Exemple #1
void getRainfall(DateTime currentDate)
//  Input:   currentDate = current calendar date/time
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: determines rainfall at current RDII processing date.
    int      j;                        // rain gage index
    int      i;                        // past rainfall index
    int      month;                    // month of current date
    int      gageInterval;             // gage recording interval (sec)
    float    rainfall;                 // rainfall volume (inches or mm)
    DateTime gageDate;                 // calendar date for rain gage
    // --- examine each rain gage
    for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[GAGE]; j++)
        // --- repeat until gage's date reaches or exceeds current date
        if ( Gage[j].isUsed == FALSE ) continue;
        while ( GageData[j].gageDate < currentDate )
            // --- get rainfall volume over gage's recording interval
            //     at gage'a current date (in original depth units)
            gageDate = GageData[j].gageDate;
            gageInterval = Gage[j].rainInterval;
            gage_setState(j, gageDate);
            rainfall = Gage[j].rainfall * (float)gageInterval / 3600.0;
            // --- if rainfall occurs
            if ( rainfall > 0.0 )
                // --- if previous dry period long enough then begin
                //     new RDII event with time period index set to 0

//  New RDII event occurs when dry period > base of longest UH. (LR - 9/19/06)
                //if ( GageData[j].drySeconds >= RDII_MIT )
                if ( GageData[j].drySeconds >= gageInterval * GageData[j].maxPeriods  )
                    for (i=0; i<GageData[j].maxPeriods; i++)
                        GageData[j].pastRain[i] = 0.0;
                    GageData[j].period = 0;
                GageData[j].drySeconds = 0;
                GageData[j].hasPastRain = TRUE;

                // --- update count of total rainfall volume (ft3)
                TotalRainVol += rainfall / UCF(RAINDEPTH) * GageData[j].area;

            // --- if no rainfall, update duration of dry period
                GageData[j].drySeconds += gageInterval;
                if ( GageData[j].drySeconds >= 
                    gageInterval * GageData[j].maxPeriods )
                    GageData[j].hasPastRain = FALSE;

////  Added (LR - 9/19/06)
                else GageData[j].hasPastRain = TRUE;

            // --- add rainfall to list of past values, wrapping
            //     array index if necessary
            if ( GageData[j].period < GageData[j].maxPeriods )
                i = GageData[j].period;
            else i = 0;
            GageData[j].pastRain[i] = rainfall;
            month = datetime_monthOfYear(currentDate) - 1;
            GageData[j].pastMonth[i] = (char)month;
            GageData[j].period = i + 1;

            // --- advance rain gage's date by gage recording interval
            GageData[j].gageDate = datetime_addSeconds(gageDate, gageInterval);
Exemple #2
void runoff_execute()
//  Input:   none
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: computes runoff from each subcatchment at current runoff time.
    int      j;                        // object index
    int      day;                      // day of calendar year
    double    runoffStep;              // runoff time step (sec)
    double    runoff;                  // subcatchment runoff (ft/sec)
    DateTime currentDate;              // current date/time 
    char     canSweep;                 // TRUE if street sweeping can occur

    if ( ErrorCode ) return;

    // --- convert elapsed runoff time in milliseconds to a calendar date
    currentDate = getDateTime(NewRunoffTime);

    // --- update climatological conditions

    // --- if no subcatchments then simply update runoff elapsed time
    if ( Nobjects[SUBCATCH] == 0 )
        OldRunoffTime = NewRunoffTime;
        NewRunoffTime += (double)(1000.0 * DryStep);

    // --- update current rainfall at each raingage
    //     NOTE: must examine gages in sequential order due to possible
    //     presence of co-gages (gages that share same rain time series).
    IsRaining = FALSE;
    for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[GAGE]; j++)
        gage_setState(j, currentDate);
        if ( Gage[j].rainfall > 0.0 ) IsRaining = TRUE;

    // --- read runoff results from interface file if applicable
    if ( Frunoff.mode == USE_FILE )

    // --- see if street sweeping can occur on current date
    day = datetime_dayOfYear(currentDate);
    if ( day >= SweepStart && day <= SweepEnd ) canSweep = TRUE;
    else canSweep = FALSE;

    // --- get runoff time step (in seconds)
    runoffStep = runoff_getTimeStep(currentDate);
    if ( runoffStep <= 0.0 )
        ErrorCode = ERR_TIMESTEP;

    // --- update runoff time clock (in milliseconds)
    OldRunoffTime = NewRunoffTime;
    NewRunoffTime += (double)(1000.0 * runoffStep);

    // --- update old state of each subcatchment, 
    for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[SUBCATCH]; j++) subcatch_setOldState(j);

    // --- determine runon from upstream subcatchments, and implement snow removal
    for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[SUBCATCH]; j++)
        if ( !IgnoreSnowmelt ) snow_plowSnow(j, runoffStep);
    // --- determine runoff and pollutant buildup/washoff in each subcatchment
    HasSnow = FALSE;
    HasRunoff = FALSE;
    for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[SUBCATCH]; j++)
        // --- find total runoff rate (in ft/sec) over the subcatchment
        //     (the amount that actually leaves the subcatchment (in cfs)
        //     is also computed and is stored in Subcatch[j].newRunoff)
        runoff = subcatch_getRunoff(j, runoffStep);

        // --- update state of study area surfaces
        if ( runoff > 0.0 ) HasRunoff = TRUE;
        if ( Subcatch[j].newSnowDepth > 0.0 ) HasSnow = TRUE;

        // --- skip pollutant buildup/washoff if quality ignored
        if ( IgnoreQuality ) continue;

        // --- now assign 'runoff' to runoff that leaves the subcatchment
        if (Subcatch[j].area > 0.0)
            runoff = Subcatch[j].newRunoff / Subcatch[j].area;

        // --- add to pollutant buildup if runoff is negligible
        if ( runoff < MIN_RUNOFF ) subcatch_getBuildup(j, runoffStep); 

        // --- reduce buildup by street sweeping
        if ( canSweep && Subcatch[j].rainfall <= MIN_RUNOFF)
            subcatch_sweepBuildup(j, currentDate);

        // --- compute pollutant washoff 
        subcatch_getWashoff(j, runoff, runoffStep);

    // --- update tracking of system-wide max. runoff rate

    // --- save runoff results to interface file if one is used
    if ( Frunoff.mode == SAVE_FILE )

    // --- reset subcatchment runon to 0
    for (j = 0; j < Nobjects[SUBCATCH]; j++) Subcatch[j].runon = 0.0;