int main() { struct fte_data *fdata = fte_init("../../config/file_extensions.conf"); char *test_ext[] = {"bmp","docx","doc","dat"}; int i; for (i=0; i<4; i++) { char *group, *descr, *icon, *version; int ret; ret = fte_getdescription(fdata, "nbo", test_ext[i], &group, &descr, &icon, &version); printf("Extension(%s): %s / %s, Icon=%s, Version=%s\n", test_ext[i], group, descr, icon, version); } fte_destroy(fdata); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bblog_init("searchd"); bblog(CLEAN, "Initializing..."); int sockfd; int runCount; //int newsockfd; socklen_t clilen; struct sockaddr_in cli_addr, serv_addr; FILE *LOGFILE; //FILE *LOCK; struct searchd_configFORMAT searchd_config; struct config_t maincfg; searchd_config.searchport = 0; searchd_config.optLog = 0; searchd_config.optMax = 0; searchd_config.optSingle = 0; searchd_config.optrankfile = NULL; searchd_config.optPreOpen = 0; searchd_config.optFastStartup = 0; searchd_config.optCacheIndexes = 1; searchd_config.optAlarm = 60; // Needed for the speller to properly convert utf8 to wchar_t setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8"); /* Ignore collection updates for now */ signal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN); /* And ignore spelling updates */ signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN); char c; while ((c=getopt(argc,argv,"clp:m:b:vsofA:L:S:a:"))!=-1) { switch (c) { case 'p': searchd_config.searchport = atoi(optarg); bblog(CLEAN, "searchd: Option -p: Using port %i.",searchd_config.searchport); break; case 'l': searchd_config.optLog = 1; break; case 'o': searchd_config.optPreOpen = 1; break; case 'm': searchd_config.optMax = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': searchd_config.optrankfile = optarg; break; case 'v': /* XXX: Remove now that we have severity in the logger? */ bblog(CLEAN, "searchd: Option -v: Verbose output."); globalOptVerbose = 1; break; case 's': bblog(INFO, "Option -s: Won't fork for new connections"); searchd_config.optSingle = 1; break; case 'f': searchd_config.optFastStartup = 1; break; case 'c': searchd_config.optCacheIndexes = 0; break; case 'A': bblog_set_appenders(atoi(optarg)); break; case 'L': bblog_set_severity(atoi(optarg)); break; case 'S': spelling_min_freq = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break; case 'a': searchd_config.optAlarm = atoi(optarg); break; default: bblog(ERROR, "Unknown argument: %c", c); errx(1, "Unknown argument: %c", c); } } #ifdef BLACK_BOKS bblog(CLEAN, "Blackbox mode (searchdbb)"); time_t starttime; time(&starttime); if (searchd_config.optLog) { /* Only add file logging if syslog is disabled */ if ((bblog_get_appenders() & LOGGER_APPENDER_SYSLOG) == 0) bblog_set_appenders(LOGGER_APPENDER_FILE|bblog_get_appenders()); } /* Write pidfile */ FILE *pidfile = fopen(bfile("var/"), "w"); if (pidfile != NULL) { fprintf(pidfile, "%d", getpid()); fclose(pidfile); } else { bblog(WARN, "Unable to write to pidfile"); } bblog(CLEAN, "searchd: Starting. Time is %s",ctime(&starttime)); #endif #ifdef DEBUG bblog(DEBUGINFO, "searchd: Debug: argc %i, optind %i",argc,optind); #endif if (searchd_config.optrankfile == NULL) { searchd_config.optrankfile = "Brank"; } #ifdef WITH_SPELLING if (searchd_config.optFastStartup != 1) { if ((spelling = train(bfile("var/dictionarywords"))) == NULL) { bblog(ERROR, "Can't init spelling."); } cache_spelling_keepalive(&spelling); signal(SIGUSR1, cache_spelling_hup); } #endif if (argc > optind) { strncpy(servername,argv[optind], sizeof(servername) -1); } else { bblog(ERROR, "No hostname supplied"); errx(1, "You have to supply a hostname"); } lotPreOpenStartl(&searchd_config.lotPreOpen.DocumentIndex,"DocumentIndex","www",searchd_config.optPreOpen); lotPreOpenStartl(&searchd_config.lotPreOpen.Summary,"summary","www",searchd_config.optPreOpen); #ifdef BLACK_BOKS if (searchd_config.optCacheIndexes == 1) { if (searchd_config.optFastStartup != 1) { bblog(INFO, "Reading indexes"); cache_indexes(0); bblog(INFO, "Cached indexes: %dMB, cached indexes: %d", indexcachescached[0]/(1024*1024), indexcachescached[1]); preopen(); cache_fresh_lot_collection(); cache_indexes_keepalive(); signal(SIGUSR2, cache_indexes_hup); } else { signal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN); } } else { signal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN); } #endif maincfg = maincfgopen(); if (searchd_config.searchport == 0) { searchd_config.searchport = maincfg_get_int(&maincfg,"BSDPORT"); } searchd_config.cmc_port = maincfg_get_int(&maincfg,"CMDPORT"); maincfgclose(&maincfg); /***********************************************************************************/ //prøver å få fil lock. Bare en deamon kan kjøre avgangen /* #ifndef ALLOW_MULTIPLE_SEARCHD if ((LOCK = fopen("/tmp/searchd.loc","w")) == NULL) { perror("lock file"); exit(1); } if (flock(fileno(LOCK),LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) != 0) { if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { printf("En annen prosses kjører allerede. Steng denne først.\n"); } else { perror("cant get lock file"); } exit(1); } #endif */ /***********************************************************************************/ //#ifndef BLACK_BOKS /* Initialize the configuration */ config_init(&cfg); /* Load the file */ #ifdef DEBUG bblog(DEBUGINFO, "searchd: Debug: Loading [%s] ...",bfile(cfg_searchd)); #endif if (!config_read_file(&cfg, bfile(cfg_searchd))) { bblog(ERROR, "config read failed: [%s]: %s at line %i",bfile(cfg_searchd),config_error_text(&cfg),config_error_line(&cfg)); exit(1); } //#endif html_parser_init(); /* #ifdef WITH_THREAD pthread_t chld_thr; printf("starting whth thread\n"); #else printf("starting single thread version\n"); #endif */ bblog(CLEAN, "Servername: %s", servername); //ToDo: må ha låsing her if ((LOGFILE = bfopen("config/query.log","a")) == NULL) { bblog_errno(ERROR, "%s", bfile("config/query.log")); } else { fprintf(LOGFILE,"starting server %s\n",servername); fclose(LOGFILE); } #ifdef BLACK_BOKS // Initialiser thesaurus med ouput-filene fra 'build_thesaurus_*': searchd_config.thesaurus_all = NULL; #ifndef WITHOUT_THESAURUS bblog(INFO, "init thesaurus"); searchd_config.thesaurus_all = NULL; if (searchd_config.optFastStartup != 1) { searchd_config.thesaurus_all = load_all_thesauruses(bfile("data/thesaurus/")); if (searchd_config.thesaurus_all == NULL) { bblog(ERROR, "Unable to open thesaurus. Disabling stemming"); } else { bblog(INFO, "init thesaurus done"); } } #endif bblog(INFO, "init file-extensions"); searchd_config.getfiletypep = fte_init(bfile("config/file_extensions.conf")); if (searchd_config.getfiletypep == NULL) { bblog(ERROR, "Unable to open file-extensions configuration file. Disabling file-extensions."); } bblog(INFO, "init attribute descriptions"); searchd_config.attrdescrp = adf_init(bfile("config/attribute_descriptions.conf")); if (searchd_config.attrdescrp == NULL) { bblog(ERROR, "Unable to open attribute descriptions configuration file. Disabling attribute descriptions."); } bblog(INFO, "init show-attributes"); char *warnings; /*searchd_config.showattrp = show_attributes_init(bfile("config/show_attributes.conf"), &warnings); if (searchd_config.showattrp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "searchd: ERROR!! Unable to open show-attributes configuration file. Disabling attributes.\n"); } else if (warnings[0]!='\0') { fprintf(stderr, "searchd: ******************* Warnings reading show-attributes config: ********************\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%s", warnings); fprintf(stderr, "searchd: *********************************************************************************\n"); }*/ #else //starter opp bblog(INFO, "Loading domain-ids..."); iintegerLoadMemArray2(&global_DomainIDs,"domainid",sizeof(unsigned short), "www"); //laster inn alle poprankene bblog(INFO, "Loading pop MemArray..."); popopenMemArray2("www",searchd_config.optrankfile); // ToDo: hardkoder subname her, da vi ikke vet siden vi ikke her får et inn enda bblog(INFO, "Loading adultWeight MemArray..."); adultWeightopenMemArray2("www"); // ToDo: hardkoder subname her, da vi ikke vet siden vi ikke her får et inn enda #endif IIndexInaliser(); #ifdef WITH_MEMINDEX IIndexLoad(); #endif if((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { bblog(ERROR, "Server error! Can't open stream socket."); exit(1); } memset((char *) &serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr)); serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); serv_addr.sin_port = htons(searchd_config.searchport); bblog(INFO, "Will bind to port %i",searchd_config.searchport); //seter at sokket kan rebrukes int yes=1; if (setsockopt(sockfd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,&yes,sizeof(int)) == -1) { bblog_errno(ERROR, "setsockopt()"); exit(1); } if(bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) { bblog_errno(ERROR, "Can't bind local address. Port %i", searchd_config.searchport); exit(1); } /* set the level of thread concurrency we desire */ //thr_setconcurrency(5); listen(sockfd, 5); runCount = 0; #ifndef NEW_CHILD_CATCHER signal(SIGCLD, SIG_IGN); /* now I don't have to wait() for forked children! */ #else { // runarb 28 juni 2009: // Hvis vi har verbose output så skal vi wait()e for våre barn, og vise prity print når de dør. // desverre har det vært mye kød, der hovedprosessen blir hengene i sigchild_handler() og ikke kan // fork'e flere barn. For å ungå dtte venter vi ikke på våre barn til vanlig. if (globalOptVerbose) { struct sigaction sa; int ret; sa.sa_sigaction = sigchild_handler; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; ret = sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, 0); if (ret) { bblog_errno(ERROR, "sigaction()"); exit(1); } } else { signal(SIGCLD, SIG_IGN); /* now I don't have to wait() for forked children! */ } } #endif bblog(CLEAN, "|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); bblog(CLEAN, "|%-40s | %-11s | %-11s | %-11s | %-11s|","query", "TotaltTreff", "showabal", "filtered", "total_usecs"); bblog(CLEAN, "|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); for((clilen = sizeof(cli_addr));;) { searchd_config.newsockfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, &clilen); if(searchd_config.newsockfd < 0) { /* Just restart */ if (errno == EINTR) continue; bblog(WARN, "searchd: Server warning! Accept error"); } else { if (searchd_config.optSingle) { do_chld((void *) &searchd_config); } else { #ifdef DEBUG bblog(DEBUGINFO, "Debug mode; will not fork to new process."); do_chld((void *) &searchd_config); #else /* #ifdef WITH_THREAD //create a new thread to process the incomming request //thr_create(NULL, 0, do_chld, (void *) searchd_config, THR_DETACHED, &chld_thr); pthread_create(&chld_thr, NULL, do_chld, (void *) &searchd_config); //the server is now free to accept another socket request #else do_chld((void *) &searchd_config); #endif */ bblog(DEBUGINFO, "Forking new prosess."); if (fork() == 0) { // this is the child process close(sockfd); // child doesn't need the listener do_chld((void *) &searchd_config); close(searchd_config.newsockfd); bblog(DEBUGINFO, "Terminating child."); exit(0); } else { close(searchd_config.newsockfd); // perent doesn't need the new socket } #endif } } ++runCount; if ((searchd_config.optMax != 0) && (runCount >= searchd_config.optMax)) { //venter på siste trå. Ikke helt optimalt dette, da vi kan ha flere tråer som kjører i paralell /* #ifdef WITH_THREAD pthread_join(chld_thr, NULL); #endif */ bblog(WARN, "have reached Max runs. Exiting..."); break; } } html_parser_exit(); free(searchd_config.lotPreOpen.Summary); free(searchd_config.lotPreOpen.DocumentIndex); adf_destroy(searchd_config.attrdescrp); fte_destroy(searchd_config.getfiletypep); if (searchd_config.optFastStartup != 1) { thesaurus_destroy(searchd_config.thesaurusp); } //freegjør spelling. Trekt, men kjekt av valgring kan finne ut om noe ikke her blirr frigjort. if (searchd_config.optFastStartup != 1) { untrain(&spelling); } return(0); }