/* returns boolean */ int DEFAULT_CC auth_userpass(char *user, char *pass, int *errorcode) { struct k_opts opts; struct k5_data k5; struct user_info u_info; int got_k5; int authed_k5; g_memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(opts)); opts.action = INIT_PW; g_memset(&k5, 0, sizeof(k5)); g_memset(&u_info, 0, sizeof(u_info)); u_info.name = user; u_info.pass = pass; authed_k5 = 0; got_k5 = k5_begin(&opts, &k5, &u_info); if (got_k5) { authed_k5 = k5_kinit(&opts, &k5, &u_info); k5_end(&k5); } return authed_k5; }
static int APP_CC get_display_num_from_display(char *display_text) { int index; int mode; int host_index; int disp_index; int scre_index; char host[256]; char disp[256]; char scre[256]; g_memset(host, 0, 256); g_memset(disp, 0, 256); g_memset(scre, 0, 256); index = 0; host_index = 0; disp_index = 0; scre_index = 0; mode = 0; while (display_text[index] != 0) { if (display_text[index] == ':') { mode = 1; } else if (display_text[index] == '.') { mode = 2; } else if (mode == 0) { host[host_index] = display_text[index]; host_index++; } else if (mode == 1) { disp[disp_index] = display_text[index]; disp_index++; } else if (mode == 2) { scre[scre_index] = display_text[index]; scre_index++; } index++; } host[host_index] = 0; disp[disp_index] = 0; scre[scre_index] = 0; g_display_num = g_atoi(disp); return 0; }
/* returns error returns 0 if everything is ok returns 1 if problem reading file */ static int APP_CC l_file_read_sections(int fd, int max_file_size, struct list *names) { struct stream *s; char text[FILE_MAX_LINE_BYTES]; char c; int in_it; int in_it_index; int len; int index; int rv; rv = 0; g_file_seek(fd, 0); in_it_index = 0; in_it = 0; g_memset(text, 0, FILE_MAX_LINE_BYTES); list_clear(names); make_stream(s); init_stream(s, max_file_size); len = g_file_read(fd, s->data, max_file_size); if (len > 0) { s->end = s->p + len; for (index = 0; index < len; index++) { in_uint8(s, c); if (c == '[') { in_it = 1; } else if (c == ']') { list_add_item(names, (tbus)g_strdup(text)); in_it = 0; in_it_index = 0; g_memset(text, 0, FILE_MAX_LINE_BYTES); } else if (in_it) { text[in_it_index] = c; in_it_index++; } } } else if (len < 0) { rv = 1; } free_stream(s); return rv; }
int rdpPrivateInit(void) { #if XRDP_PRI == 3 g_memset(&g_privateKeyRecGC, 0, sizeof(g_privateKeyRecGC)); g_memset(&g_privateKeyRecWindow, 0, sizeof(g_privateKeyRecWindow)); g_memset(&g_privateKeyRecPixmap, 0, sizeof(g_privateKeyRecPixmap)); #endif return 0; }
int g_tcp_select(int sck1, int sck2) { fd_set rfds; struct timeval time; int max = 0; int rv = 0; g_memset(&rfds, 0, sizeof(fd_set)); g_memset(&time, 0, sizeof(struct timeval)); time.tv_sec = 0; time.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&rfds); if (sck1 > 0) { FD_SET(((unsigned int)sck1), &rfds); } if (sck2 > 0) { FD_SET(((unsigned int)sck2), &rfds); } max = sck1; if (sck2 > max) { max = sck2; } rv = select(max + 1, &rfds, 0, 0, &time); if (rv > 0) { rv = 0; if (FD_ISSET(((unsigned int)sck1), &rfds)) { rv = rv | 1; } if (FD_ISSET(((unsigned int)sck2), &rfds)) { rv = rv | 2; } } else { rv = 0; } return rv; }
/* returns error, zero is good */ static int g_tcp_bind_flags(int sck, const char* port, const char* address, int flags) { int error; int status; struct addrinfo* res; struct addrinfo hints = { 0 }; status = -1; g_memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_flags = flags; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; error = getaddrinfo(NULL, port, &hints, &res); if (error == 0) { while ((res != 0) && (status < 0)) { if (address_match(address, res)) { status = bind(sck, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen); } res = res->ai_next; } } return status; }
/** * Creates a string consisting of all parameters that is hosted in the param list * @param self * @param outstr, allocate this buffer before you use this function * @param len the allocated len for outstr * @return */ char *APP_CC dumpItemsToString(struct list *self, char *outstr, int len) { g_memset(outstr, 0, len); int index; tbus item; int totalLen = 0; if (self->count == 0) { g_writeln("List is empty"); } for (index = 0; index < self->count; index++) { /* +1 = one space*/ totalLen = totalLen + g_strlen((char *)list_get_item(self, index)) + 1; if (len > totalLen) { g_strcat(outstr, (char *)list_get_item(self, index)); g_strcat(outstr, " "); } } return outstr ; }
int APP_CC rect_intersect(struct xrdp_rect* in1, struct xrdp_rect* in2, struct xrdp_rect* out) { int rv; struct xrdp_rect dumby; if (out == 0) { out = &dumby; } *out = *in1; if (in2->left > in1->left) { out->left = in2->left; } if (in2->top > in1->top) { out->top = in2->top; } if (in2->right < in1->right) { out->right = in2->right; } if (in2->bottom < in1->bottom) { out->bottom = in2->bottom; } rv = !ISRECTEMPTY(*out); if (!rv) { g_memset(out, 0, sizeof(struct xrdp_rect)); } return rv; }
/* this will replace %20 or any hex with the space or correct char * returns error */ static int clipboard_check_file(char *filename) { char lfilename[256]; char jchr[8]; int lindex; int index; g_memset(lfilename, 0, 256); lindex = 0; index = 0; while (filename[index] != 0) { if (filename[index] == '%') { jchr[0] = filename[index + 1]; jchr[1] = filename[index + 2]; jchr[2] = 0; index += 3; lfilename[lindex] = g_htoi(jchr); lindex++; } else { lfilename[lindex] = filename[index]; lindex++; index++; } } log_debug("[%s] [%s]", filename, lfilename); g_strcpy(filename, lfilename); return 0; }
int APP_CC xcommon_check_wait_objs(void) { XEvent xevent; int clip_rv; int rail_rv; if ((!g_clip_up) && (!g_rail_up)) { return 0; } while (XPending(g_display) > 0) { g_memset(&xevent, 0, sizeof(xevent)); XNextEvent(g_display, &xevent); clip_rv = clipboard_xevent(&xevent); rail_rv = rail_xevent(&xevent); if ((clip_rv == 1) && (rail_rv == 1)) { LOG(10, ("xcommon_check_wait_objs unknown xevent type %d", xevent.type)); } } return 0; }
static void DEFAULT_CC k5_end(struct k5_data *k5) { if (k5->name) { krb5_free_unparsed_name(k5->ctx, k5->name); } if (k5->me) { krb5_free_principal(k5->ctx, k5->me); } if (k5->cc) { krb5_cc_close(k5->ctx, k5->cc); } if (k5->ctx) { krb5_free_context(k5->ctx); } g_memset(k5, 0, sizeof(struct k5_data)); }
int APP_CC g_tcp_connect(int sck, const char* address, const char* port) { struct sockaddr_in s; struct hostent* h; g_memset(&s, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); s.sin_family = AF_INET; s.sin_port = htons(atoi(port)); s.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(address); if (s.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { h = gethostbyname(address); if (h != 0) { if (h->h_name != 0) { if (h->h_addr_list != 0) { if ((*(h->h_addr_list)) != 0) { s.sin_addr.s_addr = *((int*)(*(h->h_addr_list))); } } } } } return connect(sck, (struct sockaddr*)&s, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); }
/* returns error */ int APP_CC xrdp_cache_remove_os_bitmap(struct xrdp_cache *self, int rdpindex) { struct xrdp_os_bitmap_item *bi; int index; if ((rdpindex < 0) || (rdpindex >= 2000)) { return 1; } bi = self->os_bitmap_items + rdpindex; if (bi->bitmap->tab_stop) { index = list_index_of(self->xrdp_os_del_list, rdpindex); if (index == -1) { list_add_item(self->xrdp_os_del_list, rdpindex); } } xrdp_bitmap_delete(bi->bitmap); g_memset(bi, 0, sizeof(struct xrdp_os_bitmap_item)); return 0; }
int clipboard_c2s_in_files(struct stream *s, char *file_list) { int cItems; int lindex; int str_len; struct clip_file_desc *cfd; char *ptr; if (!s_check_rem(s, 4)) { LLOGLN(0, ("clipboard_c2s_in_files: parse error")); return 1; } in_uint32_le(s, cItems); if (cItems > 64 * 1024) /* sanity check */ { LLOGLN(0, ("clipboard_c2s_in_files: error cItems %d too big", cItems)); return 1; } xfuse_clear_clip_dir(); LLOGLN(10, ("clipboard_c2s_in_files: cItems %d", cItems)); cfd = (struct clip_file_desc *) g_malloc(sizeof(struct clip_file_desc), 0); ptr = file_list; for (lindex = 0; lindex < cItems; lindex++) { g_memset(cfd, 0, sizeof(struct clip_file_desc)); clipboard_c2s_in_file_info(s, cfd); if ((g_pos(cfd->cFileName, "\\") >= 0) || (cfd->fileAttributes & CB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { LLOGLN(0, ("clipboard_c2s_in_files: skipping directory not " "supported [%s]", cfd->cFileName)); continue; } xfuse_add_clip_dir_item(cfd->cFileName, 0, cfd->fileSizeLow, lindex); g_strcpy(ptr, "file://"); ptr += 7; str_len = g_strlen(g_fuse_clipboard_path); g_strcpy(ptr, g_fuse_clipboard_path); ptr += str_len; *ptr = '/'; ptr++; str_len = g_strlen(cfd->cFileName); g_strcpy(ptr, cfd->cFileName); ptr += str_len; *ptr = '\n'; ptr++; } *ptr = 0; g_free(cfd); return 0; }
int env_check_password_file(const char *filename, const char *passwd) { char encryptedPasswd[16]; char key[24]; char passwd_hash[20]; char passwd_hash_text[40]; int fd; int passwd_bytes; void *des; void *sha1; /* create password hash from password */ passwd_bytes = g_strlen(passwd); sha1 = ssl_sha1_info_create(); ssl_sha1_transform(sha1, "xrdp_vnc", 8); ssl_sha1_transform(sha1, passwd, passwd_bytes); ssl_sha1_transform(sha1, passwd, passwd_bytes); ssl_sha1_complete(sha1, passwd_hash); ssl_sha1_info_delete(sha1); g_snprintf(passwd_hash_text, 39, "%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x", (tui8)passwd_hash[0], (tui8)passwd_hash[1], (tui8)passwd_hash[2], (tui8)passwd_hash[3]); passwd_hash_text[39] = 0; passwd = passwd_hash_text; /* create file from password */ g_memset(encryptedPasswd, 0, sizeof(encryptedPasswd)); g_strncpy(encryptedPasswd, passwd, 8); g_memset(key, 0, sizeof(key)); g_mirror_memcpy(key, g_fixedkey, 8); des = ssl_des3_encrypt_info_create(key, 0); ssl_des3_encrypt(des, 8, encryptedPasswd, encryptedPasswd); ssl_des3_info_delete(des); fd = g_file_open_ex(filename, 0, 1, 1, 1); if (fd == -1) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Cannot write VNC password hash to file %s: %s", filename, g_get_strerror()); return 1; } g_file_write(fd, encryptedPasswd, 8); g_file_close(fd); return 0; }
/* returns the number of milliseconds since the machine was started. */ int g_time2(void) { #if defined(_WIN32) return (int)GetTickCount(); #else struct tms tm; clock_t num_ticks = 0; g_memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(struct tms)); num_ticks = times(&tm); return (int) (num_ticks * 10); #endif }
/* returns error, zero is good */ int g_tcp_connect(int sck, const char *address, const char *port) { int res = 0; struct addrinfo p; struct addrinfo *h = (struct addrinfo *) NULL; struct addrinfo *rp = (struct addrinfo *) NULL; /* initialize (zero out) local variables: */ g_memset(&p, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); /* in IPv6-enabled environments, set the AI_V4MAPPED * flag in ai_flags and specify ai_family=AF_INET6 in * order to ensure that getaddrinfo() returns any * available IPv4-mapped addresses in case the target * host does not have a true IPv6 address: */ p.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; p.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; #if !defined(NO_ARPA_INET_H_IP6) p.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG | AI_V4MAPPED; p.ai_family = AF_INET6; if (g_strcmp(address, "") == 0) { res = getaddrinfo("::1", port, &p, &h); } else { res = getaddrinfo(address, port, &p, &h); } #else p.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG; p.ai_family = AF_INET; res = getaddrinfo(address, port, &p, &h); #endif if (res > -1) { if (h != NULL) { for (rp = h; rp != NULL; rp = rp->ai_next) { rp = h; res = connect(sck, (struct sockaddr *) (rp->ai_addr), rp->ai_addrlen); if (res != -1) { break; /* Success */ } } } } return res; }
static int xrdp_mm_get_sesman_port(char* port, int port_bytes) { int fd = -1; int error = 0; int index = 0; char* val = 0; char cfg_file[256]; struct list* names = (struct list *)NULL; struct list* values = (struct list *)NULL; g_memset(cfg_file,0,sizeof(char) * 256); /* default to port 3350 */ g_strncpy(port, "3350", port_bytes - 1); /* see if port is in xrdp.ini file */ file_config_name("sesman.ini", cfg_file, 255); fd = g_file_open(cfg_file); if (fd > 0) { names = list_create(); names->auto_free = 1; values = list_create(); values->auto_free = 1; if (file_read_section(fd, "Globals", names, values) == 0) { for (index = 0; index < names->count; index++) { val = (char*)list_get_item(names, index); if (val != 0) { if (g_strcasecmp(val, "ListenPort") == 0) { val = (char*)list_get_item(values, index); error = g_atoi(val); if ((error > 0) && (error < 65000)) { g_strncpy(port, val, port_bytes - 1); } break; } } } } list_delete(names); list_delete(values); g_file_close(fd); } return 0; }
int APP_CC xrdp_cache_reset(struct xrdp_cache *self, struct xrdp_client_info *client_info) { struct xrdp_wm *wm; struct xrdp_session *session; int i; int j; /* free all the cached bitmaps */ for (i = 0; i < XRDP_MAX_BITMAP_CACHE_ID; i++) { for (j = 0; j < XRDP_MAX_BITMAP_CACHE_IDX; j++) { xrdp_bitmap_delete(self->bitmap_items[i][j].bitmap); } } /* free all the cached font items */ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) { g_free(self->char_items[i][j].font_item.data); } } /* save these */ wm = self->wm; session = self->session; /* set whole struct to zero */ g_memset(self, 0, sizeof(struct xrdp_cache)); /* set some stuff back */ self->wm = wm; self->session = session; self->use_bitmap_comp = client_info->use_bitmap_comp; self->cache1_entries = client_info->cache1_entries; self->cache1_size = client_info->cache1_size; self->cache2_entries = client_info->cache2_entries; self->cache2_size = client_info->cache2_size; self->cache3_entries = client_info->cache3_entries; self->cache3_size = client_info->cache3_size; self->bitmap_cache_persist_enable = client_info->bitmap_cache_persist_enable; self->bitmap_cache_version = client_info->bitmap_cache_version; self->pointer_cache_entries = client_info->pointer_cache_entries; xrdp_cache_reset_lru(self); xrdp_cache_reset_crc(self); return 0; }
/* return error */ static int APP_CC process_server_window_show(struct mod* mod, struct stream* s) { int window_id; int rv; int flags; struct rail_window_state_order rwso; g_memset(&rwso, 0, sizeof(rwso)); in_uint32_le(s, window_id); in_uint32_le(s, flags); in_uint32_le(s, rwso.show_state); mod->server_window_new_update(mod, window_id, &rwso, flags); rv = 0; return rv; }
static int APP_CC rail_close_window(int window_id) { XEvent ce; LOG(0, ("chansrv::rail_close_window:")); g_memset(&ce, 0, sizeof(ce)); ce.xclient.type = ClientMessage; ce.xclient.message_type = g_wm_protocols_atom; ce.xclient.display = g_display; ce.xclient.window = window_id; ce.xclient.format = 32; ce.xclient.data.l[0] = g_wm_delete_window_atom; ce.xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime; XSendEvent(g_display, window_id, False, NoEventMask, &ce); return 0; }
int APP_CC tc_thread_create(void * (* start_routine)(void *), void *arg) { int rv = 0; pthread_t thread = (pthread_t)0; g_memset(&thread, 0x00, sizeof(pthread_t)); /* pthread_create returns error */ rv = pthread_create(&thread, 0, start_routine, arg); if (!rv) { rv = pthread_detach(thread); } return rv; }
/* returns error send a list of channels to the channel handler */ static int APP_CC xrdp_mm_trans_send_channel_setup(struct xrdp_mm* self, struct trans* trans) { int index = 0; int chan_id = 0; int chan_flags = 0; int size = 0; struct stream* s = (struct stream *)NULL; char chan_name[256]; g_memset(chan_name,0,sizeof(char) * 256); s = trans_get_out_s(trans, 8192); if (s == 0) { return 1; } s_push_layer(s, iso_hdr, 8); s_push_layer(s, mcs_hdr, 8); s_push_layer(s, sec_hdr, 2); index = 0; while (libxrdp_query_channel(self->wm->session, index, chan_name, &chan_flags) == 0) { chan_id = libxrdp_get_channel_id(self->wm->session, chan_name); out_uint8a(s, chan_name, 8); out_uint16_le(s, chan_id); out_uint16_le(s, chan_flags); index++; } s_mark_end(s); s_pop_layer(s, sec_hdr); out_uint16_le(s, index); s_pop_layer(s, mcs_hdr); size = (int)(s->end - s->p); out_uint32_le(s, 3); /* msg id */ out_uint32_le(s, size); /* msg size */ s_pop_layer(s, iso_hdr); size = (int)(s->end - s->p); out_uint32_le(s, 0); /* version */ out_uint32_le(s, size); /* block size */ return trans_force_write(trans); }
MIBool mCCooking::WriteCookedMesh( mCIOStreamBinary & a_streamDest, mCMesh a_meshSource, MIBool a_bConvex ) { if ( !s_pCooking || !s_pPhysicsSDK ) return MIFalse; mTArray< MIU16 > arrMatIDs( 1, a_meshSource.GetNumFaces() ); NxTriangleMeshDesc_Dummy Desc; g_memset( &Desc, 0, sizeof( Desc ) ); Desc.numTriangles = a_meshSource.GetNumFaces(); Desc.numVertices = a_meshSource.GetNumVerts(); Desc.points = a_meshSource.GetVerts(); Desc.pointStrideBytes = sizeof( *a_meshSource.GetVerts() ); Desc.triangles = a_meshSource.GetFaces(); Desc.triangleStrideBytes = sizeof( *a_meshSource.GetFaces() ); Desc.materialIndices = arrMatIDs.GetBuffer(); Desc.materialIndexStride = sizeof( arrMatIDs[ 0 ] ); Desc.flags = a_bConvex ? 1 << 2 : 0; // NX_CF_COMPUTE_CONVEX Desc.heightFieldVerticalAxis = 0xFF; // NX_NOT_HEIGHTFIELD Desc.convexEdgeThreshold = 0.001f; CPhysicsStream streamDest( a_streamDest ); return a_bConvex ? s_pCooking->NxCookConvexMesh( Desc, streamDest ) : s_pCooking->NxCookTriangleMesh( Desc, streamDest ); }
static int APP_CC read_ini(void) { char filename[256]; struct list *names; struct list *values; char *name; char *value; int index; g_memset(filename, 0, (sizeof(char) * 256)); names = list_create(); names->auto_free = 1; values = list_create(); values->auto_free = 1; g_use_unix_socket = 0; g_snprintf(filename, 255, "%s/sesman.ini", XRDP_CFG_PATH); if (file_by_name_read_section(filename, "Globals", names, values) == 0) { for (index = 0; index < names->count; index++) { name = (char *)list_get_item(names, index); value = (char *)list_get_item(values, index); if (g_strcasecmp(name, "ListenAddress") == 0) { if (g_strcasecmp(value, "") == 0) { g_use_unix_socket = 1; } } } } list_delete(names); list_delete(values); return 0; }
int DEFAULT_CC env_check_password_file(char* filename, char* password) { char encryptedPasswd[16]; int fd; g_memset(encryptedPasswd, 0, 16); g_strncpy(encryptedPasswd, password, 8); rfbDesKey(g_fixedkey, 0); rfbDes((unsigned char*)encryptedPasswd, (unsigned char*)encryptedPasswd); fd = g_file_open(filename); if (fd == -1) { log_message(&(g_cfg->log), LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "can't read vnc password file - %s", filename); return 1; } g_file_write(fd, encryptedPasswd, 8); g_file_close(fd); return 0; }
void APP_CC scard_device_announce(tui32 device_id) { IRP *irp; log_debug("entered: device_id=%d", device_id); if (!g_smartcards_inited) { g_memset(&smartcards, 0, sizeof(smartcards)); g_smartcards_inited = 1; } if ((irp = devredir_irp_new()) == NULL) { log_error("system out of memory"); return; } irp->scard_index = scard_add_new_device(device_id); if (irp->scard_index < 0) { log_debug("NOT adding smartcard with DeviceId=%d to list", device_id); devredir_irp_delete(irp); return; } log_debug("added smartcard with DeviceId=%d to list", device_id); irp->CompletionId = g_completion_id++; irp->DeviceId = device_id; irp->callback = scard_handle_EstablishContext_Return; scard_send_EstablishContext(irp); log_debug("leaving"); }
/* returns 0, event handled, 1 unhandled */ int APP_CC rail_xevent(void *xevent) { XEvent *lxevent; XWindowChanges xwc; int rv; LOG(10, ("chansrv::rail_xevent:")); if (!g_rail_up) { return 1; } rv = 1; lxevent = (XEvent *)xevent; switch (lxevent->type) { case ConfigureRequest: LOG(10, (" got ConfigureRequest window_id 0x%8.8x", lxevent->xconfigurerequest.window)); g_memset(&xwc, 0, sizeof(xwc)); xwc.x = lxevent->xconfigurerequest.x; xwc.y = lxevent->xconfigurerequest.y; xwc.width = lxevent->xconfigurerequest.width; xwc.height = lxevent->xconfigurerequest.height; xwc.border_width = lxevent->xconfigurerequest.border_width; xwc.sibling = lxevent->xconfigurerequest.above; xwc.stack_mode = lxevent->xconfigurerequest.detail; XConfigureWindow(g_display, lxevent->xconfigurerequest.window, lxevent->xconfigurerequest.value_mask, &xwc); rv = 0; break; case MapRequest: LOG(10, (" got MapRequest")); XMapWindow(g_display, lxevent->xmaprequest.window); rv = 0; break; case MapNotify: LOG(10, (" got MapNotify")); break; case UnmapNotify: LOG(10, (" got UnmapNotify")); break; case ConfigureNotify: LOG(10, (" got ConfigureNotify")); break; case FocusIn: LOG(10, (" got FocusIn")); break; case ButtonPress: LOG(10, (" got ButtonPress")); break; case EnterNotify: LOG(10, (" got EnterNotify")); break; case LeaveNotify: LOG(10, (" got LeaveNotify")); break; } return rv; }
static void DEFAULT_CC session_start_sessvc(int xpid, int wmpid, long data, char *username, int display) { struct list *sessvc_params = (struct list *)NULL; char wmpid_str[25]; char xpid_str[25]; char exe_path[262]; int i = 0; /* initialize (zero out) local variables: */ g_memset(wmpid_str, 0, sizeof(char) * 25); g_memset(xpid_str, 0, sizeof(char) * 25); g_memset(exe_path, 0, sizeof(char) * 262); /* new style waiting for clients */ g_sprintf(wmpid_str, "%d", wmpid); g_sprintf(xpid_str, "%d", xpid); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "starting xrdp-sessvc - xpid=%s - wmpid=%s", xpid_str, wmpid_str); sessvc_params = list_create(); sessvc_params->auto_free = 1; /* building parameters */ g_snprintf(exe_path, 261, "%s/xrdp-sessvc", XRDP_SBIN_PATH); list_add_item(sessvc_params, (long)g_strdup(exe_path)); list_add_item(sessvc_params, (long)g_strdup(xpid_str)); list_add_item(sessvc_params, (long)g_strdup(wmpid_str)); list_add_item(sessvc_params, 0); /* mandatory */ env_set_user(username, 0, display); /* executing sessvc */ g_execvp(exe_path, ((char **)sessvc_params->items)); /* should not get here */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "error starting xrdp-sessvc - pid %d - xpid=%s - wmpid=%s", g_getpid(), xpid_str, wmpid_str); /* logging parameters */ /* no problem calling strerror for thread safety: other threads are blocked */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "errno: %d, description: %s", errno, g_get_strerror()); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "execve parameter list:"); for (i = 0; i < (sessvc_params->count); i++) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, " argv[%d] = %s", i, (char *)list_get_item(sessvc_params, i)); } list_delete(sessvc_params); /* keep the old waitpid if some error occurs during execlp */ g_waitpid(wmpid); g_sigterm(xpid); g_sigterm(wmpid); g_sleep(1000); auth_end(data); g_exit(0); }
/* called with the main thread */ static int APP_CC session_start_fork(int width, int height, int bpp, char *username, char *password, tbus data, tui8 type, char *domain, char *program, char *directory, char *client_ip) { int display = 0; int pid = 0; int wmpid = 0; int xpid = 0; int i = 0; char geometry[32]; char depth[32]; char screen[32]; char text[256]; char passwd_file[256]; char **pp1 = (char **)NULL; struct session_chain *temp = (struct session_chain *)NULL; struct list *xserver_params = (struct list *)NULL; time_t ltime; struct tm stime; char execvpparams[2048]; /* initialize (zero out) local variables: */ g_memset(<ime, 0, sizeof(time_t)); g_memset(&stime, 0, sizeof(struct tm)); g_memset(geometry, 0, sizeof(char) * 32); g_memset(depth, 0, sizeof(char) * 32); g_memset(screen, 0, sizeof(char) * 32); g_memset(text, 0, sizeof(char) * 256); g_memset(passwd_file, 0, sizeof(char) * 256); /* check to limit concurrent sessions */ if (g_session_count >= g_cfg->sess.max_sessions) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "max concurrent session limit " "exceeded. login for user %s denied", username); return 0; } temp = (struct session_chain *)g_malloc(sizeof(struct session_chain), 0); if (temp == 0) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "cannot create new chain " "element - user %s", username); return 0; } temp->item = (struct session_item *)g_malloc(sizeof(struct session_item), 0); if (temp->item == 0) { g_free(temp); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "cannot create new session " "item - user %s", username); return 0; } display = session_get_aval_display_from_chain(); if (display == 0) { g_free(temp->item); g_free(temp); return 0; } pid = g_fork(); if (pid == -1) { } else if (pid == 0) /* child sesman */ { g_tcp_close(g_sck); g_tcp_close(g_thread_sck); auth_start_session(data, display); g_sprintf(geometry, "%dx%d", width, height); g_sprintf(depth, "%d", bpp); g_sprintf(screen, ":%d", display); wmpid = g_fork(); if (wmpid == -1) { } else if (wmpid == 0) /* child (child sesman) xserver */ { wait_for_xserver(display); env_set_user(username, 0, display); if (x_server_running(display)) { auth_set_env(data); if (directory != 0) { if (directory[0] != 0) { g_set_current_dir(directory); } } if (program != 0) { if (program[0] != 0) { g_execlp3(program, program, 0); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "error starting program %s for user %s - pid %d", program, username, g_getpid()); } } /* try to execute user window manager if enabled */ if (g_cfg->enable_user_wm) { g_sprintf(text, "%s/%s", g_getenv("HOME"), g_cfg->user_wm); if (g_file_exist(text)) { g_execlp3(text, g_cfg->user_wm, 0); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "error starting user " "wm for user %s - pid %d", username, g_getpid()); /* logging parameters */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "errno: %d, " "description: %s", errno, g_get_strerror()); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "execlp3 parameter " "list:"); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, " argv[0] = %s", text); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, " argv[1] = %s", g_cfg->user_wm); } } /* if we're here something happened to g_execlp3 so we try running the default window manager */ g_sprintf(text, "%s/%s", XRDP_CFG_PATH, g_cfg->default_wm); g_execlp3(text, g_cfg->default_wm, 0); log_message( LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "error starting default " "wm for user %s - pid %d", username, g_getpid()); /* logging parameters */ log_message( LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "errno: %d, description: " "%s", errno, g_get_strerror()); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "execlp3 parameter list:"); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, " argv[0] = %s", text); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, " argv[1] = %s", g_cfg->default_wm); /* still a problem starting window manager just start xterm */ g_execlp3("xterm", "xterm", 0); /* should not get here */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "error starting xterm " "for user %s - pid %d", username, g_getpid()); /* logging parameters */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "errno: %d, description: " "%s", errno, g_get_strerror()); } else { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "another Xserver might " "already be active on display %d - see log", display); } log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "aborting connection..."); g_exit(0); } else /* parent (child sesman) */ { xpid = g_fork(); if (xpid == -1) { } else if (xpid == 0) /* child */ { env_set_user(username, passwd_file, display); env_check_password_file(passwd_file, password); if (type == SESMAN_SESSION_TYPE_XVNC) { xserver_params = list_create(); xserver_params->auto_free = 1; /* these are the must have parameters */ list_add_item(xserver_params, (long)g_strdup("Xvnc")); list_add_item(xserver_params, (long)g_strdup(screen)); list_add_item(xserver_params, (long)g_strdup("-geometry")); list_add_item(xserver_params, (long)g_strdup(geometry)); list_add_item(xserver_params, (long)g_strdup("-depth")); list_add_item(xserver_params, (long)g_strdup(depth)); list_add_item(xserver_params, (long)g_strdup("-rfbauth")); list_add_item(xserver_params, (long)g_strdup(passwd_file)); /* additional parameters from sesman.ini file */ //config_read_xserver_params(SESMAN_SESSION_TYPE_XVNC, // xserver_params); list_append_list_strdup(g_cfg->vnc_params, xserver_params, 0); /* make sure it ends with a zero */ list_add_item(xserver_params, 0); pp1 = (char **)xserver_params->items; log_message(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Xvnc start:%s", dumpItemsToString(xserver_params, execvpparams, 2048)); g_execvp("Xvnc", pp1); } else if (type == SESMAN_SESSION_TYPE_XRDP) { xserver_params = list_create(); xserver_params->auto_free = 1; /* these are the must have parameters */ list_add_item(xserver_params, (long)g_strdup("X11rdp")); list_add_item(xserver_params, (long)g_strdup(screen)); list_add_item(xserver_params, (long)g_strdup("-geometry")); list_add_item(xserver_params, (long)g_strdup(geometry)); list_add_item(xserver_params, (long)g_strdup("-depth")); list_add_item(xserver_params, (long)g_strdup(depth)); /* additional parameters from sesman.ini file */ //config_read_xserver_params(SESMAN_SESSION_TYPE_XRDP, // xserver_params); list_append_list_strdup(g_cfg->rdp_params, xserver_params, 0); /* make sure it ends with a zero */ list_add_item(xserver_params, 0); pp1 = (char **)xserver_params->items; log_message(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "X11rdp start:%s", dumpItemsToString(xserver_params, execvpparams, 2048)); g_execvp("X11rdp", pp1); } else { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "bad session type - " "user %s - pid %d", username, g_getpid()); g_exit(1); } /* should not get here */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_ALWAYS, "error starting X server " "- user %s - pid %d", username, g_getpid()); /* logging parameters */ log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "errno: %d, description: " "%s", errno, g_get_strerror()); log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "execve parameter list size: " "%d", (xserver_params)->count); for (i = 0; i < (xserver_params->count); i++) { log_message(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, " argv[%d] = %s", i, (char *)list_get_item(xserver_params, i)); } list_delete(xserver_params); g_exit(1); } else /* parent (child sesman)*/ { wait_for_xserver(display); g_snprintf(text, 255, "%d", display); g_setenv("XRDP_SESSVC_DISPLAY", text, 1); g_snprintf(text, 255, ":%d.0", display); g_setenv("DISPLAY", text, 1); /* new style waiting for clients */ session_start_sessvc(xpid, wmpid, data, username, display); } } } else /* parent sesman process */ { temp->item->pid = pid; temp->item->display = display; temp->item->width = width; temp->item->height = height; temp->item->bpp = bpp; temp->item->data = data; g_strncpy(temp->item->client_ip, client_ip, 255); /* store client ip data */ g_strncpy(temp->item->name, username, 255); ltime = g_time1(); localtime_r(<ime, &stime); temp->item->connect_time.year = (tui16)(stime.tm_year + 1900); temp->item->connect_time.month = (tui8)stime.tm_mon; temp->item->connect_time.day = (tui8)stime.tm_mday; temp->item->connect_time.hour = (tui8)stime.tm_hour; temp->item->connect_time.minute = (tui8)stime.tm_min; zero_time(&(temp->item->disconnect_time)); zero_time(&(temp->item->idle_time)); temp->item->type = type; temp->item->status = SESMAN_SESSION_STATUS_ACTIVE; temp->next = g_sessions; g_sessions = temp; g_session_count++; } return display; }