static void show_uop(g95_user_op *uop) { g95_interface *intr; g95_status("user_op('%s', [", uop->name); for(intr=uop->operator; intr; intr=intr->next) g95_status(" '%s',", intr->sym->name); g95_status("])\n"); }
static void code_indent(int level, g95_st_label *label) { int i; if (label != NULL) g95_status("%-6d; ", label->value); else g95_status(" "); for(i=0; i<2*level; i++) g95_status_char(' '); }
static void show_constant(g95_expr *p) { switch(p->ts.type) { case BT_INTEGER: g95_status_char('\''); fputs(bi_to_string(p->value.integer), stdout); if (p->ts.kind != g95_default_integer_kind(0)) g95_status("_%d", p->ts.kind); g95_status_char('\''); break; case BT_LOGICAL: g95_status(p->value.logical ? "'.true.'" : "'.false.'"); break; case BT_REAL: g95_status_char('\''); fputs(bg_to_string(p->value.real), stdout); if (p->ts.kind != g95_default_real_kind(1)) g95_status("_%d", p->ts.kind); g95_status_char('\''); break; case BT_CHARACTER: show_string_constant(p->value.character.string, p->value.character.length); break; case BT_COMPLEX: g95_status_char('\''); fputs(bg_to_string(p->value.complex.r), stdout); if (p->ts.kind != g95_default_complex_kind()) g95_status("_%d", p->ts.kind); g95_status_char(' '); fputs(bg_to_string(p->value.complex.i), stdout); if (p->ts.kind != g95_default_complex_kind()) g95_status("_%d", p->ts.kind); g95_status_char('\''); break; default: g95_internal_error("show_constant(): Bad type"); break; } }
static void show_array_spec(g95_array_spec *as) { int i; g95_status("as('%s', %d", g95_code2string(array_specs, as->type), as->rank); for(i=0; i<as->rank; i++) { g95_status(", lower%d=", i); g95_show_expr(as->lower[i]); g95_status(", upper%d=", i); g95_show_expr(as->upper[i]); } g95_status(")"); }
static void show_constructor(g95_constructor *c) { for(;c ;c=c->next) { if (c->iterator == NULL) g95_show_expr(c->expr); else { g95_status_char('('); g95_show_expr(c->expr); g95_status_char(' '); g95_show_expr(c->iterator->var); g95_status_char('='); g95_show_expr(c->iterator->start); g95_status_char(','); g95_show_expr(c->iterator->end); g95_status_char(','); g95_show_expr(c->iterator->step); g95_status_char(')'); } if (c->next != NULL) g95_status(", "); } }
static void show_symtree(g95_symtree *st) { show_indent(); g95_status("symtree('%s', symbol=%s", st->name, g95_symbol_name(st->n.sym)); if (st->ambiguous) g95_status(", ambiguous=1"); g95_status(")"); if (st->n.sym->ns != g95_current_ns) g95_status(" # from namespace %s\n", st->n.sym->ns->proc_name->name); else { g95_status_char('\n'); show_symbol(st->n.sym); } }
static void show_array_ref(g95_array_ref *ar) { int i; switch(ar->type) { case AR_FULL: g95_status("full()"); break; case AR_SECTION: g95_status("section("); for(i=0; i<ar->dimen; i++) { g95_status_char('('); g95_show_expr(ar->start[i]); if (ar->end[i] != NULL) { g95_status(", "); g95_show_expr(ar->end[i]); } if (ar->stride[i] != NULL) { g95_status(", "); g95_show_expr(ar->stride[i]); } g95_status_char(')'); if (i != ar->dimen-1) g95_status(", "); } g95_status_char(')'); break; case AR_ELEMENT: g95_status("element("); for(i=0; i<ar->dimen; i++) { g95_show_expr(ar->start[i]); if (i != ar->dimen - 1) g95_status(", "); } g95_status_char(')'); break; case AR_UNKNOWN: g95_status("UNKNOWN"); break; default: g95_internal_error("g95_show_array_ref(): Unknown array reference"); } }
void g95_show_typespec(g95_typespec *typ) { g95_status("(%s ", g95_basic_typename(typ->type)); switch(typ->type) { case BT_DERIVED: g95_status("%s", typ->derived->name); break; case BT_CHARACTER: g95_show_expr(typ->cl->length); break; default: g95_status("%d", typ->kind); break; } g95_status(")"); }
static void show_refs(g95_ref *ref) { g95_status_char('['); for(; ref; ref=ref->next) { show_ref(ref); if (ref->next != NULL) g95_status(", "); } g95_status_char(']'); }
static void show_ref(g95_ref *p) { int i; switch(p->type) { case REF_ARRAY: show_array_ref(&p->; break; case REF_COMPONENT: g95_status("comp('%s')", p->u.c.component->name); break; case REF_SUBSTRING: g95_status("substr(start="); g95_show_expr(p->; g95_status(", end="); g95_show_expr(p->; g95_status_char(')'); break; case REF_COARRAY: g95_status("coarray("); for(i=0; i<p->; i++) { g95_show_expr(p->[i]); if (i != p-> - 1) g95_status_char(','); } g95_status_char(')'); break; default: g95_internal_error("show_ref(): Bad component code"); } }
static void show_actual_arglist(g95_actual_arglist *a) { g95_status_char('['); for(; a; a=a->next) { g95_status("arg("); if (a->type == ARG_ALT_RETURN) g95_status(", alt=%d", a->u.label->value); else if (a->u.expr == NULL) g95_status("None"); else { g95_show_expr(a->u.expr); if (a->pointer) g95_status("pointer=1"); if (a->name != NULL) g95_status("name='%s'", a->name); switch(a->type) { case ARG_ARRAY: g95_status(", array=1"); break; case ARG_ARRAY_ELEMENT: g95_status(", element=1"); break; case ARG_ARRAY_DESC: g95_status(", desc=1 "); break; default: break; } } g95_status_char(')'); if (a->next != NULL) g95_status(", "); } g95_status_char(']'); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int errors, warnings, v; if (argc == 1) g95_display_help(); #ifdef __GLIBC__ mtrace(); #endif g95_init_options(); argv++; while(argc > 1) { v = g95_parse_arg(argc, argv); if (v < 0) v = -v; argc -= v; argv += v; } g95_init_1(); if (g95_option.source == NULL) g95_fatal_error("Need a file to compile"); if (g95_new_file(g95_option.source, g95_option.form) != SUCCESS) return 3; g95_parse_file(); g95_done_1(); release_options(); g95_get_errors(&warnings, &errors); if (!g95_option.quiet) g95_status("Warnings: %d Errors: %d\n", warnings, errors); if (errors > 0) return 2; if (warnings > 0) return 1; return 0; }
static void show_component(g95_component *c) { g95_status("comp(%s, ts=", c->name); show_typespec(&c->ts); if (c->pointer) g95_status(", pointer=1"); if (c->dimension) g95_status(", dimension=1"); if (c->allocatable) g95_status(", allocatable=1"); if (c->as != NULL) { g95_status(", as="); show_array_spec(c->as); } g95_status(")"); }
static void show_typespec(g95_typespec *ts) { switch(ts->type) { case BT_INTEGER: g95_status("ts('INTEGER', kind=%d)", ts->kind); break; case BT_REAL: g95_status("ts('REAL', kind=%d)", ts->kind); break; case BT_COMPLEX: g95_status("ts('COMPLEX', kind=%d", ts->kind); break; case BT_LOGICAL: g95_status("ts('LOGICAL', kind=%d", ts->kind); break; case BT_PROCEDURE: g95_status("ts('PROCEDURE')"); break; case BT_UNKNOWN: g95_status("ts('UNKNOWN')"); break; case BT_DERIVED: g95_status("ts('DERIVED', derived=%s", g95_symbol_name(ts->derived)); break; case BT_CHARACTER: g95_status("ts('CHARACTER', kind=%d, len=", ts->kind); if (ts->cl == &g95_unknown_charlen) g95_status("None"); else if (ts->cl == NULL) g95_status("'*'"); else g95_show_expr(ts->cl->length); g95_status(")"); break; default: g95_internal_error("show_typespec(): Undefined type"); } }
int g95_parse_arg(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *option; int i; option = argv[0]; if (strcmp(option, "-v") == 0) { g95_option.verbose = 1; return 1; } if (strcmp(option, "-Wline-truncation") == 0) { g95_option.line_truncation = 1; return 1; } if (strcmp(option, "-Wunused-label") == 0) { g95_option.unused_label = 1; return -1; } if (strncmp(option, "-Wno=", 5) == 0) { set_nowarn(option+5); return 1; } if (strcmp(option, "-fimplicit-none") == 0 || strcmp(option, "-Wimplicit") == 0) { g95_option.implicit_none = 1; return -1; } if (strcmp(option, "-ffixed-line-length-80") == 0) { g95_option.fixed_line_length = 80; return -1; } if (strcmp(option, "-ffixed-line-length-132") == 0) { g95_option.fixed_line_length = 132; return -1; } if (strcmp(option, "-ffree-form") == 0) { g95_option.form = FORM_FREE; return -1; } if (strcmp(option, "-ffixed-form") == 0) { g95_option.form = FORM_FIXED; return -1; } if (strcmp(option, "-fmodule-private") == 0) { g95_option.module_access_private = 1; return -1; } if (strcmp(option, "-fdollar-ok") == 0) { g95_option.dollar = 1; return 1; } if (strcmp(option, "-fno-backslash") == 0) { g95_option.no_backslash = 1; return 1; } if (strcmp(option, "-fno-underscoring") == 0) { g95_option.no_underscoring = 1; return 1; } if (strcmp(option, "-fno-second-underscore") == 0) { g95_option.no_second_underscore = 1; return 1; } if (strncmp(option, "-fqkind=", 8) == 0) { i = atoi(option+8); if (g95_validate_kind(BT_REAL, i) < 0) g95_fatal_error("Argument to -fqkind isn't a valid real kind"); g95_option.q_kind = i; return -1; } if (strcmp(option, "-fquiet") == 0 || strcmp(option, "-quiet") == 0) { g95_option.quiet = 1; return 1; } if (strcmp(option, "-i8") == 0) { g95_option.default_integer = 8; return -1; } if (strcmp(option, "-r8") == 0) { g95_option.r_value = 8; return -1; } if (strcmp(option, "-d8") == 0) { g95_option.r_value = 8; g95_option.default_integer = 8; return -1; } if (strcmp(option, "-l1") == 0) { g95_option.l1 = 1; return -1; } if (option[0] == '-' && option[1] == 'I') { if (option[2] != '\0') { add_path(&option[2]); return 1; } if (argc <= 2 || argv[1][0] == '-') { g95_status("g95: Directory required after -I\n"); exit(3); } add_path(argv[1]); return 2; } if (strncmp(option, "-fmod=", 6) == 0) { module_path(option); add_path(option + 6); return 1; } if (option[0] == '-') { g95_status("g95: Unrecognized option '%s'\n", option); exit(3); } if (g95_source_file != NULL) { g95_status("g95: Second source file '%s' found\n", option); exit(3); } g95_source_file = (char *) option; return 1; }
static void show_code0(int level, g95_code *c) { g95_forall_iterator *fa; char *module, *name; g95_close *close; g95_filepos *fp; g95_inquire *i; g95_open *open; int m, comma; g95_case *cp; g95_alloc *a; g95_code *d; g95_dt *dt; code_indent(level, c->here); switch(c->type) { case EXEC_NOP: g95_status("nop("); comma = 0; break; case EXEC_CONTINUE: g95_status("cont("); comma = 0; break; case EXEC_AC_START: g95_status("ac_start(sym='%s'", c->sym->name); comma = 1; break; case EXEC_AC_ASSIGN: g95_status("ac_assign(sym='%s', expr=", c->sym->name); g95_show_expr(c->expr); break; case EXEC_ASSIGN: g95_status("assign(lhs="); g95_show_expr(c->expr); g95_status(", rhs="); g95_show_expr(c->expr2); comma = 1; break; case EXEC_WHERE_ASSIGN: g95_status("where_assign(lhs="); g95_show_expr(c->expr); g95_status(", rhs="); g95_show_expr(c->expr2); comma = 1; break; case EXEC_POINTER_ASSIGN: g95_status("ptr_assign(lhs="); g95_show_expr(c->expr); g95_status(", rhs="); g95_show_expr(c->expr2); comma = 1; break; case EXEC_GOTO: if (c->label != NULL) g95_status("goto(label=%d", c->label->value); else g95_status("goto(var='%s'", c->sym->name); comma = 1; break; case EXEC_CALL: if (c->sym == NULL) module = name = ""; else { module = c->sym->module; name = c->sym->name; } g95_status("call(name='%s:%s', sub='%s', arg=", module, name, c->ext.sub.sub_name); show_actual_arglist(c->ext.sub.actual); comma = 1; break; case EXEC_RETURN: g95_status("ret("); comma = 0; if (c->expr) { g95_status("value="); g95_show_expr(c->expr); comma = 1; } break; case EXEC_STOP: g95_status("stop("); if (c->expr != NULL) { g95_status("expr="); g95_show_expr(c->expr); } else g95_status("code=%d", c->ext.stop_code); comma = 1; break; case EXEC_PAUSE: g95_status("pause("); if (c->expr != NULL) { g95_status("expr="); g95_show_expr(c->expr); } else g95_status("code=%d", c->ext.stop_code); comma = 1; break; case EXEC_ARITHMETIC_IF: g95_status("arith_if(expr="); g95_show_expr(c->expr); g95_status(", lt0=%d, eq0=%d, gt0=%d", c->label->value, c->label2->value, c->label3->value); comma = 1; break; case EXEC_IF: g95_status("log_if(expr="); g95_show_expr(c->expr); g95_status(", true=\n"); show_code(level+1, c->block); if (c->ext.block != NULL) { code_indent(level, 0); g95_status(", else=\n"); show_code(level+1, c->ext.block); } code_indent(level, c->label); g95_status(") # ENDIF\n"); break; case EXEC_SELECT: d = c->block; g95_status("select(expr="); g95_show_expr((c->expr != NULL) ? c->expr : c->expr2); g95_status(", cases=[\n"); for(;d ;d=d->block) { code_indent(level, 0); g95_status("case("); for(cp=d->ext.case_list; cp; cp=cp->next) { g95_status_char('('); g95_show_expr(cp->low); g95_status_char(' '); g95_show_expr(cp->high); g95_status_char(')'); g95_status_char(' '); } g95_status_char('\n'); show_code(level+1, d->next); } code_indent(level, c->label); g95_status("END SELECT"); break; case EXEC_WHERE: g95_status("WHERE "); d = c->block; g95_show_expr(d->expr); g95_status_char('\n'); show_code(level+1, d->next); for(d=d->block; d; d=d->block) { code_indent(level, 0); g95_status("ELSE WHERE "); g95_show_expr(d->expr); g95_status_char('\n'); show_code(level+1, d->next); } code_indent(level, 0); g95_status("END WHERE"); break; case EXEC_FORALL: g95_status("FORALL "); for(fa=c->ext.forall_iterator; fa; fa=fa->next) { g95_show_expr(fa->var); g95_status_char(' '); g95_show_expr(fa->start); g95_status_char(':'); g95_show_expr(fa->end); g95_status_char(':'); g95_show_expr(fa->stride); if (fa->next != NULL) g95_status_char(','); } if (c->expr != NULL) { g95_status_char(','); g95_show_expr(c->expr); } g95_status_char('\n'); show_code(level+1, c->block); code_indent(level, 0); g95_status("END FORALL"); break; case EXEC_DO: g95_status("do(var="); g95_show_expr(c->ext.iterator->var); g95_status(", start="); g95_show_expr(c->ext.iterator->start); g95_status(", end="); g95_show_expr(c->ext.iterator->end); g95_status(", step="); g95_show_expr(c->ext.iterator->step); g95_status(", body=\n"); show_code(level+1, c->block); code_indent(level, 0); comma = 1; break; case EXEC_DO_WHILE: g95_status("do_while(expr="); g95_show_expr(c->expr); g95_status(", body="); show_code(level+1, c->block); code_indent(level, c->label); break; case EXEC_CYCLE: g95_status("cycle("); comma = 0; if (c->sym) { g95_status("label='%s'", c->sym->name); comma = 1; } break; case EXEC_EXIT: g95_status("exit("); comma = 0; if (c->sym) { g95_status("label='%s'", c->sym->name); comma = 1; } break; case EXEC_ALLOCATE: g95_status("allocate("); comma = 0; if (c->expr) { g95_status("stat="); g95_show_expr(c->expr); comma = 1; } if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("alloc=["); for(a=c->ext.alloc_list; a; a=a->next) { g95_show_expr(a->expr); g95_status_char('('); for(m=0; m < a->rank+a->corank; m++) { g95_show_expr(a->lower[m]); g95_status_char(':'); g95_show_expr(a->upper[m]); if (m != a->rank + a->corank - 1) g95_status_char(','); } g95_status_char(')'); if (a->next != NULL) g95_status(", "); } g95_status_char(']'); comma = 1; break; case EXEC_DEALLOCATE: g95_status("deallocate("); comma = 0; if (c->expr) { g95_status("stat="); g95_show_expr(c->expr); comma = 1; } if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("alloc=["); for(a=c->ext.alloc_list; a; a=a->next) { g95_show_expr(a->expr); if (a->next != NULL) g95_status(", "); } g95_status_char(']'); comma = 1; break; case EXEC_OPEN: g95_status("open_("); open = c->; comma = 0; if (open->unit) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("unit="); g95_show_expr(open->unit); comma = 1; } if (open->iostat) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("iostat="); g95_show_expr(open->iostat); comma = 1; } if (open->file) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("file="); g95_show_expr(open->file); comma = 1; } if (open->status) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("status="); g95_show_expr(open->status); comma = 1; } if (open->access) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("access="); g95_show_expr(open->access); comma = 1; } if (open->form) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("form="); g95_show_expr(open->form); comma = 1; } if (open->recl) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("recl="); g95_show_expr(open->recl); comma = 1; } if (open->blank) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("blank="); g95_show_expr(open->blank); comma = 1; } if (open->position) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("position="); g95_show_expr(open->position); comma = 1; } if (open->action) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("action="); g95_show_expr(open->action); comma = 1; } if (open->delim) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("delim="); g95_show_expr(open->delim); comma = 1; } if (open->pad) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("pad="); g95_show_expr(open->pad); comma = 1; } if (open->err != NULL) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("err=%d", open->err->value); comma = 1; } break; case EXEC_CLOSE: g95_status("close("); close = c->ext.close; comma = 0; if (close->unit) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("unit="); g95_show_expr(close->unit); comma = 1; } if (close->iostat) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("iostat="); g95_show_expr(close->iostat); comma = 1; } if (close->status) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("status="); g95_show_expr(close->status); comma = 1; } if (close->err != NULL) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("err=%d", close->err->value); comma = 1; } break; case EXEC_BACKSPACE: g95_status("backspace("); goto show_filepos; case EXEC_ENDFILE: g95_status("endfile("); goto show_filepos; case EXEC_REWIND: g95_status("rewind("); show_filepos: fp = c->ext.filepos; comma = 0; if (fp->unit) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("unit="); g95_show_expr(fp->unit); comma = 1; } if (fp->iostat) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("iostat="); g95_show_expr(fp->iostat); comma = 1; } if (fp->err != NULL) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("err=%d", fp->err->value); comma = 1; } break; case EXEC_INQUIRE: g95_status("inquire("); i = c->ext.inquire; comma = 0; if (i->unit) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("unit="); g95_show_expr(i->unit); comma = 1; } if (i->file) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("file="); g95_show_expr(i->file); comma = 1; } if (i->iostat) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("iostat="); g95_show_expr(i->iostat); comma = 1; } if (i->exist) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("exist="); g95_show_expr(i->exist); comma = 1; } if (i->opened) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("opened="); g95_show_expr(i->opened); comma = 1; } if (i->number) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("number="); g95_show_expr(i->number); comma = 1; } if (i->named) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("named="); g95_show_expr(i->named); comma = 1; } if (i->name) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("name="); g95_show_expr(i->name); comma = 1; } if (i->access) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("access="); g95_show_expr(i->access); comma = 1; } if (i->sequential) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("sequential="); g95_show_expr(i->sequential); comma = 1; } if (i->direct) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("direct="); g95_show_expr(i->direct); comma = 1; } if (i->form) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("form="); g95_show_expr(i->form); comma = 1; } if (i->formatted) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("formatted="); g95_show_expr(i->formatted); comma = 1; } if (i->unformatted) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("unformatted="); g95_show_expr(i->unformatted); comma = 1; } if (i->recl) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("recl="); g95_show_expr(i->recl); comma = 1; } if (i->nextrec) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("nextrec="); g95_show_expr(i->nextrec); comma = 1; } if (i->blank) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("blank="); g95_show_expr(i->blank); comma = 1; } if (i->position) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("position="); g95_show_expr(i->position); comma = 1; } if (i->action) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("action="); g95_show_expr(i->action); comma = 1; } if (i->read) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("read="); g95_show_expr(i->read); comma = 1; } if (i->write) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("write="); g95_show_expr(i->write); comma = 1; } if (i->readwrite) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("readwrite="); g95_show_expr(i->readwrite); comma = 1; } if (i->delim) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("delim="); g95_show_expr(i->delim); comma = 1; } if (i->stream != NULL) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("stream="); g95_show_expr(i->stream); comma = 1; } if (i->pad) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("pad="); g95_show_expr(i->pad); comma = 1; } if (i->err != NULL) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("err=%d", i->err->value); comma = 1; } break; case EXEC_IOLENGTH: g95_status("iolength(expr="); g95_show_expr(c->expr); comma = 0; break; case EXEC_READ: g95_status("read(expr="); goto show_dt; case EXEC_WRITE: g95_status("write(expr="); show_dt: dt = c->ext.dt; comma = 0; if (dt->io_unit) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("unit="); g95_show_expr(dt->io_unit); comma = 1; } if (dt->format_expr) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("format_expr="); g95_show_expr(dt->format_expr); comma = 1; } if (dt->format_label != NULL) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("format_label=%d", dt->format_label->value); comma = 1; } if (dt->namelist != NULL) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("nml=%s", dt->namelist->name); comma = 1; } if (dt->iostat != NULL) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("iostat="); g95_show_expr(dt->iostat); comma = 1; } if (dt->size != NULL) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("size="); g95_show_expr(dt->size); comma = 1; } if (dt->rec != NULL) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("rec="); g95_show_expr(dt->rec); comma = 1; } if (dt->advance) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("advance="); g95_show_expr(dt->advance); comma = 1; } break; case EXEC_TRANSFER: g95_status("transfer(expr="); g95_show_expr(c->expr); comma = 1; break; case EXEC_DT_END: g95_status("dt_end("); comma = 0; dt = c->ext.dt; if (dt != NULL) { if (dt->err != NULL) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("err=%d", dt->err->value); comma = 1; } if (dt->end != NULL) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("end=%d", dt->end->value); comma = 1; } if (dt->eor != NULL) { if (comma) g95_status(", "); g95_status("eor=%d", dt->eor->value); comma = 1; } } break; case EXEC_ENTRY: g95_status("entry(name='%s'", c->sym->name); comma = 1; break; case EXEC_LABEL_ASSIGN: g95_status("assign_label(expr="); g95_show_expr(c->expr); g95_status(", label=%d", c->label->value); comma = 1; break; case EXEC_ERROR_STOP: g95_status("ERROR STOP("); break; case EXEC_SYNC_ALL: g95_status("SYNC ALL("); break; case EXEC_SYNC_MEMORY: g95_status("SYNC MEMORY("); break; case EXEC_SYNC_IMAGES: g95_status("SYNC IMAGES("); if (c->expr == NULL) g95_status_char('*'); else g95_show_expr(c->expr); break; case EXEC_SYNC_TEAM: g95_status("SYNC TEAM("); if (c->expr == NULL) g95_status_char('*'); else g95_show_expr(c->expr); break; case EXEC_CRITICAL: g95_status("CRITICAL\n"); show_code(level+1, c->block); code_indent(level, 0); g95_status("END CRITICAL"); break; default: g95_internal_error("show_code0(): Bad statement code"); } g95_status_char(')'); g95_status_char('\n'); }
static void show_symbol(g95_symbol *sym) { g95_formal_arglist *formal; symbol_attribute *attr; g95_component *c; if (sym == NULL) return; show_indent(); g95_status("symbol(%s, ts=", g95_symbol_name(sym)); show_typespec(&sym->ts); attr = &sym->attr; g95_status(", flavor='%s'", g95_flavor_string(attr->flavor)); if (attr->intent != INTENT_UNKNOWN) g95_status(", intent='%s'", g95_intent_string(attr->intent)); if (attr->access != ACCESS_UNKNOWN) g95_status(", access='%s'", g95_access_string(attr->access)); if (attr->proc != PROC_UNKNOWN) g95_status(", proc='%s'", g95_procedure_string(attr->proc)); if (attr->allocatable) g95_status(", allocatable=1"); if (attr->dimension) g95_status(", dimension=1"); if (attr->external) g95_status(", external=1"); if (attr->intrinsic) g95_status(", intrinsic=1"); if (attr->optional) g95_status(", optional=1"); if (attr->pointer) g95_status(", pointer=1"); if (attr->save) g95_status(", save=1"); if (attr->target) g95_status(", target=1"); if (attr->dummy) g95_status(", dummy=1"); if (attr->result_var) g95_status(", result=1"); if (attr->entry) g95_status(", entry=1"); if (attr->data) g95_status(", data=1"); if (attr->use_assoc) g95_status(", use_assoc=1"); if (attr->in_namelist) g95_status(", in_namelist=1"); if (attr->in_common) g95_status(", in_common=1"); if (attr->function) g95_status(", function=1"); if (attr->subroutine) g95_status(", subroutine=1"); if (attr->sequence) g95_status(", sequence=1"); if (attr->elemental) g95_status(", elemental=1"); if (attr->pure) g95_status(", pure=1"); if (attr->recursive) g95_status(", recursive=1"); if (attr->artificial) g95_status(", artificial=1"); if (sym->value) { g95_status(", value="); g95_show_expr(sym->value); } if (sym->as != NULL) { g95_status(", as="); show_array_spec(sym->as); } if (sym->result) g95_status(", result=%s", g95_symbol_name(sym->result)); if (sym->components) { g95_status(", components=["); for(c=sym->components; c; c=c->next) show_component(c); g95_status("]"); } if (sym->formal) { show_indent(); g95_status("formal=["); for(formal=sym->formal; formal; formal=formal->next) if (formal->sym == NULL) g95_status("*"); else g95_status("'%s', ", formal->sym->name); g95_status("]"); } g95_status(")\n"); }
void g95_show_expr(g95_expr *p) { g95_symbol *sym; if (p == NULL) { g95_status("expr()"); return; } /* Show expression */ switch(p->type) { case EXPR_SUBSTRING: g95_status("substr("); show_string_constant(p->value.character.string, p->value.character.length); g95_status(", start="); g95_show_expr(p->ref->; g95_status(", end="); g95_show_expr(p->ref->; break; case EXPR_STRUCTURE: g95_status("scons('%s', cons=", p->symbol->name); show_constructor(p->value.constructor.c); break; case EXPR_ARRAY: g95_status("acons(cons="); show_constructor(p->value.constructor.c); if (p->ref != NULL) { g95_status(", ref="); show_refs(p->ref); } break; case EXPR_NULL: g95_status("null()"); break; case EXPR_CONSTANT: g95_status("const("); show_constant(p); break; case EXPR_VARIABLE: g95_status("var("); sym = p->symbol; if (sym->ns->proc_name != NULL && sym->ns->proc_name->name != NULL) g95_status("'%s:%s'", sym->ns->proc_name->name, sym->name); else g95_status("'%s'", sym->name); if (p->ref != NULL) { g95_status(", ref="); show_refs(p->ref); } break; case EXPR_OP: g95_status("op("); switch(p->value.op.operator) { case INTRINSIC_UPLUS: g95_status("'U+'"); break; case INTRINSIC_UMINUS: g95_status("'U-'"); break; case INTRINSIC_PLUS: g95_status("'+'"); break; case INTRINSIC_MINUS: g95_status("'-'"); break; case INTRINSIC_TIMES: g95_status("'*'"); break; case INTRINSIC_DIVIDE: g95_status("'/'"); break; case INTRINSIC_POWER: g95_status("'**'"); break; case INTRINSIC_CONCAT: g95_status("'//'"); break; case INTRINSIC_AND: g95_status("'AND'"); break; case INTRINSIC_OR: g95_status("'OR'"); break; case INTRINSIC_EQV: g95_status("'EQV'"); break; case INTRINSIC_NEQV: g95_status("'NEQV'"); break; case INTRINSIC_EQ: g95_status("'='"); break; case INTRINSIC_NE: g95_status("'<>'"); break; case INTRINSIC_GT: g95_status("'>'"); break; case INTRINSIC_GE: g95_status("'>='"); break; case INTRINSIC_LT: g95_status("'<'"); break; case INTRINSIC_LE: g95_status("'<='"); break; case INTRINSIC_NOT: g95_status("'NOT'"); break; case INTRINSIC_PAREN: g95_status("()"); break; default: g95_internal_error("g95_show_expr(): " "Bad intrinsic in expression!"); } g95_status(", op1="); g95_show_expr(p->value.op.op1); if (p->value.op.op2) { g95_status(", op2="); g95_show_expr(p->value.op.op2); } break; case EXPR_FUNCTION: g95_status("func("); if (p->value.function.isym == NULL) g95_status("'%s:%s'", p->symbol->module, p->symbol->name); else g95_status("'%s'", p->value.function.iname); g95_status(", arg="); show_actual_arglist(p->value.function.actual); break; case EXPR_UNKNOWN: g95_status("unknown('%s'", p->symbol->name); break; default: g95_internal_error("g95_show_expr(): Bad type"); break; } g95_status_char(')'); }
void g95_show_namespace(g95_namespace *ns) { g95_interface *intr; g95_namespace *save; int i; if (ns == NULL) return; save = g95_current_ns; show_indent(); g95_status("ns("); for(i=0; i<G95_LETTERS; i++) { g95_status("%c=", i+'A'); show_typespec(&ns->default_type[i]); if (i != G95_LETTERS-1) g95_status_char(','); g95_status_char((i % 3 == 2) ? '\n' : ' '); } if (ns->proc_name != NULL) g95_status(", name='%s'", ns->proc_name->name); g95_status(")\n"); for(i=0; i<G95_INTRINSIC_OPS; i++) { /* User operator interfaces */ intr = ns->operator[i]; if (intr == NULL) continue; g95_status("operator('%s', [", g95_op2string(i)); for(; intr; intr=intr->next) g95_status(" '%s',", intr->sym->name); g95_status("])\n"); } g95_traverse_user_op(ns, show_uop); g95_traverse_symtree(ns, g95_clear_sym_mark); g95_current_ns = ns; g95_traverse_symtree(ns, show_symtree); g95_status("\n\n"); show_code(0, ns->code); show_level++; for(ns=ns->contained; ns; ns=ns->sibling) { g95_status("# Contains\n"); g95_show_namespace(ns); } show_level--; g95_status_char('\n'); g95_current_ns = save; }