Exemple #1
int ensure_volume_mounted(fstab_rec* v) {
    if (v == NULL) {
        LOGE("cannot mount unknown volume\n");
        return -1;
    if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "ramdisk") == 0) {
        // the ramdisk is always mounted.
        return 0;

    int result;
    result = scan_mounted_volumes();
    if (result < 0) {
        LOGE("failed to scan mounted volumes\n");
        return -1;

    if (!fs_mgr_is_voldmanaged(v)) {
        const MountedVolume* mv =
        if (mv) {
            // volume is already mounted
            return 0;

    mkdir_p(v->mount_point, 0755);  // in case it doesn't already exist

    if (fs_mgr_is_voldmanaged(v)) {
        if (!strcmp(v->mount_point, "auto")) {
            return vold_mount_auto_volume(v->label, 1);
        return vold_mount_volume(v->mount_point, 1);

    } else if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "yaffs2") == 0) {
        // mount an MTD partition as a YAFFS2 filesystem.
        const MtdPartition* partition;
        partition = mtd_find_partition_by_name(v->blk_device);
        if (partition == NULL) {
            LOGE("failed to find \"%s\" partition to mount at \"%s\"\n",
                 v->blk_device, v->mount_point);
            return -1;
        return mtd_mount_partition(partition, v->mount_point, v->fs_type, 0);
    } else if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "ext4") == 0 ||
               strcmp(v->fs_type, "f2fs") == 0 ||
               strcmp(v->fs_type, "vfat") == 0) {
        result = mount(v->blk_device, v->mount_point, v->fs_type,
                       MS_NOATIME | MS_NODEV | MS_NODIRATIME, "");
        if (result == 0) return 0;

        LOGE("failed to mount %s (%s)\n", v->mount_point, strerror(errno));
        return -1;

    LOGE("unknown fs_type \"%s\" for %s\n", v->fs_type, v->mount_point);
    return -1;
void TrimTask::addFromFstab() {
    std::unique_ptr<fstab, decltype(&fs_mgr_free_fstab)> fstab(fs_mgr_read_fstab_default(),
    struct fstab_rec *prev_rec = NULL;

    for (int i = 0; i < fstab->num_entries; i++) {
        /* Skip raw partitions */
        if (!strcmp(fstab->recs[i].fs_type, "emmc") ||
            !strcmp(fstab->recs[i].fs_type, "mtd")) {
        /* Skip read-only filesystems */
        if (fstab->recs[i].flags & MS_RDONLY) {
        if (fs_mgr_is_voldmanaged(&fstab->recs[i])) {
            continue; /* Should we trim fat32 filesystems? */
        if (fs_mgr_is_notrim(&fstab->recs[i])) {

        /* Skip the multi-type partitions, which are required to be following each other.
         * See fs_mgr.c's mount_with_alternatives().
        if (prev_rec && !strcmp(prev_rec->mount_point, fstab->recs[i].mount_point)) {

        prev_rec = &fstab->recs[i];
Exemple #3
static int is_volume_primary_storage(fstab_rec* v)
    // Static mount point /sdcard is primary storage, except when it's
    // declared as datamedia
    if (strcmp(v->mount_point, "/sdcard") == 0) {
        if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "datamedia") == 0) {
            return 0;
        return 1;

    // Detect static and dynamic mount points named sdcard*
    const char* endp = NULL;
    if (strncmp(v->mount_point, "/mnt/media_rw/sdcard", 20) == 0) {
        endp = &v->mount_point[20];
    else if (fs_mgr_is_voldmanaged(v) && strncmp(v->label, "sdcard", 6) == 0) {
        endp = &v->label[6];
    if (endp) {
        // If the name ends with a non-zero value, it's not primary
        if (isdigit(*endp) && atoi(endp) != 0) {
            return 0;
        return 1;

    return 0;
Exemple #4
int setup_install_mounts() {
    if (fstab == NULL) {
        LOGE("can't set up install mounts: no fstab loaded\n");
        return -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < fstab->num_entries; ++i) {
        fstab_rec* v = fstab->recs + i;

        if (strcmp(v->mount_point, "/tmp") == 0 ||
            strcmp(v->mount_point, "/cache") == 0) {
            if (ensure_path_mounted(v->mount_point) != 0) {
                LOGE("failed to mount %s\n", v->mount_point);
                return -1;

        } else {
            // datamedia and anything managed by vold must be unmounted
            // with the detach flag to ensure that FUSE works.
            bool detach = false;
            if (is_data_media() && strcmp(v->mount_point, "/data") == 0) {
                detach = true;
            if (fs_mgr_is_voldmanaged(v)) {
                detach = true;
            if (ensure_volume_unmounted(v, detach) != 0) {
                LOGE("failed to unmount %s\n", v->mount_point);
                return -1;
    return 0;
Exemple #5
int get_num_extra_volumes() {
    int num = 0;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < get_num_volumes(); i++) {
        Volume* v = get_device_volumes() + i;
        if ((strcmp("/external_sd", v->mount_point) == 0) ||
                ((strcmp(get_primary_storage_path(), v->mount_point) != 0) &&
                fs_mgr_is_voldmanaged(v) && vold_is_volume_available(v->mount_point)))
    return num;
Exemple #6
static void write_fstab_entry(fstab_rec *v, FILE *file)
    if (NULL != v && strcmp(v->fs_type, "mtd") != 0 && strcmp(v->fs_type, "emmc") != 0
                  && strcmp(v->fs_type, "bml") != 0 && !fs_mgr_is_voldmanaged(v)
                  && strncmp(v->blk_device, "/", 1) == 0
                  && strncmp(v->mount_point, "/", 1) == 0) {

        fprintf(file, "%s ", v->blk_device);
        fprintf(file, "%s ", v->mount_point);
        fprintf(file, "%s defaults\n", v->fs_type);
Exemple #7
int is_data_media() {
    int i;
    int has_sdcard = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < get_num_volumes(); i++) {
        Volume* vol = get_device_volumes() + i;
        if (strcmp(vol->fs_type, "datamedia") == 0)
            return 1;
        if (strcmp(vol->mount_point, "/sdcard") == 0)
            has_sdcard = 1;
        if (fs_mgr_is_voldmanaged(vol) &&
                (strcmp(vol->mount_point, "/storage/sdcard0") == 0))
            has_sdcard = 1;
    return !has_sdcard;
Exemple #8
storage_item* get_storage_items() {
    storage_item* items = (storage_item*)calloc(MAX_NUM_MANAGED_VOLUMES+1, sizeof(storage_item));
    int i;
    storage_item* item = items;

    if (is_data_media()) {
        item->vol = volume_for_path("/data");
        item->label = strdup("internal storage");
        item->path = strdup("/data/media");
    for (i = 0; i < get_num_volumes(); i++) {
        fstab_rec* v = get_device_volumes() + i;

        // Internal storage was allocated above
        if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "datamedia") == 0)

        if (strcmp(v->mount_point, "/external_sd") == 0 ||
                strncmp(v->mount_point, "/sdcard", 7) == 0) {
            item->vol = v;
            item->label = strdup(&v->mount_point[1]);
            item->path = strdup(v->mount_point);
        else if (strncmp(v->mount_point, "/mnt/media_rw/sdcard", 20) == 0) {
            item->vol = v;
            item->label = strdup(&v->mount_point[14]);
            item->path = strdup(v->mount_point);
        else if (fs_mgr_is_voldmanaged(v) && strncmp(v->label, "sdcard", 6) == 0) {
            char* path = (char*)malloc(9+strlen(v->label)+1);
            sprintf(path, "/storage/%s", v->label);
            if (vold_is_volume_available(path)) {
                item->vol = v;
                item->label = strdup(v->label);
                item->path = strdup(path);

    return items;
Exemple #9
void load_volume_table() {
    int i;
    int ret;

    fstab = fs_mgr_read_fstab("/etc/recovery.fstab");
    if (!fstab) {
        LOGE("failed to read /etc/recovery.fstab\n");

    ret = fs_mgr_add_entry(fstab, "/tmp", "ramdisk", "ramdisk", 0);
    if (ret < 0 ) {
        LOGE("failed to add /tmp entry to fstab\n");
        fstab = NULL;

    // Process vold-managed volumes with mount point "auto"
    for (i = 0; i < fstab->num_entries; ++i) {
        Volume* v = &fstab->recs[i];
        if (fs_mgr_is_voldmanaged(v) && strcmp(v->mount_point, "auto") == 0) {
            char mount[PATH_MAX];

            // Set the mount point to /storage/label which as used by vold
            snprintf(mount, PATH_MAX, "/storage/%s", v->label);
            v->mount_point = strdup(mount);

    fprintf(stderr, "recovery filesystem table\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "=========================\n");
    for (i = 0; i < fstab->num_entries; ++i) {
        Volume* v = &fstab->recs[i];
        fprintf(stderr, "  %d %s %s %s %lld\n", i, v->mount_point, v->fs_type,
               v->blk_device, v->length);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
Exemple #10
int ensure_volume_unmounted(fstab_rec* v, bool detach) {
    if (v == NULL) {
        LOGE("cannot unmount unknown volume\n");
        return -1;
    if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "ramdisk") == 0) {
        // the ramdisk is always mounted; you can't unmount it.
        return -1;

    int result;
    result = scan_mounted_volumes();
    if (result < 0) {
        LOGE("failed to scan mounted volumes\n");
        return -1;

    if (fs_mgr_is_voldmanaged(v)) {
        if (!strcmp(v->mount_point, "auto")) {
            return vold_unmount_auto_volume(v->label, 0, 1, detach);
        return vold_unmount_volume(v->mount_point, 0, 1, detach);

    const MountedVolume* mv =
    if (mv == NULL) {
        // volume is already unmounted
        return 0;

    if (detach) {
        result = unmount_mounted_volume_detach(mv);
    else {
        result = unmount_mounted_volume(mv);

    return result;
Exemple #11
int ensure_path_unmounted(const char* path) {
    // if we are using /data/media, do not ever unmount volumes /data or /sdcard
    if (is_data_media_volume_path(path)) {
        return ensure_path_unmounted("/data");
    if (strstr(path, "/data") == path && is_data_media() && !ignore_data_media) {
        return 0;

    Volume* v = volume_for_path(path);
    if (v == NULL) {
        LOGE("unknown volume for path [%s]\n", path);
        return -1;

    if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "ramdisk") == 0) {
        // the ramdisk is always mounted; you can't unmount it.
        return -1;

    int result;
    result = scan_mounted_volumes();
    if (result < 0) {
        LOGE("failed to scan mounted volumes\n");
        return -1;

    const MountedVolume* mv =
    if (mv == NULL) {
        // volume is already unmounted
        return 0;

    if (fs_mgr_is_voldmanaged(volume_for_path(v->mount_point)))
        return vold_unmount_volume(v->mount_point, 0, 1) == CommandOkay ? 0 : -1;

    return unmount_mounted_volume(mv);
Exemple #12
int is_primary_storage_voldmanaged() {
    Volume* v;
    v = volume_for_path("/storage/sdcard0");
    return fs_mgr_is_voldmanaged(v);
Exemple #13
int format_volume(const char* volume) {
    if (is_data_media_volume_path(volume)) {
        return format_unknown_device(NULL, volume, NULL);
    // check to see if /data is being formatted, and if it is /data/media
    // Note: the /sdcard check is redundant probably, just being safe.
    if (strstr(volume, "/data") == volume && is_data_media() && !ignore_data_media) {
        return format_unknown_device(NULL, volume, NULL);

    Volume* v = volume_for_path(volume);
    if (v == NULL) {
        // silent failure for sd-ext
        if (strcmp(volume, "/sd-ext") != 0)
            LOGE("unknown volume '%s'\n", volume);
        return -1;
    // silent failure to format non existing sd-ext when defined in recovery.fstab
    if (strcmp(volume, "/sd-ext") == 0) {
        struct stat s;
        if (0 != stat(v->blk_device, &s)) {
            LOGI("Skipping format of sd-ext\n");
            return -1;

    // Only use vold format for exact matches otherwise /sdcard will be
    // formatted instead of /storage/sdcard0/.android_secure
    if (fs_mgr_is_voldmanaged(v) && strcmp(volume, v->mount_point) == 0) {
        if (ensure_path_unmounted(volume) != 0) {
            LOGE("format_volume failed to unmount %s", v->mount_point);
        return vold_format_volume(v->mount_point, 1) == CommandOkay ? 0 : -1;

    if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "ramdisk") == 0) {
        // you can't format the ramdisk.
        LOGE("can't format_volume \"%s\"", volume);
        return -1;
    if (strcmp(v->mount_point, volume) != 0) {
#if 0
        LOGE("can't give path \"%s\" to format_volume\n", volume);
        return -1;
        return format_unknown_device(v->blk_device, volume, NULL);

    if (ensure_path_unmounted(volume) != 0) {
        LOGE("format_volume failed to unmount \"%s\"\n", v->mount_point);
        return -1;

    if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "yaffs2") == 0 || strcmp(v->fs_type, "mtd") == 0) {
        const MtdPartition* partition = mtd_find_partition_by_name(v->blk_device);
        if (partition == NULL) {
            LOGE("format_volume: no MTD partition \"%s\"\n", v->blk_device);
            return -1;

        MtdWriteContext *write = mtd_write_partition(partition);
        if (write == NULL) {
            LOGW("format_volume: can't open MTD \"%s\"\n", v->blk_device);
            return -1;
        } else if (mtd_erase_blocks(write, -1) == (off_t) -1) {
            LOGW("format_volume: can't erase MTD \"%s\"\n", v->blk_device);
            return -1;
        } else if (mtd_write_close(write)) {
            LOGW("format_volume: can't close MTD \"%s\"\n", v->blk_device);
            return -1;
        return 0;

    if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "ext4") == 0) {
        int result = make_ext4fs(v->blk_device, v->length, volume, sehandle);
        if (result != 0) {
            LOGE("format_volume: make_extf4fs failed on %s\n", v->blk_device);
            return -1;
        return 0;

#ifdef USE_F2FS
    if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "f2fs") == 0) {
        int result = make_f2fs_main(v->blk_device, v->mount_point);
        if (result != 0) {
            LOGE("format_volume: mkfs.f2f2 failed on %s\n", v->blk_device);
            return -1;
        return 0;

#if 0
    LOGE("format_volume: fs_type \"%s\" unsupported\n", v->fs_type);
    return -1;
    return format_unknown_device(v->blk_device, volume, v->fs_type);
Exemple #14
int ensure_path_mounted_at_mount_point(const char* path, const char* mount_point) {
    if (is_data_media_volume_path(path)) {
        if (ui_should_log_stdout()) {
            LOGI("using /data/media for %s.\n", path);
        int ret;
        if (0 != (ret = ensure_path_mounted("/data")))
            return ret;
        return 0;
    Volume* v = volume_for_path(path);
    if (v == NULL) {
        LOGE("unknown volume for path [%s]\n", path);
        return -1;
    if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "ramdisk") == 0) {
        // the ramdisk is always mounted.
        return 0;

    int result;
    result = scan_mounted_volumes();
    if (result < 0) {
        LOGE("failed to scan mounted volumes\n");
        return -1;

    if (NULL == mount_point)
        mount_point = v->mount_point;

    const MountedVolume* mv =
    if (mv) {
        // volume is already mounted
        return 0;

    mkdir(mount_point, 0755);  // in case it doesn't already exist

    if (fs_mgr_is_voldmanaged(v)) {
        return vold_mount_volume(mount_point, 1) == CommandOkay ? 0 : -1;

    } else if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "yaffs2") == 0) {
        // mount an MTD partition as a YAFFS2 filesystem.
        const MtdPartition* partition;
        partition = mtd_find_partition_by_name(v->blk_device);
        if (partition == NULL) {
            LOGE("failed to find \"%s\" partition to mount at \"%s\"\n",
                 v->blk_device, mount_point);
            return -1;
        return mtd_mount_partition(partition, mount_point, v->fs_type, 0);
    } else if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "ext4") == 0 ||
               strcmp(v->fs_type, "ext3") == 0 ||
               strcmp(v->fs_type, "rfs") == 0 ||
               strcmp(v->fs_type, "vfat") == 0) {
        if ((result = try_mount(v->blk_device, mount_point, v->fs_type, v->fs_options)) == 0)
            return 0;
        if ((result = try_mount(v->blk_device, mount_point, v->fs_type2, v->fs_options2)) == 0)
            return 0;
        if ((result = try_mount(v->blk_device2, mount_point, v->fs_type2, v->fs_options2)) == 0)
            return 0;
        return result;
    } else {
        // let's try mounting with the mount binary and hope for the best.
        char mount_cmd[PATH_MAX];
        sprintf(mount_cmd, "mount %s", mount_point);
        return __system(mount_cmd);

    return -1;
Exemple #15
int format_volume(const char* volume, bool force) {
    if (strcmp(volume, "media") == 0) {
        if (!is_data_media()) {
            return 0;
        if (ensure_path_mounted("/data") != 0) {
            LOGE("format_volume failed to mount /data\n");
            return -1;
        int rc = 0;
        rc = rmtree_except("/data/media", NULL);
        return rc;

    fstab_rec* v = volume_for_path(volume);
    if (v == NULL) {
        LOGE("unknown volume \"%s\"\n", volume);
        return -1;
    if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "ramdisk") == 0) {
        // you can't format the ramdisk.
        LOGE("can't format_volume \"%s\"", volume);
        return -1;
    if (strcmp(v->mount_point, volume) != 0) {
        LOGE("can't give path \"%s\" to format_volume\n", volume);
        return -1;

    if (strcmp(volume, "/data") == 0 && is_data_media() && !force) {
        if (ensure_path_mounted("/data") == 0) {
            // Preserve .layout_version to avoid "nesting bug"
            LOGI("Preserving layout version\n");
            unsigned char layout_buf[256];
            ssize_t layout_buflen = -1;
            int fd;
            fd = open("/data/.layout_version", O_RDONLY);
            if (fd != -1) {
                layout_buflen = read(fd, layout_buf, sizeof(layout_buf));

            int rc = rmtree_except("/data", "media");

            // Restore .layout_version
            if (layout_buflen > 0) {
                LOGI("Restoring layout version\n");
                fd = open("/data/.layout_version", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600);
                if (fd != -1) {
                    write(fd, layout_buf, layout_buflen);


            return rc;
        LOGE("format_volume failed to mount /data, formatting instead\n");

    if (ensure_path_unmounted(volume) != 0) {
        LOGE("format_volume failed to unmount \"%s\"\n", v->mount_point);
        return -1;

    // Only use vold format for exact matches otherwise /sdcard will be
    // formatted instead of /storage/sdcard0/.android_secure
    if (fs_mgr_is_voldmanaged(v) && strcmp(volume, v->mount_point) == 0) {
        if (ensure_path_unmounted(volume) != 0) {
            LOGE("format_volume failed to unmount %s", v->mount_point);
        return vold_format_volume(v->mount_point, 1);

    if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "yaffs2") == 0 || strcmp(v->fs_type, "mtd") == 0) {
        const MtdPartition* partition = mtd_find_partition_by_name(v->blk_device);
        if (partition == NULL) {
            LOGE("format_volume: no MTD partition \"%s\"\n", v->blk_device);
            return -1;

        MtdWriteContext *write = mtd_write_partition(partition);
        if (write == NULL) {
            LOGW("format_volume: can't open MTD \"%s\"\n", v->blk_device);
            return -1;
        } else if (mtd_erase_blocks(write, -1) == (off_t) -1) {
            LOGW("format_volume: can't erase MTD \"%s\"\n", v->blk_device);
            return -1;
        } else if (mtd_write_close(write)) {
            LOGW("format_volume: can't close MTD \"%s\"\n", v->blk_device);
            return -1;
        return 0;

    if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "ext4") == 0 || strcmp(v->fs_type, "f2fs") == 0) {
        // if there's a key_loc that looks like a path, it should be a
        // block device for storing encryption metadata.  wipe it too.
        if (v->key_loc != NULL && v->key_loc[0] == '/') {
            LOGI("wiping %s\n", v->key_loc);
            int fd = open(v->key_loc, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0644);
            if (fd < 0) {
                LOGE("format_volume: failed to open %s\n", v->key_loc);
                return -1;
            wipe_block_device(fd, get_file_size(fd));

        ssize_t length = 0;
        if (v->length != 0) {
            length = v->length;
        } else if (v->key_loc != NULL && strcmp(v->key_loc, "footer") == 0) {
            length = -CRYPT_FOOTER_OFFSET;
        int result;
        if (strcmp(v->fs_type, "ext4") == 0) {
            result = make_ext4fs(v->blk_device, length, volume, sehandle);
        } else {   /* Has to be f2fs because we checked earlier. */
            char bytes_reserved[10] = {0};
            if (v->key_loc != NULL && strcmp(v->key_loc, "footer") == 0) {
                snprintf(bytes_reserved, sizeof(bytes_reserved), "%d", CRYPT_FOOTER_OFFSET);
            char *num_sectors;
            if (asprintf(&num_sectors, "%zd", length / 512) <= 0) {
                LOGE("format_volume: failed to create %s command for %s\n", v->fs_type, v->blk_device);
                return -1;
            const char *f2fs_path = "/sbin/mkfs.f2fs";
            const char* const f2fs_argv[] = {"mkfs.f2fs", "-t", "-d1", "-r",
                bytes_reserved, v->blk_device, num_sectors, NULL};

            result = exec_cmd(f2fs_path, (char* const*)f2fs_argv);
        if (result != 0) {
            LOGE("format_volume: make %s failed on %s with %d(%s)\n", v->fs_type, v->blk_device, result, strerror(errno));
            return -1;
        return 0;

    LOGE("format_volume: fs_type \"%s\" unsupported\n", v->fs_type);
    return -1;