pixel(x, y);
Exemple #4
            _freq(1.0 / 60.0)
            // default to global gravity
            gravity.enabled = true;

            _world = NewtonCreate();
            const float WORLD_SIZE = 1000;
            const vec3 A(-WORLD_SIZE, -WORLD_SIZE, -WORLD_SIZE), B(-A);
            NewtonSetWorldSize(_world, &A.x, &B.x);


            int mid = NewtonMaterialGetDefaultGroupID(_world);
            // allow bodies to be swept-tested
            NewtonMaterialSetContinuousCollisionMode(_world, mid, mid, 1);
            NewtonMaterialSetCollisionCallback(_world, mid, mid, NULL,
                &beginContactCB, &processContactCB);
void testApp::updateMovers(){
  //ofVec2f wind(ofMap(mouseX, ofGetWidth()/2, ofGetWidth(), 0, 0.01), 0);
  ofVec2f windCartesian(-sin(ofDegToRad(wind.y)), cos(ofDegToRad(wind.y)));
  ofVec2f windForce(wind_speed * wind_speed * windCartesian/coefPixelToRealWorld);  
  //ofVec2f gravity(0, 0.1);
  //generate balls here
  if (wind_speed > 2 && (ofRandomuf() < 0.00001 * wind_speed * cloudProbability || wind_speed - last_wind_speed > 4)){
  //if (wind_speed > 2 && (ofRandomuf() < 0.00001 * 60 * cloudProbability || wind_speed - last_wind_speed > 4)){
		movers.push_back(ofPtr<Mover>(new Mover()));
    //movers.back().get()->setMass(ofRandom(1.1, 4));
    ofVec2f location;
    location.y = ofGetHeight()/2.;
    float width = 2/3.*ofGetHeight();
    if (windCartesian.x > 0){
      //location.x =  0-movers.back().get()->getDiameter();
      location.x =  -width;
    else {
      //location.x =  ofGetWidth();
      location.x =  ofGetWidth()+width;

    //coefPixelToRealWorld = 1;
    movers.back().get()->setLocation(location.x, location.y);
    windCartesian.y = 0;

  last_wind_speed = wind_speed;
  // update balls
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < movers.size(); i++){
    float c = frictionCoef;
    ofVec2f friction(movers[i].get()->getVelocity());
    friction *= -1;
    friction *= c;

  // delete balls
  ofRemove(movers, Mover::shouldRemoveOffScreen);

static void RagdollCreateObjects( IPhysicsEnvironment *pPhysEnv, ragdoll_t &ragdoll, const ragdollparams_t &params )
	ragdoll.listCount = 0;
	ragdoll.pGroup = NULL;
	ragdoll.allowStretch = params.allowStretch;
	memset( ragdoll.list, 0, sizeof(ragdoll.list) );
	memset( &ragdoll.animfriction, 0, sizeof(ragdoll.animfriction) );
	if ( !params.pCollide || params.pCollide->solidCount > RAGDOLL_MAX_ELEMENTS )

	constraint_groupparams_t group;
	ragdoll.pGroup = pPhysEnv->CreateConstraintGroup( group );
	IVPhysicsKeyParser *pParse = physcollision->VPhysicsKeyParserCreate( params.pCollide->pKeyValues );
	while ( !pParse->Finished() )
		const char *pBlock = pParse->GetCurrentBlockName();
		if ( !strcmpi( pBlock, "solid" ) )
			solid_t solid;

			pParse->ParseSolid( &solid, &g_SolidSetup );
			RagdollAddSolid( pPhysEnv, ragdoll, params, solid );
		else if ( !strcmpi( pBlock, "ragdollconstraint" ) )
			constraint_ragdollparams_t constraint;
			pParse->ParseRagdollConstraint( &constraint, NULL );
			RagdollAddConstraint( pPhysEnv, ragdoll, params, constraint );
		else if ( !strcmpi( pBlock, "collisionrules" ) )
			IPhysicsCollisionSet *pSet = physics->FindOrCreateCollisionSet( params.modelIndex, ragdoll.listCount );
			CRagdollCollisionRules rules(pSet);
			pParse->ParseCustom( (void *)&rules, &rules );
		else if ( !strcmpi( pBlock, "animatedfriction") ) 
			CRagdollAnimatedFriction friction( &ragdoll );
			pParse->ParseCustom( (void*)&friction, &friction );
	physcollision->VPhysicsKeyParserDestroy( pParse );
QuantumField::get_accel(const PointMass& caller,
                        const sf::Vector2f& desiredAcceleration) const
    sf::Vector2f base_accel{desiredAcceleration};

    if (&caller == player_object)
        base_accel += user_input;

    base_accel += friction(caller);
    return base_accel;
PlaneObstacle::bounce(Eigen::Vector3d& x, Eigen::Vector3d& v) const
    double d = x.dot(mNormal);
    if (d > mOffset) return false;

    // Project the position onto the surface of the obstacle.
    x += (mOffset - d) * mNormal;

    // Split the velocity into normal and tangential components.
    double normMag = v.dot(mNormal);
    Eigen::Vector3d normVel = normMag * mNormal;
    Eigen::Vector3d tanVel = v - normVel;

    v = (1.0 - friction()) * tanVel;
    return true;
Exemple #9
void entity_friction(entity_t* e, int amount)
    e->xx = friction(e->xx, amount);
    e->yy = friction(e->yy, amount);
void Player::update(float dt)
    if (state_ == PlayerState::Launching)
        launch_charge_ += launch_charge_speed_ * dt;
        launch_charge_ = clamp(launch_charge_,0.0f,1.0f);

        clamp(aimer_->sequence_frame("charge") +
         int(aimer_->sequence_duration("charge") * launch_charge_),
         0, aimer_->sequence_duration("charge") - 1));

    sf::Vector2f friction(0.0f,0.0f);
    if (!state_machine_.state_in_the_air(state_))
        friction.x = -signum(velocity_.x);
        friction *= friction_constant_;
        friction.x = -signum(velocity_.x);
        friction *= air_friction_constant_;

    sf::Vector2f gravity_effect = current_gravity_;
    if (state_ == PlayerState::Winning)
        gravity_effect = sf::Vector2f(0.0f,0.0f);

    velocity_ += dt * (acceleration_ + gravity_effect);
    float velocity_after_friction = velocity_.x + dt * friction.x;
    // apply friction
    if (signum(velocity_.x) !=
        float dv = velocity_after_friction - velocity_.x;
        float ratio = (0 - velocity_.x) / dv;

        move(sf::Vector2f(dt * (velocity_.x + ratio * dv),0.0f));
        velocity_.x = 0.0f;
        velocity_.x = velocity_after_friction;

    if (state_ == PlayerState::Winning)
        if (dt > 0.0f)
            sf::Vector2f dampening =  velocity_ * dt;
            velocity_ -= dampening;

    move(dt * (velocity_ + movement_velocity_));
    rotate_aim(dt * current_aim_speed_);

    if (state_ == PlayerState::Flying)
        if (velocity_.y >= 0.0f)

    if (state_ == PlayerState::Landing)
        if (!animation().playing())

Exemple #11
double TYPE::bottom( double  Us,        // scalar velocity
                     double  H,         // flow depth
                     double  ka,        // von Karman's constant ( = 0.41 )
                     double  vk,        // kinematic viscosity
                     double  g,         // gravity acceleration ( = 9.81 )
                     double  rho,       // density of water
                     double  rhob,      // density of sediment
                     double  d50,       // 50% diameter of grain
                     double  d90 )      // 90% diameter of grain
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // compute form roughness, test for presence of vegetation
  double kd = 0.0;
  double kr = 0.0;

  if( form > 0  &&  dp[0] < 1.0e-4  &&  dp[1] < 1.0e-4 )
    // compute height and length of ripples and dunes -----------------------------------
    Dune( Us, H, ka, vk, g, rho, rhob, d50, d90, &_Hd, &_Ld, &_Hr, &_Lr );

    if( _Ld > 0.01 )
      kd = duneCoef * _Hd * ( 1.0 - exp(-25.0*_Hd/_Ld) );
//    if( _Lr > 0.01 )  kr = 20.0 * 0.7 * _Hr * _Hr / _Lr;
      if( _Lr > 0.01 )  kr = duneCoef * _Hr * ( 1.0 - exp(-25.0*_Hr/_Lr) );
    else if( _Lr > 0.01 )
      kr = duneCoef * _Hr * ( 1.0 - exp(-25.0*_Hr/_Lr) );

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // compute friction coefficient for bottom roughness
  double cb = 0.0;

  // Colebrook-Whites or Nikuradses law chosen for grain roughness ...
  if( rtype < kCHEZ  &&  kslaw > 0 )
    cb = friction( rtype, ksfact*d90 + kd + kr, Us, H, ka, vk, g );

  // ... Chezys or Mannings law chosen for grain roughness
    cb  = friction( rtype, rcoef, Us, H, ka, vk, g );
    cb += friction( kNIKU, kd + kr, Us, H, ka, vk, g );

  _cb = cb;          // remind cb in static class variable _cb

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // compute friction coefficient for non-submerged vegetation
  double cp = lindner( dp[0], sp[0], Us, H, cb, vk, g );

  if( cp < -0.9 )    // means: cp == -1.0
    // approximately set cwr = 1.5
    cp  =  cb  +  0.75 * H * dp[0] / sp[0] / sp[0];

  _cp = cp;          // remind cp in static class variable _cp

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // compute friction coefficient for submerged vegetation
  double cv = velzen( hp, dp[1], sp[1], Us, H, cb, ka, vk, g );

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // return the assembled friction coefficient for non-submerged and submerged vegetation
  return cp + cv;
//	main function					(main fucntion of the program)
void main(void)
	//assign variable
	unsigned char i=0,database;				
	unsigned char data[10];
	unsigned int m,j;

	d_graphic(0);					//display cytron logo
	delay(300000);					//delay for pic display

	// display claibrating messages
	send_config(0b00110000);			//set to function set configuration
	lcd_clr();					//clear the lcd
	send_string(cali);				//display string
	lcd_goto (8);					//cursor at 3rd character line
	send_string(mssg1);				//display string mssg1
	lcd_goto(24);					//cursor at 4th  character line
	send_string(mssg2);				//display string mssg2

	while(SW1);					//wait for button pushed
	while(!SW1);					//wait for button release
	calibrate();					//taking the current force as reference for flat plane
	lcd_clr();					//clear the lcd

	lcd_goto(1);					//cursor at 3rd character, 1st character line
	send_string(mssg3);				//display string mssg3
	lcd_goto(17);					//cursor at 3rd character, 2st character line
	send_string(mssg4);				//display string mssg4
	lcd_goto(0);					//cursor at 1st character, 1st character line
	send_char(0x10);				//display symbol arrow
	m =0 ;						//set the variable 0

	while(1)					//loop forever

		if (!SW1)				//if sw1 is pressed, increase mode
			while(!SW1);			//wait until sw1 is release
			m++;				//increament m
			if (m>1) m=0;			//if m more than 1 , clear m

			if (m==1) 			//if m is 1
				lcd_goto(0);		//cursor at 1st line
				send_char('  ');	//space 1st and 2nd character , 1st line
				lcd_goto(16);		//cursor at 2nd line
				send_char(0x10);	//display arrow at 2nd charater, 2nd line
				lcd_goto(0);		//cursor at 1st line
				send_char(0x10);	//display arrow at 2nd charater, 1st line
				lcd_goto(16);		//cursor at 2nd line
				send_char('  ');	//space 1st and 2nd character , 2nd line

		else if (!SW2)					//if sw is pressed
			while(!SW2);				//wait until sw2 is released
			lcd_clr();				//clear all character
			clr_graphic();				//clear all graphic

			// 16 bit timer initial status and start timer
			TMR0H = 194;						// value for timer reach overflow in 50 ms for clock 10MIPS		
			TMR0L = 246;
			T0CONbits.TMR0ON = 1;					//start timer

			while(1)						//loop forever
				if (INTCONbits.TMR0IF==1)			//if timer over flow ( occur every 50 ms) // to update data every 50 ms
					INTCONbits.TMR0IF==0;			//clear the flag bit
					TMR0H=194;				//value for timer reach overflow in 50 ms for clock 10MIPS		
					if (m==1) friction();			//if mode is 1 , the do calculation friction, else do calculation freespace.
					else 	freespace();			//update the data ( required for more accurate intergration ( faster, more accurate )) 

					i++;					//increment variable i
				if (i==10) 					//if i reach ten ( around 500 ms) update the icon position
					if((x_dis/sens >60)||(x_dis/sens<-60)||(y_dis/sens>28)||(y_dis/sens<-28))	//if the icon position not in range of glcd
					{																					//mean 'the ball drop out from glcd'
						d_graphic(1);			//display graphic 
						delay(300000);			//dealy for display the graphic
						d_graphic(2);			//display another graphic
					d_icon(60-(x_dis/sens),28+(y_dis/sens));		//display icon at updated x,y position
					i=0;							//clear the variable i
Exemple #13
void Player::update(float deltaTime) {
	vec3f initPos = pos;

	//Animation Conditions
	bool collidingSides = false;
	bool collidingFloor = false;
	bool running = false;

	// apply forces
	vec3f dir(0);
	if(input.getKeyState(InputHandler::PLAYER_LEFT)) {
		dir += vec3f(-1, 0, 0);
		running = true;
	if(input.getKeyState(InputHandler::PLAYER_RIGHT)) {
		dir += vec3f(1, 0, 0);
		running = true;

	vec3f friction(0);
	if(!(fabs(velocity.x) < 0.08f)) friction = FRICTION_COEFF*vec3f(velocity.x > 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0, 0, 0);

	totalForce += ACCELERATION*dir + vec3f(0, -GRAVITY, 0) + friction;

	bool saltito = false;
	// apply impulses
	if (animState != Player::JUMP && input.getKeyDown(InputHandler::PLAYER_UP)) {
		velocity.y += JUMP_IMPULSE;
		saltito = true;
	// integration
	velocity = glm::clamp(velocity + totalForce*deltaTime, vec3f(-MAX_VELOCITY), vec3f(MAX_VELOCITY));
	if (fabs(velocity.x) < 0.08f) velocity.x = 0;

	//Reset totalForce;
	totalForce = vec3f(0.0f);

	vec3f disp = velocity*deltaTime;


	// collision detection
	Map* map = (Map*)getGame()->getObjectByName("map");
	AABB aabb = modelAabb;
	mat4f trans = fullTransform*modelOffset;
	aabb = AABB(vec3f(trans*vec4f(aabb.getMin(), 1.0f)), vec3f(trans*vec4f(aabb.getMax(), 1.0f)));

	vec3f bbmin = vec3f(trans*vec4f(modelAabb.getMin(), 1.0f));
    vec3f bbmax = vec3f(trans*vec4f(modelAabb.getMin() + modelAabb.getDimensions()*vec3f(0.2f, 0.05f, 1.0f), 1.0f));
	AABB brushBox(bbmin + disp, bbmax + disp);

	colliding = false;
	bool isBrushColliding = false;

	AABB newboxY(aabb.getMin()+vec3f(0,disp.y,0), aabb.getMax()+vec3f(0,disp.y,0));
	Color blockColor;
	if(map->isColliding(newboxY, blockColor)) {
		float min = 0;
		float max = 1;
        Color foo;
        isBrushColliding = map->isColliding(brushBox, foo);
		while(max-min > 0.001) { //search for the maximum distance you can move
			float m = (max+min)/2;
			newboxY = AABB(aabb.getMin()+vec3f(0,disp.y*m,0), aabb.getMax()+vec3f(0,disp.y*m,0));
			if(map->isColliding(newboxY, foo))
				max = m;
				min = m;
		if(velocity.y < 0) collidingFloor = true;
		velocity.y = 0;
		disp.y *= min;
		colliding = true;
		isBrushColliding = true;

	pos.y += disp.y;
	aabb = AABB(aabb.getMin()+vec3f(0,disp.y,0), aabb.getMax()+vec3f(0,disp.y,0));

	bool isRightWall = false;
	AABB newboxX(aabb.getMin()+vec3f(disp.x,0,0), aabb.getMax()+vec3f(disp.x,0,0));
	if(map->isColliding(newboxX, blockColor)) {

		Color foo;
        isBrushColliding = isBrushColliding || map->isColliding(brushBox, foo);

		float min = 0;
		float max = 1;
		while(max-min > 0.001) { //search for the maximum distance you can move
			float m = (max+min)/2;
			newboxX = AABB(aabb.getMin()+vec3f(disp.x*m,0,0), aabb.getMax()+vec3f(disp.x*m,0,0));
			if(map->isColliding(newboxX, foo))
				max = m;
				min = m;
		vec3f wallFriction(0);
		if(velocity.x != 0) {
			wallFriction = FRICTION_COEFF*vec3f(0, velocity.y > 0 ? -.1 : .4, 0);
			collidingSides = true;
		totalForce += wallFriction;

		if(velocity.x > 0 ) {
			if (input.getKeyDown(InputHandler::PLAYER_UP))
				velocity.x -= JUMP_IMPULSE*5;
				emitter->boomSide(20, -1);
				saltito = false;
			isRightWall = true;
		} else if(velocity.x < 0 ) {
			if (input.getKeyDown(InputHandler::PLAYER_UP))
				velocity.x += JUMP_IMPULSE*5;
				emitter->boomSide(20, 1);
				saltito = false;

		} else velocity.x = 0;

		disp.x *= min;
		colliding = true;


	pos.x += disp.x;

	if(collidingSides)  {
		animState = Player::WALL;
		anim = velocity.y > 0 ? "wallu" : "walld";
	} else if(collidingFloor) {
		if(running)      {
			animState = Player::RUN;
			anim = fabs(velocity.x) >= MAX_VELOCITY/2 ? "runb" : "runa";
		} else {
			animState = Player::IDLE;
			anim = "idle";

	} else {
		animState = Player::JUMP;
		anim = fabs(velocity.x) > MAX_VELOCITY/2 ? "jumpb" : "jumpa";

	animCount += deltaTime;
	if(animCount >= animTime) {
		animCount -= animTime;
		animTime = randomFloat(0.1f, 0.2f);
		animIter = 1 - animIter;
	std::string s = "brush" + anim + toString(animIter);
	model.mesh = Meshes.get(s);


	if(collidingFloor && !prevOnfloor)

	if (collidingFloor && isBrushColliding && (blockColor == Color::WHITE || blockColor == color) ) {
		Trails* trails = (Trails*)getGame()->getObjectByName("trails");
        trails->addTrailSegment(color, Trails::HORIZONTAL, pos.x, initPos.x, int(pos.y - 0.1), 1.5f*modelAabb.getDimensions().x);
	if (collidingSides && isBrushColliding && (blockColor == Color::WHITE || blockColor == color) ) {
		Trails* trails = (Trails*)getGame()->getObjectByName("trails");
		Trails::Direction dir;
		if (isRightWall)
			dir = Trails::VERTICAL_RIGHT;
			dir = Trails::VERTICAL_LEFT;

		float off = 0.21;
        trails->addTrailSegment(color, dir, pos.y-off, initPos.y-off, int(pos.x+(isRightWall?1:0)), 1.5f*modelAabb.getDimensions().x);
	prevOnfloor = collidingFloor;
	prevOnside = collidingSides;

	//transform stuff
	for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
		if(rot[i] < 0) rot[i] = rot[i]+360;
		else if(rot[i] >= 360.0f) rot[i] = rot[i]-360;
	transform = glm::translate(mat4f(1), pos);
	transform = glm::scale(transform, scale);

	if(pos.y < -2) die();