Exemple #1
 * 更新小型大对象
 * @param session 会话对象
 * @param lobId 大对象ID
 * @param lob 对应的大对象字节流
 * @param size 大对象长度
 * @param orgLen 原有长度
void SmallLobStorage::update(Session *session, LobId lobId, const byte *lob, uint size, u32 orgLen) {
	ftrace(ts.lob, tout << session << lobId << lob << size << orgLen);
	// 先设置第二位的是否压缩的为0
	SubRecord subRec;
	byte data[Limits::MAX_REC_SIZE] ;
	u16 cols[2] = {0, 1};
	subRec.m_columns = cols;
	subRec.m_numCols = 2;
	subRec.m_data = data;
	subRec.m_size = Limits::MAX_REC_SIZE;
	// 设置压缩位为0
	SubRecord *reTSubRec = RecordOper::createSlobSubRecordR(m_vtableDef, &subRec, lob, size, (size_t)orgLen);
	reTSubRec->m_rowId = lobId;
	reTSubRec->m_format = REC_REDUNDANT;
	// 先更新MMS
	MmsRecord *mRecord = NULL;
	if (m_useMms)
		mRecord = m_mtable->getByRid(session, lobId, true, NULL, None);
	if (mRecord != NULL) {
		u16 recSize;
		if (m_mtable->canUpdate(mRecord, reTSubRec, &recSize))
			m_mtable->update(session, mRecord, reTSubRec, recSize);
		else {
			Session *sessionNew = m_db->getSessionManager()->allocSession("SmallLobStorage::update", session->getConnection());
			m_mtable->flushAndDel(sessionNew, mRecord);
			NTSE_ASSERT(m_heap->update(session, lobId, reTSubRec));
	} else {
		// 如果不在MMS,则更新DRS
		NTSE_ASSERT(m_heap->update(session, lobId, reTSubRec));
Exemple #2
/* - use fopen to open the file, and fclose when you're done    */
void frender(camera c, frame f, char *filename)
//void render(stage g)
  char name[32];
  int i, j;
  for (i=0; i<32; i++)
  sprintf(name, "%s.ppm", filename);
  FILE *fp = fopen (name, "a");
  fprintf(fp, "P3\n");
  fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", c.w, c.h);
  fprintf(fp, "255\n");
  for(i=0; i < c.h; i++) {
    for(j=0; j < c.w; j++) {
      vec p = {j,i,0}; 
      vec loc = logical_loc(c, p);
      vec dir = vec_sub(loc, c.loc);
      vec normdir = vec_norm(dir);
      ray r = {c.loc, normdir};
      rgb col = ftrace(r, f);
      fprintf(fp, "%d %d %d\n",bytify(col.r),bytify(col.g),bytify(col.b));
Exemple #3
 * 删除一个小型大对象,用于crash恢复
 * @param session 会话
 * @param lid 大对象ID
 * @return 是否成功删除
 * @throw NtseException 文件操作出错等
bool SmallLobStorage::delAtCrash(Session *session, LobId lid) throw(NtseException) {
	ftrace(ts.lob, tout << session << lid);
	delInMms(session, lid);
	bool isSucuss = m_heap->del(session, lid);
	return isSucuss;
Exemple #4
 * 在MMS查找相应lobId的大对象记录,如果存在就删除
 * @param session 会话对象
 * @param lobId 大对象ID
void SmallLobStorage::delInMms(Session *session, LobId lobId) {
	ftrace(ts.lob, tout << lobId);
	// 先设置第二位的是否压缩的为0
	MmsRecord *mRecord = NULL;
	if (m_useMms)
		mRecord = m_mtable->getByRid(session, lobId, false, NULL, None);
	if (mRecord != NULL) {
		m_mtable->del(session, mRecord);
Exemple #5
 * 读取一个小型大对象
 * @param session 会话
 * @param mc 内存上下文
 * @param lid 大对象ID
 * @param size out 大对象的长度
 * @param intoMms 是否写入MMS
 * @param orgLen 原有长度
 * @return 大对象的字节流
byte* SmallLobStorage::read(Session *session, MemoryContext *mc, LobId lid, u32 *size, bool intoMms, u32 *orgLen)  {
	ftrace(ts.lob, tout << session << lid);

	MmsRecord *mRecord = NULL;
	if (m_useMms)
		mRecord = m_mtable->getByRid(session, lid, true, NULL, None);
	// 首先判断是否在MMS中
	if (mRecord) {
		Record record;
		// 上层保证,这里可以不加行锁
		// 进行内存分配
		byte *data = (byte *)mc->alloc(Limits::MAX_REC_SIZE);
		record.m_data = data;
		record.m_size = Limits::MAX_REC_SIZE;
		m_mtable->getRecord(mRecord, &record);
		// 释放pin和行锁
		m_mtable->unpinRecord(session, mRecord);
		size_t len;
		size_t orgSize;
		byte *retData = RecordOper::extractSlobData(m_vtableDef, &record, &len, &orgSize);
		*size = (u32)len;
		*orgLen = (u32)orgSize;
		return retData;
	// 假如不在则到Drs中找
	Record  record;
	// 分配内存
	byte *data = (byte *)mc->alloc(Limits::MAX_REC_SIZE);
	record.m_data = data;
	record.m_format = REC_VARLEN;
	bool isExist = m_heap->getRecord(session, lid, &record);
	// 假如记录不存在
	if (!isExist) {
		*size = 0;
		return NULL;
	if (intoMms) {
		// 同时插入MMS中
		mRecord =  m_mtable->putIfNotExist(session, &record);
		// 释放PIN
		if (mRecord)
			m_mtable->unpinRecord(session, mRecord);

	size_t len;
	size_t orgSize;
	byte *retData = RecordOper::extractSlobData(m_vtableDef, &record, &len, &orgSize);
	*size = (u32)len;
	*orgLen = (u32)orgSize;
	return retData;
Exemple #6
 * 插入小型大对象
 * @param session 会话对象
 * @param slob 对应的大对象字节流
 * @param size 大对象长度
 * @param orgLen 原始长度
 * @return 大对象ID
LobId SmallLobStorage::insert(Session *session, const byte *slob, uint size, u32 orgLen) {
	ftrace(ts.lob, tout << session << size << orgLen);
	Record tempRec;
	byte temp[Limits::MAX_REC_SIZE] ;
	tempRec.m_data = temp;
	tempRec.m_size = Limits::MAX_REC_SIZE;
	Record *rec = RecordOper::createSlobRecord(m_vtableDef, &tempRec, slob, (size_t)size, (size_t)orgLen);
	try {
		rec->m_rowId = m_heap->insert(session, rec, NULL);
	} catch (NtseException &){
		// 大对象插入不需要加TNT行锁,因此不可能抛错
	nftrace(ts.lob, tout << "finish lob insert small lob" << rec->m_rowId);
	return rec->m_rowId;
Exemple #7
 * 打开大对象存储
 * @param db 数据库对象
 * @param session 会话对象
 * @param path 路径
 * @param useMms 是否启用MMS
 * @throw NtseException 文件操作出错等
 * @return 小型大对象存储对象
SmallLobStorage* SmallLobStorage::open(Database *db, Session *session, const char *basePath, bool useMms) throw(NtseException) {
	ftrace(ts.lob, tout << basePath);
	DrsHeap *heap = NULL;

	string heapPath = string(basePath) +  Limits::NAME_SOBH_EXT;
	string vtblDefPath = string(basePath) + Limits::NAME_SOBH_TBLDEF_EXT;
	// 读取tableDef
	TableDef *vtableDef = TableDef::open(vtblDefPath.c_str());

	heap = DrsHeap::open(db, session, heapPath.c_str(), vtableDef);
	heap->getDBObjStats()->m_type = DBO_Slob;

	// 建立MMSTable
	MmsTable *lobtable = NULL;
	if (useMms) {
		Mms *lobMms = db->getMms();
		lobtable = new MmsTable(lobMms, db, heap, vtableDef, false, 0);
		lobMms->registerMmsTable(session, lobtable);
	nftrace(ts.lob, tout << "open finish");
	return new SmallLobStorage(db, heap, System::strdup(basePath), lobtable, vtableDef, useMms);
void Garnet::Drivers::executeTrees(StringMap& args)
	Garnet::Configuration conf;

	// Determine project location and name.
	resolveProjectInformation(args, &conf);

	// 0. Load arguments
	std::string infilename;
		// Load from configuration file.
		std::ifstream fin;
	    if ( fin.fail() ) {
		    throw std::string("[" __FUNCTION__ "] E2: Failed to open a project file '") + conf.prj + "'.";
        conf.load(fin, 0);
	if ( args.find("_Input") != args.end() ) {
		infilename = args["_Input"];

	// Override if parameters are specified by command line agruments.
	if ( args.find("_RandomSeed") != args.end() ) {
		conf.randomSeed = strtoul(args["_RandomSeed"].c_str(), 0, 0);
	if ( args.find("_SizeX") != args.end() ) {
		conf.imageWidth = strtol(args["_SizeX"].c_str(), 0, 0);
	if ( args.find("_SizeY") != args.end() ) {
		conf.imageHeight = strtol(args["_SizeY"].c_str(), 0, 0);
	if ( args.find("_Dictionaries") != args.end() ) {
		strings dics = Text::split(args["_Dictionaries"], ';');
		for (auto it = dics.begin(); it != dics.end(); it++) {
			std::ifstream fin;
			if ( fin.fail() ) {
				throw std::string("[" __FUNCTION__ "] E2: Failed to open an alias dictionary file '") + *it + "'.";
			conf.load(fin, 0);
		std::cout << boost::format("Image size: %d x %d\n") % conf.imageWidth % conf.imageHeight << std::endl;
		std::cout << "----- ----- ----- -----" << std::endl;

	// 1. Create GA Engine
    Garnet::GPEnginePtr  ga;
		std::ofstream ftrace("trace.------.txt");

		ga = Garnet::GPEngine::create(conf);
		if ( !ga ) {
			throw "Invalid GA Engine Type.";


    // 2. Prepare trees as a generation.
	Garnet::Generation generation;

	if ( !infilename.empty() ) {
		std::ifstream fin(infilename.c_str());
		generation = Generation::createFromFile(fin);
	else {
		std::vector<std::string> treeExps;
		treeExps = Text::split(args["_Trees"], ';');

		for (auto it = treeExps.cbegin(); it != treeExps.cend(); it++) {
			Individual ind;

    // 3. Evaluate.

	// 4. Show result.
	// 4.1 Show numbers.
	if ( args.find("_Number") != args.end() ) {
		std::cout << "\nResults:";
		for (auto i = 0u; i < generation.individuals.size(); i++) {
			std::cout << "\n  Tree " << i << " " << print_range(
				", ",
				double_digit_putter(9, 6));
		std::cout << "\n----- ----- ----- -----" << std::endl;

	// 4.2 Save tree images.
	if ( args.find("_TreeImage") != args.end() ) {
		std::vector<size_t> targets;

		std::cout << "\nSave Tree Images.";
		ga->saveLastImages("", generation.individuals, targets);
		std::cout << "\n----- ----- ----- -----" << std::endl;

	// 4.2 Display images.
#if 0
	if ( args.find("_Window") != args.end() ) {
		for (auto i = 0u; i < generation.individuals.size(); i++) {
			for (auto f = 0u; f < generation.individuals[i].fitness.size(); f++) {
				std::string key = (boost::format("Tree#%d, Fitness#%d") % i).str();
				cv::namedWindow(key, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
				cv::imshow(key, ga->saveLastImages());
		std::cout << "----- ----- ----- -----" << std::endl;

	// A. Show information.
		std::cout << boost::format("[%s] Trees to IVGraph    %.6fs\n") % __FUNCTION__ % watches[0].get();
		std::cout << boost::format("[%s] IVGraph to PPEGraph %.6fs\n") % __FUNCTION__ % watches[1].get();
		std::cout << boost::format("[%s] PPEGraph to Script  %.6fs\n") % __FUNCTION__ % watches[2].get();
		std::cout << boost::format("[%s] Compilation         %.6fs\n") % __FUNCTION__ % watches[3].get();
		std::cout << boost::format("[%s] Execution           %.6fs\n") % __FUNCTION__ % watches[4].get();
		std::cout << boost::format("[%s] Number of Operators %.6u\n") % __FUNCTION__ % executable->getNumberOfOperators();
		std::cout << boost::format("[%s] Number of Data      %.6u\n") % __FUNCTION__ % executable->getNumberOfData();
		std::cout << std::flush;