void fun_scan(const char *str, fun *fun) {
  unsigned k, ar;
  sscanf(str, "fun%u_%u_", &k, &ar);
  str += 7;
  assert(k == K);
  fun_init(fun, ar);
  for(int64_t tuple = int_pow(K, fun->arity) - 1; tuple >= 0; --tuple) {
    fun_set_val(fun, tuple, *str-'0');
Exemple #2
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
    node node1 ;
    node node2 ;

    printf("a is %d,buf is %s,buf addr is %x\n",node1.a,node1.buf,node1.buf);
    printf("a is %d,buf is %s,buf addr is %x\n",node2.a,node2.buf,node2.buf);

    return 0;
void get_function(z3_wrapper *z3, Z3_func_decl fun, uint32_t fun_arity, struct fun *kfun) {
  Z3_model m = Z3_solver_get_model(z3->ctx, z3->solver);
  /* printf("------\n%s\n------\n", Z3_model_to_string(z3->ctx, m)); */
  Z3_model_inc_ref(z3->ctx, m);
  fun_init(kfun, fun_arity);
  for(size_t xs = 0; xs < int_pow(K, fun_arity); ++xs) {
    /* represent `xs` in the K-ary form,
     * with digits[0] being the highest digit. */
    uint32_t digits[fun_arity];
    get_K_digits(digits, fun_arity, xs);
    Z3_ast args[fun_arity];
    for(size_t i = 0; i < fun_arity; ++i) {
      args[i] = z3->Ek_consts[digits[i]];
    /* eval func on given args */
    Z3_ast t = Z3_mk_app(z3->ctx, fun, fun_arity, args);
    Z3_ast res;
    assert(Z3_model_eval(z3->ctx, m, t, 1, &res) == Z3_TRUE);

    /* printf("%s == %s\n", Z3_ast_to_string(z3->ctx, t), Z3_ast_to_string(z3->ctx, res)); */
    /* interpret the result of function application */
    uint64_t y;
    sscanf(Z3_ast_to_string(z3->ctx, res), "V%lu", &y);
    fun_set_val(kfun, xs, y);
  Z3_model_dec_ref(z3->ctx, m);