Exemple #1
void frontnet_draw_comport_selected(struct GuiButton *gbtn)
    if (net_comport_index_active == -1)
        frontnet_draw_small_scroll_selection_box(gbtn, frontend_button_caption_font(gbtn, 0), 0);
        frontnet_draw_small_scroll_selection_box(gbtn, frontend_button_caption_font(gbtn, 0), get_net_comport_text(net_comport_index_active));
Exemple #2
void frontnet_draw_current_message(struct GuiButton *gbtn)
    static TbClockMSec last_time = 0;
    static TbBool print_with_cursor = 1;

    struct PlayerInfo *player;
    int font_idx;
    char text[2048];
    // Blink cursor - switch state every 100ms
    if (LbTimerClock() >= last_time + 100)
        print_with_cursor = !print_with_cursor;
        last_time = LbTimerClock();

    // Get player
    player = get_my_player();
    if (player_invalid(player)) {

    // Prepare text buffer and font
    snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%s%s", player->mp_message_text, print_with_cursor?"_":"");
    font_idx = frontend_button_caption_font(gbtn, 0);
    // And draw the message
    frontnet_draw_scroll_selection_box(gbtn, font_idx, text);
Exemple #3
void frontnet_draw_net_session_players(struct GuiButton *gbtn)
    int i;
    i = frontend_button_caption_font(gbtn, 0);
    lbDisplay.DrawFlags = 0;
    int tx_units_per_px;
    tx_units_per_px = gbtn->height * 16 / (2*LbTextLineHeight());
    const struct TbSprite *spr;
    spr = &frontend_sprite[21];
    int fs_units_per_px;
    fs_units_per_px = gbtn->height * 16 / (2*(spr->SHeight*13/8));
    int height;
    height = LbTextLineHeight() * tx_units_per_px / 16;
    long netplyr_idx;
    int shift_y;
    netplyr_idx = net_player_scroll_offset;
    for (shift_y=0; shift_y < gbtn->height; shift_y += height, netplyr_idx++)
        const char *text;
        text = net_player[netplyr_idx].name;
        if (netplyr_idx >= net_number_of_enum_players)
        spr = &frontend_sprite[21+netplyr_idx];
        i = height - spr->SHeight * fs_units_per_px / 16;
        LbSpriteDrawResized(gbtn->scr_pos_x, gbtn->scr_pos_y + shift_y + abs(i)/2, fs_units_per_px, spr);
        LbTextSetWindow(gbtn->scr_pos_x, shift_y + gbtn->scr_pos_y, gbtn->width - spr->SWidth * fs_units_per_px / 16, height);
        LbTextDrawResized(spr->SWidth * fs_units_per_px / 16, 0, tx_units_per_px, text);
void frontend_draw_invert_mouse(struct GuiButton *gbtn)
    int font_idx;
    font_idx = frontend_button_caption_font(gbtn,frontend_mouse_over_button);
    LbTextSetWindow(gbtn->scr_pos_x, gbtn->scr_pos_y, gbtn->width, gbtn->height);
    int tx_units_per_px;
    tx_units_per_px = gbtn->height * 16 / LbTextLineHeight();
    const char *text;
    if (settings.first_person_move_invert) {
        text = get_string(GUIStr_On);
    } else {
        text = get_string(GUIStr_Off);
    LbTextDrawResized(0, 0, tx_units_per_px, text);
Exemple #5
void frontnet_draw_messages(struct GuiButton *gbtn)
    int font_idx;
    font_idx = frontend_button_caption_font(gbtn, 0);
    lbDisplay.DrawFlags = 0;
    // While setting scale, aim for 4 lines of text
    int tx_units_per_px;
    tx_units_per_px = gbtn->height * 16 / (4*LbTextLineHeight());
    struct TbSprite *spr;
    spr = &frontend_sprite[21];
    int fs_units_per_px;
    fs_units_per_px = gbtn->height * 16 / (4*(spr->SHeight*13/8));
    int font_height;
    font_height = LbTextLineHeight() * tx_units_per_px / 16;
    int y;
    y = 0;
    int netmsg_id;
    for (netmsg_id=net_message_scroll_offset; netmsg_id < net_number_of_messages; netmsg_id++)
        if (y + font_height/2 > gbtn->height)
        struct NetMessage *nmsg;
        nmsg = &net_message[netmsg_id];
        int num_active;
        num_active = 0;
        int i;
        for (i = nmsg->plyr_idx; i > 0; i--)
          if ( net_player_info[i].active)

        spr = &frontend_sprite[21+num_active];

        i = font_height - spr->SHeight * fs_units_per_px / 16;
        LbSpriteDrawResized(gbtn->scr_pos_x, y + gbtn->scr_pos_y + (i >> 1), fs_units_per_px, spr);

        LbTextSetWindow(gbtn->scr_pos_x, y + gbtn->scr_pos_y, gbtn->width, min(font_height, gbtn->height-y));
        LbTextDrawResized(spr->SWidth * fs_units_per_px / 16, 0, tx_units_per_px, nmsg->text);

        y += font_height;
Exemple #6
void frontend_draw_load_game_button(struct GuiButton *gbtn)
    int i;
    i = frontend_load_game_button_to_index(gbtn);
    if (i < 0)
    // Select font to draw
    int font_idx;
    font_idx = frontend_button_caption_font(gbtn,frontend_mouse_over_button);
    lbDisplay.DrawFlags = Lb_TEXT_HALIGN_LEFT;
    // Set drawing window and draw the text
    int tx_units_per_px;
    tx_units_per_px = (gbtn->height*13/11) * 16 / LbTextLineHeight();
    int height;
    height = LbTextLineHeight() * tx_units_per_px / 16;
    LbTextSetWindow(gbtn->scr_pos_x, gbtn->scr_pos_y, gbtn->width, height);
    LbTextDrawResized(0, 0, tx_units_per_px, save_game_catalogue[i].textname);
void frontnet_draw_session_button(struct GuiButton *gbtn)
    long sessionIndex;
    long febtn_idx;
    long height;

    febtn_idx = (long)gbtn->content;
    sessionIndex = net_session_scroll_offset + febtn_idx - 45;
    if ((sessionIndex < 0) || (sessionIndex >= net_number_of_sessions))
    int font_idx;
    font_idx = frontend_button_caption_font(gbtn,frontend_mouse_over_button);
    lbDisplay.DrawFlags = 0;
    int tx_units_per_px;
    tx_units_per_px = gbtn->height * 16 / LbTextLineHeight();
    height = LbTextLineHeight() * tx_units_per_px / 16;
    LbTextSetWindow(gbtn->scr_pos_x, gbtn->scr_pos_y, gbtn->width, height);
    LbTextDrawResized(0, 0, tx_units_per_px, net_session[sessionIndex]->text);
Exemple #8
void frontnet_draw_service_button(struct GuiButton *gbtn)
  int srvidx;
  // Find and verify selected network service
  srvidx = (long)gbtn->content + net_service_scroll_offset - 45;
  if (srvidx >= net_number_of_services)
  // Select font to draw
  int font_idx;
  font_idx = frontend_button_caption_font(gbtn,frontend_mouse_over_button);
  lbDisplay.DrawFlags = Lb_TEXT_HALIGN_LEFT;
  // Set drawing window and draw the text
  int tx_units_per_px;
  tx_units_per_px = gbtn->height * 16 / LbTextLineHeight();
  int height;
  height = LbTextLineHeight() * tx_units_per_px / 16;
  LbTextSetWindow(gbtn->scr_pos_x, gbtn->scr_pos_y, gbtn->width, height);
  LbTextDrawResized(0, 0, tx_units_per_px, net_service[srvidx]);
Exemple #9
void frontnet_draw_comport_button(struct GuiButton *gbtn)
    int i;
    int febtn_idx;
    febtn_idx = (long)gbtn->content;
    i = net_comport_scroll_offset + febtn_idx - 45;
    if (i < number_of_comports)
        int font_idx;
        font_idx = frontend_button_caption_font(gbtn,frontend_mouse_over_button);
        lbDisplay.DrawFlags = 0;
        const char *text;
        text = get_net_comport_text(i);
        int tx_units_per_px;
        tx_units_per_px = (gbtn->height*13/14) * 16 / LbTextLineHeight();
        int height;
        height = LbTextLineHeight() * tx_units_per_px / 16;
        LbTextSetWindow(gbtn->scr_pos_x, gbtn->scr_pos_y, gbtn->width, height);
        LbTextDrawResized(0, 0, tx_units_per_px, text);
void frontnet_draw_session_selected(struct GuiButton *gbtn)
    struct TbSprite *spr;
    long pos_x, pos_y;
    int i;
    pos_x = gbtn->scr_pos_x;
    pos_y = gbtn->scr_pos_y;
    int fs_units_per_px;
    fs_units_per_px = simple_frontend_sprite_height_units_per_px(gbtn, 56, 100);
    spr = &frontend_sprite[55];
    for (i=0; i < 6; i++)
        LbSpriteDrawResized(pos_x, pos_y, fs_units_per_px, spr);
        pos_x += spr->SWidth * fs_units_per_px / 16;
    if (net_session_index_active >= 0)
        const char *text;
        text = net_session[net_session_index_active]->text;
        i = frontend_button_caption_font(gbtn, 0);
        if (text != NULL)
            lbDisplay.DrawFlags = 0;
            // Set drawing window and draw the text
            int tx_units_per_px;
            tx_units_per_px = (gbtn->height*13/14) * 16 / LbTextLineHeight();
            int h;
            h = LbTextLineHeight()*tx_units_per_px/16;
            LbTextSetWindow(gbtn->scr_pos_x + 13*fs_units_per_px/16, gbtn->scr_pos_y, gbtn->width - 26*fs_units_per_px/16, h);
            LbTextDrawResized(0, 0, tx_units_per_px, text);