float *  nlfit
    int ts_length,                     /* length of time series data */
    float * ts_array,                  /* input time series array */
    char ** label                      /* label output for this voxel */

    float * fit;                       /* nonlinear fit of time series data */

    /*----- declare input option variables -----*/
    int nabs;                /* use absolute constraints for noise parameters */
    int  nrand;              /* number of random vectors to generate */
    int  nbest;              /* number of random vectors to keep */
    float rms_min;           /* minimum rms error to reject reduced model */

    /*----- declare time series variables -----*/
    int im1;                 /* index of 1st image in time series for analysis */
    float ** x_array = NULL;     /* independent variable matrix */
    char * tfilename = NULL;     /* file name of time points */

    /*----- declare reduced (noise) model variables -----*/
    char * nname = NULL;         /* noise model name */
    vfp nmodel;                  /* pointer to noise model */
    int r;                       /* number of parameters in the noise model */
    char ** npname = NULL;       /* noise parameter labels */
    float * par_rdcd = NULL;     /* estimated parameters for the reduced model */
    float sse_rdcd;              /* error sum of squares for the reduced model */
    float * min_nconstr = NULL;  /* min parameter constraints for noise model */
    float * max_nconstr = NULL;  /* max parameter constraints for noise model */

    /*----- declare full (signal+noise) model variables -----*/
    char * sname = NULL;         /* signal model name */
    vfp smodel;                  /* pointer to signal model */
    int p;                       /* number of parameters in the signal model */
    char ** spname = NULL;       /* signal parameter labels */
    float * par_full = NULL;     /* estimated parameters for the full model */
    float sse_full;              /* error sum of squares for the full model */
    float * tpar_full = NULL;    /* t-statistic of parameters in full model */
    float freg;                  /* f-statistic for the full regression model */
    float rmsreg;                /* rms for the full regression model */
    float rsqr;                  /* R^2 (coef. of multiple determination) */
    float smax;                  /* signed maximum of signal */
    float tmax;                  /* epoch of signed maximum of signal */
    float pmax;                  /* percentage change due to signal */
    float area;                  /* area between signal and baseline */
    float parea;                 /* percent area between signal and baseline */
    float * min_sconstr = NULL;  /* min parameter constraints for signal model */
    float * max_sconstr = NULL;  /* max parameter constraints for signal model */

    int novar;               /* flag for insufficient variation in the data */

    /*----- program initialization -----*/
    initialize_program (&im1, &nname, &sname, &nmodel, &smodel,
                        &r, &p, &npname, &spname,
                        &min_nconstr, &max_nconstr, &min_sconstr, &max_sconstr,
                        &nabs, &nrand, &nbest, &rms_min,
                        &par_rdcd, &par_full, &tpar_full,
                        ts_length, &tfilename, &x_array, &fit);

    /*----- calculate the reduced (noise) model -----*/
    calc_reduced_model (ts_length, r, x_array, ts_array,
                        par_rdcd, &sse_rdcd);

    /*----- calculate the full (signal+noise) model -----*/
    calc_full_model (nmodel, smodel, r, p,
                     min_nconstr, max_nconstr, min_sconstr, max_sconstr,
                     ts_length, x_array, ts_array, par_rdcd, sse_rdcd,
                     nabs, nrand, nbest, rms_min, par_full, &sse_full, &novar);

    /*----- create estimated time series using the full model parameters -----*/
    full_model (nmodel, smodel, par_full, par_full + r,
                ts_length, x_array, fit);

    /*----- calculate statistics for the full model -----*/
    analyze_results (nmodel, smodel, r, p, novar,
                     min_nconstr, max_nconstr, min_sconstr, max_sconstr,
                     ts_length, x_array,
                     par_rdcd, sse_rdcd, par_full, sse_full,
                     &rmsreg, &freg, &rsqr, &smax, &tmax, &pmax, &area, &parea,

    /*----- report results for this voxel -----*/
    report_results (nname, sname, r, p, npname, spname, ts_length,
                    par_rdcd, sse_rdcd, par_full, sse_full, tpar_full,
                    rmsreg, freg, rsqr, smax, tmax, pmax, area, parea, label);
    printf ("\nVoxel Results: \n");
    printf ("%s \n", *label);

    /*----- end of program -----*/
    terminate_program (r, p, ts_length, &x_array,
                       &par_rdcd, &min_nconstr, &max_nconstr,
                       &par_full, &tpar_full,
                       &min_sconstr, &max_sconstr);

    return (fit);

pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr Meshing(const std::vector< pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr > &cloud_set,
                                     const std::vector< KEYSET > &keypt_set,
                                     const std::vector< cv::Mat > &keydescr_set)
    int frame_num = cloud_set.size();
    if( frame_num <= 0 )
        return pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr (new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>());
    PointT dummy;
    dummy.x = 0;dummy.y = 0;dummy.z = 0;
    std::vector< pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr > keypt_cloud(frame_num);
    std::vector< pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr > cloud_f_set(frame_num);
    std::vector< cv::Mat > key_active_set(frame_num);
    for(int i = 0 ; i < frame_num ; i++ )
        int w = cloud_set[i]->width;
        int h = cloud_set[i]->height;
        keypt_cloud[i] = pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr (new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>());
        std::vector< cv::Mat > mat_tmp;
        for( size_t j = 0 ; j < keypt_set[i].size() ; j++ )
            int cur_y = round(keypt_set[i][j].pt.y);
            int cur_x = round(keypt_set[i][j].pt.x);
            if( cur_y < h && cur_y >= 0 && cur_x < w && cur_x >= 0)
                int idx = cur_y*w + cur_x;
                if( pcl_isfinite(cloud_set[i]->at(idx).z) == true )
                std::cerr << cur_y << " " << cur_x << " " << h << " " << w << std::endl;
        cv::vconcat(mat_tmp, key_active_set[i]);
        cloud_f_set[i] = FilterBoundary(cloud_set[i]);
        //std::cerr << keypt_cloud[i]->size() << "***" << key_active_set[i].rows << std::endl; 
    std::vector< Eigen::Matrix4f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Matrix4f> > tran_set(frame_num);
    tran_set[0] = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
    pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr viewer(new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer());
    viewer->setCameraPosition(0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0);
    pcl::registration::CorrespondenceRejectorSampleConsensus<PointT> crsc;
    crsc.setInlierThreshold( 0.005 );
    crsc.setMaximumIterations( 2000 );
    std::vector< pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr > tran_model_set(frame_num);
    pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr full_model(new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>());
    pcl::copyPointCloud(*cloud_f_set[0], *full_model);
    tran_model_set[0] = cloud_f_set[0];
    viewer->addPointCloud(full_model, "full");
    for(int i = 1 ; i < frame_num ; i++ )
        std::cerr << "Frame --- " << i << std::endl;
        pcl::CorrespondencesPtr cur_corrs = matchSIFT(key_active_set[i], key_active_set[i-1]);
        crsc.setInputSource( keypt_cloud[i] );
	crsc.setInputTarget( keypt_cloud[i-1] );
	crsc.setInputCorrespondences( cur_corrs ); 
        pcl::CorrespondencesPtr in_corr (new pcl::Correspondences());
	crsc.getCorrespondences( *in_corr );
        Eigen::Matrix4f init_guess = crsc.getBestTransformation();
        init_guess = tran_set[i-1] * init_guess;
        tran_set[i] = DenseColorICP(cloud_f_set[i], tran_model_set[i-1], init_guess);
        pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr Final (new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>);
        pcl::transformPointCloud(*cloud_f_set[i], *Final, tran_set[i]);
        tran_model_set[i] = Final;
        full_model->insert(full_model->end(), Final->begin(), Final->end());
        viewer->addPointCloud(full_model, "full");
    std::cerr << "Registration Done!!!" << std::endl; 
    pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr down_model(new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>());
    pcl::VoxelGrid<PointT> sor;
    sor.setLeafSize(0.001, 0.001, 0.001);
    pcl::search::KdTree<PointT>::Ptr mls_tree (new pcl::search::KdTree<PointT>);
    pcl::MovingLeastSquares<PointT, PointT> mls;
    // Set parameters
    mls.setInputCloud (down_model);
    mls.setSearchMethod (mls_tree);
    mls.setSearchRadius (0.01);
    // Reconstruct
    pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr down_model_f(new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>());
    mls.process (*down_model_f);
    //std::cerr << "Smoothing Done!!!" << std::endl; 
    //viewer->addPointCloud(down_model_f, "down");
    return down_model;