int main(int argc, char **argv) { int fd; int pid; int no_daemon; char text[256]; char pid_file[256]; char cfg_file[256]; enum logReturns error; xrdpStartupParams* startup_params; g_init("xrdp"); g_snprintf(cfg_file, 255, "%s/xrdp.ini", XRDP_CFG_PATH); /* starting logging subsystem */ error = log_start(cfg_file, "XRDP"); if (error != LOG_STARTUP_OK) { switch (error) { case LOG_ERROR_MALLOC: g_writeln("error on malloc. cannot start logging. quitting."); break; case LOG_ERROR_FILE_OPEN: g_writeln("error opening log file [%s]. quitting.", getLogFile(text, 255)); break; default: g_writeln("log_start error"); break; } g_deinit(); g_exit(1); } startup_params = (xrdpStartupParams *) g_malloc(sizeof(xrdpStartupParams), 1); if (xrdp_process_params(argc, argv, startup_params) != 0) { g_writeln("Unknown Parameter"); g_writeln("xrdp -h for help"); g_writeln(""); g_deinit(); g_exit(0); } g_snprintf(pid_file, 255, "%s/", XRDP_PID_PATH); no_daemon = 0; if (startup_params->kill) { g_writeln("stopping xrdp"); /* read the file */ fd = -1; if (g_file_exist(pid_file)) /* */ { fd = g_file_open(pid_file); /* */ } if (fd == -1) { g_writeln("problem opening to [%s]", pid_file); g_writeln("maybe its not running"); } else { g_memset(text, 0, 32); g_file_read(fd, (unsigned char*) text, 31); pid = g_atoi(text); g_writeln("stopping process id %d", pid); if (pid > 0) { g_sigterm(pid); } g_file_close(fd); } g_deinit(); g_exit(0); } if (startup_params->no_daemon) { no_daemon = 1; } if (startup_params->help) { g_writeln(""); g_writeln("xrdp: A Remote Desktop Protocol server."); g_writeln("Copyright (C) Jay Sorg 2004-2011"); g_writeln("See for more information."); g_writeln(""); g_writeln("Usage: xrdp [options]"); g_writeln(" --help: show help"); g_writeln(" --nodaemon: don't fork into background"); g_writeln(" --kill: shut down xrdp"); g_writeln(" --port: tcp listen port"); g_writeln(" --fork: fork on new connection"); g_writeln(""); g_deinit(); g_exit(0); } if (startup_params->version) { g_writeln(""); g_writeln("xrdp: A Remote Desktop Protocol server."); g_writeln("Copyright (C) Jay Sorg 2004-2011"); g_writeln("See for more information."); g_writeln("Version %s", XRDP_NG_VERSION_FULL); g_writeln(""); g_deinit(); g_exit(0); } if (g_file_exist(pid_file)) /* */ { g_writeln("It looks like xrdp is already running,"); g_writeln("if not delete the file and try again"); g_deinit(); g_exit(0); } if (!no_daemon) { /* make sure containing directory exists */ g_create_path(pid_file); /* make sure we can write to pid file */ fd = g_file_open(pid_file); /* */ if (fd == -1) { g_writeln("running in daemon mode with no access to pid files, quitting"); g_deinit(); g_exit(0); } if (g_file_write(fd, (unsigned char*) "0", 1) == -1) { g_writeln("running in daemon mode with no access to pid files, quitting"); g_deinit(); g_exit(0); } g_file_close(fd); g_file_delete(pid_file); } if (!no_daemon) { /* start of daemonizing code */ pid = g_fork(); if (pid == -1) { g_writeln("problem forking"); g_deinit(); g_exit(1); } if (0 != pid) { g_writeln("process %d started ok", pid); /* exit, this is the main process */ g_deinit(); g_exit(0); } g_sleep(1000); /* write the pid to file */ pid = g_getpid(); fd = g_file_open(pid_file); /* */ if (fd == -1) { g_writeln("trying to write process id to"); g_writeln("problem opening"); g_writeln("maybe no rights"); } else { g_sprintf(text, "%d", pid); g_file_write(fd, (unsigned char*) text, g_strlen(text)); g_file_close(fd); } g_sleep(1000); g_file_close(0); g_file_close(1); g_file_close(2); g_file_open("/dev/null"); g_file_open("/dev/null"); g_file_open("/dev/null"); /* end of daemonizing code */ } g_threadid = tc_get_threadid(); g_listen = xrdp_listen_create(); g_signal_user_interrupt(xrdp_shutdown); /* SIGINT */ g_signal_kill(xrdp_shutdown); /* SIGKILL */ g_signal_pipe(pipe_sig); /* SIGPIPE */ g_signal_terminate(xrdp_shutdown); /* SIGTERM */ g_signal_child_stop(xrdp_child); /* SIGCHLD */ g_sync_mutex = tc_mutex_create(); g_sync1_mutex = tc_mutex_create(); pid = g_getpid(); g_TermEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); g_SyncEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); xrdp_listen_main_loop(g_listen); xrdp_listen_delete(g_listen); tc_mutex_delete(g_sync_mutex); tc_mutex_delete(g_sync1_mutex); CloseHandle(g_TermEvent); CloseHandle(g_SyncEvent); /* only main process should delete pid file */ if ((!no_daemon) && (pid == g_getpid())) { /* delete the file */ g_file_delete(pid_file); } free(startup_params); g_deinit(); return 0; }
enum logReturns DEFAULT_CC internal_config_read_logging(int file, struct log_config *lc, struct list *param_n, struct list *param_v, const char *applicationName) { int i; char *buf; char *temp_buf; list_clear(param_v); list_clear(param_n); /* setting defaults */ lc->program_name = applicationName; lc->log_file = 0; lc->fd = 0; lc->log_level = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; lc->enable_syslog = 0; lc->syslog_level = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; file_read_section(file, SESMAN_CFG_LOGGING, param_n, param_v); for (i = 0; i < param_n->count; i++) { buf = (char *)list_get_item(param_n, i); if (0 == g_strcasecmp(buf, SESMAN_CFG_LOG_FILE)) { lc->log_file = g_strdup((char *)list_get_item(param_v, i)); if (lc->log_file != NULL) { if (lc->log_file[0] != '/') { temp_buf = (char *)g_malloc(512, 0); g_snprintf(temp_buf, 511, "%s/%s", XRDP_LOG_PATH, lc->log_file); g_free(lc->log_file); lc->log_file = temp_buf; } } } if (0 == g_strcasecmp(buf, SESMAN_CFG_LOG_LEVEL)) { lc->log_level = internal_log_text2level((char *)list_get_item(param_v, i)); } if (0 == g_strcasecmp(buf, SESMAN_CFG_LOG_ENABLE_SYSLOG)) { lc->enable_syslog = g_text2bool((char *)list_get_item(param_v, i)); } if (0 == g_strcasecmp(buf, SESMAN_CFG_LOG_SYSLOG_LEVEL)) { lc->syslog_level = internal_log_text2level((char *)list_get_item(param_v, i)); } } if (0 == lc->log_file) { lc->log_file = g_strdup("./sesman.log"); } /* try to create path if not exist */ g_create_path(lc->log_file); g_printf("logging configuration:\r\n"); g_printf("\tLogFile: %s\r\n", lc->log_file); g_printf("\tLogLevel: %i\r\n", lc->log_level); g_printf("\tEnableSyslog: %i\r\n", lc->enable_syslog); g_printf("\tSyslogLevel: %i\r\n", lc->syslog_level); return LOG_STARTUP_OK; }