Exemple #1
/* Remember that pcap descriptor is in nonblocking state. */
int do_actual_pcap_read(struct nevent *nse) {
  mspcap *mp = (mspcap *)nse->iod->pcap;
  nsock_pcap npp;
  nsock_pcap *n;
  struct pcap_pkthdr *pkt_header;
  const unsigned char *pkt_data = NULL;
  int rc;

  memset(&npp, 0, sizeof(nsock_pcap));

  nsock_log_debug_all(nse->iod->nsp, "PCAP %s TEST (IOD #%li) (EID #%li)",
                      __func__, nse->iod->id, nse->id);

  assert(fs_length(&(nse->iobuf)) == 0);

  rc = pcap_next_ex(mp->pt, &pkt_header, &pkt_data);
  switch (rc) {
    case 1: /* read good packet  */
      npp.ts     = pkt_header->ts;
      /* On these platforms time received from pcap is invalid.
       * It's better to set current time */
      memcpy(&npp.ts, nsock_gettimeofday(), sizeof(struct timeval));
      npp.len    = pkt_header->len;
      npp.caplen = pkt_header->caplen;
      npp.packet = pkt_data;

      fs_cat(&(nse->iobuf), (char *)&npp, sizeof(npp));
      fs_cat(&(nse->iobuf), (char *)pkt_data, npp.caplen);
      n = (nsock_pcap *)fs_str(&(nse->iobuf));
      n->packet = (unsigned char *)fs_str(&(nse->iobuf)) + sizeof(npp);

                          "PCAP %s READ (IOD #%li) (EID #%li) size=%i",
                          __func__, nse->iod->id, nse->id, pkt_header->caplen);
      rc = 1;

    case 0: /* timeout */
      rc = 0;

    case -1: /* error */
      fatal("pcap_next_ex() fatal error while reading from pcap: %s\n",

    case -2: /* no more packets in savefile (if reading from one) */
      fatal("Unexpected return code from pcap_next_ex! (%d)\n", rc);

  return rc;
Exemple #2
/* Write some data to the socket.  If the write is not COMPLETED within
 * timeout_msecs , NSE_STATUS_TIMEOUT will be returned.  If you are supplying
 * NUL-terminated data, you can optionally pass -1 for datalen and nsock_write
 * will figure out the length itself */
nsock_event_id nsock_write(nsock_pool ms_pool, nsock_iod ms_iod,
          nsock_ev_handler handler, int timeout_msecs, void *userdata, const char *data, int datalen) {
  mspool *nsp = (mspool *)ms_pool;
  msiod *nsi = (msiod *)ms_iod;
  msevent *nse;
  char displaystr[256];

  nse = msevent_new(nsp, NSE_TYPE_WRITE, nsi, timeout_msecs, handler, userdata);

  nse->writeinfo.dest.ss_family = AF_UNSPEC;

  if (datalen < 0)
    datalen = (int)strlen(data);

    if (nsp->loglevel == NSOCK_LOG_DBG_ALL && datalen < 80) {
      memcpy(displaystr, ": ", 2);
      memcpy(displaystr + 2, data, datalen);
      displaystr[2 + datalen] = '\0';
      replacenonprintable(displaystr + 2, datalen, '.');
    } else {
      displaystr[0] = '\0';

    nsock_log_debug(nsp, "Write request for %d bytes to IOD #%li EID %li [%s]%s",
                    datalen, nsi->id, nse->id, get_peeraddr_string(nsi), displaystr);

  fs_cat(&nse->iobuf, data, datalen);

  nsp_add_event(nsp, nse);

  return nse->id;
Exemple #3
nsock_event_id nsock_sendto(nsock_pool ms_pool, nsock_iod ms_iod, nsock_ev_handler handler, int timeout_msecs,
                            void *userdata, struct sockaddr *saddr, size_t sslen, unsigned short port, const char *data, int datalen) {
  mspool *nsp = (mspool *)ms_pool;
  msiod *nsi = (msiod *)ms_iod;
  msevent *nse;
  char displaystr[256];
  struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)saddr;
  struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)saddr;

  nse = msevent_new(nsp, NSE_TYPE_WRITE, nsi, timeout_msecs, handler, userdata);

  if (saddr->sa_family == AF_INET) {
    sin->sin_port = htons(port);
  } else if (saddr->sa_family == AF_INET6) {
  } else {
    assert(saddr->sa_family == AF_INET6);
    sin6->sin6_port = htons(port);
    fatal("IPv6 address passed to %s call, but nsock was not compiled w/IPv6 support", __func__);

  assert(sslen <= sizeof(nse->writeinfo.dest));
  memcpy(&nse->writeinfo.dest, saddr, sslen);
  nse->writeinfo.destlen = sslen;

  assert(sslen <= sizeof(nse->iod->peer));
  memcpy(&nse->iod->peer, saddr, sslen);
  nse->iod->peerlen = sslen;

  if (datalen < 0)
    datalen = (int) strlen(data);

  if (nsp->loglevel == NSOCK_LOG_DBG_ALL && datalen < 80) {
    memcpy(displaystr, ": ", 2);
    memcpy(displaystr + 2, data, datalen);
    displaystr[2 + datalen] = '\0';
    replacenonprintable(displaystr + 2, datalen, '.');
  } else {
    displaystr[0] = '\0';
  nsock_log_debug(nsp, "Sendto request for %d bytes to IOD #%li EID %li [%s]%s",
                  datalen, nsi->id, nse->id, get_peeraddr_string(nse->iod), displaystr);

  fs_cat(&nse->iobuf, data, datalen);

  nsp_add_event(nsp, nse);

  return nse->id;
Exemple #4
/* Returns -1 if an error, otherwise the number of newly written bytes */
static int do_actual_read(struct npool *ms, struct nevent *nse) {
  char buf[8192];
  int buflen = 0;
  struct niod *iod = nse->iod;
  int err = 0;
  int max_chunk = NSOCK_READ_CHUNK_SIZE;
  int startlen = fs_length(&nse->iobuf);

  if (nse->readinfo.read_type == NSOCK_READBYTES)
    max_chunk = nse->readinfo.num;

  if (!iod->ssl) {
    do {
      struct sockaddr_storage peer;
      socklen_t peerlen;

      peerlen = sizeof(peer);
      buflen = recvfrom(iod->sd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&peer, &peerlen);

      /* Using recv() was failing, at least on UNIX, for non-network sockets
       * (i.e. stdin) in this case, a read() is done - as on ENOTSOCK we may
       * have a non-network socket */
      if (buflen == -1) {
        if (socket_errno() == ENOTSOCK) {
          peer.ss_family = AF_UNSPEC;
          peerlen = 0;
          buflen = read(iod->sd, buf, sizeof(buf));
      if (buflen == -1) {
        err = socket_errno();
      if (peerlen > 0) {
        assert(peerlen <= sizeof(iod->peer));
        memcpy(&iod->peer, &peer, peerlen);
        iod->peerlen = peerlen;
      if (buflen > 0) {
        if (fs_cat(&nse->iobuf, buf, buflen) == -1) {
          nse->event_done = 1;
          nse->status = NSE_STATUS_ERROR;
          nse->errnum = ENOMEM;
          return -1;

        /* Sometimes a service just spews and spews data.  So we return after a
         * somewhat large amount to avoid monopolizing resources and avoid DOS
         * attacks. */
        if (fs_length(&nse->iobuf) > max_chunk)
          return fs_length(&nse->iobuf) - startlen;

        /* No good reason to read again if we we were successful in the read but
         * didn't fill up the buffer.  Especially for UDP, where we want to
         * return only one datagram at a time. The consistency of the above
         * assignment of iod->peer depends on not consolidating more than one
         * UDP read buffer. */
        if (buflen > 0 && buflen < sizeof(buf))
          return fs_length(&nse->iobuf) - startlen;
    } while (buflen > 0 || (buflen == -1 && err == EINTR));

    if (buflen == -1) {
      if (err != EINTR && err != EAGAIN) {
        nse->event_done = 1;
        nse->status = NSE_STATUS_ERROR;
        nse->errnum = err;
        return -1;
  } else {
    /* OpenSSL read */
    while ((buflen = SSL_read(iod->ssl, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) {

      if (fs_cat(&nse->iobuf, buf, buflen) == -1) {
        nse->event_done = 1;
        nse->status = NSE_STATUS_ERROR;
        nse->errnum = ENOMEM;
        return -1;

      /* Sometimes a service just spews and spews data.  So we return
       * after a somewhat large amount to avoid monopolizing resources
       * and avoid DOS attacks. */
      if (fs_length(&nse->iobuf) > max_chunk)
        return fs_length(&nse->iobuf) - startlen;

    if (buflen == -1) {
      err = SSL_get_error(iod->ssl, buflen);
      if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ) {
        int evclr;

        evclr = socket_count_dec_ssl_desire(nse);
        update_events(iod, ms, EV_READ, evclr);
        nse->sslinfo.ssl_desire = err;
      } else if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) {
        int evclr;

        evclr = socket_count_dec_ssl_desire(nse);
        update_events(iod, ms, EV_WRITE, evclr);
        nse->sslinfo.ssl_desire = err;
      } else {
        /* Unexpected error */
        nse->event_done = 1;
        nse->status = NSE_STATUS_ERROR;
        nse->errnum = EIO;
        nsock_log_info("SSL_read() failed for reason %s on NSI %li",
                       ERR_error_string(err, NULL), iod->id);
        return -1;
#endif /* HAVE_OPENSSL */

  if (buflen == 0) {
    nse->event_done = 1;
    nse->eof = 1;
    if (fs_length(&nse->iobuf) > 0) {
      nse->status = NSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
      return fs_length(&nse->iobuf) - startlen;
    } else {
      nse->status = NSE_STATUS_EOF;
      return 0;

  return fs_length(&nse->iobuf) - startlen;
Exemple #5
/* Same as nsock_write except you can use a printf-style format and you can only use this for ASCII strings */
nsock_event_id nsock_printf(nsock_pool ms_pool, nsock_iod ms_iod,
          nsock_ev_handler handler, int timeout_msecs, void *userdata, char *format, ...) {
  mspool *nsp = (mspool *)ms_pool;
  msiod *nsi = (msiod *)ms_iod;
  msevent *nse;
  char buf[4096];
  char *buf2 = NULL;
  int res, res2;
  int strlength = 0;
  char displaystr[256];

  va_list ap;

  nse = msevent_new(nsp, NSE_TYPE_WRITE, nsi, timeout_msecs, handler, userdata);

  res = Vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, ap);

  if (res != -1) {
    if (res > sizeof(buf)) {
      buf2 = (char * )safe_malloc(res + 16);
      res2 = Vsnprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf), format, ap);
      if (res2 == -1 || res2 > res) {
        buf2 = NULL;
      } else
        strlength = res2;
    } else {
      buf2 = buf;
      strlength = res;

  if (!buf2) {
    nse->event_done = 1;
    nse->status = NSE_STATUS_ERROR;
    nse->errnum = EMSGSIZE;
  } else {
    if (strlength == 0) {
      nse->event_done = 1;
      nse->status = NSE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    } else {
      fs_cat(&nse->iobuf, buf2, strlength);

  if (nsp->loglevel == NSOCK_LOG_DBG_ALL && nse->status != NSE_STATUS_ERROR && strlength < 80) {
    memcpy(displaystr, ": ", 2);
    memcpy(displaystr + 2, buf2, strlength);
    displaystr[2 + strlength] = '\0';
    replacenonprintable(displaystr + 2, strlength, '.');
  } else {
    displaystr[0] = '\0';

  nsock_log_debug(nsp, "Write request for %d bytes to IOD #%li EID %li [%s]%s",
                  strlength, nsi->id, nse->id, get_peeraddr_string(nsi), displaystr);

  if (buf2 != buf)

  nsp_add_event(nsp, nse);

  return nse->id;
Exemple #6
int process_request(const char *line, FILE *fp, FileSystem *fs) {
    char command[4096];
#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "process request `%s`\n", line);
    sscanf(line, "%s", command);
#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "command is `%s`\n", command);
    if (0 == strcmp("f", command)) {
        return RESULT_DONE;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("mk", command)) {
        char f[4096];
        char parent_path[4096];
        sscanf(line + 2, "%s", f);
#ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf(stderr, "> mk `%s`\n", f);
        if (fs_exists(fs, f)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
            fprintf(stderr, "> `%s` already exists\n", f);
            return RESULT_NO;
        } else {
#ifdef DEBUG
            fprintf(stderr, "> going to create `%s`\n", f);
        fs_split_path(f, parent_path, NULL);
        if (fs_isdir(fs, parent_path)) {
            if (fs_create(fs, f)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
                fprintf(stderr, "> failed to create `%s`\n", f);
                return RESULT_NO;
            return RESULT_YES;
#ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf(stderr, "> parent path `%s` is not a directory\n", parent_path);
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("mkdir", command)) {
        char d[4096];
        char parent_path[4096];
        sscanf(line + 5, "%s", d);
        if (fs_exists(fs, d)) {
            return RESULT_NO;
        fs_split_path(d, parent_path, NULL);
        if (fs_isdir(fs, parent_path)) {
            if (fs_mkdir(fs, d)) {
                return RESULT_NO;
            return RESULT_YES;
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("rm", command)) {
        char f[4096];
        sscanf(line + 2, "%s", f);
        if (fs_isfile(fs, f)) {
            if (fs_unlink(fs, f)) {
                return RESULT_NO;
            return RESULT_YES;
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("cd", command)) {
        char path[4096];
        sscanf(line + 2, "%s", path);
        if (fs_isdir(fs, path)) {
            if (fs_chdir(fs, path)) {
                return RESULT_NO;
            return RESULT_YES;
#ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf(stderr, "`%s` is not a directory\n", path);
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("rmdir", command)) {
        char d[4096];
        sscanf(line + 5, "%s", d);
        if (fs_isdir(fs, d)) {
            if (fs_rmdir(fs, d)) {
                return RESULT_NO;
            return RESULT_YES;
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("ls", command)) {
        fs_ls(fs, fp);
        return RESULT_ELSE;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("cat", command)) {
        char f[4096];
        sscanf(line + 3, "%s", f);
        if (fs_isfile(fs, f)) {
            fs_cat(fs, f, fp);
            return RESULT_ELSE;
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("w", command)) {
        char f[4096];
        int l;
        char data[4096];
        sscanf(line + 1, "%s %d %[^\n]", f, &l, data);
        if (fs_isfile(fs, f)) {
            if (fs_write(fs, f, l, data)) {
                return RESULT_NO;
            return RESULT_YES;
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("i", command)) {
        char f[4096];
        int pos;
        int l;
        char data[4096];
        sscanf(line + 1, "%s %d %d %[^\n]", f, &pos, &l, data);
        if (fs_isfile(fs, f)) {
            if (fs_insert(fs, f, pos, l, data)) {
                return RESULT_NO;
            return RESULT_YES;
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("d", command)) {
        char f[4096];
        int pos;
        int l;
        sscanf(line + 1, "%s %d %d", f, &pos, &l);
        if (fs_isfile(fs, f)) {
            if (fs_delete(fs, f, pos, l)) {
                return RESULT_NO;
            return RESULT_YES;
        return RESULT_NO;
    } else if (0 == strcmp("e", command)) {
        return RESULT_EXIT;
    return RESULT_ELSE;
Exemple #7
void fs_test(int tid)
  fun_string f[25];
  unsigned char d1[] = "kungfu\0kaleidescopes", d2[] = "funintheSun";
  size_t count;

  printf("[%d] START: FUN STRING test!\n", tid);

  assert(f[1] = fs_new(d1, 20, 0));
  assert(f[2] = fs_new(d1, 20, 0));
  assert(f[3] = fs_new(d2, 11, 0));

  assert(!fs_cmp(f[1], f[2]));
  assert(fs_cmp(f[1], f[3]));

  assert(f[4] = fs_resize(f[1], 10));
  assert(f[5] = fs_resize(f[2], 15));
  assert(f[6] = fs_resize(f[3], 10));
  assert(fs_cmp(f[4], f[5]));
  assert(!fs_ncmp(f[4], f[5], 10));
  assert(!fs_ncmp(f[3], f[6], 10));

  assert(f[7] = fs_access(f[1], 3, 10));
  assert(f[8] = fs_access(f[4], 3, 5));
  assert(f[9] = fs_access(f[5], 5, 10));

  assert(!fs_ncmp(f[7], f[8], 3));
  assert(fs_cmp(f[7], f[8]));
  assert(fs_ncmp(f[7], f[9], 5));

  assert(10 == fs_len(f[7]));
  assert(5 == fs_len(f[8]));
  assert(10 == fs_len(f[7]));
  assert(20 == fs_len(f[1]));
  assert(10 == fs_len(f[4]));
  assert(11 == fs_len(f[3]));

  assert(f[10] = fs_set(f[1], '9', 40));
  assert(f[11] = fs_set(f[1], '9', 50));
  assert(f[12] = fs_set(f[1], 'A', 40));

  assert(!fs_ncmp(f[10], f[11], 30));
  assert(fs_cmp(f[10], f[11]));
  assert(fs_cmp(f[10], f[12]));
  assert(fs_cmp(f[1], f[10]));

  assert(f[13] = fs_dup(f[1]));
  assert(f[14] = fs_dup(f[2]));
  assert(f[15] = fs_dup(f[4]));

  assert(!fs_cmp(f[13], f[14]));
  assert(!fs_ncmp(f[13], f[15], 5));
  assert(fs_cmp(f[13], f[6]));

  assert(f[16] = fs_chr(f[1], 'g'));
  assert(f[17] = fs_chr(f[4], 'g'));
  assert(f[18] = fs_rchr(f[1], 'g'));

  assert(!fs_ncmp(f[16], f[17], 3));
  assert(!fs_cmp(f[16], f[18]));
  assert(fs_cmp(f[16], f[7]));

  assert(f[19] = fs_cat(f[3], f[16]));
  assert(f[20] = fs_cat(f[3], f[18]));
  assert(f[21] = fs_ncat(f[3], f[17], 2));

  assert(!fs_cmp(f[19], f[20]));
  assert(fs_cmp(f[19], f[21]));
  assert(!fs_ncmp(f[19], f[21], 13));

  // To test
  // cat
  // ncat


  printf("[%d] Strings destroyed!\n", tid);

  printf("[%d] END: FUN STRING Test!\n\n", tid);